Outside the screen, Lin Xiao and the others couldn't help but shudder when they heard this sentence, "This Sun Ding is worthy of being the leader of evil cultivators, and he is impeccable in doing things, but I don't know what his so-called backhand is?"

Everyone looked at Su Xueru, Lin Xiao said with concern: "Xueru, did the old thief Sun Ding really not do anything to you?"

Su Xueru shook her head, "No, I didn't feel anything abnormal afterwards, and my master even checked it for me."

Lin Xiao was puzzled when he heard the words: "Then what exactly is Sun Ding talking about?"

In the picture, Sun Ding pinched his beard and was troubled by a problem for a long time. He didn't know how to contact Long Yuanzhao, so he couldn't just grab a Tianji Longji soldier and let him speak. "Long Yuanzhao squats in the Hanging City every day, how can I find him? If I can't find him, wouldn't this person be arrested for nothing?"

"It's nerve-wracking, it's really nerve-wracking."

Long Yuanzhao hid behind Sun Ding and listened for a long time, but he didn't expect that this was the thing that made Sun Ding extremely distressed. There was a flash of contempt in the corner of his eyes and he suddenly said: "You don't need to worry about this."

Because Sun Ding was in his old lair, he never thought that there would be other people there, so he thought this sentence was a voice in his head, and subconsciously replied: "What good way do you have?"

Long Yuanzhao saw that Sun Ding didn't turn his head back, and secretly thought that the old thief was really lost. He joked, "Isn't Long Yuanzhao just standing behind you?"

"Behind me?" Sun Ding lost his strength after being defeated by Long Yuanzhao last time, so his vigilance has also dropped a lot. He heard the words and looked back like a roe deer. Terrifying power condensed in his palm, and he slapped Sun Ding's chest.

Sun Ding, who was not as powerful as before, was attacked by Long Yuanzhao and flew out directly, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, his face flickered in various colors like a revolving lantern, and he finally saw clearly who was coming in the last few seconds of his life. Who, "Long... Long Yuanzhao."

"It's right here!" Long Yuanzhao teased lightly: "I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for so many years, and your body is still so tough."

With trembling fingers, Sun Ding pointed at Long Yuanzhao, who didn't talk about martial arts, and said, "You...why are you here!"

"There is no place in the world that I, Long Yuanzhao, can't find. You can go there with peace of mind."

"You...you will regret it if you kill me!" Sun Ding spurted out a mouthful of old blood for several meters, so far, the first brother in the evil spirit world, pawn! ,

Seeing that Sun Ding was dead, Long Yuanzhao took out the Gouyu he was carrying around his waist and carefully searched for Su Xueru's whereabouts. After a lot of hard work, he finally found Su Xueru who had been hidden in the hidden compartment.

Long Yuanzhao carried the unconscious Su Xueru to the ground, and then carefully inspected her whole body for abnormalities, "Let me see what this old thief Sun Ding planted on you?"

He stretched out his hand to roll up Su Xueru's sleeves, and saw that her skin was normal without signs of poisoning or curse, then he probed into his nose to see that she was breathing normally, and finally opened her eyelids to see that her pupils were still normal, Long Yuanzhao turned his head slightly in thought Said: "It shouldn't be! According to Sun Ding's usual style, he will definitely plant poisonous Gu on the hostages." This is also the reason why Long Yuanzhao directly took action to deal with Sun Ding, because he knew that Sun Ding would definitely use Su Xueru to threaten him all the time. Own.

"Could it be that Sun Ding has cultivated some powerful poisonous kung fu?" Thinking of this, Long Yuanzhao hastily inspected it carefully again, only to see a faint black line appearing on Su Xueru's arm. Go to the heart.

When Long Yuanzhao saw this black line, his complexion became extremely ugly, and he faintly said three words: "The line of death!"

Outside the screen, Lin Xiao felt uncomfortable hearing the name of the death line, as if being crawled by thousands of poisonous snakes. The death line is the most terrifying curse in the world. Even if he sticks to it now, he can only wait for death. He is curious Looking at Long Yuanzhao in the picture, he wanted to know what method Long Yuanzhao used to remove the lifeline for Su Xueru in the end.

Ning Yao, Lan Bing, and Zhao Jinfan couldn't help shouting when they heard this name: "It turned out to be a life line."

"This thing is like a gangrene attached to the bone. Just a little bit of it can torture people to death."

"Now that I think about it, Long Yuanzhao really should beat Sun Ding to death with a single palm, otherwise this dog thief will definitely hold Xueru by his side as a hostage, making her suffer day and night at the death line."

Su Xueru also learned that she had been hit by such a terrible thing through the screen. She subconsciously rolled up her sleeves, and the black line in the screen was no longer there. She sighed: "Hey! I owe him another one." Favor."

After Su Xueru said this, she suddenly remembered that the one who saved her was obviously Long Yuanzhao, why Cheng Xingdu appeared next to her in the end, could it be... .She thought of something and suddenly panicked: "No, Xingdu is definitely not that kind of person."

The Death Line is famous, and most of the other monks recognize it. They whispered among themselves: "Sun Ding, old thief, is a good trick!"

"His heart is really cruel and poisonous."

"Fortunately, Long Yuanzhao took action to deal with him, otherwise, I don't know how many people would have died in his hands over the years."

"Hey! This is called the wicked have their own grind."

Quan Ning on the side thought deeply: "It's a trivial matter to solve Sun Ding, but what method did Long Yuanzhao use to get rid of the lifeline?"

After being reminded by Quan Ning, everyone focused on this issue again. They raised their heads in unison, eager to see the follow-up.

In the picture, contrary to everyone's expectations, Long Yuanzhao was helpless when facing the death line. He hugged Su Xueru and said to himself: "It turned out to be such a difficult thing, hey! It seems that I can only ask that woman gone."

"That woman?" Everyone looked at each other, "Who is Long Yuanzhao looking for?"

"Is there a doctor in this world who can remove the line of death?"

"People are the most noble people, isn't it normal to know a few other worldly masters?"

"But I can see that Long Yuanzhao's face is tangled. He hesitated for a long time before making this decision. It is estimated that his relationship with this worldly expert is not very good."

The more people looked at it, the more interesting it became. They all wanted to know who this worldly master was, and where did he live?If I have difficulties in the future, I can ask for it.

Su Xueru's eyes were flickering, and she thought to herself: "Last time Long Yuanzhao exchanged a spiritual bone for Bishuang for himself, what will he exchange for his life this time? Hey! The kindness I owe him is endless in this lifetime .”

Long Yuanzhao quickly passed over the forest with Su Xueru in his arms.

"This direction is...?" Zhao Jinfan saw where Long Yuanzhao wanted to go, and she shouted in surprise: "This is the direction to the Demon Race."

"Demon... Demon Race?"

Everyone trembled, and immediately got up their spirits to look carefully, but they saw violent thunder in the sky, black mist billowing, and vampire crows that belonged to the demon world appeared in groups of three or four, and below were the black mountains and black waters that were eroded by curses and demonic energy. .

"This is really a devil world!"

"Who is Long Yuanzhao looking for in the Demon Realm?"

In the picture, Long Yuanzhao had already arrived at his destination. As soon as he landed, dozens of demon guards surrounded him, and the first demon shouted, "Who are you? How dare you break into my Palace of Ten Thousand Demons!"

Long Yuanzhao replied calmly: "I'm here to find your emperor."

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