Doomsday Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 608 The Undying King

In an open space five kilometers away from the Undead City, there are about [-] to [-] undead gathered. The one in the center is an undead that Li Yichen hadn't noticed before, while the undead standing at the top was It is standing behind this undead.

In addition, on the monitoring screen of the reconnaissance satellite, it can be seen that there are still many undead people gathering towards this location. Looking from a high altitude, it looks like ants returning to their nests.

"Sure enough! I knew that this thing couldn't kill many high-level undead!"

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen couldn't help sighing softly, although there are only [-] to [-] undead here, which is much less than the hundreds of thousands before, but don't forget that the undead were scattered and fled just now, and now they can gather The ones here are just those undead in this direction, so this should only be one-seventh or eighth of the undead who survived!

So if you do the math, there are at least 40 or [-] undead who survived. Although it seems that many undead are in a mess, and some even lack arms and legs, but in terms of their recovery ability, this is nothing at all injury.

Li Yichen didn't pay attention to the undead that he knew at the top. What he looked at was obviously in the center. The other undead were about one meter away from him. The undead surrounded in the center !
If you guessed right, this guy is the strongest of the undead. The reason why the undead stood at the highest point before should be because he is the strongest of the space department and is responsible for connecting the space channel!
The undead in the center looks easy to distinguish, because there are some irregular red magic lines on his face, and the skin all over his body is also dark red. Among the undead who are all indigo, he is a A very prominent sign.

Li Yichen's judgment was correct, because this undead tribe is actually the king of the undead tribe - Archimonde! !

Archimonde's complexion was not very good at this time, because the accidents in the past two days were really too many for him. First of all, there was a situation on the trial continent, and their action to strengthen the trial passage was disrupted.

Afterwards, among the twenty clansmen he supported at all costs, only one survived and successfully passed the trial passage, while the other 19 died.

If it is here, killing 19 B-level undead is nothing at all, but in the place of trials, this kind of loss is huge. Even if they survive two more, they can suppress two more trials Race.

Although other races may have sneaked some C-level or B-level powerhouses, but due to the restrictions of the trial rules, they dare not appear blatantly, except for the Zerg!
Of course, the Zerg race is not regarded by the undead at all. If they were not fancy that they can provide the undead with a steady stream of life energy, they would have been eliminated in the last era.

Strictly speaking, in the trial of the last era, the Zerg was able to get the second place in the trial, largely because of the undead, because in the eyes of the undead, the existence of the Zerg can help them quickly after suffering heavy losses. Restoration, that's why they left the Zerg last.

But now, not only is there something wrong with the trial ground, even the trial passage has been blown up!Archimonde knew that the passage was destroyed because a human race passed through the trial passage, and he also knew why the undead didn't have strong people guarding the trial passage over there!

The only thing he didn't understand was why B-level life appeared among the humans in the trial land. Aren't those natives only C-level because of their highest strength?

It was because of the news from the place of trial that the highest strength of the human race was C-level, so he agreed to let them go to the seaside to hunt mutant aquatic beasts and accumulate energy to strengthen the passage. Otherwise, he would at least let Caldara guard the trial. channel.

Of course, if the trial channel is destroyed, they can re-establish the space link, but the price is too much for them to bear, and there is only one chance.

To re-establish the link, first of all, at least two S-level powerhouses who comprehend the rules of space are required, and one of them needs to be sacrificed to locate the coordinates of the trial site, and then, a large amount of life energy is required to reopen the trial channel Build it!

Now, they have completed the first step, but when they were doing the second step, they were hit!The weapons of mass destruction in this world were all destroyed by them tomorrow morning. Where did the blow just now come from?
Archimonde can't think of it, and he doesn't have time to think about it now, because the trial passage that was just built has begun to shrink, and even disappeared. If no measures are taken, they will completely lose the coordinates of the trial site.

Because they were the winners before, there is no chance to open the trial channel again now. If this coordinate is lost again, then they are undead, which means they have completely withdrawn from this trial!
Because although there are many undead S-level powerhouses, there are only two who have comprehended the rules of space. Before, because of the need to locate the coordinates, one of the space points connecting here and the trial ground died, and now only It's next.

If the coordinates disappear, even if they use this strong person to relocate the coordinates, they will not have any extra space for the strong person to build the trial passage.

Now the trial channel has disappeared, and the coordinates can be kept for up to 5 minutes, but the problem is... What if this space powerhouse is sent to maintain the coordinates, and there are previous blows?
The incomparable anger in Archimonde's heart was even more entangled. As the undead king, he could not tolerate the undead being disqualified from the trial before the trial began!
Without much hesitation, Archimonde turned his head and looked at the S-rank space rule expert behind him, and ordered with his consciousness:

"Go to the trial channel and maintain the connection with the space point! It must not be broken!"


The obedience of the undead is unquestionable. The strong man in the space did not hesitate at all, and disappeared in a flash, heading towards the direction of the trial passage...

"You! Half of the people are going to gather the undead from all over the world, and all of them will gather here! Give up all the territory! The rest of you, follow me, and attack the city of the human race!"

Archimonde ordered again that the attack just now must have been launched by the human race. In order to prevent them from continuing to destroy this place, they must fight back immediately, so that the human race has no time to worry about their trial passage. Only in this way can the trial land be kept Therefore, even though almost all the zombies have been lost, he decided to lead the team himself to attack the human city and contain them...

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