Doomsday Card Training System

Chapter 19 The Mysterious Merchant

After the two of Mo Feng returned to the villa, they each displayed their harvest. Mo Feng hunted and killed 20 ordinary zombies, 13 power-type mutant zombies, and 8 speed-type mutant zombies. I don’t know if other types of zombies have not evolved. After all, none of the zombies in this village mutated in other directions, and none of them were seen in the village.

Zhao Heran hunted and killed 30 ordinary zombies, 15 power-type zombies and 10 speed-type mutant zombies, and some of them were killed by the Timberwolves. Although the Timberwolves were beaten by the giant bear with a broken leg, Zhao Heran After going berserk, the Timberwolves felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and suddenly became embarrassing.

After an afternoon of hard hunting by the two of them, the zombies in the village were almost cleaned up.

"Surprisingly, you take these crystal nuclei, and use the method I will teach you this afternoon to absorb the crystal nuclei and strengthen yourself. Remember to use up to five crystal nuclei in a day, and don't take too much." Mo Feng took He took out a few ordinary zombie crystal nuclei and handed them to Zhao Heran.

After Zhao Heran responded, he took the crystal nucleus and went to the back room to absorb the crystal nucleus by himself.

Mofeng is preparing to make some cards first. The only cards that Mofeng can make at present are fireball cards, but the runaway card cannot be made because of the lack of wood-type crystal cores. However, judging from the current situation, fireball cards should be enough, at least In his previous life, Mofeng had never seen that people of the same level as the fireball card could resist the burning of the fireball unless they had very good armor or defensive skills, but these things obviously don't exist in the current world.

Mofeng started to construct material cards according to the secret recipe he had learned. Although Mofeng has been running around for the past few days, he still hasn't stopped making cards every day. He has been training his own skills. Mofeng's card refining techniques have become more and more matured.

Mo Feng looked at the material cards that appeared in his hand one by one, and felt that the number was almost the same, and then proceeded to the next step, condensing the mother card. A blank mother card is the basis for storing all cards, and only the mother card can be made A new card.

Soon, the mother card was also finished, and the rest was to mix the materials and make the fireball card with the secret recipe.

With the concentration of Mofeng Yuanli, the surrounding Yuanli was also attracted, and then gradually transformed into fire Yuanli, and finally gathered on the mother card, and the fireball pattern on the mother card gradually became clear.

"It's done." Looking at the fireball card lying quietly in his hand, Mo Feng couldn't help but feel a little excited. The elementary fireball card may have been an attack card with no effect in the previous life, but it's different now. Perhaps there are very few creatures of the second level, and the fireball card is said to be invincible at the same level.

Mofeng made all the remaining materials into fireball cards one by one. After making them, put them into the card bag for use at any time. After finishing these, Mofeng started his own daily task of absorbing crystal nuclei. Mofeng Before absorbing the crystal nucleus, I went to check on Zhao Heran's condition, and found that Zhao Heran had long been unable to withstand the side effects and fell into a coma.

Mo Feng checked Zhao Heran's body, and after finding nothing serious, he went back to his room and began to absorb the crystal nucleus.

Nothing happened overnight, the sun still rose high, as if yesterday's gamma storm had no effect, but this brilliant sunlight really shines on a broken earth. Unsurprisingly, zombies appeared due to the impact of the gamma storm Mutated, the ratio of survivor casualties in various places became more serious for a while, and some newly built survivor gathering places were even destroyed.

Mo Feng sat up from the bed, stretched comfortably, and then went to find Zhao Heran, only to find that Zhao Heran had also gotten up and was sharpening his knife in the yard.

"Awesome, are you ready? We're about to set off, we can't wait any longer." Mo Feng put away his playful thoughts, and said to Zhao Heran seriously.

"Well, Brother Feng, I have already prepared it. By the way, yesterday you asked me if I had any enemies, and I thought of someone."

"Oh? Talk about it."

"It's like this. At the beginning of the end of the world, there was a self-conscious new human being besides me in my village. But before the end of the world, that person was ignorant and capable of doing all kinds of evil. After becoming a new human, he became even more arrogant. He even wanted to disregard human life. I couldn't understand that kind of person, so I had a fight with him. The corpses of the zombies scattered at the entrance of the villa were also provoked by the fight between the two of us. In the end, we paid a lot of money to kill all the zombies. Then that person was seriously injured and escaped." Zhao Heran said bitterly.

After hearing this, Mo Feng patted Zhao Heran on the shoulder and said, "Awesome, this is how the end of the world is. This is a world that cannibalize people. You can do whatever you want with power, because now all laws are based on fists, but if one People are inhumane, so what is the difference between them and those zombies, don't worry, if it was really that person who did it, he will be killed on the spot today."

"Okay, don't talk much, let's go, you are familiar with the road, lead the way." Mo Feng took the machete that Zhao Heran sharpened.

The two left the village and came to the woods again. According to Zhao Heran, the cave will pass through this forest, in a place behind the mountain.

The two of Mo Feng walked quietly through the woods without disturbing any creatures.

"Young card master, I have what you need here, and you only need to pay a small reward."

"Who, who is talking." Mo Feng and the two stood up, they were alert enough, and they were approached unprepared.

"Young card master, I don't mean any harm to you. I'm just a merchant. My job is to sell items. I'm sure I have what you need here. Do you want to take a look?" Mo Feng heard it again. With the previous voice, at the same time, a person gradually appeared in front of the two of Mo Feng.

When Mo Feng saw the person gradually appearing in front of him, Mo Feng subconsciously said a sentence that was passed down in his previous life: "A businessman walking in the last days is like a wanderer. No one knows where he came from and where he is going. Go, only know that he is always carrying a backpack, and there seems to be endless things in it.”

"Oh? Young card master, I didn't expect you to give me a surprise. I like this sentence, and I accept it. As a reward, you can choose a product at random. May I ask what type of product you want."

"Cards." After Mo Feng thought for a while, he decided to change to another card.

"as you wish."

As he said that, the man took out a card from the bag behind his back and threw it to Mo Feng.

After Mo Feng took the card, he glanced at it, and was instantly shocked. He was about to thank the person, but when he looked up, he found that the person had disappeared long ago.

There is only one voice left in the sky saying: "A businessman walking in the last days is like a wanderer. No one knows where he came from and where he is going. He only knows that he will always carry a backpack, which seems to be always useful. Endless stuff."

"Awesome, don't look at it, everyone is gone, thank him next time you meet him, this time he gave you a good thing." Mofeng patted Zhao Heran who had been there just now and said .

"Oh, gone?" Zhao Heran seemed to have just recovered.

"Haha, look at you who have never seen the world, let's go." Mo Feng seemed much happier than when he came, and made a rare joke about Zhao Heran.

"Hey, Brother Feng, wait for me."

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