The top ten female emperors stood up to welcome the return of the immortal emperor

Chapter 4 Brother Knows Immortal Techniques, This Fire Will Not Be Extinguished

"Brother, I still feel cold."

Yang Ling had three layers inside and three layers outside, and almost all of her clothes were wrapped around her body, wrapped like a rice dumpling.

Yang Huan, who was only wearing unlined clothing, was a little puzzled. He touched Yang Ling's head and found that it was very warm, and he was covered in sweat.

In this case, how can it be cold?
"There is a bonfire here, and you have a lot of clothes on your body, and you are covered in sweat, why are you still cold?"

Yang Huan was a little puzzled, so he took a piece of roasted dry food from the campfire, broke it into pieces and put it in Yang Ling's mouth.

Yang Ling, who was tightly wrapped, was eating roasted dry food, while looking at the campfire, and said:
"Because my brother and I will fall asleep later, and this fire will be extinguished."

"It's late autumn now, winter is coming soon, and it's very cold at night."

Only then did Yang Huan understand what Yang Ling meant.

It is indeed as Yang Ling said, it is already late autumn in September, and it will soon enter October.

There are no trees in this area, only endless rocks, like a desert.

It's hot as hell during the day, and the temperature drops sharply at night.

If both of them fell asleep at this moment, these pieces of firewood would probably burn out in a short time.

At that time, I am afraid that no matter how many clothes the two children under ten years old have on, they will be frozen awake.

Yang Huan rubbed his chin, then his eyes lit up, and he gently patted Yang Ling's head.

"Don't be afraid, my brother met a fairy before. He taught me the magic of immortality."

"Wait a while, brother, use fairy art on this fire, it will burn forever."

Yang Ling's eyes widened suddenly, and Shui Lingling's eyes fixed on Yang Huan: "Really?"

"When did my brother lie to you, you can go to sleep with peace of mind." Yang Huan nodded firmly, and fed the last few pieces of roasted dry food to Yang Ling.

With Yang Huan's promise, Yang Ling closed her eyes with a smile on her face, and her breathing gradually became more even.

And Yang Huan, after seeing Yang Ling asleep, tried to call her softly, and found that she was already asleep, so he was relieved.

Yang Huan looked at Yang Ling's sleeping face, smiled wryly, and stood up slowly.

The temperature of the pile of rocks in the middle of the night has dropped to more than ten below zero.

And Yang Huan, braving the knife-like cold wind, resolutely walked towards the depths of the forest.

After a long time, with dry firewood piled on his back, he ran back to the pile of rocks trembling.

Looking at the bonfire with only a small smoldering flame left, he didn't have time to warm his hands, so he carefully put a few twigs on it.

He waited for the flames to re-emerge before he stacked the large pieces of wood on top.

Looking at Yang Ling whose sleep was not affected at all, Yang Huan showed a slight smile and rubbed his hands that were red with cold.

"This is my brother's fairy art."

Throughout the whole night, Yang Huan never closed his eyes.

Almost every 10 minutes, I went to add some firewood to the campfire.

When the sun came out, Yang Lingshui opened his eyes in a daze.

Yang Huan hadn't slept for twelve hours.

"Brother, I slept so comfortably this time, the bonfire really hasn't gone out!"

Yang Ling stretched her waist comfortably, and said excitedly.

At this time, Yang Huan's spirit was obviously a little sluggish.

But he still held on, forced himself to smile and said, "Is that so? The fairy art that the fairy taught me is amazing!"

Yang Lingxin thought it was true and nodded: "Yeah! Brother is so good, I want to learn fairy art in the future!"

"Okay, I'll teach you when you're older."

"Let's continue on our way."

With that said, Yang Huan continued to hold Yang Ling's hand and walked towards the nearest village.

"Ji Xianzun was really a good brother when he was a child!"

A crowd of girls couldn't help but gasped in admiration.

