Doomsday Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 97 Clark Didn't Leave?

Unexpectedly...was Li Yichen really hit the mark?
Seeing the thin messenger, the lone wolf was horrified. He didn't quite believe what Li Yichen said earlier, but he didn't expect that the whole process of coming to the laboratory this time was exactly as Li Yichen predicted, just like everything was originally planned. He seems to have arranged it.

Not only did the researchers inside almost answer their own questions, but when they were about to leave, the thin emissary also appeared on time according to Li Yichen's "prophecy".

But the lone wolf didn't show it on his face, instead, there was a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes, and he said lightly:
"I don't have anything to do recently, so I just want to come to the laboratory to learn some new techniques and prepare for the future!"

"In the future? What preparations are you making?"

The thin messenger smiled.

"I have a hunch that maybe I will deal with some people who betrayed the 'Tiger Shark Base' in the future, so I want to prepare some unique methods for them, so as not to be too grand!"

Looking at the thin messenger, the lone wolf specially emphasized the words "Tiger Shark Base"!
"Oh! That's hard work! It seems that you are still very loyal to the 'Tiger Shark Base'!"

There was a hint of mockery in the smile on the thin messenger's face, and he actually added the words "Tiger Shark Base", reaching out and patted Lone Wolf on the shoulder:

"Don't worry! In another dozen days, our corpse tide will arrive, and our brain will take shape. Although we don't have the shell of the armored tyrant, it is not a problem to destroy that small base! After the end, you will have Chance!"


The lone wolf nodded, and then walked forward. Just after taking two steps, the skinny messenger suddenly asked:

"By the way! Have you found the new base of those guys from Wanshan Base?"

The lone wolf who originally wanted to stop and talk about his "new discovery" immediately stopped, turned around and looked at the thin messenger, and said calmly:

"Not yet! I'll take people out to look for them right away. As long as they are still alive, they will definitely be found within three days!"

"it is good!"

The thin emissary nodded, with a look of approval on his face:

"Then go!"

The lone wolf didn't say anything, just turned around and left...

"Hmph! I knew you were looking for an excuse, so I'll just give you one, so as to save you from making it up badly. If I agree, you'll look mentally handicapped!"

Looking at the lone wolf's back, the thin messenger had a smile on his face, and thought to himself.

"Hmph! This grandson really knows how to cooperate, and he just found a reason for me. What the fuck I prepared for a long time didn't work!"

The lone wolf who left also secretly thought in his heart...


"It's actually... just like what you said, how do you know?"

When the lone wolf returned to the outer city, he came to Li Yichen, looked at him strangely and asked.

"This... I will explain it to you later!"

Li Yichen smiled, then patted Lone Wolf on the shoulder, and said a little funny:
"Assemble your people, use the reason that guy gave, and quickly lead people to evacuate!"


Lone Wolf nodded. He knew that there was a wide-angle camera in the new mask he was wearing. Li Yichen could see everything he saw just now, and the voice was synchronized, so he didn't need to explain his itinerary at all!
Because they had been prepared a long time ago, it didn't take a few minutes for a total of 32 people to gather in front of the lone wolf.

In fact, these people are not the only ones under Lone Wolf's subordinates. Those standing here are all carefully selected by Lone Wolf himself. Except for the children he brought over from the previous base, the rest are all grown up in childhood. Follow the lone wolf, the shortest is more than 7 years!

Because the lone wolf also knew what this action represented, so he didn't want any surprises. Anyone he felt he couldn't fully trust was sent to the fence to be on night shift.

"Brother Wolf! Clark..."

Seeing that Li Yichen was standing on the side and did not enter the team, Ralph asked, although he completely trusted the Lone Wolf, Clark was his own brother after all.

"He has a special mission! He needs to join us later!"

Cyclops didn't explain much.

"How about... I will carry out this task and let him leave with you?"

Ralph couldn't help saying.

"Shut up! If Clark is really in danger, will I keep him here? Obey my orders, I don't have time to explain to you now, if you don't believe me, get out immediately, and don't follow me in the future!"

The lone wolf shouted in a low voice, and then glanced at Li Yichen, thinking that staying here would indeed be dangerous, but... your brother must be fine.

Seeing that the lone wolf got angry, Ralph couldn't help shrinking his neck, and finally stopped talking, but kept looking at Clark. Li Yichen felt helpless, but he could only smile and nod to him, and gave him a reassuring sign. gesture.

Seeing Li Yichen's relaxed face, and not even a trace of tension in his eyes, Ralph felt relieved, so he nodded and looked at Lone Wolf!
Lone Wolf turned his head and nodded to Li Yichen, then turned around and said:
"Let's keep up! Let's search for those people in Wanshan Base and see where they are hiding. We must find them out!"


Everyone agreed in unison, and then rushed out of the room together, leaving Li Yichen alone...

"How soon are you going to catch me?"

Li Yichen watched the Lone Wolf and the others go away, closed the door, flipped his hand, looked at a remote detonator on his palm, and said in a low voice:
"Ten minutes? Or half an hour?"


"Messenger! They're leaving!"

Huang Jinfu didn't know how many times he stood in front of the two messengers to report today, but this time there was a little more excitement on his face, because the one-eyed guy finally left the base, and we will meet again next time. The guy who was brutal and bloodthirsty, and who never pretended to talk to him, was about to prostrate and howl in front of him.

"Well! Let them go! Are they all gone?"

The thin messenger nodded, and then asked.


Huang Jinfu looked at the notebook in his hand:
"Including himself, a total of 33 people left, and the others who were close to him were all sent to the fence by him on duty!"

"Hehe! It seems... these are the people he really believes in!"

The thin messenger laughed.

"That's right! The messenger, and another person, was not sent to the city wall by him, but he was not taken away by him, but stayed in their camp!"

Jin Fu suddenly said again:
"It's the Clark who disappeared with him before!"


The thin emissary was taken aback for a moment, and then took out a headscarf from his pocket, a little playful:
"It seems... this kid has a special mission! Then..."

The thin emissary suddenly stood up, looked at Jin Fu and said:

"Come with me! Go and see what mission this kid has, and then I'll have time to chase those people!"

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