These twelve high-level officials were all selected by the people in the Xiguang Gathering Area. Six of them are powerful awakeners, and the other six are top talents in various fields.

Among the six awakened ones, a middle-aged man with a majestic complexion and a tall stature was the most powerful.

This person is Xiguang, the leader of the Xiguang survivor gathering place, and a four-star awakened person.

At this moment, no matter it was Xi Guang or the other 11 people, their faces were extremely solemn, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was extremely depressed.

"Everyone, the situation in our gathering place is very grim. Not only are we surrounded by more than 500 million zombies outside, but there is also a major crisis inside us!"

Xi Guang took a deep breath, spoke first, and said in a serious tone: "If we can't get through this crisis, I'm afraid our gathering place will be in danger!"

As soon as these words came out, the dignified expressions on everyone's faces became more intense.

They have been besieged by the zombies for many days, and they have fought countless times with the zombies. Every time after killing thousands of zombies, more zombies will join the encirclement.

It can be said that the zombies besieging them are completely inexhaustible, showing a trend of killing more and more.

This is not the key point, what is even more frightening is that their weapons have been severely worn out in the battle with the zombies, and the ammunition has been continuously reduced in the fight against them and cannot be replenished.

In addition, because they have been besieged by zombies for a long time, they are unable to go out to find supplies, and the supplies accumulated in the gathering place are reduced at an alarming rate every day under the consumption of more than 50 people.

If this continues, if the zombies don't break through their line of defense, I'm afraid the gathering place will be defeated without fighting because of water and food shortages.

"Everyone, our food and water sources are only enough to last for up to seven days. If we can't find enough resources to replenish within this time, we will be in a desperate situation without water and food!"

A high-level person in charge of logistics said worriedly: "We must find a way to break through the zombie blockade and go to a granary and reservoir 28 kilometers away to carry food and water, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Upon hearing this, everyone started talking.

Soon, someone suggested to form a thousand-man assault team, and then fight a bloody way out under the heavy fire cover of the gathering place.

However, this proposal was quickly rejected.

Because they have thought about this method a long time ago, but unfortunately it all ended in failure.

Even though those teams were able to rush for a kilometer or two, there were too many zombies outside. Often after leaving the gathering place's heavy fire suppressing range, those teams simply couldn't stop the countless zombie attacks.

"No way, not to mention that we have already tried the method of sending an assault team. We can't find enough suitable tanks in the gathering place alone! We have to find another way!"

Xi Guang shook his head decisively.

Since it needs to break through the siege of zombies and have enough volume to carry water and food, this kind of chariot has certain requirements, not only must it have a large space, but also must have a certain degree of defense.

This kind of chariot is often refitted from a heavy truck, and it needs to be equipped with weapons that can kill zombies.

However, this kind of chariot is not a street product, and it doesn't just exist casually.

There were no more than a hundred vehicles in the entire Xiguang gathering place, and more than half of the previous assault teams had been damaged when they went out, and the remaining tanks were simply not enough to carry out the task of loading food and water.

"Leader, what should we do? Are we going to be trapped here alive?"

"That's right, leader, we've already thought of ways to do it all, and we're still at a loss. If this continues, our gathering place will fall apart!"

"Do you want to ask for help from other survivors' gathering places?"

Suddenly, a high-level person suggested.

This city is more than a gathering place for their survivors.

"For help?"

Xi Guang frowned, chewing on these two words.

It's not that he hasn't thought about this method, it's just too unrealistic.

Since the outbreak of the zombie virus, all communication has been destroyed. People have almost entered an era where communication is basically based on shouting. If you want to contact other survivor gathering places, you may need to let people break through the zombie encirclement and enter another gathering place. OK.

However, how easy is it to break through the siege of more than 500 million zombies?
What's more, even if you break through by chance, it will be difficult to convey the distress message to other survivor gathering places.

After all, just like them, every gathering place is surrounded by a large number of zombies.

"No, we have tried this method before, and it doesn't work at all! Our people can't even get out of the zombie circle outside, let alone enter other gathering places!"

Before Xi Guang could speak, he heard another high-ranking official deny it.

They had indeed sent strong men to convey distress messages, but those strong men were all wiped out by the zombies without exception.

Among those powerhouses, there are even three-star awakened ones.

In other words, even a three-star awakened person cannot break through the siege of zombies.

