The Strongest Villain Immortal Emperor of Infinite Traveling Book

Chapter 235 Golden Core Powerhouse, Taihuangzhen 1

The ancient Taiyin jade talisman was sprinkled by the ancient Taiyin immortal emperor from the prison of the fairy world to the ten thousand worlds. During the flight, various obstacles will inevitably be encountered, such as colliding with meteorites, encountering solar storms, or being frozen by ice .

The jade talisman in front of him obviously encountered a meteorite during the flight, and fell into the City of Hope together with the meteorite.

If Lin Chen hadn't appeared in City of Hope and reached the sensing range of the jade talisman, it would probably stay here forever without being able to move.

The reason why those who touch it will die is firstly that these ordinary people cannot withstand the divine power in the jade talisman, and secondly because the extraterrestrial meteorite itself contains various harmful substances, which naturally cannot be contaminated by ordinary people of.

"I don't know what message is conveyed in this jade talisman!"

Holding the jade talisman in his hand, Lin Chen felt a little anticipation in his heart.

Each piece of jade talisman represents a message from the ancient Taiyin Immortal Emperor, and most of these messages are about the latest situation in the current fairy world.

Ever since Lin Chen was knocked down by Fairy Zi Yuan and Immortal Emperor Shura, all the Immortal Worlds have rebelled except Immortal Emperor Gu Taiyin, and he has lost almost all news about the Immortal World.

The jade talisman of the ancient Taiyin helped him to understand some of the latest forms of the fairy world, so that he could make a better judgment.

"My lord, what is this thing?"

While Lin Chen was thinking, Bai Yueshen's voice came over.

"This is a message from a close friend of mine in the fairy world!"

Lin Chen didn't hide it.

"Fairy World?"

If it was the first time he heard Lin Chen say the word "immortal world", Bai Yueshen would definitely think that this person was a lunatic.

In their view, fairyland is something that exists in mythology.

And after getting along with Lin Chen for this period of time, she has firmly believed that there is a higher world outside their world.

The fairy world is the highest existence in these worlds, controlling the creatures and lives of billions of universes.

Lin Chen didn't explain much, and directly sank his consciousness into the jade talisman of the ancient Taiyin immortal emperor, and soon a voice came into his mind from the jade talisman, "Immortal Emperor Lingtian, now Immortal Emperor Shura wants to find you as soon as possible. , not only issued the Ten Thousand Realms Hunting Order, but also sent giant gods, you must be careful!"

The giant god is the most powerful person in the fairy world except for a few immortal emperors. His body is as huge as a universe, and he holds a towering giant axe, which can easily smash a planet.

This son has great supernatural powers, and what he is best at is destruction and destruction. I am afraid that in order to find Lin Chen this time, he will slaughter countless creatures for no reason.

This message reminded Lin Chen of the inexplicable uneasiness in his heart when he was in outer space.

I'm afraid that this uneasiness is related to the giant gods.

"Unexpectedly, that pair of dogs and men even sent out the Giant Spirit God to deal with me. If I'm unlucky and happen to be within the search range of the Giant God Spirit, I'm afraid I will be destroyed by this son!"

Lin Chen frowned.

He knew that the current situation was getting more and more urgent.

A hunting order from all realms is enough to mobilize all the heavens and all realms to search for him. If a giant spirit god is added, I'm afraid he will be searched soon.

Although there are countless planets in the universe, they cannot withstand the simultaneous searches of endless creatures and the continuous destruction of giant spirits and gods.

"No, if this continues, my space and time for activities will become less and less. I must improve my strength faster!"

The appearance of the giant spirit god gave him a stronger sense of urgency.

He knew that Immortal Emperor Shura's couple would definitely use all means to find him, regardless of the loss of hundreds of millions of lives.

"My lord, are you alright?"

Perhaps Lin Chen's complexion was a bit ugly, and Bai Yueshen at the side asked with concern.

The others also cast concerned glances at him.

