Time is passing by every minute, like a naughty and willful bear child, the more you pay attention to him, the faster he runs.

Everyone is still living in anxiety and despair.

"His grandma's!"

"It would be nice if the alien civilization came over earlier, so that everyone wouldn't have to live in such fear, and die happily, die early and be reborn sooner!"

Kuang Batian's statement immediately resonated with many people.

One day after half a year.

The accident happened suddenly.

A gigantic fireball fell from midair, traveled through space like the sun, and fell to the earth.

Loud noise!
Fierce explosion!
Blazing flames!
The sky shook violently and the ground trembled violently.

The fireball streaked across the air, and a pitch-black space crack flashed, as if the sky was torn apart by this blow.

Yuan Zihan looked up into the air, and for the first time saw the flames burning dry in the air, and the flames shuttled through the cracks in space, twisting and deforming.

The fireball fell into the forest of monsters, and most of the forest was instantly destroyed. The flames sprang up from the depths of the forest and connected to the atmosphere.

Yuan Zihan was deeply shocked when he saw the peculiar landscape of the doomsday. It was a scene that was difficult to describe in words, and could not even be explained by science.


Huge monsters screamed one after another, and the flames and explosions frightened countless mutant beasts. They rushed east and west instinctively, forming a beast horde.

The flame that runs through the sky and the earth itself is a demon that can devour everything, and it is burning everything in the monster forest at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scale of the beast horde also grew stronger and stronger, those frightened helpless monsters went mad and wanted to escape before the flames engulfed them.

The tide of beasts was unstoppable, and countless star warriors soared into the sky from the human base, witnessing the most shocking scene.

All kinds of monsters, seen and never seen before, stepped on each other and rushed towards each other. The two creatures that were originally natural enemies were able to run side by side, and there was nothing but fear in each other's eyes.

Red ants the size of a hill.

A multi-headed reptile with tens of thousands of tentacles.

A thick, venomous snake that secretes green slime.

A black tiger with weird wings.

An unknown flying creature with eyes all over its body.


The building defense line of the human base was like paper, and was instantly overwhelmed by the beast tide.


The city closest to the monster forest from the human base was attacked by a wave of crazy beasts, and instantly became a purgatory on earth.

Some people were trampled to death in an instant, and some were picked up and crushed by UFOs before they could react, and their flesh and internal organs were scattered in the air.

Some people were able to fight and killed one monster after another, but in the end they still couldn't withstand the beast flow, and their flesh and bones turned into mud.

At the time of life and death, some high-level star warriors finally stepped forward, took up weapons and fought into the beast horde.

Does a punch matter?

Is an ax and a sword important?

Neither matter.

Even if you are a high-level star warrior, you are a rare existence in the human base, it still doesn't matter.



I could only leave this sentence for those who cared about it, and those strong men used all their combat power and blew themselves up.


The self-detonation effect of the high-level star warrior was so terrifying, brilliant sparks were formed in the beast tide, and a large space was instantly emptied.

Countless mutated monsters were blown away by the power of the self-destruct. They died, but in exchange for the short-term survival of the people they cared about.

In less than half an hour, Beiluo City was completely destroyed.

There is not a single intact building to be seen in the whole city, and there are no broken walls, all of which have been trampled to pieces by the beast horde.

All kinds of flesh and blood corpses were covered above the finely shattered soil, and the ground was covered with colorful and unknown liquids.

The rancid smell pervades every corner of the human base.

The city is gone!
People are gone!
Hope is gone!
Immediately afterwards, the second city, Tianyu City, was destroyed.

Tianyu City is the main business place of the Luo family, the ninth largest family in the human base.

The Luo family, which relies on the management of information resources, is flourishing in the human base. Many information about the star field battlefield and the monster forest are discovered by the Luo family.

If there is a disturbance anywhere in the entire human base, the Luo family can quickly get first-hand information.

Luo Tian, ​​the Patriarch of the Luo family, once proudly said that even if the aliens attacked the human base, the Luo family would be able to grasp it immediately.

However, such a well-informed family still had difficulty escaping the impact of such a ferocious beast horde.

No one from the entire Luo family survived, and all died in battle.

In the third hour of the beast horde, Xingsheng City, where the headquarters of the Bonn family was located, was destroyed.

The Bonn family is a first-class assassin family in the human base, and the most powerful mercenary regiments are formed by the Bonn family.

The patriarch of the Bonn family, Sergey Bonn, is a seventh-level assassin Meteor Warrior, and it is difficult for those who are targeted by him to escape his short dagger attack.

