
The appearance of the three major legions not only shocked all the survivors, but even Wan Shan and Li Dong, who were strengtheners, were stunned. foul language.

The survivors below were even more blown up, shouting in unison:

"This...they have all become strengtheners?"

"Nonsense! Then there's no need to ask? Are you trying to jump from such a height?"

"Those children...were they still ordinary people yesterday? How could they..."

"I'm going! This is our army? Haha! What else is there to be afraid of in the future?"

"What's that they're carrying? Rifles?"

"It seems to be! But... Didn't you say that the thermal weapons were no longer found more than ten years ago? Where did you find so many rifles? They still look new!"

"It is estimated that there is no bullet, and the gun can actually be found. What is lacking now is only ammunition. It is said that in the first few years before the end of the world, all the pills on the planet were consumed, but even so, it could not be curbed. With the development of zombies, the end of the world is finally here!"

"That's right! But thanks to the consumption of a lot of thermal weapons and ammunition at that time, we humans have time to adapt to the end of the world and build so many bases. Otherwise, the world is now dominated by zombies."

"I think... In fact, the world is also dominated by zombies now!"

"What I want to know now is... can I join the army?"

"I want to too! Just ask!"

"Why don't you ask?"

"I am afraid!"

"I'm even more scared!"

Because of Li Yichen's previous performance, and the calmness with which they killed the ten traitors and drove away the three children and the woman, these survivors have already secretly nicknamed Li Yichen behind their backs - the Great Demon King!

Because they feel that this guy is the most ruthless guy in the entire base, turning his face is faster than turning a book, it is best not to offend him, otherwise, you may spend the rest of your life in regret—if you have the rest of your life.

What they didn't know was that a guy who made them hate him even more and turned his face when he heard about it, hadn't joined the base yet, and their nightmare... hadn't really come yet.

"This is the army at our base. They are: Scythe of Hell, Shadow of Death, and Redemption Legion. They will undertake the guarding and attacking tasks of the base. In addition, before the law enforcement team of our base is established, they will also be responsible for the law enforcement of the base. Work!"

Li Yichen said to the survivors below:

"What I need to remind you is that during their law enforcement process, the person subject to execution must not resist or attack them in any way, otherwise, it will be considered as a declaration of war on the base, and not only will his status as a member of the base be revoked immediately , will also be regarded as enemies, and they have the right to kill on the spot!"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, the faces of the survivors changed drastically. Don't these guys have too much power?This is equivalent to controlling the life and death power of all of them!
"Don't worry! I know what you are thinking."

Seeing everyone's expressions, Li Yichen said again:

"They will not report private revenge, nor will they intentionally embarrass anyone. They are just defenders of the rules of the base. If any of them dare to mix personal emotions in law enforcement, I will personally kill them. So, as long as you don't touch the base There is no need to be afraid of them! If they really wronged you, you will definitely get a chance to appeal for yourself."

After speaking, Li Yichen pointed to Wan Shan:
"As for the rules of the base, and some things you need to know to survive in this base from now on, he will tell you that after he finishes speaking, if there is no objection, then register and officially become a member of the capital of hell." Members, if you find it unacceptable, you can leave immediately! You can take your belongings, and the base will give you energy blocks for ten days!"

After Li Yichen finished speaking, he stood at the back and gave way to Wan Shan. Wan Shan recited in front of everyone what they had studied all night last night, and finally announced that the capital of hell base, today Officially established!
"Fuck! We can join the army too!"

"Haha! I want to join! But... a thousand points? Seems a bit much?"

"Um! Killing a thousand zombies, or working a thousand hours, that's a bit of a lot! But it doesn't matter, as long as you have something to look forward to."

"That's right! Don't say a thousand points, even if you have [-] points, as long as you work hard, you will be able to make up enough, um! Let me calculate how many days it will take if I rely on work..."

What made Wan Shan depressed was that, as they expected, when the rules were announced, everyone would express their dissatisfaction because the criminal law was too severe, and even if they fought with others, they would be expelled from the base.

The most discussed by the people below was how long it would take them to earn the [-] points to apply for joining the army, and while discussing, they secretly looked at those soldiers...

"Am I crazy or are they crazy? Don't they know how dangerous the army is? Before they were asked to join the army, and they offered benefits and they stayed away. Now...the application requires [-] points, Isn't it absolutely successful, they are so enthusiastic?"

Looking at the crowd below and listening to their words, Wan Shan and Li Dong felt like crying. They began to believe that Li Yichen's method was indeed better than what they used before, and it was much better!

But having said that, the appearance of the three major legions just now was indeed quite shocking. There are nearly 400 enhancers in Nima, and they appear collectively in standard equipment. This kind of visual impact is definitely unforgettable for a lifetime.

And... the entire Hell Capital Base, there are more than 1000 people at full count, and the number of enhancers is close to [-]. This is almost half of it. Which base can be so awesome?
"Hey! Lao Wan! Those guns...have bullets?"

Li Dong looked enviously at the rifles in the hands of the soldiers of the Redemption and Hell's Scythe, and quietly leaned into Wan Shan's ear and asked.

"Do you think that since the kid took out the gun and equipped them with it, would he not be able to take out the bullets?"

Wan Shan sighed.

"will not!"

Li Dong shook his head:
"Don't talk about bullets, even if this kid pulls out an aircraft carrier from his bag, I won't blink!"

"Okay! Shut up!"

Seeing the chaos below, Li Yichen shouted loudly, and there was no sound below.

"For those who want to leave, find Lao Wan to receive the bio-energy block, and those who accept the rules to stay in the base, find Li Dong to register, and line up in order!"

Li Yichen pointed to Wan Shan and Li Dongdao, then jumped off the high platform and waved:

"Follow me from the three major armies, I will take you to practice guns!"

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