Putting away his thoughts, Lin Chen smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, I have wiped out the harmful energy of the meteorite here, and it can no longer kill people!"

After the words fell, Lin Chen seemed to think of something, and asked, "By the way, in today's world, where is the worst outbreak of zombies?"

The reason why he asks this is because he wants to end this world quest as quickly as possible, and then rush to the next world.

With his current situation, the safe time left for him is getting less and less.

Bai Yueshen didn't know why Lin Chen asked this question suddenly, nor did he know what Lin Chen found in the jade talisman, but since it was Lin Chen's question, she had no choice but to answer honestly: "Master God, In the central region, there is a united city-state composed of human beings, with a population of one billion, holding two-thirds of the zombies in the world!
That city is called the City of Dawn, and there are at least 20 billion zombies in the entire city! "

When this number was mentioned, Bai Yueshen couldn't help but gasp.

20 billion zombies, this is an extremely terrifying number.

You must know that there are only more than 4000 million zombies in Bandle City, and the number of zombies in the City of Dawn is fifty times that of the City of Dawn.

"City of Dawn?"

Lin Chen remembered the name of the city and thought about it for a while.

Judging from the energy progress he has gained from killing the zombies so far, I am afraid that after 20 billion zombies are eliminated, it will be more than enough to complete the tasks of this world.

It's just that there are so many zombies, it's not easy to kill them.

Today, 4000 million zombies can give birth to six-star powerful zombies. With 20 billion, it is normal to give birth to seven-star, eight-star, or even the highest nine-star zombies.

Lin Chen didn't know how powerful the seven-star, eight-star, and nine-star zombies were.

However, in this world, because of the laws of heaven, no matter how powerful the existence is, it will be suppressed in the golden core state. Without some high-tech assistance, the combat power they can explode is theoretically in the golden core state.

Of course, if there is equipment similar to Lin Chen's ancient martial arts mecha, it is not surprising that the combat power soars to Nascent Soul.

"My lord, are you going to the City of Dawn?"

Bai Yueshen asked cautiously.

When she thought that Lin Chen might leave Bandle City, she couldn't let go.

Although she had only been in contact with Lin Chen for a few days, she found that she had become unknowingly dependent on this man.

"Well, after the matter here is over, go to the City of Dawn!"

Lin Chen nodded.

The reason why he is still here is because Po Jun is hiding in Bandle City, and he must kill Po Jun first.

"Oh, is that so?"

After hearing Lin Chen's affirmative answer, Bai Yueshen felt lost.

"My lord, my lord, something is wrong!"

At this time, a panicked voice suddenly came.

Lin Chen and Bai Yueshen looked at the same time, and saw a man in the uniform of City of Hope's intelligence personnel running over in a panic.

"What happened?"

Bai Yueshen's heart skipped a beat, and she took the initiative to ask.

"My lord, my lord, our intelligence team in the western region, Captain Qin, they are all dead!"

The intelligence officer said bitterly: "We received a video from a team member before he died. Captain Qin and the others died terribly!"

While speaking, the intelligence officer handed an electronic screen to Bai Yueshen, which showed the fragmented bodies of the western intelligence team and a group of strange people.

The group of strange people, the person at the head of the right hand is infinitely thicker than the left hand, looks like a monster.

This person is Ryan.

Behind Ryan, there were [-] extremely weird modified zombies. These zombies looked strange and strange.

"Who are these guys?"

Bai Yueshen's face turned cold, and he looked at the person who reported and asked.

Because after Ryan absorbed Pojun's blood essence, his face and body had changed a lot. It can be said that his face and body were beyond recognition, and it was normal for her not to be able to recognize her.

"My lord, we are still investigating, and one of our investigation teams has already rushed to the western region!"

While the reporter was talking, his communication equipment rang suddenly, and an urgent scream came from inside, "Captain, a strange group of guys has attacked the City of Hope. Our team has been wiped out. I can't stand it anymore, ah!"