It's no wonder that there are more than 500 million zombies surrounding them. No matter how powerful the awakened ones are, there is a limit to their strength.

The so-called two fists are hard to beat four hands, when the awakened ones face a large number of zombies, they will eventually die due to power failure.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either. Are we going to wait here to die?"

A high-level executive who was clearly on the verge of collapse shouted.

In the doomsday world, people are under the great pressure of life and death for a long time, and their emotions will become very sensitive.

"Wait to die? Our Xiguang gathering place has more than 50 people, how can I let them wait to die?"

Xi Guang glanced at the high-level executive who was about to collapse, and said with a cold snort, "We still have seven days, and we must make good use of these seven days to find a way for our survival!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

They knew that Xi Guang must have thought of something.

Sure enough, Xi Guang said next, "Everyone, since we can't see clearly, can't we be dark?"

"Dark? What do you mean, leader?"

Those people looked at each other as if they had thought of something.

Xi Guang looked a little relieved, smiled and said: "We are surrounded by more than 500 million zombies, it is almost impossible to break through from the front.

Then let's change the method, if we dig a tunnel from the ground, wouldn't we?"

As soon as these words came out, the dignified expressions on everyone's faces eased a little.

They didn't think of this method before.

Xiguang survivors have a population of more than 50. Excluding those who are old, weak, sick, and disabled, there are at least 30 laborers available.

If these people get started, it should be no problem to dig a tunnel leading to the water plant and the granary.

Moreover, with so many manpower, the speed of digging tunnels will be very fast. I am afraid that it is not impossible to dig 28 kilometers of tunnels within seven days.

"Boss, I think this method is feasible. Based on the working population of our gathering place, the 28-kilometer tunnel will be opened within seven days without any accidents. By then, as long as the water plant and granary are connected, we will have a steady stream of food and food. Water supply!"

"That's right, this method is simply wonderful, why didn't we think of it before?"

"That's it, our Xiguang gathering place has the hope of continuing to survive this time."

Those high-level people agreed one by one.

Xi Guang stood up and said, "Okay, since everyone has no objections, then this decision will be implemented immediately!"

"Yes, chief!"

On the other side, Lin Chen, with nearly 5 people in the afterglow of the setting sun, rushed towards the gathering place of Xiguang.

Since Xi Guang gathered far away, and Lin Chen and the others had too many people, their progress was a bit slow.

Of course, the people he leads are not all the people in Afterglow.

Some people were left behind at the demon hunting gathering place, and some people wanted to follow spontaneously. They felt that following Lin Chen to kill zombies was very passionate, and they could vent their hatred for zombies accumulated over the years.

"Master Lin, there is a water plant and a granary about ten kilometers ahead!"

Yu Hui was beside him, holding a map, looking at it and pointing forward.

This map was found from the demon hunting gathering place.

After they killed Demon Hunter and the others, they found a lot of good things from that gathering place, such as this city map, and thermal weapons that were enough to equip a medium-sized gathering place.

At this moment, these people who followed Lin Chen, regardless of men, women, old or young, were all equipped with extinct weapons.

This well-equipped team, even without Lin Chen, is enough to compete with the zombie group that exceeds three times their number.

"Oh? Waterworks and granaries?"

Lin Chen suddenly became interested.

Whether it is water or food, they are hard currency in the apocalypse, and they are things that everyone needs.

It can be said that whoever can control these two things can gather a large number of people.

"Yes, this water plant and granary were originally used to supply tens of millions of people in the northern part of the city. I don't know what's going on now, and I don't know if they have been occupied by zombies!"

Yu Hui frowned and said.

There must be a large number of survivors going to such an important place, and it will also attract a large number of zombies.

"Go and see!"

Lin Chen glanced at the map, and when he saw that both the water plant and the granary were going to the gathering place of Xiguang survivors, he decided to take a look.

If this kind of strategic point can be taken, I am afraid that more people will worship him.

In this world, he not only needs to kill zombies, but also needs the survivors' beliefs to accumulate willingness.

Yu Hui had long thought of taking these two places, and when he heard Lin Chen's words, he immediately agreed.

Immediately, he turned around and said to the others: "Everyone, speed up, we are going to seize the water plant and the granary!"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd immediately became noisy.

"What? We want to seize the water plant and the granary? In this way, don't we worry about water and food?"

