Terminator of the heavens system

005 Asteroid that coincides with Earth's orbit

In the Stark Industrial Building, Obadia, who hung up Chen Yu's satellite phone, forced a smile. After dealing with several shareholders of the board of directors, he took out the encrypted communicator and called the kidnapping Tony. Yusuf, the warlord of the Ten Ring Gang.

"Is this how you do business?
Let Tony Stark come back to New York alive? "

After the call was connected, Obadia forced himself to restrain his emotions and questioned.

In the past few months, he has called almost every week to urge the other party to kill Tony, but Yusuf imprisoned Tony and made him a missile.

This made it clear that he was committing suicide and could not blame others.

"He made a new armor weapon. We lost a lot. You should come to the scene and have a look before you talk."

Yousuf's tone was also very stiff, more than half of the skin on the right side of his head was scalded, and he didn't feel a little until now, as if red bark lines had grown out of thin air on his face, which was ferocious and dazzling.

If there is no plastic surgery, this half of his face will never be healed,
In the days to come, everyone who sees him will know that this is what Tony Stark left behind when he escaped.

This is a great shame.

He won't have plastic surgery until he kills Tony and washes away the shame.

And this large scar will also remind him of the mistakes he has made during this period of time.

"You guys find that thing, and I will find time to go to the Middle East after the press conference."

Obadia said as calmly as possible, but his forehead had begun to show blue veins, and his emotions were clearly on the verge of losing his composure.

When he founded Stark Industries with Tony's father, he was a wage earner under the control of others, and he was just called a co-founder.

Only he knows that Stark Industries' core technology and sales products, even sales channels, are always in the hands of Tony's father.

If he wants to continue working in Stark Industries, he must obey Howard Stark's command.

Up to now, I managed to beat Tony's father to death, and finally had some real power in my hands, but Tony, relying on his genius mind that day, pushed him from the top of the board of directors to the second in command.

Even if Tony was kidnapped during these three months, the shareholders on the board of directors were unwilling to listen to him.

Obadia had had enough of feeling inferior to everything.

At the Astronomical Observatory in Arizona, astrophysicist Curry is in front of the radio telescope console, analyzing the weekly star map data as usual.

His job is actually very simple, which is to analyze the orbits of small celestial bodies in the solar system and mark their orbits to prevent asteroids from hitting the earth.

Or discover and name some previously undiscovered asteroids.

If a terrestrial planet of the kind suitable for human habitation can be found, it will be famous in almost the entire circle of astronomers.

During his six years of work, he found that the nearest asteroid passing by the earth is about [-] kilometers away from the earth. On the contrary, there is more and more space junk outside the earth's atmosphere, and countless satellites are in geosynchronous space every year. It disintegrated on its own in orbit, like countless high-speed cannonballs enveloping the entire earth.

To be honest, after taking this job, he began to admire astronauts.

Because these people don't know when they will be hit by satellite debris, and they will die in space in an extremely painful state.

That means they need to operate in space on behalf of all humanity, in constant danger.


At this time, on the always-on computer screen on the astronomical workbench, a warning message suddenly popped up that the asteroid landed on the earth, and its orbit was about to coincide with the orbit of the earth.

Glancing at the split screen, Curry slowly put down his half-bitten pizza and began to call up the details of the asteroid.

When he first started working at the Astronomical Observatory, in the first few weeks, whenever he saw this kind of early warning news, he would involuntarily shudder in his heart, thinking that a massive star would hit the earth, and he would become very panicked.

But in fact, in the past half century, an average of more than 2 meteorites fell into the earth every year.

After these stars enter the atmosphere, most of them will be disintegrated, or even annihilated, and finally only a small part of the mass will actually fall to the surface of the earth. This is what the public often calls meteorites.

After passing through the atmosphere, most meteorites will not exceed a radius of five centimeters, and the speed will drop sharply due to the influence of the atmospheric environment. When the temperature drops below the speed of sound, the surface temperature of the meteorite will drop rapidly, and even "glow" less than.

Like a child picking up stones from a bridge and throwing them into the sea, these meteorites can only make a wave at most, nothing more.

Therefore, most of the time, the impact of meteorites on the earth itself can be said to be negligible.

Therefore, with the increase of work experience, Curry no longer worries that he will die due to an asteroid one day. He only needs to make sure that the calculation data is correct, and then report it. In addition, he does not need to spend time on other matter.

After the detailed interface of the asteroid warning message was opened, Curry adjusted its detailed data through a series of operations on the keyboard.

[ID kpl03261, orbit: parabolic, 26 miles per second relative to the sun,

The orbit prediction route will coincide with the earth's orbit around the sun in one hour,
After the target passes through the atmosphere, the remaining material volume is about 2.1 cm in radius, with an error of 3 mm up and down. The meteorite is expected to fall: New York]
"New York is nice."

Looking at the calculated data, Curry calmly picked up the pizza, took a bite and chewed while calling the New York Observatory.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Curry from the Astronomical Institute of Astronomy, and I'm looking for Dave." Curry said slowly to the secretary in the director's office.

"Do you have an appointment?" The female secretary's pleasant voice came from the microphone.


Without waiting for the other party to reply, Curry went on to say: "Just tell him that a meteorite is about to hit somewhere in New York. The size is normal, but it may still cause financial or personal damage. I have sent him the specific information by email, and let him hurry up." look."

After finishing speaking, he casually hung up the phone, regardless of what the female secretary said, and continued with his original work.

More than 2 meteorites fall into the earth every year, and 99% of them fall into the ocean and wild mountains. New York is so big, maybe this thing will end up in a small forest, and it is still difficult to find it. kind.

When the transport plane back to New York from the Middle East landed, there was already a large group of people waiting at the airport early.

"Be careful with your feet."

When the engine of the transport plane was turned off, the lift plate of the cabin door was lowered, and after Rhodes in military uniform helped Chen Yu off the transport plane, the eyes of a large group of people in front of him immediately focused on him.

The wind at the airport was strong, Chen Yu tugged at his suit jacket, and at first sight saw a blond beauty wearing a plaid uniform with a capable and generous demeanor.

The other party stared at him full of relief, pursed his lips, had red eye circles, and couldn't hide his joy at all.

And on her right stood a tall and burly white man with respect and a smile on his face, apparently Tony's driver, Happy Hogan.

"You seem to have lost weight." Using Tony's tone, Chen Yu looked at Pepopac and said.

"You have too many ex-girlfriends, and they are all looking for you through me." Peipo said with a smile.

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