The reason why Ouyang Xue would ask such a question is because the ceiling of combat power in this world is only at the peak of the refining stage, and neither she nor most of the other people know about the deeper realm.

Although in the tens of thousands of years of existence of this world, I don't know how many people tried to cross the peak of the refining period, but the results all ended in failure.

Over time, everyone accepted this reality, thinking that the refining period had reached its apex.

Hearing this question, Lin Chen was slightly taken aback, and immediately reacted.

Perhaps this question seems idiotic to him, but it is indeed a big problem for people in this world.

He thought for a while, and said cautiously: "If I tell you, the refining period is just the beginning of cultivation, would you believe it?"

On the journey of cultivation, the refining period is indeed only the starting point.

Ouyang Xue's pretty face changed, and she didn't react for a long time.

This sentence is too shocking.

Completely subverted her three views.

You must know that in her cognition, the crafting period is the strongest realm. Now that Lin Chen suddenly told her that this is just the starting point, how could she not be surprised?

"Chen, you, what do you mean?"

Perhaps it was because of the life-and-death relationship with Lin Chen that she had experienced the life and death of the Giant Stone Clan. She became more cordial to Lin Chen, and called him "Chen" instead of just calling him by his name.

The difference of one word means that the relationship between her and Lin Chen is getting closer.

"The journey of cultivation begins with the Artifact Refining Stage. After the Artifact Refining Stage, there are the Foundation Establishment Stage, Golden Elixir Stage, Nascent Soul Stage, Transformation God Stage, Void Training Stage, etc."

Lin Chen looked up at the dome with his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "The whole cultivation, only reaching the legendary realm of the immortal emperor can be regarded as the temporary end, and before that, it is very difficult to improve every realm, so It takes a very long time.

Moreover, every cultivator can go to the end, survive the immortal calamity, and achieve the realm of the immortal emperor! "

As soon as these words came out, Ouyang Xue once again felt that her three views had been subverted.

What Lin Chen said, she had never heard of before, it was very fresh, and it shocked her very much.

According to Lin Chen's statement, the refining stage is really nothing, it's just a starting point for a cultivator.

"Chen, is what you said true?"

Although she believed half of it in her heart, she still asked.

All of this had a huge impact on her.

Lin Chen nodded heavily.

Seeing Lin Chen's serious expression, Ouyang Xue suddenly thought of something, frowned and asked, "Chen, why do you know this? Could it be you?"

She is a smart person, she has completely believed in Lin Chen since Lin Chen casually summoned Ba Tian, ​​a subordinate at the peak of the refining period, so she did not doubt the authenticity of Lin Chen's words just now.

Lin Chen felt that there was no need to hide this kind of thing from Ouyang Xue, so he said directly: "You guessed right, in fact I come from another world, a world far stronger than this."

Ouyang Xue stared fixedly at Lin Chen, and when she saw Lin Chen's serious look, she burst out laughing, "Chen, you really know how to joke, I admit that what you just said surprised me, but you came from Who would believe such a thing in another world!

Tell me honestly, did you compose the Immortal Emperor Realm, Void Practicing Realm, etc. just now?Are you kidding me? "


Lin Chen didn't bother to explain much.

After all, he and Ouyang Xue are not from the same world. It seems unrealistic for Ouyang Xue to believe what he said for a while.

Seeing that Lin Chen's answer was very perfunctory, Ouyang Xue also tactfully did not ask again.

At this time, Ouyang Xiaoxiong arrived.

After receiving Ouyang Xue's flying messenger shuttle, he rushed over without stopping. With his speed, he was two hours earlier than Ouyang Xue expected.

After Ouyang Xiaoxiong rushed to see that Ouyang Xue and Lin Chen were fine, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally asked about the cause and effect of the matter. Under the excuse that Lin Chen and Ouyang Xue had discussed in advance, he finally had no doubts.

After all, he is quite confident in the formation he has set up in this blessed land.

Before leaving, in order to avoid such a situation from happening again, he deployed several powerful formations one after another, and then called Ouyang Xue alone to inquire about the development progress of Xia and Lin Chen, and then left satisfied.

After Ouyang Xiaoxiong left, Ouyang Xue came over with a flushed face, and said shyly: "Chen, my father told me that if you want to speed up the pace of cultivation, you can use it, use it."

"For what?"