Even Yang Ling, who originally had great hatred for Yang Huan, felt a tingling pain in his heart at this moment.

However, he thought of his companion fairy treasure "Nine Phantom Jade" that was taken away, and his beloved who was killed by Yang Huan himself.

She still clenched her fists, her eyes were cold, and she continued to read.

The scars caused by some things cannot be easily covered up after all.

As soon as the scene changed, the two of them trekked all day, and finally came to the nearest village at night.

This village is not large, it seems that there are only a few dozen families.

As the sun sets in the evening, wisps of white cooking smoke float into the air, and oil lamps are lit.

What a peaceful and warm day.

Yang Huan stared blankly at the family of three illuminated by candlelight on the window sill of a house, and froze in place.

After a long time, it wasn't until Yang Ling patted him lightly that he came back to his senses and shook his head vigorously, telling himself not to think too much.

"Brother, where are we going next?" Yang Ling looked at the village and lost his mind for a moment.

Yang Huan also stood there in embarrassment.

All he knew was to take Yang Ling away from the place where he used to live.

But I don't know how to spend the next day.

After a long time, he looked at a very simple restaurant at the entrance of the village and made up his mind.

"Come on, let's go to that restaurant!"

When Yang Ling heard that she was going to a restaurant, her stomach growled instantly.

"Brother, do you want to eat delicious food!? I want to eat roast chicken!"

Yang Huan patted her head dumbfoundingly: "Okay, let's eat roast chicken."

As he spoke, Yang Huan touched his pocket.

There are also a few taels of silver and dozens of copper plates in the pocket.

Mother Ji Yao did not wantonly acquire property in the mortal world, but lived like an ordinary person.

So there is not a lot of money in the family, just enough food and clothing.

But the money was a sky-high price for Yang Huan at the time.

Normally, he and Yang Ling only have one coin to buy candy.

The two trotted for two steps, looked at the empty restaurant, and walked in.

"Boss? Is the boss there?"

While calling for the boss, Yang Huan found a seat for Yang Ling to sit down.

After a while, an old voice came from the kitchen.

"Sorry, it's closed today, please come back tomorrow."

As the voice fell, an old man in gray cloth came out of the kitchen.

When he saw the disgraced brother and sister Yang Huan, he couldn't help but froze in place.

"Grandpa, my sister wants to eat roast chicken, do you have any more?"

"Don't worry, I have money, and I won't give you free food!"

As Yang Huan said, he took out the copper plate from his pocket and put it on the table.

The old man looked at Yang Ling, then at Yang Huan, with a smile on his face: "Well, I happen to have a roast chicken left, just wait."

After finishing speaking, the old man walked into the kitchen and brought out a plate of slightly cold roast chicken.

When Yang Ling saw the roast chicken, his eyes lit up immediately, and before the old man put the roast chicken on the table, he began to tear the chicken legs and eat them.

Yang Huan looked at his younger sister's eating appearance, feeling a little embarrassed: "Grandpa, my younger sister is a little hungry, don't be disgusted."

The old man just smiled and took out a stick of dry tobacco, took two puffs, and asked, "Where are your family members?"

As soon as this question came up, Yang Huan looked at Yang Ling, who was eating happily, with some guilt, and pulled the old man into the kitchen.

"Grandpa, both my parents were killed by bandits. My sister doesn't know about it yet. I lied to her that I went to the city to make a lot of money."

"Now the two of us have no place to live, can we live here and help you?"

"I'm very strong and can help you hunt! My sister is also sensible and can do housework."

After saying these words, the bong in the old man's hand stopped involuntarily.

He looked at Yang Huan's extremely sincere eyes, then at his thin and shabby clothes with a few pieces missing, with a look of sadness on his face.

"Okay, son, grandpa, I'm old, I don't even have a child, and I'm worried that there's no one to chat with to relieve my boredom."

"You and your sister live in the restaurant. I don't have many customers here, so you won't be very tired."

"From now on, treat this place as your own home!"

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