Doomsday Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 617 An Incomprehensible Battle

Li Yichen asked the Lin family to evacuate the city with the survivors and enter the mountains or dig underground shelters elsewhere, naturally to avoid the attacks of the undead.

But he forgot one thing, if they want to know what the undead in Shanghai are doing, they need to rely on the reconnaissance satellite launched before, but if the undead want to control the movement of human beings, they don’t need any technological weapons—— The ubiquitous zombies can help them find the whereabouts of humans!

Therefore, a day later, Li Yichen and the others were found. After all, there were a large number of zombies nearby, and the undead gathered zombies not to kill humans, but to consume the number of zombies!So they didn't plan to wait for all the zombies to gather before attacking the human race, but launched an attack on them immediately after discovering them! !
Li Yichen followed Lin Huanyu and the others to enter the mountains, and after being discovered by the zombies, they found that the zombies were not led by the undead, but started to attack under the leadership of high-level zombies such as lickers and tyrants.

To be honest, such a group of corpses hardly poses any threat to Li Yichen, especially in the mountains, except for the lickers, the actions of other zombies have been seriously affected!Combat power will naturally drop significantly.

Not to mention the enhancers and evolvers of the Lin family, even ordinary survivors can fight zombies in the mountains relying on the terrain!
So, while continuing to enter the depths of the mountains, Li Yichen led the people from Xiangcheng to stop the zombies constantly!
Despite the protection of the Lin family and Li Yichen, after all, there are too many ordinary survivors, and they have to carry food and some supplies, and the speed is greatly slowed down, so although a large number of zombies were beheaded by them, they still lost some survivors.

However, even during the battle, Li Yichen had been observing the zombies, and he soon discovered a strange phenomenon, that is... the lost survivors, they were not dead, but captured up.

He saw with his own eyes that a few lickers rushed into the crowd, and then they didn't kill like before, but dragged a human and turned around and fled...

"What are they doing?"

Li Yichen couldn't help frowning and thought, if zombies want to kill a person, they don't have to work so hard. They can achieve their goal with a light stroke on his arm, or a bite, but now it seems that they want to live? "

The undead must have their purpose in doing this, but Li Yichen is not sure what they are going to do. Presumably it is related to the trial passage. After losing the coordinates, can they use living humans to restore the coordinates again?
Li Yichen wasn't sure, but at least he knew that this was definitely not a good thing, couldn't all the zombies become vegetarian overnight, right?
Therefore, without much hesitation, Li Yichen directly withdrew from the battle temporarily, found Lin Huanyu who was leading his people away, and told him the strange situation he had discovered.

"What do you think they are going to use these living people for? Have you encountered such a thing before?"

After finishing speaking, Li Yichen stared at Lin Huanyu and asked.

"do not know!"

Lin Huanyu shook his head and replied, then turned to look at the other people behind him, and found that they also shook their heads together!
This is no wonder to them, because they have never seen zombies and will capture prisoners!Could it be that the zombies are going to spend the winter now, so they store food in advance?

"Forget it! Anyway, no matter what they do, it's not good for us! Then just destroy it!"

Li Yichen gritted his teeth!Then he said to Lin Huanyu:
"Change your strategy! Let the people of your Lin family die and protect those ordinary people!"


Lin Huanyu was stunned, hesitantly did not agree, although the Lin family were all existences above Enhancer, but the problem was that what they were dealing with now were zombies, not ordinary enemies.

Fighting zombies, even if they are injured, means death, so why would he send someone from his Lin family to help those guys cut off their queens?Although those survivors were also human beings, the Lin family did not come from this planet after all!

They were protected before because they were sure that the undead would not come out to attack the city, so they were willing to save as many survivors as possible without harming their own interests.

But they never thought about sacrificing themselves to protect those they didn't know, so of course Lin Huanyu would not easily agree to Li Yichen at this time!

"You have to know that they must have their purpose in doing this, and it will definitely be against us."

Seeing Lin Huanyu's slow refusal, Li Yichen couldn't help pointing to those humans who were constantly being dragged away by the enhanced zombies:
"If we don't stop them, things beyond our control will definitely happen in the future. At that time, not only will we never return to the place of trial, we may even all die here!"