Lin Chen was a little puzzled.

"Chen, do you like me?"

Ouyang Xue bit her seductive red lips, and asked delicately, while staring at Lin Chen expectantly with her beautiful eyes.

Although he didn't know why Ouyang Xue suddenly asked this question, but Lin Chen considered the overall situation as the most important thing, and he did have some strange feelings for this girl, so he nodded slightly.

Ouyang Xue heaved a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, hesitating, he said in a voice like a mosquito: "Chen, my father, he asked me to tell you that if you want to step into the ninth level of the quasi-artifact refining stage as soon as possible, in addition to crazily absorbing Apart from the aura here, it’s okay, you can practice with me, with me!”

When she said the last two words, Ouyang Xue's voice was almost unrecognizable, and she blushed to the base of her neck.

Lin Chen's spiritual power is so powerful, he naturally heard this sentence clearly.

He was a little surprised.

He never expected that Ouyang Xiaoxiong would say this to his daughter.

Moreover, looking at Ouyang Xiaoxiong's appearance, it seems that he wants to step into a higher level sooner than he does.

If Lin Chen was an ordinary strong man, perhaps when he saw Ouyang Xue's alluring beauty, he would agree to co-cultivation without hesitation.

However, Lin Chen possessed an immortal emperor-level spirit-gathering array, and with the help of this array, his cultivation speed was much faster than joint cultivation.

What's more, the mention of co-cultivation made him think of Fairy Ziyuan back then. At that time, Fairy Ziyuan also co-cultivated with him, but in the end she betrayed him and worked with Immortal Emperor Shura to harm him so badly.

"Sorry, I'm not ready yet!"

Putting away his thoughts, Lin Chen politely rejected Ouyang Xue.

Hearing Lin Chen's answer, Ouyang Xue was a little disappointed, but more pleased, and couldn't help but look at Lin Chen more highly.

In her opinion, Lin Chen is an upright gentleman who can be relied on for a lifetime.

"Chen, if that's the case, then I won't force you!"

Ouyang Xue smiled, her face became quite relaxed.

In fact, even though she liked Lin Chen very much, she felt that it was a bit too fast if she really wanted to practice together, and she was not mentally prepared.

As for emotional matters, she thinks that she has to take her time.

After the two communicated, Lin Chen no longer hesitated, and directly set up a super huge spirit gathering formation.

Seeing Lin Chen laying down a formation she had never seen before, Ouyang Xue asked in surprise, "Chen, what are you doing?"

"This is a formation that can gather spiritual energy from thousands of miles away. With this formation, I can speed up the pace of spiritual energy absorption and quickly step into the quasi-artifact refining stage!"

While Lin Chen was speaking, he sat cross-legged in the center of the formation and began to activate the formation.

As he urged the formation, he saw the spirit energy from thousands of miles around gathered towards the top of his head as if being drawn.

All of a sudden, a huge cloud of cyan aura formed above his head.

The spiritual energy cloud is completely formed by the gathering of spiritual energy, which is very rich.

Seeing the cloud above Lin Chen's head, Ouyang Xue was stunned and shocked again.

She hadn't expected that Lin Chen's Spirit Gathering Formation would be so terrifying.

No wonder Lin Chen is sure to break through to the ninth level of quasi-refining within a month.

"This man makes me more and more incomprehensible, and makes me more and more fascinated!"

Ouyang Xue stared obsessively at Lin Chen who was crazily absorbing spiritual energy in the center of the formation, the admiration in her eyes deepened a little bit.

At the same time, the Jushi clan who were rushing towards their lair suddenly stopped in their tracks, staring at the sky dumbfounded.

Above them, the cyan aura turned into strands of air currents, continuously rushing towards the blessed land of the cave, as if they were summoned by something.

"Huh? What happened here? The aura is actually converging in one direction? Who used such a terrible method? Can even mobilize and gather aura hundreds of kilometers away?"

"That's right, this kind of powerful control and mobilization of spiritual energy is probably not something that ordinary people can do, not even those at the peak of the refining stage!"

"Could it be that there are monsters that surpassed the peak of the refining period in that place full of aura? Otherwise, how could these auras be directly transferred away from here?"

"It's terrible. Fortunately, we didn't fight Lin Chen to the end before, otherwise such a terrifying powerhouse would be drawn out, and the consequences would be disastrous!"