As the screams fell, the voice on the other side stopped abruptly.

Apparently, the owner of this voice is dead.

Bai Yueshen's face darkened, and he directly ordered the reporter: "Pass my order, send out the Awakened Legion!"

After Lin Chen broke into the glory of God alone, the awakened ones all joined the City of Hope and formed an army of awakened ones, which were specially responsible for dealing with some things that ordinary people could not handle.

The reporting staff took orders to leave.

Bai Yue Shenxuan reported this situation to Lin Chen.

"Oh? There is such a thing? Don't these people know that the god is in the city of hope? Such nonsense, did they not take the god seriously?"

Lin Chen was furious after hearing this.

He didn't expect the other party to be so arrogant.

Now the entire Bandle City almost knows that he is the patron saint of City of Hope, and the other party dares to kill the people of City of Hope so blatantly, obviously not paying attention to his majesty.

"My lord, I have already asked the Awakened Legion to deal with this matter. These people will definitely be taken down soon!"

Bai Yueshen said.

Lin Chen nodded, went straight back to the lounge, and concentrated on meditating and practicing.

With the presence of the Awakened Legion, he would naturally not take action on such a trivial matter.

Outside the City of Hope, a team of 20 awakened people appeared. In front of them was a team composed of Ryan and [-] modified zombies.

"who are you?"

This team of Awakened is led by No. [-], who is a five-star Awakened and is currently the leader of the entire Awakened Legion.

"Number Six, how long has it been since you don't know me anymore?"

Lane laughed.

He is completely different now, his figure has grown several times, and he is completely different from the former Ryan. How could No. [-] know him?

"You are? Ryan?"

When No. [-] heard the other party call out his number so accurately, coupled with the fact that only Ryan would have those transformed zombies, he guessed something.

However, he couldn't figure out why Ryan suddenly became like this?

Could it be the power of the right hand of God?

The right hand of God has many unimaginable powers, and it is not impossible for Ryan to change his form with those powers.

"Hahaha, it seems that you still recognize me, you traitors, you dare to betray me, Ryan, and sentence me to the glory of God, you should die, you should die!"

Ryan laughed ferociously.

His voice has a metallic accent, almost robotic.

"Ryan, have you absorbed the power of the right hand of God?"

Number six asked in doubt.

"Is the right hand of God a power that I can control? It is the power of my lord. I have received the gift of my lord and obtained the real power of God!"

Lane growled.

A violent force surged out of him, pressing towards No. [-] and the others.

No. [-] and the others suddenly felt as if a mountain was pressing down on them, making them a little out of breath.

"What? Ryan's power has suddenly become so powerful?"

"Damn it, we can't resist this oppressive force, how powerful is this guy!"

"What happened after we left the glory of God? Why is he so strong?"

Feeling this pressure, the faces of the awakened ones changed wildly.

No. [-]'s complexion also changed dramatically. While resisting the pressure, he stared at Ryan and asked, "Who is your so-called master? Why did you come to City of Hope?"

"Hahaha, is my lord's name known to you ordinary people? As for my coming to the City of Hope, my purpose is very simple, and that is to turn your hope into despair!"

Ryan laughed wildly, and his terrifying right hand slapped No. [-] directly.

No. [-]'s expression changed drastically, and he found that even if he used all his strength, it would be difficult to resist the opponent in the slightest.

The gap in strength has reached an unimaginable level.

Before the palm was pressed down, No. [-] had spurted blood and flew back backwards. He was severely injured and immediately lost his fighting power.

The other awakened were stunned when they saw this scene.

One must know that No. [-] is the most powerful existence in their army, but it can't match the opponent's palm. What level of terror is the opponent's strength?
"Quick, run away, go and tell the Lord God!"

Number Six realized that the other party was not something they could resist at all, and hurriedly yelled at the others.

The others also knew that they were not at the same level as the other party, so they grabbed number six and were about to leave.

However, how could Ryan let them leave so easily?