"you sure?"

Lin Huanyu couldn't help asking, Lin Huanyu didn't really care if he could go back to the trial ground, but if they all died here, it wouldn't be fun!Especially now that Lin Poyu is trapped in Shanghai and unable to contact him, he must not let his clan suffer a lot of casualties.

"Of course! Otherwise, do you think the undead will still be in the mood to come to us to catch pets after their trial passage is destroyed?"

Li Yichen roared loudly:

"If you don't believe me, you can ask other points, it must be the case for all of them! If you allow the undead to succeed, even if your Lin family can survive, how long do you think you can live?"

When Lin Huanyu heard the words, he connected to the communication, and asked about the situation of people from other cities after they escaped!

As Li Yichen expected, the evacuated people from other cities were also entangled by the tide of corpses, and those people also discovered that the zombies were catching humans!

In addition, among the people in other cities, there are actually three cities whose survivors did not

"Let our people stop them, cover the survivors and retreat, don't let them be captured, and never let the undead's conspiracy succeed!!"

Hearing other people's answers, Lin Huanyu immediately made up his mind, without hesitation, he shouted into the communicator:
"In addition, let all survivors who have not reached the strengthener withdraw from the battle as soon as possible, and don't get entangled with the corpse tide."

For the Lin family, without Lin Poyu, Lin Huanyu was the temporary helm of their Lin family, so his words were well carried out.

With the assistance of the strong Lin family, the number of captured humans finally began to drop sharply, but the number of zombies was still decreasing. In Li Yichen's view, the balance of war finally began to tilt towards them...

In the following two days, the battle situation really verified Li Yichen's thoughts. Although the survivors of the Lin family's cities all encountered corpses after leaving the city, the results of the battle were very satisfactory!

It seems that these zombies suddenly won't bite people. No matter whether they are high-level zombies or low-level zombies, they are all focused on rushing forward. Aside from the screaming survivor leaving, they didn't cause any major casualties at all, and even very few were injured!

No one was injured, so naturally no one would turn into zombies, especially now that the Lin family's children were resisting the corpses at the outermost edge, this situation naturally made them breathe a sigh of relief!
What they were most afraid of before was getting scratched, even if they reached B-level or even A-level, once they fell into the corpses and got a small cut, it also means that your life is gone!

Now, although some of them still lost some of them and were jointly captured by the zombies, at least they were not killed on the spot!
Not dying on the spot, one means that there is still a chance of survival, and the other means that the children of the Lin family don't have to face their clansmen who have turned into zombies!

You won't feel scared when you see ordinary zombies, but what if the zombies you face are transformed after the death of someone you are familiar with?Especially... this person was bitten to death by zombies just because he was protecting you, can you punch him to death with all your heart?

This situation is the most damaging to morale, especially for a large family like the Lin family!
Because even after leaving the city, the communication was not cut off, so Lin Huanyu still kept in touch with the survivors in other cities, and also learned about the battle situation in other cities!
When he learned that there were no undead on all the battlefields, and all he saw were zombies, Li Yichen took out his tablet to confirm, and found that the number of undead in Shanghai did not seem to decrease!
"Why don't these undead come out by themselves?"

While killing wildly, Li Yichen thought to himself, he doesn't understand, the fighting power of the corpse tide is obviously not right now!Especially since he has been on the battlefield all the time, are these zombies really the ones that go crazy when they see strangers?
Even without the control of the undead, the fighting power of the corpse tide is not equal, and after so long, Li Yichen found that he seemed to have fought until now, and he has never found anyone killed or bitten, not even scratched.

"Could it be some kind of conspiracy?"

Li Yichen murmured as he watched the survivors who were being dragged into the corpses from time to time even though the defense was tight, and then quickly pulled away and disappeared.

Is paying the price of so many zombie deaths just to catch some survivors back?What are the undead playing?
Thinking of this, Li Yichen took out the tablet again, and looked at Shanghai City. There was still no movement of the undead there, at least there was no change in the number of undead!
"Did you hide?"

Li Yichen wanted to know if the undead were deliberately showing weakness and luring them to attack, so he gritted his teeth and risked being shot down, constantly moving the position of the reconnaissance satellite towards Shanghai...

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