Chapter 46 Arms Transaction

"Yes, Mr. Qin!" Xiao Xue responded.

"Then go back and draw up the contract, and start purchasing as soon as possible. I will put the purchasing budget into a foreign bank account." Qin Bin said.

Seeing that Qin Bin agreed, Xiao Xue finally breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately responded, "It's Mr. Qin, I will do my best!"

This time, it was at least a big business of tens of billions!

Earn this sum and you will be able to achieve financial freedom!
Xiao Xue is determined to seize this opportunity!

The group returned to the city by car.

In the evening, stay in the presidential suite of the five-star hotel.

Qin Bin sent the purchase plan to Xiao Xue, and the latter determined the purchase contract amount according to the plan, a total of 130 billion!
A quarter of these expenses are Party B's profit, administrative and transportation expenses, these procurement costs, and the rest is the money for purchasing materials.

A considerable part of the purchase cost is also regarded as Party B's profit. This business is a big deal for this commercial company!

After Xiao Xue reported the information, the company sent two business teams and the regional director in the Philippines to immediately start implementing the contract, and the time was only 25 days!
"Mr. Qin, I'll take my leave first. After I go back, I will work overtime and send you the execution form. I promise to complete all purchases within 25 days!" Xiao Xue got up and said.

"Well, let's go." Qin Bin nodded.

After Xiao Xue left, Ye Cunxin asked in a low voice: "Brother Bin, what should we do next? Wait until they finish purchasing?"

"No, I still have a very important thing to do, purchasing arms!" Qin Bin said seriously.


Qin Bin entered the dark web through a robot connection, and found a relatively reputable arms dealer in the Philippines on the dark web. After conducting an in-depth background investigation, Qin Bin found that this person had been doing arms trading on the dark web for more than ten years. Never changed.

It can be said that it is relatively reliable, but when dealing with these people, Qin Bin has to work hard.

Arms dealers, they are really a bunch of profit-seeking guys!

After getting in touch on the dark web, the two parties agreed to have a detailed discussion in a commercial building in the center of Rhodes, Philippines at 10:[-] the morning after tomorrow.

For this reason, Qin Bin contacted a local international mercenary company the next day, and hired 5000 security guards with guns for 100 million US dollars to be responsible for the whole process of security.

On the third day, July 7st, there are only 1 days left until the end of the world!
Fifteen security cars of various types and armored off-road vehicles appeared under the Nayang Building in Rhodes City. The formation was very large and the aura was very strong!

Such a large formation naturally caused many people on the side of the road to stop and watch, thinking that the leader of some country was coming.

Qin Bin got down from the leader-level bulletproof car, wearing a decent black suit, full of energy, his tall and straight figure and handsome appearance immediately caused all the women around him to exclaim.

"What a handsome guy!"

"Where is this star?"

"My god, so handsome!"

Ye Cunxin was dressed very smartly in camouflage pants and a short shirt, as well as a bulletproof vest and a tactical vest, looking heroic!
"Brother Bin, they've arrived, on the 39th floor!" Ye Cunxin said in a low voice. She was wearing a headset and followed Qin Bin closely, taking full precautions.

"Well, let's go in!" Qin Bin nodded.

The security personnel had already entered the building first and conducted all aspects of security. People were stationed on every floor. After ensuring safety, Qin Bin was allowed to enter inside.

In the lobby, a middle-aged local man wearing Filipino clothes saw Qin Bin and stepped forward to salute: "Mr. Qin? Mr. Buddha head is waiting for you on the 39th floor, please follow me!"

Qin Bin followed the middle-aged man to the elevator and went straight to the 39th floor.

After Qin Bin got out of the elevator, dozens of security personnel also rushed to the door. Qin Bin asked them to wait at the door, and only took Ye Cunxin into a company on the 39th floor.

"Welcome Mr. Qin!"

Just as Qin Bin entered the door, a bald man with two big gold teeth in his mouth appeared in front of him. He greeted and shook hands enthusiastically in broken Chinese.

This person is the arms dealer in the dark net, Buddha head.

After the two shook hands, Buddha head invited Qin Bin into the company meeting room.

The two sat down while the others stood.

"Buddha head, let's not talk nonsense. I want to buy ammunition. What kind of ammunition do you have here?" Qin Bin sat on the chair and asked straight to the point.

Seeing Qin Bin's demeanor and the ostentation just seen, the Buddha's head felt that Qin Bin was an extraordinary person.

However, the people who dare to buy arms from him are not ordinary people, either the rebels of some government, or some big local tyrant in the Middle East.

"Haha, let me be straightforward, Mr. Qin, please look at our ordnance catalogue, there are prices on it, and they are all clearly marked, no deception!" Buddha head patted his bald head, and said with a fleshy smile.

Qin Bin took the file and checked the card for a few glances. There were only light weapons, grenades, bombs, rocket launchers and other light weapons on it, but these weapons were enough. Noah's Ark had naval guns. Compared with the most advanced battleships, it was only It's about to launch a missile.

Don’t even think about vertical missiles, aircraft and cannons. They are generally not available, and even if they can be purchased, it is impossible to complete the transaction within only one month.

All major arms deals take a year or two.

So light weapons are enough for Qin Bin.

After looking at the ordnance above, Qin Bin selected several targets. The first one is the AK47, the most mature firearm with the lowest failure rate. This can be said to be the most mature rifle in the world.

The second is the HK416 rifle, the top air-operated rifle in the world. It has been tested in various extreme environments and has very high stability. This kind of gun is also more suitable in the doomsday.

The third M16, 5.56 mm caliber assault rifle, is the gun with the largest inventory and relatively high stability.

In addition to assault rifles, Qin Bin also selected various types of light and heavy sniper rifles, such as Barrett M82, AWM/P, automatic machine gun RPK and the like.

Each of these firearms comes in tens of thousands, and the number of bazookas and various grenades is also tens of thousands. Finally, 10 standard boxes of bullets of various specifications are purchased, and each standard box is about 20 tons!
After hearing about the munitions that Qin Bin wanted to purchase, the Buddha was stunned!

"Qin, Mr. Qin, may I ask you, which country are you going to attack?"

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