"Traitors, will you stay here?"

Ryan roared, and that huge arm directly turned into a giant pillar of Optimus and threw it at the twenty awakened ones.

With one blow, the twenty awakened ones felt as if the space around them had been frozen. Even their blood flow became extremely slow, and their muscles and nerves were extremely slow.


Under this blow, the twenty awakened ones unexpectedly all exploded into blood mist.

Even the five-star awakened No. [-] was completely powerless to resist this blow.

The power of this blow directly killed twenty awakened ones.

"Hahaha, this is the power of God. A powerful awakener is no different from tofu in front of it. Now that I have the power of God, who can stop me?"

Looking at the blood mist, Ryan was so excited that he was about to fly.

After laughing wildly, he looked up at the city of hope in front of him, and muttered to himself: "Lin Chen, I don't know who is stronger or weaker than you in the power of God I control. I really look forward to seeing you more and more." You fought!"

Just when Ryan killed the twenty awakened ones, an awakened one watching the battle with a telescope saw this scene on the city wall of Hope City.

When he saw that No. [-] and others were easily wiped out, he was completely stunned.

Immediately, his expression changed wildly and he shouted at the others: "A powerful enemy is coming, and all our strong men who went to stop them were killed. Hurry up and inform the gods and the city lord!"

Almost as soon as the awakened person finished speaking, a missile was launched from a modified zombie in the distance. The missile bombarded the city wall, shaking the city wall.

"Enemy attack!"

The guards on the city wall were awakened one after another, shouting and aiming their guns at the transformed zombies.

Eighteen transformed zombies kept moving and dodging in the rain of countless bullets, but in the end those shells didn't hurt them at all.

Even when they saw the guns and ammunition passing through Ryan's body, they couldn't hurt Ryan at all.

"What kind of monsters are these? Why are they so powerful?"

Everyone was stunned.

You must know that ordinary zombies and even star zombies can be killed by bullets. It is unbelievable that these zombies can resist guns.

"Quick, hurry up and report to the gods and the city lord"

Seeing those Ryan and his party approaching without any injuries, the awakened one knew that this was no longer a force they could resist, and was about to send someone to report to Lin Chen and Bai Yueshen, when suddenly he heard a puff.

In Ryan's huge right hand, a finger suddenly extended hundreds of meters, piercing through his body like a sharp knife.

"Oh my god, murder!"

"Quick, hurry up and report!"

"These people are too strong, we are no match!"

"Rewind, rewind!"

Seeing the instant death of the awakened person, the people around were terrified, and they kept running away in terror.

Soon, Ryan kicked open the gate of the City of Hope with eighteen transformed zombies, and appeared in the City of Hope.

They walked all the way, leaving countless broken corpses along the way.

People yelled in horror and fled in all directions, as if welcoming the end of the day.

Looking at the humans running around, Ryan kept laughing wildly like a demon god, "Hahaha, this is power, this is the power of a powerful god!

A mere city of hope can't stop me at all. With the blessing of this kind of god power, I am a god, an invincible god! "

"God? I'm afraid you have misunderstood the definition of God!"

A voice came.

Soon, Lin Chen and Bai Yueshen appeared in front of Ryan at some point.

Behind Lin Chen and Lin Chen, there were hundreds of awakened people and countless people eating melons.

When everyone saw Lin Chen appearing, they all knelt down on the ground and became excited.

"Master Shenming is here, this bastard is going to die!"

"Master God, please save us!"

"Kill these murderous monsters!"

Everyone hated Ryan deeply.

Although they didn't know exactly what level Ryan was, Lin Chen was an invincible existence in their minds, and they believed that Lin Chen would definitely defeat Ryan.

"Lin Chen, you finally came out. I thought you would be a coward when you saw me coming. It seems that you didn't disappoint me!"

Seeing Lin Chen, Ryan sneered.

He claimed to be a god, and he took it for granted that his strength was enough to rival Lin Chen.

