In the foreseeable period of time to come, the flight distance controlled by swords will increase exponentially, so Chen Yu didn't continue to test how powerful this thing is, and it doesn't make much sense at this stage.

Because the introduction of the system is very straightforward, as long as he subjectively thinks it is a sword, he can control it.

In other words, if he thinks a stone is a sword, he can also control the stone to fly 160 meters away in an absolutely unpredictable trajectory.

And stones and swords made of metal, even if the kinetic energy is the same, the power is very different.

It is impossible for him to carry a sword all the time. Tony Stark never carries these cold weapons on his body, and he will definitely use what he has at hand when facing the enemy, so it is useless to only test the power of the flying sword.

A ray of golden light bloomed quietly, and the falling stones from the shattered ceiling flew up in front of Chen Yu one after another, accelerating to [-] meters per second in a very short period of time, and flew out of the villa through the hole in the ceiling. Then gradually slowed down, and then fell outside the villa and smashed into pieces.

"Tony! What happened?!"

Pepopaci, who was dealing with documents in the upstairs hall, ran down in surprise. The thing that rushed up and down just now scared her twice in a row. The speed of the glowing thing was so fast that she couldn't see clearly for a while. .

"It's okay, show me the employee profile of the new company that joined this quarter."

Chen Yu stepped forward and patted Peibo on the shoulder, then pointed to the hole in the ceiling and the pile of rubble on the ground and said, "Remember to find someone to fix it for me."

"Did you fire rockets at home?" Pepo asked tentatively.

The person in front of her is a well-deserved genius, a top leader in the modern private military industry, and it is not surprising that any incidents will happen. It is not the first time that this kind of house demolition has happened, so she is not surprised.

But there are accidents in everything, and she doesn't want the other party to get hurt because of this.

The black professional attire outlines her tall body curves. In Tony's aesthetics, Pepper Pac is a perfect beauty. Not only is she outstanding in ability, but also has an impeccable personality. She is one of the few people who really understand him.

Following Peibo upstairs, Chen Yu took the tablet from her hand. On the screen was a complete staff list, more than 100 pages in full. He had to zoom in on the page to accurately click on the "newly recruited employees of the quarter." 'The column category.

The expanded list in the category is arranged in great detail, and behind each employee's official photo is the time when they clocked in for the first time after joining the company.

After Chen Yu pretended to look at it for a few times, he swipe the screen directly to the legal department, and saw the detailed information of a total of seven new employees.

The third of them, a female employee named Natalie Northman, caught his attention.

In the plot, the Black Widow used this name when she sneaked into Stark Industries and served as Tony and Pepper's equity transfer notary and his assistant.

Chen Yu thought in his heart that his guess was indeed no problem. S.H.I.E.L.D. had already been eyeing Tony at this time, so it was able to penetrate the entire Stark Industries business level in such a short period of time, making Black Widow a Tony new assistant.

The other party even made a large number of detailed Google entry data for a false identity.

Clicking on Natalie Northman's personal photo, Chen Yu saw her personal experience of this identity.

[Natalie Northman, 25 years old, worked as a fashion model and photo model in Tokyo, Japan for one year, and worked as a lawyer in London, England for two years, fluent in French, Italian, and Latin]
After looking at her photo in detail, Chen Yu handed the tablet back to Pepopac and asked, "What time is Obadia's funeral?"

"Six o'clock tonight."

"Call all the new employees of the company and must participate."

Chen Yu looked at the watch on his wrist. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and he needed to choose a black dress that could hold a bunch of equipment before going there.

Passing through the outer promenade of St. Sauvia Cathedral and entering the funeral chapel with a bouquet of white flowers from the side door, Chen Yu and Peipo saw Obadia's son Zach Steiny on the left side of the crowd.

He had a bald head like his father, and he stood beside Obadia's coffin in a daze, his face was sluggish, and his mood was extremely bad.

After the two of Chen Yu entered the church, many people who had known Obadia before nodded at him, obviously knowing that they had a good relationship.

No one in New York, including his son, knew about Obadia's thought of killing Tony except those who rebelled against the warlords of Yusuf.

Giving Zack Stanis a comforting hug, Chen Yu whispered, "Today is really terrible."

"If you need help, just tell me."

Putting the bouquet in front of Obadia's coffin, Chen Yu stepped back and stood beside Zak Stani.

"I read the news, those two meteorites are too scary."

Behind him, a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes patted Chen Yu and Zach on the shoulders.

Zach's mentality has almost collapsed, his voice trembled when he spoke, and his tone revealed despair, "I watched the video of the scene, as long as my father takes one more step or one less step, he is still alive now."

No reporters were invited to the funeral. When all the guests arrived, Chen Yu, Zach, and six other people who seemed to be closest to Obadiah carried his coffin out of the church hall and buried it on the back hillside In the cemetery above.

The tombstone has been prepared in advance and placed on his grave, and the whole process lasted for nearly an hour before it was over.

When the figures of Zac and Obadia's relatives gradually faded away, many people began to get close to Chen Yu, no matter men or women, most of them wanted to discuss business and cooperation with him.

Even at funerals, Tony Stark's billionaire influence is everywhere.It wasn't until he returned to the church that Chen Yu dealt with these people one after another.

Just as he walked out of the promenade outside the church again and turned out the gate, he saw several Stark Industries employees walking towards the parking lot.

Even in a solemn and serious black lady's suit, Natasha was still the most conspicuous presence at Obadia's funeral.

Fortunately, no one would take the initiative to talk about the relationship between men and women at the funeral of a successful person with a prominent social status, so that she would not have to say a lot of unnecessary nonsense like she did at other times.

Many times, Natasha never uses her own car to go anywhere, or gets someone else's car to drive near the target location, and finds a hidden route to arrive on foot, so as not to scare the enemy or leave unnecessary traces.

But this time the task is relatively special. She needs to let Stark's employees see that she always drives a car like other ordinary people, so as not to be overly noticed, so she registers as Natalie Northman to buy a car. I got an ordinary Chevrolet and parked it in the corner.

However, when she entered the parking lot and walked to where her car was, she saw that the glass of her co-pilot's door had been smashed, and the glass shards were scattered on the co-pilot's seat and on the ground near the tires. Computers, navigators, and driving recorders were all looted.

"You're kidding me."

As a well-known underground spy, Natasha never thought that such a civil case would happen to her.

Without hesitation, just when she was about to use her own method to access the monitoring of the parking lot, a Rolls Royce with sultry music playing in the car slowly drove towards this direction with high beams on.

"Ma'am, is there anything I can do for you?"

When the car drove up to Natasha, Chen Yu slightly took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked her in a Tony Stark tone.

[Ding!It is detected that the user has entered within two meters of the target, and begins to crack the portable communicator carried by the target]

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