Sergieg has established his family status by himself, and he is a legendary figure of a generation.

Even such a legendary figure, the ultimate fate can only be the end of self-explosion.

The beast hordes were finally wiped out by the three human cities, and the few remaining small groups of monsters could no longer cause great damage.

However, the brutal death of millions of people has caused great panic in the human base.

Countless people began to leave their own cities, frantically flocking to other cities far away from the monster forest.

Large-scale human migration is accompanied by the despair of countless people, quarrels and quarrels among countless people, and frequent crimes.

All kinds of ugly and pitiful tragedies are staged on human bases.

Brothers killing each other, sisters scolding each other, separation of flesh and blood, ruthless killing...

This is an extreme test of human character, and it is the best interpretation of the end-time environment.

With Wang Linxiu's permission, Genesis City temporarily closed the Five Elements Secret Realm and accepted a lot of outsiders.

At the moment when Genesis City and the aristocratic forces are in full swing, is there any intentional infiltration of the aristocratic forces among the foreign people?
Wang Linxiu couldn't care less about this.




These are the main themes of the human base.

The people who poured into the Genesis City were surprised to find that the Genesis City blocked by the major families seemed to be much better than expected.

There is no phenomenon of people suffering from hunger and cold and lack of cultivation materials as imagined. Instead, everyone is full of positive energy.

Although this positive energy is also mixed with some pessimistic feelings about the end of the world, it is much better than the people in other cities.

Everyone distributed a large energy stone for free, and several large bottles of healing potions were given.

The iron-blooded legionnaires responsible for distributing resources are still comforting everyone who comes to Genesis City.

"Sorry, the supplies are limited now, so I can only give you so much first."

The outside crowd was a little dazed.

Such a large energy stone weighs at least one kilogram, and it is still of medium concentration. Even in some cities with abundant resources, it is difficult to obtain.

"Is Genesis City so rich?"

Under the protection of countless powerful star warriors, the outsiders entered the rune teleportation array, and the next moment they arrived at the centralized resettlement point, where food, housing, sleeping, cultivation and other activities are all available.

People were even more shocked, feeling that they had come to a new world, Genesis City was really different from other cities.

"My God!"

"Rune teleportation array!"

"My God!"

"So many Tier 7 star fighters are flying!"


There was an endless stream of exclamations.

They curiously asked a sergeant of the Jagged Legion to ask about things.

"Actually, we were the same as you six months ago."

"Now we have Hope, Master Sardeva, chief designer Tang, and deputy chief designer Yuan Zihan..."

"To be honest, I don't understand the speed of development either. It's a change every day, so it's pretty fast!"

The sergeant who had just joined the Jagged Legion said with emotion.

The fire in the monster forest burned for ten days and ten nights before subsiding, and the entire monster forest completely disappeared from the earth.

With the disappearance of the monster forest, the three big cities of the human base also disappeared, and two other big cities were mostly destroyed.

The post-disaster reconstruction work is going on, but the scars on the human mind will never be erased.

Followed by.

A question arose: "Is this disaster a natural disaster or an alien invasion?"

People argue about it.

Controversy has come and gone, and some experts and scholars have even put forward various opinions to prove that this is just evidence of a natural disaster.

No matter how unwilling to admit that the result of alien invasion is everyone's ultimate goal, this is clearly due to luck and fear.

Only Yuan Zihan asserted that this was an alien invasion, because he felt a familiar smell from the fire that day.

That flame is exactly the flame characteristic of the fire attribute secret realm in the five elements secret realm.

At the moment when the sky fire was burning, the strong power of the fire element seemed to overflow from another space, super rich and super dry.

Even the molecules in the air can be ignited without any combustion aids at all.

Yuan Zihan was a little scared. He didn't understand what those aliens who had never seen before were doing and planning. Why didn't they just poke the human beings to death with one finger.

Such a blunt knife-like destruction is simply the greatest torment for the human group.

"I'm pretty sure it was an alien attack."

Yuan Zihan shared his conjecture with some people.

The moment Salvador heard the news, his eyes were red, and he rushed back to the laboratory without stopping to continue developing technologies related to the Hope.

The temperature of sunlight required by the artificial sun on the Hope is too high, and the current energy-gathering runes simply cannot meet this requirement. Sardeva wants to solve this problem in the shortest possible time.

Wang Linxiu also simply said: "Time is running out!"