The clansmen of the Giant Stone Clan were discussing one by one.

They didn't know that the power that caused these spirit surges came from Lin Chen.

"Go, go, people who can use this kind of terrifying power are definitely existences that we can't afford to provoke. We must leave quickly, otherwise it will be bad for the strong man to find out and anger us!"

The patriarch of the Jushi clan glanced at the direction where the spiritual energy gathered, as if thinking of something, he urged in horror.

In fact, he never thought that Lin Chen, who was at the fourth level of the refining stage, could actually have subordinates of a strong refining stage like Ba Tian.

Now, seeing the strange appearance of these auras, he finally figured it out.

Perhaps, behind Lin Chen, there is an existence stronger than Batian, and this existence has an unusual relationship with Lin Chen, otherwise Batian, who is stronger than Ouyang Xiaoxiong, is absolutely impossible Became Lin Chen's subordinate.

The more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.

"Go, go, go!"

When those clansmen heard this, they panicked one by one. They didn't dare to stay, so they quickly left.

Coincidentally, those places affected by Lin Chen's immortal emperor-level spirit-gathering formation, the aura of heaven and earth seemed to be emptied, and the strong people in it looked at the direction of the aura surge, puzzled. .

"What's going on? Why did Mao's aura suddenly disappear?"

"Are you kidding me? I was about to break through the Xiantian Realm, but at a critical moment, my aura disappeared? Didn't this make me go crazy?"

"Ah, what happened? What the hell happened, Lingqi, Lingqi, where are you? Why can't I perceive you?"

"Damn it, it's just one step away, it's just one step away, my shocking elixir is about to be perfected, damn it, where did you go?"

All the places affected by Lin Chen's immortal emperor-level formation, the aura was completely absorbed, and those cultivators who practiced alchemy under the aura were all stunned.

They had absolutely no idea what was going on.

"Huh? In which direction are these auras gathering?"

On a road, Ouyang Xiaoxiong, who was returning to Chiyue City, looked at the direction of the aura above his head in surprise, and suddenly became a little surprised.

Maybe other strong people's perception of aura is not as strong as his, but he has sensed the traction of a powerful formation from these scenes.

And that kind of formation comes from the blessed land of the cave.

As for Dongtian blessed land, there are currently only Lin Chen and Ouyang Xue.

He knew the strength of his daughter Ouyang Xue very well, even he didn't have the means to draw and gather so much spiritual energy at the same time, it was even more impossible for Ouyang Xue.

If Ouyang Xue was excluded, only Lin Chen was left.

All along, he felt that Lin Chen was unfathomable, and he was the first person he couldn't see through. He didn't expect to use such a method that surprised him this time.

Originally, at his speed, he would not be in the range of these forcibly plundered auras, but he was worried about another attack from the giant stone tribe, so he checked the potential threats to Lin Chen and the two along the way, which made him There is a chance to discover Lin Chen's use of the immortal emperor-level spirit-gathering formation.

"Lin Chen, with all the means you have shown, I am afraid that your future achievements will be higher than mine. I am very happy to have such a son-in-law like you!"

Feeling the aura in the air turning into nothingness, Ouyang Xiaoxiong forcibly suppressed his urge to go and take a look at the spirit gathering formation, and turned around happily and continued walking towards Chiyue City.

As for what this formation is and how Lin Chen did it, he felt that when Lin Chen became his son-in-law, he could ask slowly.

Of course, Lin Chen didn't know all this, and neither did Queen Tia.

Among the royal family of the dynasty, Queen Tia was burying herself in reviewing the documents.

She has been very busy these past few days. Since Lin Chen separated from her, she returned directly to the royal family and began to deal with complicated affairs.

It is complicated, but in fact there are three main things.

One is the dark abyss demon dragon Longyuan. Now the dynasty has sent special experts to slaughter the dragon. It is conservatively estimated that at least five dragon yuan will be won at that time, which will allow the dynasty's two quasi-refining level ninth-level powerhouses to step on the ground. Into the refining period.

At this point, the number of strongmen in the refining period of the dynasty will increase from nine to eleven.

Of course, Longyuan only increases the success of the quasi-refining stage ninth-level powerhouse entering the refining stage, and will not 100% allow the ninth-level powerhouse to break through to the refining stage. There are many risks in this.

