On the small island, the remaining four people were confused in the air shock wave that appeared when Chen Yu went supersonic. The young Barry Allen was slightly stunned, and asked after a long time:
"How is he going to create a temperature of 65 degrees Celsius in space?

And what kind of metal is he holding in his hand?It takes 65 degrees Celsius to melt?

At this temperature, the metal has already turned into plasma. "

Bruce shrugged, apparently unable to understand, but he still stretched out his palm and gestured, saying: "The energy cannon released in his hand that day, didn't directly turn Krypton's battleship into ashes in an instant. "

"It is estimated that it can reach a high temperature of 65 degrees.

As for the metal in his hand"

After thinking for a while, he looked at Diana, "I know that in ancient times, there were some metals that contained divine power, which were specially used by the gods to create artifacts."

"What do you think, the one he just took?"

Diana shook her head, "The metals used by the gods to make artifacts are all divine. If you master the method, you can actually cast them in a furnace with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, but now this kind of metal can no longer be found."

"The piece of metal in his hand just now does not contain divinity, but it has another kind of power. I think it is much better than the material used by the gods.
At least it is better than the material of my sword and the pair of guardian silver bracelets on my wrists, which are bracelets made for Artemis by the god of fire, Hephaestus."

When she said this, Diana's eyes were a little depressed, and her tone was depressed.

You know, what she wears are ancient artifacts that have been passed down for at least a thousand years. They are the treasures left over from the entire Paradise Island, but they were smashed by those damn Kryptonians just like that.

She didn't know how to tell her mother and sisters in Paradise Island about it.

Walking over and hugging Diana, Meera gave her a comforting look, expressing:

"The science and technology of the seabed is very advanced, and we still have the forging technology of the ancient era,
Although it is not a technique for crafting artifacts, if you can find the same metal, you should be able to try to repair your sword. "

"Wait, wait, actually, I've always had a question, why didn't you ask Hyperion to help you forge a new sword just now, he wants to forge a new artifact."

Barry looked at Diana and asked hesitantly.

During this period of getting along, he also understood Chen Yu's character to some extent,

From Barry's point of view, although this big guy doesn't talk much and doesn't have many emotional fluctuations, he is a very kind god,

In particular, his Chinese cuisine is simply a masterpiece, much better than those sold in those American restaurants that claim to be Chinese.

Facing such a powerful, handsome, and good-natured god, if Diana spoke, Barry felt that he would agree to help Diana forge a sword for her.

"It's too easy for you to think."

Diana and Mera shook their heads together, "Creating artifacts is not at all different from traditional cold weapon smelting."

She looked at Barry and patiently explained: "Hyperi comes from a place in the east called Biyou Palace."

"You can think of Biyou Palace as the oriental version of the Asgard of Mount Olympus,

The forging technology there is too old, even older than the age of the gods, and fundamentally different from our sword-making technology.

The weapon tempered by Hyperion's divine power, if it is not someone of the same origin as him, there is no ability to touch it at all. "

Beside, Bruce also came over to listen, interested in what she had to say.

Diana said with certainty: "If you forcibly use the artifacts forged by Hyperion, not only will you not be able to display the abilities of these artifacts, but the user's spirit will also fall into a state of frenzy, or the body will become fragmented, and the internal organs will be destroyed. Exhaustion."

Speaking of this, her tone paused slightly, "Unless, I also go to space to participate in the forging process."

Diana believed in Chen Yu's words from Biyou Palace, so she kept saying what she had made up in her own brain, and brought the other three members of the team into the ditch.

Diana shook her head, "I really want to participate in the forging process in space, but I don't have the ability to survive in space."

"And Hyperion has to forge weapons with all its strength, and has no time to take care of me, and if I wear a space suit, I can't directly pour divine power into the weapon sword embryo.

This is too difficult. "

On the side, Mera kept nodding her head, expressing deep agreement with Diana's words, "This is the golden trident, an artifact of our sea clan."

"Except for Hyperion, none of our Sea Clan can use this trident at present. The reason is that artifacts can recognize their owners."

Due to the formal determination of the implementation of the Skystar Project, the current level of attention of the United Nations to space is unprecedented in human history.
The satellites of various satellite powers except strategic satellites and communication satellites are used to detect space, or act as radars for abnormal signals, so as to ensure that when alien civilizations arrive in the solar system, they can help humans make the fastest response .

At this time, in the temporarily established United Nations Space Agency, the top space experts from various countries saw a human-shaped luminous object rushing out of the atmosphere from the surface of the earth from the real-time monitoring images of hundreds of satellites almost at the same time.

Due to the distance, they could only switch the optical detection screen to the remote imaging mode, and then saw Chen Yu's face.

"He's holding a rock, what is he doing?"

After transferring these imaged satellite images to the United Nations' external emergency news live broadcast platform, the staff of NASA asked this question.

"It's supposed to be some kind of metal."

Before the words fell, the brightness of the satellite image suddenly increased. Almost at the same time, the data readings used to detect various cosmic rays in the upper left corner of the entire image increased by leaps and bounds. The detected energy level surpassed the current human technology in an instant. The peak limit that can be detected.

In particular, the readings in the areas of thermal radiation and gamma rays have exceeded the limit that automatic detection equipment can detect.

In this case, they can only switch to the radiation mode, and through the precise calculation of the mathematical model, they can use the data to determine the extent of the energy released by Chen Yu.

"He seemed to be melting that piece of metal."

The image of the model built through mathematical calculations shows that the piece of metal in Chen Yu's hand has now become liquid at this high temperature, and has been pinched into a cold weapon by some invisible force The shape of the sword.

"Hurry up and broadcast it to the major media, Hyperion is forging a sword! He wants to forge a magical weapon for a metal that can only be melted at a temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees Kelvin!"

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