Every star fighter in Genesis City is training crazily. Scientists have already put aside their opinions, brainstormed, and started endless research day and night.

Three months later.

A towering ancient tree grows from the ground of Guangming City, a human base. Countless branches, roots, and vines are like a big hand, covering and imprisoning the entire city.

The thorns knocked down the houses and pierced the human body. Finally, the thorns closed and destroyed everything in Guangming City, leaving not even a single hair left.

Followed by.

The towering ancient tree turned into a stream of light and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Bright City was destroyed, and no one escaped alive.

The Ahibre family also disappeared without a trace in this attack, and one of the nine major families in the human base was missing.

"Aliens have invaded!"

Experts have indeed become experts, their words are as unreliable as fart, and they are stinky and long.

Most human beings began to despair, very desperate, and chose to commit suicide in despair.

Genesis City began to accept more humans, and Wang Linxiu began to send a small team of soldiers to the major cities to assist in the defense.

The major cities have also organized defense forces under the leadership of the human base council group.

In the face of catastrophe, there are always some responsible people. They are not afraid of life and death, brave and tenacious, and spare no effort to protect the weak.

Another three months passed.

Various spatial cracks began to appear in many cities of the human base, and there seemed to be demons appearing in the dark cracks.

Invisible, qualityless, and invisible mysterious monsters are hunting humans crazily.

The 7th-order star fighters fought against them with tyrannical strength, but in the end they could only prove that they existed.

It didn't take long.

The city where the Carlton family was located was destroyed, and everyone and everything in the city were frozen. A huge ice coffin froze all life in a city.

Followed by.

The city where the Wesson family was located was destroyed, and the city was slammed into the ground hundreds of feet deep by the palm of a huge lava monster.

So far, the human base is in complete chaos.

In the face of an unimaginably powerful alien civilization, the various plans formulated by the human base, such as the plans of the privileged class, the lost land plan, the seed plan and so on.

Before it could be implemented, it turned into a bubble.

What kind of human base council group, what kind of Lord Star Master, are all jokes, not even a piece of cosmic dust.

Human beings have never been so aware of their own insignificance as they are now, and the insignificance is not as small as an ant.

People were running everywhere, running around like chickens without their heads.

There are only three family forces left, the Flender family, the Huo family, and the Aoye family. They finally learned that there is a Hope spacecraft in Genesis City.

Like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, they began to rush into the Genesis City with a large number of subordinates and family members.

Wang Linxiu didn't stop them, and even opened the Five Elements Secret Realm restriction again in order to protect the large group of human beings.


When the remaining three major families entered Genesis City, Marie Flander, the head of the Flender family, Huo Lie, the head of the Huo family, and Takeshi Aino, the head of the Aoye family, began to take the lead in agitating everyone to make trouble.

For no reason, they began to accuse Wang Linxiu of his inaction, Sardeva for not sharing scientific research results, and the selfishness of the residents of Genesis City.

The matter of the Hope spacecraft was also exposed by them, and all kinds of false news were hyped up.

The fake news basically means: "Wang Linxiu wants to take part of the human race to escape, and leave some of them to fend for themselves."

Salvador and Yuan Zihan were also labeled as anti-human beings, described by them as selfish scientific lunatics.

"Only those who obey Salvador and Yuan Zihan can board the Hope."

"If you haven't received the invitation letter from the Hope, then you are the one who was abandoned."


Such lies are rampant.

It is a fact that the space on the Nozomi is limited, and because of this fact, lies have a certain degree of persuasion.

The panicked crowd panicked even more.

Led by some members of the aristocratic family, the panicked crowd began to attack the headquarters of the Iron Blood Legion without fear of death, and at the same time, they also attacked the office building of the Columbia Rune Academy.

Yuan Zihan was furious. He didn't understand what these guys were thinking. How could human beings still engage in confrontation and create conflicts at this point.

It is like a hungry wolf attacking a flock of sheep, destroying the pasture of the flock, robbing the sheepfold, and killing some of the sheep.

But the remaining sheep didn't blame the hungry wolves because they were afraid. Instead, they blamed their peers for not helping them, and spread rumors that other sheep would abandon them and run away alone.

"It really makes no sense!"

Yuan Zihan roared angrily.

Looking up at the dark sky, Yuan Zihan suddenly felt as if there were two eyes staring at the earth in the cosmic starry sky.

That's the study of aliens, they watched the human beings, a group of tiny things like bacteria, doing ridiculous struggles.

This apocalypse is simply too ridiculous.

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