"My god? You just got the power of a drop of blood essence from Pojun, which is equivalent to a stronger puppet. How dare you call yourself your own god?"

Lin Chen smiled.

Based on his experience, how can he not see the other party's details?
What's more, he went to God's Radiance Base last time and took a drop of Pojun's blood from the right hand of God, and he was very familiar with Pojun's aura.

"Lin Chen, my lord has given me the power of God, how dare you look down on me?"

When Ryan saw that Lin Chen didn't take him seriously, he immediately became angry.

With his current self-confidence, he felt that he was comparable to Lin Chen.

"The power of a god? If Pojun's power can be called a god, there are countless gods in the universe!"

Lin Chen shook his head and chuckled.

Po Jun is nothing more than a Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse. A powerhouse of this level dares to call himself a God without even stepping into the threshold of a god.

What's even more ridiculous is that Ryan only got one ten-thousandth of the power to break the army.

"Lin Chen, I was shocked by your power last time at the God's Radiance Base, and it was just a shock. Now that I have this kind of power of a god, you are nothing in my eyes!"

Ryan didn't think Lin Chen was terrible, but thought that he could defeat Lin Chen.

This is the inexplicable self-confidence and expansion of an ordinary person after possessing divine power.

"Stop talking nonsense, you came to the City of Hope, what is the purpose of killing such a person? Could it be that Po Jun asked you to come?"

Lin Chen asked.

He wanted to figure out what Po Jun was going to do.

"Hahaha, you are dying anyway, so it doesn't matter if I tell you!"

Ryan laughed and said, "My lord asked me to kill you. Those who died are just your funeral objects!"

As soon as this remark came out, people changed countenance and accused Ryan.

"Bold, dare to threaten the gods!"

"What the hell? Threatening to destroy the gods? Who do you think you are?"

"Courting death, absolutely courting death!"

Listening to those people's words, Ryan sneered, "Don't be too happy, wait for this god to kill Lin Chen, and then turn you all into zombies!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed at Lin Chen, and the eighteen transformed zombies behind him rushed towards Lin Chen one after another.

Seeing those grotesque zombies rushing towards him, Bai Yueshen's expression changed, and he shouted softly, "Quick, protect the gods!"


Almost at the same time as Bai Yueshen yelled this sentence, Lin Chen faintly uttered a word, and then everyone saw that the body of the extremely terrifying modified zombie was shattered, as if it had been torn apart.

In the blink of an eye, the eighteen modified zombies that were strong enough to compete with the awakened ones all collapsed, and their parts and flesh were scattered all over the ground.

And their death is only in a breath.

Very fast!
Very shocking.

Even Ryan was stunned.

He originally thought that these reformed zombies could at least fight Lin Chen once or twice, but Lin Chen wiped out the reformed zombies as soon as they took a step.

Moreover, Lin Chen simply uttered a single word, and wiped them out.

Say words to kill?
This miraculous method shocked Ryan very much.

However, he was not frightened by this scene. From his point of view, Lin Chen just used some kind of supernatural power that he didn't know. Although he couldn't achieve the level of killing people by speaking words like this, but if he used strong power, he could kill him in an instant. These transformed zombies.

Seeing Lin Chen kill these zombies so simply and simply, the people in City of Hope breathed a sigh of relief, and all of them were shocked.

"Hehe, I thought these weird zombies were so amazing, but in the end they are so vulnerable, they are not worth mentioning in the eyes of Lord God!"

"Monster, hurry up and kneel down to die, even the gods dare to offend you, you just don't know how to live or die!"

"Death to the monster, death!"

People were encouraged one after another and dared to abuse Ryan's duties.

Ryan's face turned red and then white, very ugly.

I saw him roaring at those people, and said coldly: "You ordinary people, I will show you how to kill your gods right away!"

Having said that, he looked at Lin Chen and said, "Your surname is Lin, do you dare to fight me?"

"Just you?"

