Ning Yao felt very uncomfortable seeing her sister always entangled with Long Yuanzhao: "Why does this Long Yuanzhao keep messing with my sister? Does he still want to attack my sister?"

Lin Xiao comforted at the side: "Don't worry, Yaoyao. Didn't you see that Sister Yun hates Long Yuanzhao very much? If the two of them can be together, I will cut off my head."

Ning Yao breathed a sigh of relief when she remembered her sister's attitude towards Long Yuanzhao: "My sister has been a child king in the neighborhood since she was a child, but it's not so easy to lie. Long Yuanzhao has found the wrong person this time."

As soon as the screen changed, Long Yuanzhao and others had been in Weiyang Town for several days. In the first few days in Weiyang Town, the work of expelling monsters went smoothly. Everyone was able to obey Long Ying's orders and be cautious. , From the shallower to the deeper, attack the monsters little by little. Whenever the sun goes down, regardless of the extent of the suppression work, everyone returns to the camp quickly, and never takes risks at night to fight.

Perhaps it was because everyone was orderly and did not allow the hidden enemy to seize the opportunity, so the Yaozu never made a move, but the uneasiness in Long Yuanzhao's heart became more and more intense. He secretly speculated: "Could it be that the Yaozu is here Are you preparing for a big move? Or is the spy I discovered that day just passing by while performing other missions?"

"I hate the feeling that this kind of thing is out of my control!" Long Yuanzhao's avatar is too weak, he has not been able to find out enough information to confirm that the Yaozu has an attack plan, which is why he has not released it for so long. The reason for telling everyone about the Yaozu.

After another two or three days like this, nothing happened. Seeing that the group of monsters in Weiyang Town was about to be cleaned up, suddenly several contestants rushed to Long Ying and said, "Young Master Long is not good. West Village has discovered many monsters."

Long Ying was shocked when she heard the words: "Why is this happening? Isn't that area cleared and wiped out? Where did many monsters come out? Can you see what kind of monsters they are?"

The few people answered carefully, "I see clearly, it's the Zidian wolves."

Long Ying pondered for a moment and said, "It's no wonder that the Zidian wolves were able to break through our blockade and return to Changxi Village without a sound, but they are so vicious and difficult to deal with. How about this! I will take a few people to Changxi Village in person."

She asked everyone, "Who wants to go to Changxi Village with me?"

As soon as Long Ying finished speaking, four or five people stood up from the crowd and replied, "Master Long, I am willing to go with you."

"I am willing to go to Changxi Village with Young Master Long."

Xia Zhizhen also raised his hand high and couldn't wait to say: "Young master, young master, I am also willing to go with you."

Long Ying glanced at Xia Zhizhen and said indifferently: "Zhizhen, you are strong, you should stay in the first team. If the two of us leave at the same time, who will lead them to continue fighting against the monsters in the east?"

Seeing that he was rejected, Xia Zhizhen lowered his head and said in frustration, "Yes!"

The Zidian wolves in Changxi Village were even more difficult than Long Ying imagined. She went there for several days and was unable to wipe them out completely, so she could only focus on it. The remaining contestants had no one to manage them for a long time. The tame Heaven's Chosen Ones gradually began to go their own way. They no longer formed an army formation to act, but hunted monsters together with their friends in groups of three or four. Deliberately explore the hinterland of the herd.

Long Yuanzhao watched the team disintegrate bit by bit. When everyone was busy hunting monsters separately, he was lying quietly on the grass and thinking about something. Suddenly, two pure-looking female players passed by him. He laughed and said: "Xiaoqing, let's go to the forest to deal with the monsters!"

"But Xiaoye!" The man named Xiaoqing hesitated and said, "Didn't Young Master Long warn us not to go to dangerous places alone?"

"Now that the whole team is disbanded, why do you care so much? And is what Long Ying said an imperial decree? We have to listen, hmph! I can't stand her condescension for a long time, some lustful If the stinky man calls her a goddess, she will be so proud."

Xiaoqing was dragged by Xiaoye to walk into the forest. She saw Long Yuanzhao lying on the grass in the distance and asked suspiciously: "Who is that person? Why doesn't he go hunting monsters for points?"

Xiaoye glanced at Long Yuanzhao and said contemptuously: "Leave him alone, a dead waste, I haven't seen him do anything in the past few days just to hold us back, but fortunately, there are masters like the sword master Cheng Xingdu in our team The task can go so smoothly." When talking about Cheng Xingdu, Xiaoye couldn't help but blush on her face: "Cheng Xingdu is not only talented, but also handsome, if I can marry him as my wife, my life will be worth it!"

Xiaoqing said: "Didn't Cheng Xingdu already have a girlfriend? I think he has a little girl with him all the time."

Hearing Su Xueru Xiaoye's face turned green: "Don't mention that woman in front of me, she is simply more annoying than Long Ying."

After Xiaoqing and Xiaoye left, Long Yuanzhao found a big leaf to cover his face from the sun, and he said with emotion: "Sure enough, the better you are, the more people will be jealous."

Long Yuanzhao didn't know, neither did Lin Xiao and others who were watching the memories below. The Zidian wolves that suddenly appeared in Changxi Village were nothing more than a trick used by the Yaozu princess to deal with Long Ying, just like Long Yuanzhao. As expected, the Yaozu princess observed them for many days, and found that the group of sloppy monks led by Long Ying had advanced and retreated in an orderly manner and could not find a gap to attack, so she deliberately let the spies she placed in the team deceive Long Ying It turned out that as expected, Long Ying only left for a few days, and the group of monks returned to their original colors, and now she can finally launch an offensive!However, the princess of the monster race is still very cautious. She first ordered the elders to quietly set up a large formation of sleepy spirits around them, and then sent out the three strongest monster kings on her side to besiege Long Ying in Changxi Village, intending to divide them up and wipe them out.

In that quiet afternoon, almost everyone was busy hunting monsters. They all had a lot of harvest. The sun gradually reduced its warm light, and the sky also changed from dark blue to light gray. At that time, Long Yuan Zhao lay comfortably on the grass. He covered his face with a leaf and seemed to be asleep. Long Ying, who was far away in Changxi Village, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and finally wiped out the last purple wolf. Several contestants walked towards her with smiles, "Young Master Long, you have worked so hard, drink some water!"

Long Ying took a sip of the clear water, feeling the sweetness in the clear water, she smiled at them and said, "Thank you!"

The wind, the wind that came from nowhere, flowed like a trickle briskly, blowing away the leaves covering Long Yuanzhao's face, Long Yuanzhao sat up blankly, he looked at the distant being The blown fallen leaves murmured, "It's windy!"

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