"Water plants and granaries can generally be used by tens of millions of people for a year. If we can capture them, we will no longer worry about food and water sources!"

"Hahaha, that's great. If we succeed in winning it, who else will have a better life than us in this doomsday?"

Everyone was ecstatic.

Even though they just captured the demon hunting gathering place, there are plenty of food and water, but in this kind of doomsday, who would dislike having too many of these two things?
At this moment, eighteen men were hiding in a corner outside the water plant closest to Lin Chen's people.

Each of them was holding a submachine gun, their faces were covered with hot sweat, their expressions were extremely tense, and their whole bodies were covered with a thick layer of blood.

These Xuejia were zombie blood, some were splashed on their bodies when they killed the zombies, and some were smeared on by themselves.

Even if humans drink the blood of zombies, they will not directly turn into zombies. Only when they are scratched or bitten by zombies will they become zombies.

In addition, the blood of zombies can cover up the breath of humans to a certain extent, dulling the sense of smell of zombies.

These 18 people came from "Northern Broken Dawn", one of the four major survivor gathering places!
The Broken Dawn is the gathering place of the four survivors who are as famous as the Dark Angel.

The population of the gathering place reached 300 million.

The assault team they dispatched this time has more than 1000 people. They originally wanted to come to the water plant and the granary to collect supplies, but they fought against zombies on the way, and now only 18 people are left.

"Damn it, there are more zombies in the water plant than before. With only 18 of us, let alone enter the water plant to fetch water, I'm afraid they will be killed by zombies outside the water plant!"

Among the 18 people, a tall man with explosive muscles all over his body spoke in a low voice, panting.

He is Wang Lei, the captain of the thousand-man assault team.

He is also the number two character of Shattered Dawn, and he is a four-star awakener.

The remaining 17 people are also all three-star awakened people.

Thousands of commandos, the only ones who are still alive are the awakened ones.

"Captain, the tunnel we dug was captured by zombie blood rats. Now the passage has been urgently blocked at the other end of the gathering place. It is unrealistic for us to go back through the passage!"

A man who was following Wang Lei whispered: "Right now we have to rely on ourselves. Without the underground passage, it is impossible for us to return to the gathering place from the ground!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's expressions were in unison a little sad.

They originally transported food and water secretly through the tunnel, but they didn't expect a large group of zombie blood rats to appear in the passage.

These zombie blood rats are all mutants of mice. Their size is dozens of times that of ordinary mice. Each one is the size of an adult wolf dog, and their teeth are long and sharp, and their bite force is amazing.

Even a steel plate can be bitten by these zombie blood rats.

The sudden appearance of these zombie blood rats is extremely large, which is simply bad news for human survivors.

Because the strong bite force of these zombie blood rats will seriously threaten the foundation of human city walls.

The survivors now mainly rely on the city walls to resist the zombies. Although those zombies are powerful, they are still relatively weak against the tall human walls and the heavy firepower on the city walls.

But after the Zombie Blood Rat appeared, it was different. These guys would directly bite the city walls. No matter whether these walls were made of steel or reinforced concrete, they would be as paperless in front of the Zombie Blood Rats, and they would not be vulnerable at all.

Fortunately, these zombie blood rats have just appeared, and have not yet begun to attack the human city walls. Otherwise, with their huge number, even a gathering place of the dawn and dawn would not be able to resist.

"Damn it, survival in the apocalypse is becoming more and more difficult. Originally, human-shaped zombies made it difficult for us to resist, but now more and more beast-shaped zombies have appeared. If this continues, we humans will be completely wiped out!"

Wang Lei cursed in a low voice, then stared at the water plant in front of him, and said in a low voice: "We have no way out. Now we have only one purpose, and that is to find a way to survive."

"Well, live!"

The rest of the people nodded, their expressions extremely serious.

In the apocalypse that is becoming more and more difficult to survive, how difficult is it for the 18 of them to survive without a powerful gathering place?
"Okay, listen to me first, whether it is the water plant or the granary, it is occupied by a large number of zombies, and it is impossible to break in with 18 of us."

Wang Lei withdrew his gaze and said, "In order to survive as much as possible, we have to temporarily abandon these two places and find the nearest survivor gathering place! Then seek their help!"

He is very aware of their current situation.

If they can't find other survivors gathering places for help, they will be trapped here to die sooner or later.