Lin Chen shook his head in disdain, "Your level of garbage, I can kill you with one finger!"

"What? How dare you humiliate me like this?"

Ryan couldn't bear it anymore, raised his huge right hand, and slapped Lin Chen directly, "The one surnamed Lin, take your life!"

"You are just a puppet of Po Jun. It seems that he sent you here to test my strength. Anyway, I will let him see the real strength!"

As Lin Chen spoke, he pointed at Ryan's right hand.

This finger directly hit the end of Ryan's fist, and then under the horrified eyes of everyone, this finger directly blocked Ryan's aggressive punch.

Then, Lin Chen didn't make any fancy movements, but Ryan's arm swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Lane's face showed pain and fear.

He didn't expect Lin Chen to be so powerful, he really blocked his attack with one finger.

"How is it possible? I have divine power! I am"

Before Ryan finished speaking, he felt that arm swell to the limit, and then exploded with a bang.

The hot blood poured directly on Ryan's body, and the powerful force generated by the explosion pushed Ryan backwards for tens of meters, hitting the wall fiercely, and smashing a deep hole in the wall.

"No, it's impossible!"

Ryan was embedded in the wall, repeating the words over and over again.

He felt that he had obtained the essence and blood of Po Jun and the power of God, so how could he still not be able to defeat Lin Chen?

It's fine if he can't win, he was defeated by Lin Chen with one finger.

"Pojun, you sent him here to test the strength of this Immortal Emperor!"

Lin Chen ignored him and said directly to Ryan's body.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Chen was talking to the void.

However, everyone soon discovered that a mouth suddenly appeared on Ryan's stomach.

That mouth was like the original puppet's, the corners of the mouth were cracked to the base of the ears, it looked as terrifying as it could be.

"Lin Chen, I didn't expect you to travel to this world without any injuries. How did you do it?"

That mouth spoke.

"Ah? Why are you in my body, why, why?"

Seeing this mouth, Ryan was going crazy.

"Hmph, you are just a puppet of mine, you are my eyes, ears and tongue!"

That mouth snorted coldly.

Ryan said fiercely: "No, I'm not your puppet, I'm a god, I'm a god!"

"God? It's ridiculous, a puppet dares to pretend to be a god!"

That mouth sneered, and he didn't know what method was used to directly erase Ryan's thinking.

After Ryan was quiet, that mouth said to Lin Chen: "Immortal Emperor Lingtian, even if you are not injured and your strength remains at the peak, you are not my opponent.

You must know that you are not the former Immortal Emperor Lingtian, your realm is only at the foundation stage, and I have found the power that can surpass the suppression of the laws of heaven in this world, and I am at the Nascent Soul stage.

In front of my realm, you have no chance of winning!You should still pray that I will be gentle when the time comes! "

"Hehe, does your confidence come from using Ryan to restore the so-called right hand of God for you? Don't you think that you can defeat this Immortal Emperor with the power of a right hand?"

Lin Chen smiled.

Based on his experience, he can naturally see the purpose of breaking the army.

In fact, since the first time he saw Po Jun's right arm in the Radiance of God, he already understood everything.

You must know that Po Jun's Nascent Soul is also in this world. If his arm appears in this world, then his Nascent Soul must be able to feel it, but Po Jun has never paid attention to that arm. other purposes.

This purpose is that he can use Ryan's power to retain the power of the Nascent Soul Stage in the right hand of God.

In other words, Po Jun in this world has only one right hand with the power of the Nascent Soul Stage, and the rest will be suppressed to the Golden Core Stage by the laws of heaven.

"I didn't expect you to see my plan, but so what? With your cultivation in the foundation period, you are two levels behind me, even my right hand is more than enough to get rid of you!"

Po Jun seemed very confident.

In fact, he didn't expect Lin Chen to have such a heaven-defying artifact as the ancient weapon mecha.

Because this kind of artifact is a product of scientific and technological civilization, in this world that also belongs to scientific and technological civilization, it is not bound by the laws of heaven at all.

