Terminator of the heavens system

038 Possible origins of translation

Looking at the tablet, Chen Yu's expression became slightly weird.

"This is definitely not an infinite rough stone."

He is very familiar with this hammer, Thor's Hammer Mjolnir. In the original plot, because Thor refused to listen to Odin's dissuasion, he took his few buddies to attack Jotunheim, and was finally beaten by the Frost Giant. pounded and ravaged,
Just when Laufey, the king of Jotunheim, appeared and was about to order Sol and others to be killed, Odin stepped forward to resolve the crisis, depriving Sol of his divine power and demoting him to Midgard, which is the earth here.

As for his exclusive weapon, the Meow Meow Hammer, Odin casually threw it into the Rainbow Bridge and into New Mexico, where it was discovered by local residents.

The moment he took the tablet, Chen Yu understood that if the hammer had reached the earth, then Thor must have arrived, and he was probably with Jane Foster now.

He certainly wouldn't tell the truth about these things. After holding the tablet and pretending to look at it for a while, Chen Yu looked at each photo carefully, and then began to show a dignified expression, frowning.

When Fury saw his face, he knew that the situation was not optimistic. You must know that Stark is not what it used to be, and he is already a high-level mutant. Lorna admitted it herself.

If even a person with a personality like Stark finds it tricky, it's really a bit bad. You know, the monster incident in New York Harbor has only passed a few days, and now people are panicking, so nothing can go wrong.

"Stark, do you know this thing?" Fury asked tentatively, "The science team of S.H.I.E.L.D. said they have never seen anything like it, and they said that this kind of thing has never appeared in any records. "

"This kind of statement is quite unprofessional." Chen Yu said with a serious expression, "It's a bit like someone's hammer in the mythology and history books."

Fury was made a black question mark face by this sentence, with an absurd expression, and spread his hands, as if asking are you serious?
"I know what you mean." Chen Yu shrugged, "I may indeed know this, but I need more details to be sure."

Fury raised his eyebrows, came up to take the tablet, and began to call out rows of professional data for him, electromagnetic wave band analysis, radiation energy level assessment, element identification, etc. Only super-professionals like Stark can see it understand things.

"This is the language of Asgard." After a while, Chen Yu pointed to an enlarged picture of a hammer: "The aliens showed me the text of Asgard back then."

Fury leaned over to look, and there was an inscription engraved on the hammer, but the words were very small, and it didn't seem like any language he could understand.

"Can you read it?" Fury asked.

"If you don't understand it, it's strange if you can understand it, but Jarvis may be able to analyze it. In order to communicate with those aliens, I integrated a logic translation module for it."

If a randomly carved piece of text is a language, then it must have its logic.

It is not difficult to analyze all the logical combinations of characters and analyze characters that have never been seen before, as long as the functions are powerful enough.

After transmitting the data in the tablet to Jarvis, the entire logic module soon began to play a powerful role.

Just a few minutes later, Jarvis reported, "Mr. Stark, based on the language database, I have analyzed a total of 680 logical possibilities for this passage."

"The most likely sentence is: [Whoever recognizes my hammer will live forever].

The second sentence is: [The king-level weapon of Asgard, the supreme prestige of God Hela].

The third sentence is: [Nidawi's furnace appears, the ultimate material of the universe in the dying star core, and the glory of Urujin sings].

The fourth sentence is: [Anyone who can lift this hammer can obtain the same ability as Thor]. "

After listening to the four sentences, Chen Yu said bluntly, "The first three sentences are indeed very likely to be used as inscriptions, but they do not meet the standards of intelligent creatures. I think it should be the fourth sentence."

Recalling the few words just now, Fury raised his eyebrows, "Sol, who is that?"

"In this case, you don't need to think about it. It should be the owner of the hammer." Chen Yu handed the tablet back to Fury.

While walking out of the room, Fury turned back and followed behind and said: "You should take a proper look at those myths. If my guess is correct, then it should be the legendary Thor's Hammer in Norse mythology.

Named 'Mjolnir', it is the exclusive weapon of Thor, the god of thunder, in Nordic mythology. "

Fury's eyes were subtle: "Myth? Alien creation?"

He looked at Chen Yu, and felt that there might be a problem with learning magic recently.

"This has nothing to do with creationism." Chen Yu shook his head, "You should look at these things objectively. Many myths and legends are not groundless, and legends are often traceable."

"Perhaps 1000 years ago, or 2000 years ago, a powerful alien race visited the earth and was worshiped as a god by the local people in northern Europe at that time, so the legend will be passed down."

"So you want to say that this race is that Asgard." Fury's expression became serious. If this is the case, then things will become complicated.

If this hammer is really a product of an advanced alien civilization, and even has an owner, since the hammer fell to the earth, doesn't that mean that its owner, the powerful alien race in mythology, is also on earth?

Fu Rui felt slightly dizzy again. A few days ago, he didn't have a clue about what happened in New York Harbor, and now he encountered this kind of thing again. Could it be that everything is not going well this year? ?

"You know, no one can move the hammer, it looks like it grows in the ground, and no one can hold it up?"

Fury nodded: "We let the power-type mutant who worked in the bureau go, but after a lot of effort, the thing still didn't move at all."

"Moreover, they said that they can't move it with large machinery, and they can't move it even if they dig the ground under the hammer. The hammer will drop down, and then move the things below, and they can't move. It completely violates the laws of physics."

Chen Yu shrugged, "So the facts are in front of you, are you still unwilling to believe it? This thing must be Mjolnir.

If what is written on the inscription is really the fourth sentence of Jarvis's analysis, only those who have been recognized by the hammer can pick it up, and anyone who can pick up the hammer will gain the power of Thor, then you have to be optimistic about that thing, If someone picks it up, things will be really serious. "

"A person needs to be recognized by a hammer? This statement does sound a bit mysterious."

Fury shook his head, but still asked: "Are you sure, anyone who can pick up a hammer can get the power of Thor?"

"Does that mean that as long as Natasha or other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents pick up the hammer, that person will become Thor in the future? Can control lightning and go to heaven and earth?"

"Anyway, that's what the myth says, so I think it should be." Chen Yu nodded.

After the two went down the stairs, they saw Natasha who was waiting head-on, and after greeting her, Fury continued to ask: "Then how do you get it to recognize it?"

"I want to know how to be recognized. I've already been Thor. Will the hammer still be in New Mexico?" Chen Yu patted Fury on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, go to the party with us first."

The Meow Hammer is very evil. It is almost impossible for a living thing to get its recognition, but if an inanimate object, such as putting it in an elevator, the elevator can lift it up, and it can even be hung on a clothes rack superior.

However, once an inanimate object is manipulated by a living being, such as a human being controlling a crane, at that time, even if tens of thousands of tons of pulling force is used, the Meow Hammer cannot be lifted.

A king-level weapon enchanted by Odin, mortals and physical rules can't help it.

"What are you talking about?" Natasha, the mascot beside her, blinked.

"A hammer of God." Chen Yu said.

"I sent Agent Coulson to New Mexico to take care of this earlier today, do you have time?" Ferry asked.

Chen Yu put his arm on Natasha's shoulder, "Miss Romanov and I are learning magic with an old antique recently, but it can be postponed later."

"Don't think too much about it, after all, Asgard is the land of the Asgards in Norse mythology,

But in the mouths of those aliens, they call that place Asa God's Domain, which is the top civilization in the universe, and the leader of civilization is Odin.

The existence of this level really wants to be detrimental to the earth. The earth is long gone, so there is nothing to worry about. "

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