"Captain, we used drones to investigate three days ago. It seems that there is a medium-sized gathering place near here. It seems to be called Xiguang gathering place!"

said one player.

After the outbreak of the zombie virus, although the communication facilities were damaged and communication was hindered, it did not mean that the drone could not be used.

What's more, with a population of more than 300 million in the dawn and dawn, it is impossible to not even have a drone.

It's just that although they have drones, due to various reasons, they can only detect the surrounding [-] kilometers.

And because their detection scope is all in the city, with the densely packed buildings in the city, it is difficult for them to find if it is not a medium-to-large gathering place.

"Xiguang gathering place? Yes, yes, I also remember such a gathering place. It's only been three days. Do they still exist?"

Wang Lei asked back.

A medium-sized settlement with a population of tens of thousands, like Xiguang, is easily wiped out by zombies.

Three days is enough time for the zombies to slaughter such gathering places hundreds of times.

The rest are not sure either.

But at this moment they have no choice, either go to the Xiguang Gathering Place to try their luck, or struggle with the zombies here to survive.

There are very few options before them now.

It seems that there are only two of them.

"Go and see first!"

Wang Lei thought for a while and said.

In fact, they now have no choice.

"it is good!"

The rest of the team members nodded, and when they were about to go to Xiguang's gathering place, suddenly the zombies wandering around the water plant seemed to have discovered something, and rushed in one direction.

"Huh? How did they go?"

Wang Lei asked curiously.

"Could it be that there are other survivors coming?"

A team member guessed.

According to their many years of experience in dealing with zombies, there are only three possibilities for zombies to leave. One is that they are summoned by powerful star zombies, the other is that they are attracted by human blood, and the third is that they are attracted by some kind of sound.

However, Wang Lei and the others didn't hear any sound, let alone a powerful star zombie call.

In other words, there is only one possibility for the zombies to leave now.

That is, other humans appeared.

Of course, whether it is a water plant or a granary, it is normal for other humans to appear in these two places.

After all, these two places are the foundation of human existence, and they must not be the only places that know about them.

This is why there are more and more zombies in the waterworks and granaries.

People keep coming over, people are constantly infected by zombies, and new zombies are constantly produced. This cycle continues, which makes the number of zombies not decrease but increase.

Wang Lei and the others sighed, holding their breath and observing everything in the water plant.

Although the zombies wandering outside the water plant were attracted away by something, they still did not dare to rush into the water plant.

Because they knew that there were dozens of times more zombies inside the water plant than outside.

Breaking into the water plant, the 18 of them were courting death.

"Huh? Seems like a lot of people are here!"

At this moment, a sharp-eyed member whispered.

When Wang Lei and the others took a look, they saw the direction in which the zombies were rushing, and a large group of people appeared.

Each of these people is well-equipped, aggressive, and full of spirit, giving people a very invincible feeling from a long distance.

Indeed, the decadence of Wang Lei and the others seemed to be two extremes.

That group of people was Lin Chen and his party.

All the zombies rushing towards them were directly shot to pieces under their powerful firepower.

"What? This group of people is so fierce? Those zombies were shot when they were tens of meters away from them?"

"My God, when did such a group of survivors appear in our city?"

"Are they soldiers? Why is their fighting quality so high?"

"No, no, no, this group of people is too powerful. They eliminated at least tens of thousands of zombies in the blink of an eye. This kind of combat power can almost compete with our highest-end combat team of Shattered Dawn!"

Seeing these sturdy people, Wang Lei and his party were stunned.

In the doomsday, have they ever seen such a terrifying combat team?Those zombies were just like playing in front of these people, and they were all gone in the blink of an eye.

"Captain, well, it seems that we are saved. If we seek the help of these fierce men, I'm afraid our hope of survival will be great!"

The team members who had been somewhat hopeless were full of hope at this moment.

"Well, let's go, let's get help!"

Wang Lei's heart moved, and he led the crowd to gather towards Lin Chen and his party.

"Ah, ah, dog zombie, let me die!"

Wang Lei and the others shot at the zombies while charging, and kept cursing.

They knew that the bigger the momentum, the more attention they could attract Lin Chen and others.

Sure enough, Lin Chen and his party quickly noticed them.

"Huh? Are there any survivors? Or eighteen powerful awakened ones?"

Yu Hui let out a low snort, slightly surprised.