As long as Lin Chen is armed with the ancient martial arts mecha, he can reach the combat effectiveness equivalent to that of the Nascent Soul Stage.

At that time, with only Po Jun's right hand, he might not be able to match at all.

"Pojun, you underestimate this Immortal Emperor too much, I can utter a harsh word here, when your physical body is condensed, it will be the day of your death!"

Lin Chen said coldly.

The reason why he didn't make a move now was because he couldn't accurately track down Po Jun based on his blood drawing supernatural power.

In addition, he has been involved in zombies and other things recently, and he cannot be separated for a while.

"Lin Chen, why do you say such big words?"

Po Jun sneered.

He is just a strong man in the Nascent Soul stage, and he has been to limited universes and civilizations. He never imagined that Lin Chen's ancient martial arts mecha would not be bound by this world.

"Hmph, you'll know when the time comes!"

Lin Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and with a wave of his big hand, a terrifying force killed that mouth together with Ryan.

At the same time, in the western area of ​​Bandle City, in a basement.

Po Jun's Nascent Soul let out a roar, and the terrifying energy radiated from his Nascent Soul, rushing towards the surroundings.

The entire basement was shaken and almost collapsed.

"Damn Lin Chen, why do you dare to show off with me?"

Pojun scolded angrily.

At this time, the first-generation puppet walked in and said respectfully: "Master, there is a person who wants to see you!"

"Huh? Who is it? Could it be Lin Chen, who found out my location?"

Po Jun was a little surprised and uneasy.

Now his physical body has not fully recovered, and his strength cannot be half of his original strength. If Lin Chen kills him, he may not be able to resist.

"Master, he said his name is Taihuang Shinichi!"

The first generation puppet said.

"Taihuang Shinichi? Who is this person? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Po Jun was a little curious.

What made him even more curious was how did the other party know he was here?
"Senior, Taihuang Shinichi asks to see you!"

Just when Po Jun was puzzled, a majestic voice came, and there was a trace of respect in this voice.

When Po Jun thought about it, everyone had found this place, and it seemed that there was nothing to avoid.

In addition, he didn't feel any murderous intent from the other party, and it seemed that he didn't come to trouble him.

"Go, bring him in!"

Po Jun said.

The first-generation puppet took the order to leave, and soon came in with an old man.

This old man was dressed in a long blue cloth gown, with silver hair and bright eyes, and looked very energetic.

Seeing this person, Po Jun's Nascent Soul's face changed violently, and he exclaimed, "Are you a strong Golden Core?"

That old man was Taihuang Shinichi.

When he heard Po Jun call out his realm in one mouthful, he was surprised at first, then laughed, and finally repeated the words "Sure enough" and "Sure enough".

"why are you laughing?"

Po Jun asked.

At the same time, he felt a little uneasy.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for him to be afraid of a strong Golden Core.

But now his physical body has been destroyed, and his strength is suppressed at the Golden Core level. Without the right hand of God and his physical body, it is impossible for him to defeat the strong Golden Core.

"Senior, junior is laughing. It seems that I am not mistaken. Indeed, senior is a higher realm than me!"

Taihuang Shinichi stopped smiling, and respectfully bowed to Pojun, "Senior, many days ago, I was on the top of the mountain to comprehend the world, and suddenly I felt an aura that transcended the realm of golden core came to this world.

In order to find this aura, this junior has searched for thousands of kilometers. I thought I had sensed it wrong, but when I was about to give up, I noticed a trace of your aura, so I took the liberty to find it. I hope seniors forgive me! "

As soon as these words came out, Po Jun breathed a sigh of relief, only then did he realize that he had a breath to talk to Lin Chen just now, probably because of this, Taihuang Shinichi sensed it.

However, seeing that the other party was respectful and did not appear to be an enemy of him, Po Jun somewhat relaxed.

"Taihuang Shinichi, why are you here looking for me?"

