In the end, Shan Zhengxing took Long Yuanzhao and An Zhiqiu to the execution ground, and he was even a little surprised that the journey went smoothly.

Many days ago, Quan Dan had released the news that Long Yuanzhao was about to be executed. If no one else came to rescue him, why didn't the Tianji Longji of Longzhou City come?Could it be that they have given up on Long Yuanzhao as the Patriarch?

Shan Zhengxing shook his head to shake aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, and then stood there numbly like a clay sculpture.

Long Yuanzhao and An Zhiqiu were pushed to the execution ground together, while Quan Dan sat high on the stage and watched him.

Sun Zhengyue and Lu Gaozhan glanced at each other, then immediately lowered their heads to think about their respective thoughts.

Everyone didn't know that the conflict between Long Yuanzhao and Quan Dan had already been buried. In their perception, Long Yuanzhao was not only Quan Dan's son-in-law, but also his most capable general.

Not long ago, Quan Dan's big worry was eliminated in one fell swoop - the five major families, why did Quan Dan execute him for offense in a blink of an eye?
"Hmph!" Sun Zhengyue sneered, and said to himself, "It's true that the birds are gone, the good bows are hidden, the cunning rabbits are dead, and the lackeys are cooking. The world says that I, Sun Zhengyue, are treacherous and cunning, but in my opinion, Quan Dan is a hundred times more ruthless than me." .”

Because of the lack of strength of the Zhentian Sword Sect, Lu Gaozhan has never been looked down upon by Quan Dan and Sun Zhengyue. Now he is forced by Quan Dan to watch Long Yuanzhao's execution.

He suddenly remembered that his disciple Chen Liang said that Long Yuanzhao had almost worshiped under the Tiantian Sword Sect, and Lu Gaozhan had mixed feelings for a while!

After a while, Quan Dan saw that the time was almost up, so he ordered him to be executed. At this moment, there was a loud noise from the outside.

Long Jingshan finally came to rescue Long Yuanzhao with all the disciples of the Long family. Two brothers, Long Yuanlang and Long Yuanang held swords and chopped down several people in a row. They rushed to the execution ground to rescue Long Yuanzhao.

Looking at Long Yuanzhao's broken arm, Long Yuanlang couldn't stop his tears from falling, and he said heartbroken, "Third brother, you have really suffered during this time."

Long Yuanang also cursed loudly, "Thank you for making so many contributions to the Supreme Sword Sect, but Quan Dan dog thief kills you as soon as he says he wants to kill you, and he doesn't miss any old love."

"Huh!" An Zhiqiu let out a long sigh of relief after the rope was untied, and she asked, "Yuan Zhao, are these all the retainers of your Long family?"

"They are so loyal, they even dare to challenge Quan Dan to save you."

Long Yuanzhao said urgently: "Don't talk nonsense, these two are my elder brother and second elder brother."

"Ah!" An Zhiqiu was shocked when she heard the words, and just as she was about to apologize, people from the Supreme Sword Sect surrounded her.

Long Yuanang and Long Yuanlang immediately protected them behind them, and said solemnly: "Let's talk about something after we escape!"

Long Yuanzhao nodded. He shook his hands and felt that although his body had been severely injured, he was already ready to fight after a few days of recuperation.

At this moment, the disciples of the Supreme Sword Sect rushed forward to attack the execution ground, but they were all blocked by Long Yuanlang and Long Yuanang who cooperated tacitly.

On the high platform, Sun Zhengyue smiled with interest, "Master Sword God, it seems that it is really difficult for you to kill Long Yuanzhao?"

"Hahaha..." Quan Dan looked up to the sky and laughed, he didn't seem to pay attention to everyone in the Long family at all, "What's the difficulty? Since Long Li's death, the power of Tianji Longji has plummeted, except for Long Yuanzhaozhi There is only one strong man, Longjingshan."

"As for Long Yuen Long, Long Yuan Ang, and Long Yuan Jia, whom the world praises so much, they haven't grown up yet. I want to destroy the Long family easily. The reason why I don't do it is to catch bigger fish."

Sun Zhengyue said with a smile on the surface, "Master Sword God is indeed a master of strategy." But in his heart he said with contempt: "Hmph! An old fox."

Just as Quan Dan expected, there is too much disparity in strength between Tianji Longji and the Supreme Sword Sect. Even if the Supreme Sword Sect was caught off guard by a sudden attack, it didn't take long for the disciples of the Supreme Sword Sect to react. Time surrounded them, ready to eat them completely.

Seeing this, An Zhiqiu was very anxious, and she asked in panic, "Yuan Zhao, what should we do?"

Long Yuanzhao said firmly with a blue face, "Now there is only one way to go."

"What way?"

"Fight to the death!"

"Yuan Zhao is right! Now we have been driven into a desperate situation, only by being brave and not afraid of death can we fight our way out."

An Zhiqiu looked at the four brothers of the Long family who were full of fighting spirit, and said in surprise: "Don't the men of the Long family know what fear is?"

If Long Yuanzhao hadn't been seriously injured, he might still be able to lead Tianji Longji out of the encirclement without Quan Dan's exit, but now the Supreme Sword Sect is in an absolute advantage, and Long Yuanzhao led the members of the Long family several times The charge was stopped.

On the high platform, Sun Zhengyue couldn't help laughing, "It's really a cornered beast!"

Lu Gaozhan also said with a smile: "Master Sword God really gave us all a good show this time."

Unexpectedly, Quan Dan didn't seem to hear it at all, his eyes scanned the audience back and forth, Lu Gaozhan's hot face stuck to his cold butt, making him very embarrassed.

His cheeks twitched a few times, and veins appeared on his forehead. Over the years, he has been subjected to the birds of the Yuxian Sword Sect and the Supreme Sword Sect.

Sun Zhengyue glanced at Quan Dan, and said meaningfully: "Which fish is the Lord Sword God trying to catch?"

Quan Dan raised his head and said without hesitation: "The five major families!"

"Five families? Haven't they been wiped out by Long Yuanzhao?"

Quan Dan said bitterly: "This is just a play they performed together!"

"Uh!" Sun Zhengyue was stunned for a moment, and soon his heart blossomed. It was rare for him to see Quan Dan slumped, but he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

Outside the screen, everyone couldn't see Quan Dan talking with Sun Zhengyue, they only saw that at Long Yuanzhao's most critical moment, Chang Qiji, Ning Lie and others brought the disciples of the five major families to rescue him again.

Chang Qiji took the lead and made a breakthrough to pull Long Yuanzhao and others out.
Long Yuanzhao looked at the five families in surprise, and asked with disbelief: " did you come to Star City?"

Chang Qi smiled and said: "Since we heard that Quan Dan was going to kill you, we have decided to rob the execution ground."

Ning Lie followed and said, "Yuan Zhao, you ended up like this in order to save our five major families. How could our five major families abandon you?"

"Don't talk anymore, let's run away!" Xia Yihan glanced at Quan Dan sitting on the high platform, his face was full of worry, "If Quan Dan ends up, we will be in trouble."

"Yi Han is right! It's important that we run for our lives first." Dongfang Qing picked up An Zhiqiu and signaled everyone to leave quickly.

At this time, Quan Dan saw the fish hooked and finally stood up. He picked up the sword on the table and rushed to Long Yuanzhao and others like lightning.

"Where do you want to escape?"

When everyone saw Quan Dan, their expressions changed drastically, An Zhiqiu asked timidly, "What should we do now?"

Long Yuanzhao gritted his teeth tightly, and just about to stand up and fight Quan Dan, another voice sounded from the sky, "Quan Dan, you have done a great job in this matter."

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