The Strongest Villain Immortal Emperor of Infinite Traveling Book

Chapter 62 Departing from the Polar Regions, Ending the Last Power


Mr. Denden froze for a moment, then looked at Ai Paide again.

Lin Chen, who was still meditating just a second ago, stood up directly, and waved his hand as if he realized that he was being monitored.

A translucent force rushed out, and the helicopter that was watching over his head exploded directly.

There was a violent explosion in Epad, and then the image turned into a snowflake.

Lin Chen's figure disappeared!
"No, it's really him!"

Mr Dendon's teeth were chattering.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, he clearly recognized Lin Chen.

Only Lin Chen has the ability to raise his hand to destroy the helicopter.

It's just that he couldn't understand how Lin Chen avoided the blockade of the four armies of sea, land, air and space, and entered the territory of the free country.

It is even more difficult to understand that the city is the headquarters of the Destroyers, and Lin Chen broke in and caused such a large amount of damage, but he was not injured at all!
Is it
He thought of a terrifying possibility!

That is, the Destroyers were wiped out.

Thinking of this, he quickly put aside Aipad, grabbed the phone in the assistant's hand, and called Wolverine Logan.

To his disappointment, Logan's phone couldn't get through.

"It's over!"

A very strong premonition rose in his heart, and he called the Destroyer headquarters again, but he still couldn't get through.

"Shet, did something really happen to the Destroyers?"

He cursed depressedly, smashed his phone on the ground, and yelled at the intelligence officer: "Quick, let me know what happened over there immediately?"

"Yes, Mr. Denden!"

The person in charge of intelligence did not dare to hesitate, and was about to take orders to leave.

At this time, a phone call came in!
It was the lord of the city where the Destroyers were located.

"Mr. Denden, it's over, the Destroyers are all wiped out, our city has been torn apart in history, I'm afraid it will be severely damaged for decades!"

As soon as it was connected, there was a choked sound from the city lord.

He was at the forefront, so he naturally knew the news first-hand.

"What? Ruin, the Destroyers are gone, gone?"

Mr. Denden looked shocked!

The phone dropped to the ground with a clang.

He kept backing away with horror on his face, and his whole body trembled violently.

No one expected that Lin Chen would avoid the force of the army and wipe out the Destroyers so quickly.

You know, the Destroyers are the strongest force in the free country, even if they are gone, the modern army alone is no match for Lin Chen.

Thinking of this, Mr. Deng Deng hurriedly shouted at the officer: "Quickly withdraw the troops, withdraw the troops!"

The officer saluted with a snap, and took the order to leave quickly.

Deng Deng suppressed his fear, and shouted to the others: "Quickly, quickly, lower the national flag and replace it with a white flag, we will surrender to Lin Chen!!!"

"Mr. Deng Deng, wasn't Lin Chen scared away by our army? Why did he surrender?"

A high-level person who didn't know why asked.

Deng Deng slapped the high-ranking officer in the face, and roared angrily at him: "Bastard, the Destroyers were wiped out by Lin Chen, and our army didn't even see him.

Don't you understand?That guy is too strong, so strong that we Destroyers can't defeat him!Still not surrendering and waiting for the country to be destroyed? "

"What? This."

The senior executive who was slapped was stunned.

At this time, the officer who gave the order to withdraw the troops ran back with a face full of horror, shouting as he ran, "It's bad, the big thing is bad, we are being targeted! Everyone, run, run!"

"Aimed? Aimed at what?"

Mr. Denden rushed over and asked.

"Mr. Deng Deng, run, our sea, land, air, and space forces are under the control of Lin Chen, and he is manipulating all the weapons of the Fourth Army to aim at our country! Run away, everyone run away!"

The officer quickly dropped this sentence, ignored the others, and ran away screaming like crazy.

After the rest of the people fell into a brief daze, they also fled.

Mr. Denden turned his head and looked out of the window with difficulty, and saw thousands of naval guns turned their muzzles on the sea far away, aiming at the direction of the Black Palace.

"I bought it!"

Mr. Denden opened his mouth wide, frightened to death by this terrible scene.

At this moment, the waters of the Free State.

Lin Chen stepped onto an aircraft carrier.


The two marines immediately aimed their guns at him.


Lin Chen spat out a word, his eyes flashed, and the spiritual power of the innate state instantly blew the consciousness of the two sailors, turning them into puppets without thinking, who only knew how to follow his orders.

After controlling the two navies, Lin Chen stepped onto the deck without hindrance.

Immediately, he opened his arms, raised his head and let out a long cry.

Vast mental power rushed out from between his brows and spread rapidly in all directions.

The eyes of all the soldiers swept by his mental power became empty and lifeless.

In just a few seconds, he controlled all the personnel of the last aircraft carrier formation.

In fact, since he regained his strength after destroying the Destroyers, he successively went to the Army, Air Force, Space Force, and Navy gathering places, and used his powerful spiritual power to control all the soldiers.

After these soldiers were controlled, he issued an order to aim the guns at the land of the free country and carry out indiscriminate and devastating strikes.

"Okay, the last aircraft carrier formation is under my control, let the free country's artillery fire, baptize your free country!"

Lin Chen stood on the ship with his hands behind his back, looking at Freedom, with a cruel sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Originally, he didn't want to use such a troublesome method to destroy the free country.

However, the Golden Dragon Egg was still dim, unable to allow Zhang Tianze to condense a thunderstorm cloud bomb capable of destroying the free country.

"Farewell, Free State!"

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Chen stepped on a flat boat and drifted towards the polar region.

He is going to eliminate Jiang Chen's last force - Life Science Engineering!
Pole, located at the northernmost point of the world!

It is covered by ice and snow all the year round, and the climate is very cold.

According to rumors, there are ancient race corpses buried in the polar regions!

Over the polar region, there is heavy snow with goose feathers.

A helicopter appeared in midair.

In the white world, this helicopter is so abrupt and conspicuous.

"Chen, are you finally here?"

On the snowy ground, a woman in a goose feather coat with blue eyes looked up at the sky, with a happy smile on her pretty face.

Those snowflakes fell on her cheeks. What is amazing is that the snowflakes evaporated and dissipated instantly as if they were burned by high temperature.

"Alice, I kept you waiting!"

The helicopter landed, and Jiang Chen, who was wearing a black windbreaker and windproof glasses, jumped out.

After getting off the helicopter, he hugged Alice into his arms, stroked her hair gently, and said warmly, "Alice, I haven't felt your warmth for a long time!"

"Chen, I have good news for you! Our life science engineering project has been successful!"

Alice looked up at her with anticipation, "Chen, you promised me that you will marry me as your bride if you successfully develop life science engineering!"

"Yes, I promised you, I will marry you!"

Excitement flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes, he hugged Alice a little tighter, and whispered in her ear: "Alice, my love, I will have a bridal chamber with you tonight!
I will become your real man, and then we will kill that hateful forest dust together! "

"Good morning!"

Alice's delicate body trembled, and the happiness on her face became more intense.

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