pinnacle evolution system

Chapter 1425 Empty

A steep cliff stands on the ground, the cliff surface is as smooth as a mirror, a somewhat thin figure is sitting on the cliff, his feet are hanging hundreds of meters above the ground, dangling nonchalantly.

Ye Yun has been sitting here for several hours, he has been thinking about what Guldo said to him before.After thinking about it for so long, I didn't make a decision except for the cold wind that filled my belly.

"Hey, hey, you won't really listen to that ghost's nonsense, will you? Going to find Emperor Wushuang with your current strength is tantamount to handing over your life to him. If he gets upset, you will be finished. Seeing this, Guangming Shenlong was a little worried.

"I know what I'm thinking." Ye Yun rolled his eyes, looking at the gradually darkening sky, his mind was full of thoughts.

"I think what the senior said makes sense. Emperor Wushuang didn't need to expend such a lot of effort to do such a thankless thing. Speaking of which, where did you get this secret news? I haven't asked you before. , Now that you come to Shenlong, you have a lot of questions!" Ye Yun's tone was full of suspicion.

"Hey, are you suspicious of me?"

Ye Yun could hear the obvious dissatisfaction in Shenlong's voice.

"Then explain it carefully! I don't think a dying person, oh no, it's the dying soul who will hide something from me. He doesn't have to do that at all." Ye Yun replied bluntly.

"You don't believe me? I have witnessed it with my own eyes. Do you know the Firth Sea Territory?" Bright Dragon suddenly asked.

"I know, it's a sea area in the South China Sea occupied by marine Carlos. For humans, it's a forbidden area for life, and ships won't pass there at all," Ye Yun replied.

"Now it's not a sea area anymore, but a brand new continent, maybe you can call it the Felt Continent." The Bright Dragon teased.

"Mainland? How is this possible? That's a vast sea area of ​​millions of square kilometers!" Ye Yun frowned instantly.

"For Wushuang Land, what is this?" The Bright Dragon asked back.

"For a planet, an immortal creature seems to be a legendary existence that is unattainable, but it is nothing in the universe, but Emperor Wushuang is different. He is the existence at the highest peak in the power class of immortality. I I even suspect that the current him has surpassed immortality and stepped into a higher unknown existence." The voice of the Bright Dragon was heavy.

"For such an existence, picking up the stars and taking the moon is just a matter of leisure, not to mention moving mountains to fill the sea. I saw with my own eyes that Emperor Wushuang completely stabilized the different-dimensional channel on the Felt sea area, and then tore it apart. Isn't that enough evidence that the space shattered the world behind the passage and merged with this planet?" The Bright Dragon's voice raised slightly, and between the opening and closing of the huge dragon's mouth, a wave several feet high rose from the golden sea of ​​light consciousness. huge waves.

"That's just your inference!" Ye Yun closed his eyes and whispered, not wanting to argue with him.

"Then do you dare to bet on the possibility?"

"I, I..." Ye Yun opened his mouth, but still lost his temper.

Indeed, even if the possibility was only one percent, he did not dare to gamble, but the words of the Bright Dragon and Guldo almost made him lose the courage to confront Emperor Wushuang.

Immortality, maybe Ye Yun will reach that level in the future, but it is too far away for Ye Yun now.

"The human mage's words do have some truth, but Wushuang City is not a place where you can go as you want, not to mention Emperor Wushuang, whose countless masters are far from what you can compare with now. If you go there, life and death will all depend on you. Emperor Wushuang thought in one thought.

It’s okay if you want to ask for proof, but that also has the power to protect yourself, right?At that time, if we can't beat us, we can still retreat strategically, right? "Long Xiaozhi, the god of light, moves him with emotion and guides him with reason and kindness.

It's okay for Ye Yun to be hot-headed, but he can't follow him desperately. After all, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope now.

"What you said is also reasonable. Let's put this matter on hold for now. It won't be too late to ask for proof after I have cultivated to the Supreme Dharma Sage and recovered the Hunyuan Disk." Ye Yun also calmed down at this time and nodded. agreed.

"Now that the Earth Spirit Spring is in hand, let's go back to Jinhua City to rest for a while, and the school has to reply with a message, so that they don't think I've evaporated." Ye Yun thought for a while, and just about to get up and go back home, suddenly A black six-pointed star array appeared.

"This?" Ye Yun exclaimed in surprise.

He was very familiar with that breath of power, it was empty.

"It's the reverse summoning circle. It seems that someone is calling you. Do you have any special items like tokens?" Shenlong asked softly.

Ye Yun was stunned for a moment, and then took out the black stone that Kong had left for him from the system space.At this moment, the stone seemed to be alive, with a dim light shining on its surface.