Po Jun asked.

"Senior, this junior has entered the Golden Core Stage 20 years ago, but after that, he has been unable to comprehend the further realm. I heard that there is a Nascent Soul on top of the Golden Core, and I read it from an ancient book. Nascent Soul Stage! Exactly the same as Senior, I wonder if Senior is a Nascent Soul Stage powerhouse?"

Taihuang really respected Po Jun one by one, respectful to Po Jun.

As a cultivator, what he pursues is stronger power and a higher realm.

Now that he finally met a Nascent Soul stage strong man, he naturally wanted to ask for advice.

Po Jun finally understood the reason for this person's visit, and it turned out that he was seeking advice from him.

The eyeballs in his Nascent Soul rolled, and he pretended to be deep and said: "This deity is naturally a strong Nascent Soul, and I want to tell you that the Nascent Soul is not the end of the journey of cultivation. There are countless realms and levels such as refining the void, combining the body, and Mahayana!"

"What? There are so many realms above Jindan?"

Taihuang Shinichi was shocked.

The world he lives in is limited by the laws of heaven, and at most he can only cultivate to the golden core, and the limit of their cultivation is only the Nascent Soul stage.

"That's right, the end point of one's journey of cultivation lies in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but this realm is too difficult to reach. In the entire universe, until now, only nine statues have been able to reach the realm of the Immortal Emperor! Each of them is an extremely terrifying supreme Existence, each one can wipe out thousands of universes with one hand!"

Po Jun said fascinatedly.

Taihuang Shinichi was like a primary school student, standing there and listening quietly with yearning.

Po Jun's words seemed to open up a new world for him.

"Then, how can we reach a higher level?"

Taihuang Shinichi asked sincerely and fearfully.

Po Jun glanced at him, shook his head and said, "The spiritual energy in the world you are in is too thin, and the realm itself is restricted by the laws of heaven. It is impossible to break through to a higher level!"

"Ah? Is this the end of the junior's pursuit of life?"

Taihuang Shinichi exclaimed.

His tone was full of unwillingness and disappointment.

Po Jun rolled his eyes and said, "Of course not. What you need in the journey of cultivation is to transcend the restrictions of heaven and earth, and what you need is to change your fate against the sky. Although this world can't go further, other worlds have never been able to!"

"Other worlds?"

Tai Huangzhen's eyes lit up, and he quickly knelt down on the ground and said sincerely: "Your junior is ignorant, please enlighten me, senior!"

Seeing the attitude of the other party, Po Jun was very satisfied, nodded and said: "You get up first, what I want to tell you now is that there are hundreds of millions of infinite universes and worlds outside this world, and between them There are enough worlds in the world for us to cultivate to a higher level!"

"So, how do we reach other worlds? Or can the younger generation know how the seniors reached our world?"

Taihuang Shinichi asked cautiously.

He wanted too much to go further.

"This, it is inconvenient for the deity to disclose it now!"

Po Jun said.

Taihuang Shinichi was about to be disappointed, so he heard Po Jun change the subject and said, "However, I have something important to deal with when I come to your world this time.

Once the processing is completed, the deity will leave this world, and then you can consider taking some predestined people to leave with you. "

Taihuang Shinichi couldn't comprehend the meaning of this sentence, so excited he quickly knelt down on the ground again, extremely respectful, "Senior, if you can bring this junior with you, even if you let this junior go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire!"

"Oh? Do you really want to?"

Po Jun asked.

He is currently employing people, and if he can get a Jindan strongman to do things for him, it is naturally a dream.

"Senior, this junior is dedicated to seeking the Tao, and in order to further the path of cultivation, this junior is willing to do anything!"

Taihuang Zhenyi's eyes were extremely firm.

Po Jun nodded in satisfaction, paused and said, "It just so happens that this deity has something to deal with, if you can help this deity to complete it, then this deity can not only take you out of this world, but also help you enter the Nascent Soul stage! "

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