During World War II, the United States implemented the Manhattan Project. With the efforts of the world's best scientific and engineer teams, an atomic bomb was created, which changed the world war pattern and the international status of the United States in one fell swoop.

But at that time, people only saw the huge power at the moment when the atomic bomb exploded, but they didn't think carefully about the chain reaction caused by the explosion.

In fact, at the beginning, people didn’t know what nuclear radiation was. It wasn’t until more and more people died of radiation that people named the radioactive rays that remained within the range of the atomic bomb explosion as nuclear radiation, and named it nuclear radiation. Realize that nuclear radiation is fatal to the human body.

Just like back then, before Chen Yu appeared, people never thought that the human body would release this kind of radiation one day, let alone that the radiation could be controlled by the human body.

When Chen Yu finished explaining, the audience and all the people watching the show in the world felt even more awe-inspiring. In order not to hurt others, God always restrains this destructive power in his body. How noble is this? quality.

In this harmonious atmosphere, the host Baker asked the first question related to today's theme under the direction of the director.

"As we all know, neither the Steppenwolves nor the Kryptonians came to Earth for the first time,

According to the records of the American military and the United Nations National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in the records of modern humans, humans have had contact with alien life many times, but none of them have been made public.

But for human beings, the nearest star system to the solar system is 6 light-years away, and the fastest aircraft of our human beings will have to fly non-stop for [-] years to get there.

And those aliens obviously came to earth from galaxies much farther away than this, we know very little about them, in terms of interstellar navigation, the current human beings are like toddlers, we still have a long way to go Way to go. "

Baker looked at Chen Yu, and the expression on his face gradually became more formal: "There are many speculations in various countries around the world, including on the Internet, that you have been to an alien world."

"I understand the questions of netizens, because I also watched the video of the North Pole. You were really skilled at manipulating the Kryptonian spacecraft at the North Pole. It doesn't look like you have never been in contact with interstellar civilization. Have you really been there? ?”

There are a lot of really weird questions from netizens, most of which Baker can't ask on this occasion,
In fact, this question is already very personal. He didn't expect Chen Yu to answer it, but he nodded calmly, "There is nothing to guess. I have really been there, and I have been to more than one living planet."

"The materials used to make the Hoais sword were brought back from the depths of the starry sky."

Everyone's interest became more and more intense, and Baker immediately asked curiously, "How did you get there? Did you use the space jump method like the Kryptonians and the Steppenwolf fleet?"

"Space jump is the most conventional way of navigation in the universe, but the safety factor is low, because it will leave traces and be observed." Chen Yu replied.

"When a starship leaves the space transition state, the space channel created during the starship transition will not disappear in a short time.

Like the ripples on the surface of the water when a boat passes by,

The same goes for space. There are such passages everywhere in the universe. If you want to go to the other end of the universe, you just need to find the entrance of the transition passage. "

Chen Yu's statement is very straightforward, but only professional scientists can really understand it, because the universe is not static.

Taking the solar system as an example, our solar system revolves around the Milky Way at a speed of 250 kilometers per second.
Suppose there was a spacecraft that jumped from the interstellar space to the solar system 1 minute ago, and its position when it left the jump was just at the edge of the solar system,

Moreover, after the starship flew out of the transition channel, it maintained a relatively static speed with the solar system, so now, 1 minute later, the exit of the space channel left by the spaceship after the jump is [-] miles away from the solar system. Five thousand kilometers away.

In the same way, even if there are such entrances of space passages everywhere in the universe, the positions of these entrances are always changing,
On the scale of the universe, this change will be infinitely magnified. With the current level of human technology, it is much more difficult to find such an entrance than to go to the sky, let alone drive a plane into the passage.

The advantage of talk shows is that after the host asks the prepared questions, the guests will answer them. When the guests finish answering, even if no one in the whole scene understands what the guests said, there will naturally be professional viewers who watch the show and come Provide professional answers for the public online.

In addition to the questions Baker prepared on the Internet, there were also questions given to him by the United Nations and officials from various countries for him to ask.