I don't know what's going on, but Ye Yun has a premonition that it's definitely not a good thing.

"I don't know what to say anymore. At the beginning, I said that I would cover me, but now I have to help."

It would definitely not be an easy thing to make Kong call him out regardless of his face. It is very possible that he, uh, he is now at the critical point of life and death.

The black hexagram circle rose from under Ye Yun's feet, and then rose rapidly. The surrounding space twisted and rolled rapidly like boiling water. Finally, with a "boo", a sound like a burst of bubbles, Ye Yun had disappeared in the in place.

The Realm of Chaos is the most chaotic area in the entire blue star space, and it is also the place where the first black hole descends. Except for the extremely powerful Carlos and some strange and unknown alien creatures living here, no human being dares to set foot here, which is worthy of the name restricted area of ​​life.

In the depths of the realm of chaos, an extremely magnificent and strange building stands here. Giant dragons of various colors soar into the sky. On the wall are patrolling Carlos with different shapes. Each of them exudes a powerful aura. None are inferior to the sovereign.

Here, whether it is the proud and unruly dragon clan, or the king of a clan who ruled millions, they can only tremble and kneel on the ground in front of that man, not daring to make any resistance, not because of anything else, but because of him It is the unparalleled emperor.

Huaiyu Palace, which means to put the vast universe into my arms, is the resting place of Emperor Wushuang.Although it is called a palace, there is actually a universe inside, and it is said that it was transformed by the emperor himself enlightening a world.

Entering it, you will be surrounded by darkness that you can't see your fingers, but the stars above your head are shining brightly. Countless stars gather into a beam of light and stand in the center. There is only a simple and unpretentious futon in the light.

A majestic man in a simple black costume sat on it impressively. He closed his eyes tightly, and his long black hair was neatly tied in a dark gold carved dragon jade crown. He simply sat there, but no one was there. Dare to ignore its existence, as if he is the center of all things.

Kneeling in front of the man was a pale woman in black. She was dressed like a man in black, but she couldn't hide her exquisite figure. Looking closely at her face, even if it wasn't a stately beauty, it was not far away.But it was Kong who was separated from Ye Yun.

The man opened his eyes, and there seemed to be endless stars looming in his eyes. He looked down at Kong who was kneeling below him and said softly: "I lost my true nature and turned into such a ridiculous appearance, and I still have the face to see me. I really don't know what to brag about." You are brave, or should I call you cheap?"

The neither salty nor light tone, the emotions in the eyes are full of indifference, there is no trace of the warmth of the reunion of father and son.

"Don't be so preachy, I don't admit that people like you are my father at all, and you never treat us as your children, don't you?" Kong stared at the man in front of him, his eyes were terrifying.

After leaving Ye Yun, he tried his best to improve his strength, just to stand in front of this man again.But when that day really came, he realized how big the gap was between them.

Without any action or even words, the man just cast his eyes over, the indescribable horror pressure came from the pervasive squeeze of the void around him, he gritted his teeth and mobilized the power in his body that could destroy stars, but even so Under the weight of this terror, he could only slowly kneel down in front of that person.

What a humiliation!
"You said that, but it sounded like you were wronged. Do you need me to touch your head and say something nice to comfort you? Daughter?" Emperor Wushuang said calmly.

"Bastard, shut up!" The last two words pierced Kong's heart like a branding iron, he roared, black law order patterns emerged from the surface of the skin, and a black ominous mist emerged around his body.

"It's not big or small." Emperor Wushuang didn't have the slightest emotional fluctuation from the beginning to the end, and he suppressed Kong once again by raising his eyes a little.

"Peak Emperor, although you are the youngest, you have the best talent among all the children, and it is not in vain that your mother tried her best to protect you."

"What do you mean?" Kong's eyes were bloodshot, his hair disheveled, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

Emperor Wushuang got up slowly, turned his back to Kong and said indifferently: "You think you are a weapon, I have been just planning to use you all this time, but that's just a lie your mother instilled in you since childhood, that's all a selfish woman ah!"

"What do you mean?" Kong was stunned when he heard this.

"Your mother is the saint of the Temple of Time and Space. I met her by accident, because you were born in an accident. She has always regretted it, because she has never had a good impression of me or even hated me, because it doesn't make sense. Love is irretrievable by the time she finds out, you were born under such circumstances, so do you understand?"

The man's words were very cold, but Sora didn't feel much discouraged. Hundreds of years of loneliness had already made him a real lone wolf, but he just felt a little sad.

His mother lied to him. In fact, he had noticed it when he was very young, and those long-term memories revived in his mind again.

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