After all, this is a water plant, so it is not surprising that there are survivors. To his surprise, eighteen awakened people appeared at once.

You must know that even if Xiguang survivors gather, with a population of more than [-], there are only six awakened people.

Eighteen awakened people appeared at once, and this kind of combat power is by no means what ordinary survivor gathering places can possess.

Almost immediately, Yu Hui judged that these 18 people came from the four gathering places of survivors.

In his impression, only the four major survivor gathering places with a population of more than 300 million have such strength.

"Awakened, or eighteen?"

Lin Chen also noticed Wang Lei and the others, and was a little surprised.

From his arrival in this world to the present, there are no more than 18 awakened people he has seen in total.

Eighteen appeared all of a sudden, which surprised him a little.

"My lord, may I ask what gathering place you are from?"

Those peripheral zombies were quickly wiped out under the strangulation of the strong combat power of both sides. Wang Lei asked with some vigilance at a distance of more than ten meters.

Although they really want to seek help from Lin Chen and others, but the human nature is completely released in the doomsday, who knows if Lin Chen and his party are villains?
In the apocalypse, zombies are not the scariest thing, the most frightening thing is the invisible human heart.

For example, the gang of demon hunters who were exterminated by Lin Chen and the others did not kill zombies, but looted and killed their own kind.

In this world, everyone is very selfish, and everyone will first consider their own safety.

"We are from the gathering place of the afterglow of the setting sun. Judging by your appearance, you should come from the four gathering places of survivors, right?"

Before Lin Chen could speak, Yu Hui asked directly.

Wang Lei and the others were not surprised when they heard that their identities were guessed by the other party. Everyone knew that only the four major survivor gathering places had such a big deal, dispatching eighteen awakened people at once.

"We come from the Shattered Dawn gathering place in the north. We originally wanted to come to the water plant to get some water, but we didn't expect to encounter zombie blood rats. Our thousand-man commando was almost wiped out, leaving only 18 of us!"

Seeing that the other party was not hostile, Wang Lei relaxed a little, and said, "My lord, can we get your help? As long as you help us return to the Shattered Dawn gathering place, I will tell the leader of the gathering place to accept you!"

Some gathering places accept newcomers conditionally, not everyone will accept them.

In the apocalypse, every extra person is a waste. If this person cannot create value for the gathering place, he will not be accepted by the gathering place.

Because every piece of food in the gathering place may have been exchanged by many people with their lives.

There is no free lunch in the world, and pies will not fall out of thin air. If you want to be protected by a powerful force, you must show your due value.

Especially the four major survivor gathering places, it is not so easy to join.

Of course, if Lin Chen and the others joined Shattered Dawn with their fighting strength, the other party would definitely wish for it, but with the introduction of Wang Lei, the second in command, it was much easier to join.

If Yu Hui heard these words before meeting Lin Chen, he might still be very moved.

After all, being able to join a powerful gathering place means having a relatively safe environment.

But how powerful is Lin Chen now?They don't need to join any survivor gathering place at all.

Yu Hui subconsciously glanced at Lin Chen, and when he saw that the latter had no intention at all, he shook his head and smiled, "We appreciate your kindness, we are only interested in killing zombies, as for joining your gathering place, we are not very interested!

Of course, if you are interested, you can join us to kill zombies! "

As soon as the words fell, Lin Chen asked directly: "How many zombies are there on your side of the Broken Dawn?"

The words of the two made Wang Lei's 18 people a little confused.

They have never seen a human being who is not interested in joining the four major survivor gathering places, let alone an organization that only wants to kill zombies.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, seeing confusion in each other's eyes.

However, right now they need the help of Lin Chen and his party, so they said honestly: "My lord, the number of zombies surrounding our gathering place is conservatively estimated to be 800 million!
And now a new type of beast-type zombie blood rat has appeared. We guess that after this zombie blood rat appears, our city walls will be difficult to resist their attacks! "

"Zombie Blood Rat?"

Lin Chen and Yu Hui glanced at each other, both of them were a little unfamiliar with this new species.

Of course, beast-type zombies were nothing new to them.

When they were at the gathering place of survivors in the afterglow of the setting sun, they had seen zombie blood eagles.

This is also a zombie that is mutated from a carnivore.

"Yes, zombie blood rats are mutated from rats. Their number is extremely large. It is conservatively estimated that there will be hundreds of millions of them in the entire city!"

