Mo Feng was filled with emotion for a moment. It has been nearly a thousand years since he really came into contact with this world and saw the colorfulness of this world. There are good things and bad things. Mo Feng is like a spectator, looking at the world develop.

"What is the purpose of my pursuit of longevity?" Mo Feng couldn't help asking himself, he has been repeating one thing for thousands of years, that is cultivation, non-stop cultivation, never touched other things, only cultivation, but in the end , but nothing, why in the end.

What is the purpose of pursuing for so many years, is it just longevity, but in the end when facing the catastrophe, how could God really let you live forever, Mo Feng thought to himself mockingly.

"At the end of life, a person is nothing more than turning into a pile of loess and a cemetery for storing coffins. Who knows what happens after death. Longevity is just a beautiful thought." Mo Feng looked down at thousands of mountains and rivers, looked at Thousands of lights are on, and I suddenly feel envious of them. Although they may only live for less than a hundred years, they experience the ups and downs of the world, taste all the fragrance, and wash away all the lead.

"Haha, life, life, the end of life is death, and death is the beginning of life. This is eternal life. Haha, I have pursued it for so many years, but found that I have missed so many wonderful worlds. I shouldn't." Feng laughed like crazy, but the aura on his body reached its peak. The sky was covered with dark clouds in an instant, and it was pitch black. Thunder and lightning rolled in the dark clouds, and flew towards Mo Feng.

"God, come on, if I frown, my surname is not Mo!" Mo Feng shouted as he stood firmly on the peak, staring at Tian Jie motionlessly.

"Crack!" A thunderbolt from the sky struck Mo Feng straightly.

"Crackling." Mo Feng's body was instantly covered with electric arcs, and Mo Feng seemed to be integrated with the mountain, without moving at all.

"Huh, are you tickling me? Come again!" Mo Feng said with a smile. It was at the moment when the thunder and lightning entered his body that he felt that he might be hurt or uncomfortable, but he felt that something was missing. generally.

"Crack! Crack!" The thunderclouds in the sky seemed to feel Mo Feng's mood, and thunderbolts struck Mo Feng one after another, without stopping for a moment, as if they would not stop until they killed Mo Feng.

Mo Feng's breathing became more and more rapid, his originally tall and straight body gradually became bent, and his spirit was almost at the limit.

"Haha, cool, this is the purpose of my life for thousands of years. Cultivating immortals is going against the sky, vowing to compete with the sky, and the heavenly tribulation is the representative of the sky, and now I am fighting against the sky, haha, I I finally found the meaning of living." Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black thunderbolt quietly struck Mo Feng's body, and Mo Feng's voice disappeared instantly, and the thunder cloud also disappeared instantly. There are ninety-nine and eighty-one traces left by the lightning strikes. This peak was later discovered and named: "Heavenly Punishment Peak."

Countless immortal cultivators in later generations will finally meet the punishment of heaven in this place, because there is a legend circulating here that there was once an ancestor who wanted to fight against the sky, but died in the end, but found the meaning of his existence in this world.

"What is life?" An ethereal voice appeared in due course.

"What is life?" Mo Feng murmured to himself while half asleep and half awake. The next moment, Mo Feng woke up immediately. This was the third time he had asked his heart. Mo Feng couldn't help wondering what the mystery was.

The ethereal voice didn't give Mo Feng any time to think, and the picture immediately appeared in Mo Feng's eyes.

On the screen is a baby, still in its infancy. It looks like it has just been born, crying loudly there. The mother who just gave birth hugs the baby and gently coaxes him. In a blink of an eye, the baby grows up and can talk He can go, he can run, he is very mischievous, and he often makes the servants fall on their backs. For this, he received a lot of scolding. Gradually, he started to go to school and learn knowledge. As he grew older, his stature He is getting better and better every day, and his knowledge is getting deeper every day. Later, he gets married, has children, has his own children, and starts to raise them and take care of his parents. The children grow up day by day, and the parents grow old day by day. He also learns from it. When the year enters old age, and then in the twilight year, it turns into a pile of loess.

"This, is life?" the ethereal voice asked.

"Yes." Mo Feng nodded.


"Live a life in a flat way, without big wind and waves, only the ups and downs of life, this is the most real life, because you will be born, old, sick, and die, you will be angry, sad, and painful, but it is because of this that it is called life. All experiences are indispensable, otherwise it is just an incomplete life." Mo Feng said lightly.

As he said that, a picture appeared in front of Mo Feng's eyes again. The person on the picture was himself. From the very beginning of cultivating immortals, day after day, month after month, year after year, unknowingly, thousands of years have passed, but he has nothing The only way to do it is to keep practicing and practicing, but in the end, you find that the catastrophe is unavoidable, so you choose to fight against the catastrophe alone, and swear to fight against the sky!

"This, is life?" The ethereal voice asked again.

"Yes." Mo Feng still nodded.


"The journey of cultivating immortality is going against the sky, fighting against the sky, fighting against the earth, fighting for a chance, in exchange for a long life, maybe in the end it is just a journey of failure, but this is what makes a different life, practice for thousands of years, It's just a chance to fight against the sky, if you succeed, you will live forever, if you fail, you will die, you just start all over again, this is also life." Mo Feng said firmly.

"Then, what is life?" The ethereal voice asked the final question.

"The so-called life is that people live until they die. Maybe the time in it will be flat, without wind and waves, or boring, autistic for thousands of years, just to fight against the sky. This is life, people, life, It is a person's life, from birth to death, from childhood to old age, everything experienced on this road is a part of life, life is short, the most important thing is to experience life in the process, because everyone is unique, Everyone's life is also unique, which cannot be copied or experienced by others, because there is only one you in this world, and there will never be anyone like you, so no matter what kind of process it is, it is life. Life does not distinguish between good and bad, regardless of differences, and in the end it is just a handful of loess, this is the so-called life." Mo Feng said with a smile, he finally understood why life is full of different ways.

"For the third time, ask the heart, pass!" said the ethereal voice.

"Congratulations. After asking three times, I hope you can go farther and farther on your path. A small gift is not a respect." The misty voice became farther and farther away, and Mo Feng also lost consciousness.

"Old man, look quickly, Mo Feng is done." Granny Meng said excitedly.

Du Weng looked in the direction Po Meng pointed.

All I could see was Mo Feng floating on the river, who had sat cross-legged in the air at some point, and the source energy around him was continuously gathering in Mo Feng's body.

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