There are a lot of these questions, even if a few people sit here in the studio for a whole day, Baker can’t ask them all. He has to weigh which questions are really important in a short period of time, and try to ask Chen Yu and the other three important questions without wasting any time. .

After all, Chen Yu does not have the interest and leisure to answer questions for the public every day, and it is impossible for the officials of various countries to specifically ask him to answer these questions.

So in this way, it seems that the time of today's talk show is particularly precious, and Baker is not in the mood to gossip at all.

"Then what is the current level of human civilization in the universe?"

He quickly asked the next question, which was also what Diana and Mera wanted to ask.

After all, the two alien civilizations that have openly invaded the earth so far, and the military of all countries in the human world, have absolutely no ability to fight against them.

This kind of result can't help but make people feel that human beings are bugs in the universe.

"There are many kinds of civilizations in the universe, and most of them are weak civilizations that only develop technology and do not develop supernatural power, just like the people on the earth before." Chen Yu said objectively.

"There are also god-level civilizations and super-civilizations like Steppenwolf's hometown, Apocalypse, and Kryptonian civilization, which develop both technology and supernatural power.

In addition, there is also a civilization like Paradise Island that only develops its own strength and does not develop technology. "Chen Yu looked at Diana, who naturally embraced his arm and nodded.

"The development system of the earth is very complicated. If we only talk about the power of science and technology, human beings are weak in the universe, not even bugs, at best, they can only be regarded as bacteria or weeds.

Because even the bugs in the universe have mastered the interstellar leap technology, and if they can't beat them, they can still escape by spaceship. "Chen Yu said.

"But in terms of supernatural power, the strength of the earth in the universe is above average. After all, in the age of the gods, humans once repelled the Steppenwolf fleet.

Steppenwolf's home planet, Apocalypse, is one of the top civilizations in the universe, a true god-level civilization,

He doesn't know how many living planets he has conquered, but he didn't conquer the earth back then, and was repelled by the gods and Atlanteans. "Chen Yu glanced at Mera.

"Will different alien civilizations establish an alliance similar to the United Nations like human countries?" Baker breathed a sigh of relief and asked the next question.

"Will do."

Chen Yu nodded, and quickly gave an example: "In the universe, there is an organization similar to the Interpol on our earth, called the Green Lantern Corps."

"As far as I know, this organization has lasted for at least 30 billion years in the universe,

Created by a group of early life beings called the Guardians of the Universe, these creatures called Guardians have eternal life. "

"Eternal Immortality??" The host's eyes widened, and his tone of voice raised subconsciously.

Chen Yu nodded, "Like Interpol, the responsibility of the Green Lantern Corps is to prevent large-scale wars among civilizations, arrest interstellar criminals, and maintain order among interstellar civilizations."

"The Green Lantern Corps divided the entire universe into 3600 regions, called 3600 sectors,

Each sector has at least dozens or even hundreds of interstellar civilizations, and at least one member of the Green Lantern Corps is assigned to it to maintain the order among these civilizations.

The Green Lantern Corps now has at least [-] members, each member comes from a different cosmic civilization, and each member has at least as much strength as Steppenwolf himself.

Sector 2814 where the earth is located is also guarded by two such members of the Green Lantern Corps.

One of them is the earthlings. "

Chen Yu's words were astonishing, and everyone who watched the program, including the heads of state of various countries, fell into a state of confusion. For a while, they couldn't imagine what a huge and powerful force it was.

Except for a female pilot named Carol Ferris.

When Chen Yu said the words of the Green Lantern Corps, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she grasped her bracelet almost subconsciously.

This bracelet is green in color and was left to her by her boyfriend Hal Jordan before leaving the earth.

The main function of the bracelet is to contact the Green Lantern Corps in an emergency.

When the Kryptonians arrived on Earth, she had already sent a contact signal to the starry sky, but the Green Lantern Corps has still not returned any useful information to her.

Her boyfriend, Hal Jordan, did not return to Earth either.

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