Wang Lei looked very solemn, and said: "This number is three times the number of human zombies now. If these zombie blood rats break out, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Today, there are more than 4000 million humanoid zombies in the entire city, and less than 2000 million human survivors. This alone has pushed human beings into an almost desperate situation.

If hundreds of millions of zombie blood rats are added, the situation of human beings may be worrisome.

You must know that the reproductive ability of mice is infinitely stronger than that of humans. A mother mouse can give birth to tens of thousands of mouse cubs within a year. If they all become zombie blood rats, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he thought Lin Chen and the others would be serious.

Unexpectedly, when he saw the faces of Lin Chen and others, not only did he not have the slightest solemnity, but he was also very excited.



"Are you serious? Where are those zombie blood rats?"

Lin Chen noticed his gaze, and immediately asked.

He had killed a zombie blood eagle before, and the energy of one blood eagle crystal nucleus was equivalent to ten ordinary human zombies.

It's just a pity that the number of zombie blood eagles is too rare, which makes him feel a little unfinished.

But now the zombie blood rats are different, there are a lot of them, if they can all be wiped out, then he will be one step closer to completing this world quest.

"Big, my lord, why are you asking this? Are you interested in beheading them?"

Wang Lei was taken aback by Lin Chen's question.

Those zombie blood rats are so powerful that even four-star awakened ones like him dare not provoke them easily.

Lin Chen and his group were the ones they had finally met who could help them get out of trouble. If they wanted to kill the zombie blood rat, they might never return.

"Yes, I'm only interested in beheading zombies. Since zombie blood rats are zombies, I'm naturally interested!"

Lin Chen smiled.

He originally thought that in order to complete this world mission, he needed to kill almost all the humanoid zombies in the world, but now it seems that he is overthinking.

If you count the ferocious beasts in each city, especially the extremely large number of zombie blood rats, I am afraid that he will be able to complete the task in less than a few cities.


Hearing Lin Chen's words with his own ears, Wang Lei swallowed hard.

I'm afraid these people are too confident.

Don't you know how powerful the zombie blood rat is?
You must know that although a single zombie blood rat is not very strong, but there are so many of them, do you think people can compete with this?
"My lord, are you serious? I don't know if I should say it or not. Although your fighting power is strong, there are too many of them. Ants can kill an elephant if there are too many, not to mention they are powerful zombie blood rats." .”

Wang Lei said.

He didn't want to take risks with Lin Chen and his party.

Maybe they will be wiped out.

"Forget it, instead of looking for them, it's better to wait for them to arrive at Xiguang's gathering place! When the time comes, just kill them in one fell swoop!"

Lin Chen thought for a while and said.

He naturally saw Wang Lei's thoughts.

It's just that he didn't expect those zombie blood rats to be afraid of even a four-star awakened person like Wang Lei.

"Are you going to the Xiguang gathering place? Are you going to seek refuge with them?"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Wang Lei's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked.

Before they met Lin Chen and his party, they planned to go to the Xiguang gathering place to seek help.

"Take refuge? Do we need to take refuge in others?"

Yu Hui sneered.

He knew that Lin Chen's strength was at least that of a Seven Star Awakened. A powerhouse of this level, even a dark angel, could not compare, and only others could rely on them.

"Ahem, sorry, I said something wrong!"

Wang Lei quickly explained.

At the same time, he felt a little speechless towards Lin Chen and his group.

In his opinion, Lin Chen and his group are like lunatics, they are too arrogant and confident.

"Okay, let's clear the zombies in the water plant and granary first, and then go to the Xiguang gathering place. Finally, since we met the people from the Broken Dawn, after we wiped out the 500 million zombies in the Xiguang gathering place, we will go to kill the zombies on their side." Zombies!"

Lin Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he made arrangements directly.

When Wang Lei's 18 people heard this, they almost didn't curse out loud.

Isn't this guy too arrogant?
Think zombies are so easy to kill?Open your mouth and shut your mouth to kill millions of zombies, thinking that zombies are weak ants?Can crush a large area with one foot?

Although they thought that Lin Chen and the others were crazy, they dared not speak out at all.

They are now the weak side, and they have to rely on Lin Chen and the others to help them return to the gathering place.

"Okay, let's go kill the zombies!"

Yu Hui nodded, and was about to greet the others to rush into the water plant together.

