Terminator of the heavens system

020 The Framed S.H.I.E.L.D.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube for so many years has not found anything famous, at least it has found out what is inside the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, which is the real reason for the Rubik's Cube to have infinite energy.

Chen Yu nodded, "Back then, the alien who called himself Wu Muhu told me."

"Before the big bang of the universe, there were six 'singular bodies' in the world. After that, the universe was born after the big bang of the singular point. The remains of these six 'singular bodies' were forged into six crystals.
With the passage of hundreds of millions of years, until now, these six crystals are called 'infinity stones'. "

Natasha set the Kun-style spacecraft to autopilot mode, turned her seat and looked at Chen Yu with interest.

"Throughout recorded history, these rough stones have been used only by beings of incomparable superhuman strength or intelligence.

In the past, those powerful beings who had successfully used rough stones used infinite rough stones to instantly destroy entire galaxies, just like fully automatic mechanical harvesting of wheat in the field, with ease.

Once upon a time, there was an extremely developed ancient civilization race that was invincible in the universe. They wanted to absorb the power of one of the infinite rough stones into their bodies, but they turned into ashes in a blink of an eye. "

Chen Yu looked at the two, "Each of these six infinity stones represents a specific attribute in the universe, namely, reality, power, mind, soul, time, and space."

"Before Captain America's plane crashed, I talked to Peggy Carter and my father, and mentioned that he didn't kill the Red Skull Schmidt. The other party was teleported away by the Rubik's Cube.
According to his description, at that time, the Rubik's Cube opened something like a portal, and there was a strange starry sky beyond the gate. "

After Chen Yu explained this, Fu Rui's eyes were serious. Natasha sorted it out for a while, and asked, "So, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is the space stone, and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is in the game now?"

After really understanding what the Rubik's Cube is, Fury felt a little overwhelmed.

For so many years, they have actually placed an infinite rough stone at the door of their house. It is a miracle that they can study it until now.

"But, didn't you just say that the original stone can only be controlled by an extremely powerful and extraordinary existence?" Fury looked at Chen Yu with doubts in his tone: "How do you control the Cosmic Rubik's Cube?"

On the outskirts of New York, in the X-Men base of the Xavier School for Geniuses, when two intersecting light blue lights swept across Professor X's pupils, the security door in front of everyone turned and then slowly opened.

"Welcome, Professor."

There is nothing in the hollow spherical search room except the brain wave amplifier,

This was built by Magneto to help Professor X to strengthen Professor X's ability to find mutants around the world.

In today's Xavier Gifted Academy, many students were found by Charles with the help of brainwave amplifiers.

Behind Charles stood many of Raven's former comrades-in-arms. To them, Raven was not just a friend, but more like a family member.

Although they have different ideas, they are still people with deep feelings.

After putting on the helmet and adjusting the parameters, the spherical wall around the brain wave console began to slowly change the scene with the activation of Professor X's ability.

The scene was getting faster and faster, dense figures flashed in Professor X's mind, and then appeared on the wall.

Half a minute later, Professor X located the headquarters of the Mutant Brotherhood in Los Angeles, and he sensed many young and energetic mutants. At this time, Magneto was not wearing the helmet that blocked his superpowers.

"Eric, I can't feel Raven's brainwaves anymore."

Magneto was sitting on the sofa with red wine, two oversized torpedoes lying on the floor behind him, and Lin Chen was sitting in front of him.

Not far away, the two were randomly captured by them, and the two unlucky guys who became mutants due to the evolution potion were already drunk on the floor due to the effect of alcohol, with a satisfied look on their faces.

"Of course you can't feel Ruiwen's brainwaves, because your abilities can't be stretched out of the S.H.I.E.L.D. base." Magneto said slowly.

"Can you feel the brain waves of the Red Devil?"

Professor X frowned, "I can't feel it, but it's different."

Before Professor X finished speaking, he was interrupted by Magneto, "It's right if you don't feel it, because after he sent me back, I asked him to support Rui Wen, and he is now in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base .”

Before he finished speaking, the bloody red devil with bullet holes in his body suddenly teleported into the air in the hall of the villa, right in front of Magneto, and was about to fall to the floor of the villa.

At this moment, Kuaiyin, who was about to go downstairs with a bottle of beer, flashed and supported the Red Devil.

Some mutants who were still awake at the scene immediately turned pale with fright, and only heard the Red Devil say intermittently: "Rui Rui Wen Rui was arrested."

After saying these words, he passed out completely.

Magneto's face was livid, and he beckoned to suck the bullet out of the Red Devil's body, and said to Professor X: "Get your fighters over here, let's go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base."

Lin Chen showed an expression in line with this situation, and silently recorded all this in his heart.

The Red Devil's injury was shot by himself with a security guard's gun after he teleported to the Nevada S.H.I.E.L.D. dark energy research base, in order to push Ruiwen's death to S.H.I.E.L.D.

[Ding!It is detected that the host blinks continuously for 1000 seconds, and rewarded with a properly cooked turkey leg. ]
"Bring over the engineer who can repair missiles." Magneto said, "I have two torpedoes here and need to reload the fuel."

The propellers of nuclear torpedoes all use liquid oxygen fuel, which is not within the professional scope of Magneto, and he is too lazy to load these things himself.

"Natasha told me, have you awakened the X gene?"

In the Quinjet fighter plane that was about to arrive in Nevada, Nick Fury, who hadn't asked Chen Yu how to control the Rubik's Cube, began to make sidelines about something else.

The abilities of the mutant group are all kinds of strange, and some of them can successfully use the power of the Infinity Stone.

"My mutation ability is very ordinary."

Chen Yu waved his hand, and the strands of hair hidden in Natasha's hair immediately flew out from her temples, suspended in his hand and twirled gently.

Fury's eyes were weird, "So, your superpower is manipulation? Similar to Magneto?"

Glancing at the way Natasha pinned her hair behind her ears, Chen Yu shook his head, "I'm not as strong as him, I can only control a few small objects."

"Super powers are getting stronger and stronger. I think you need to know where the boundaries of your abilities are. Would you like us to test them for you? Anyway, we are almost at the research base," Fury said.

Chen Yu shrugged, "If you can show me a few alien specimens and let Miss Romanov be my science assistant, I will be happy to test them."

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