At this time, Wang Lei really couldn't see it anymore, and quickly stood in front of Lin Chen and said, "My lord, are you planning to rush in like this? Don't you want to draw up some battle plan first?
Let me tell you all that there are conservatively estimated [-] zombies inside. Even if we rush in with this force, we will suffer heavy losses without prior tactical arrangements! "

As he said that, he wanted to take out a floor plan of the water plant, planning to discuss a battle plan first.

However, Lin Chen ignored him, pushed him away, and walked directly towards the water plant with his hands behind his back.

Wang Lei staggered, looked at Lin Chen and his party who kept rushing in like madmen, couldn't help cursing: "Crazy, this group of people must be crazy, acting recklessly like this, no matter how strong the fighting power is, what's the use? Even if."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of gunshots coming from inside the water plant.

A few minutes later, Lin Chen and his party came out intact and walked directly to the next target granary.

Wang Lei took a general look and found that none of Lin Chen and his party was damaged.

Moreover, there seems to be no movement in the water plant.

"Team, Captain, they won't really kill the zombies in the water plant, will they?"

A team member asked, swallowing his saliva.

Even if the eighteen awakened ones wanted to kill [-] zombies, they would have to fight for half a day under a strict deployment plan.

But Lin Chen and his party came out within a few minutes after entering.

This shows what?
It can only show that the fighting power of Lin Chen and his party is too tough.

"I do not believe!"

Wang Lei didn't want to believe it anyway, so he went straight into the water plant, and after a quick inspection, he saw that more than [-] zombies in the water plant were all dead.

Seeing this scene, all 18 people were stunned, and their hearts were shocked to the extreme.

"How did they do it? It's incredible, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes, this group of people is so fierce, it's too scary!"

"This is not a human survivor, this is a zombie meat grinder!"

The 18 people's hearts trembled wildly, and their expressions changed from shock to ecstasy.

They knew that they had met a savior now.

"Quick, hurry up and catch up with them!"

Wang Lei shouted, and took the lead in chasing Lin Chen and his party.

The other 17 people also looked at each other and quickly chased after them.

Soon, they arrived at the granary.

I saw Lin Chen and his gang holding their guns one by one, like a bulldozer, pushing all the way, and all the zombies they encountered were turned into sieves under their powerful firepower.

Now this group of people has absolute faith and admiration for Lin Chen. The zombies they killed and the crystal nuclei that exploded belong to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was too lazy to do it himself now.

Anyway, no matter how many zombies these people killed, they would count on him.

"Da da da"

The gunfire continued, and the unscrupulous sound attracted more and more zombies, and more and more zombies were killed by powerful firepower.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lei gulped 18 mouthfuls, feeling his blood boil.

How many years!

They had never seen such a brave human survivor.

Today's human survivors can only struggle against zombies in the tall walls. How has Lin Chen and his group been so chic and brave?

"Too powerful, brothers, let's go, let's kill zombies too!"

Seemingly infected by Lin Chen and others, Wang Lei touched the submachine gun in his hand and roared.


The other 17 people roared in unison, quickly joined Lin Chen's camp, and began to kill zombies.

The more I killed them, the more excited I felt and the happier I felt. It seemed that the hatred for zombies that had been accumulated for many years had been vented.

They have never had such a hearty experience of killing zombies.

"Hahaha, it's so cool, this feeling of crushing zombies is so cool!"

"For many years, I have been riding on my head by zombies for many years, and today I can finally take revenge!"

"Kill, kill, damn zombies, I'm going to kill you!"

Wang Lei had a great time killing 18 people, and unknowingly blended into Lin Chen's team and became a fanatical member.

At the same time, in a hidden location of the water plant, the soil layer suddenly collapsed, an irregular hole appeared, and a head came out of the hole.

The head was covered with dust, probably from digging tunnels.

This person is Xiguang, the leader of the Xiguang gathering place.

With more than [-] workers from Xiguang's gathering place, he dug day and night for a full four days, and finally dug an underground passage leading to the water plant.

At this moment, he wants to confirm whether the water plant is safe.

"Huh? Why is it so quiet? Where are the zombies?"

Xi Guang looked around and didn't find any zombies, and he didn't even hear the voices of zombies, which made him very curious.

According to his imagination, the water plant should gather a large number of zombies, it is impossible to be so quiet.

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