Even so, Tia personally ordered that the dragon slaying masters of those dynasties must leave Lin Chen with a dragon yuan.

The second is the selection contest for the imperial father in less than a month. Because of Lin Chen's participation this time, she has to pay attention to it, and she is thinking about how to prevent others from seeing the clues, and on the premise of ensuring Lin Chen's safety. Turn Lin Chen into a prince.

After all, every man who became a seven-star handsome man of the empire represented almost all powerful forces and connections. If others knew that Lin Chen had been appointed by her, someone would definitely take the risk and want to get rid of Lin Chen in advance.

As for the third matter, it is the dynasty's crusade against alien races.

According to the news from ahead, it is said that the dynasty crusade army has arrived at the outskirts of Huangyue City where the abyssal demons are located, and will launch an attack on the abyssal demons tomorrow morning.

In addition, together with the Dynasty Crusade Legion, there are also strong men sent by the headquarters of the Dynasty Beastmaster Alliance. This time, the Abyss Demon not only angered the Dynasty royal family, but also affected the Beastmaster Alliance.

"Leading the team with Doutian Cang and Patriarch Chonglou, plus the strong members of the Beastmaster Alliance, I'm afraid the Abyssal Demon will be defeated soon!"

Queen Tia was talking to herself.

Suddenly, a guard led Xuanlong in.

Before Xuanlong was sent by Tia to secretly help Lin Chen become the leader of the seven-star handsome man in the empire, now that the task is completed, he returned to the royal family.

"Xuanlong, I'm so lucky for you during this time!"

Seeing the person coming, Tia smiled.

Xuanlong knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully: "My Lady Queen, I heard that you and Xuanhu were attacked by the Abyssal Asura on the way, are you alright?"

On the way here, he more or less heard something about Tia's distress.

He really didn't expect that the abyssal demon clan would be so bold as to sneak attack and kill the queen.

"It's all right now, fortunately Lin Chen is here, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see me and Xuanhu!"

Tia smiled, thinking of the danger she encountered back then, she still has lingering fears now.

Xuan Long heaved a sigh of relief, nodded, and praised: "This Lin Chen is indeed the man my king likes. I didn't expect to have some chances with my king!"

"Xuanlong, you came so late, do you have something important to report?"

Tia asked.

As soon as she heard Xuanlong's praise of Lin Chen, she missed Lin Chen even more.

However, she saw that Xuanlong's visitor was not kind, and seemed to have something to discuss.

As the highest authority of the human race, not all of her time was spent thinking about Lin Chen.

"My king, I do have something to tell you when I come here this time!"

When Xuanlong said this, he turned his head and glanced at the guard next to him, the meaning was obvious.

Tia smiled slightly, waved her hand and said: "She is the king's confidant, she can be trusted, you have something to say but it doesn't matter."

Seeing what Tia said, Xuanlong felt relieved, hesitated for a while, and finally didn't speak, as if there was something unspeakable.

Seeing her like this, Tia frowned slightly, "What? Don't you trust me?"

While speaking, she signaled the confidant guard to go down.

Soon, Tia and Xuanlong were left in the huge meeting hall.

Tia looked at Xuanlong and said, "Now I'm the king and you, just talk about anything!"

"My lord, I'm afraid you will be angry if you tell me about this!"

Knowing that Tia misunderstood what he meant, Xuanlong smiled wryly.

"Oh? The more you say that, the more interested I am!"

Tia was extremely puzzled, frowning and walked towards Xuanlong.

As Tia approached, Xuanlong knew that he had to say something, so he paused and said: "My king, before I came back, I saw something.

Lin Chen and Ouyang Xue went out of the city alone. They seemed to have gone to an inaccessible place, and they didn't know what they were doing! "

Upon hearing this, Tia's expression became strange.

She never expected that Lin Chen even knew Ouyang Xue.

You must know that Ouyang Xue is the precious daughter of Ouyang Xiaoxiong, the most powerful man in the dynasty. There are only a handful of people who can see Ouyang Xue, and even fewer men. Even if she is the queen of the dynasty, she would not want to see Ouyang Xue Easy.

Now Lin Chen not only met Ouyang Xue, but also went to places inaccessible with Ouyang Xue alone.

Lonely men and widows, this makes people have to think about it.

"Is this true?"

Putting away her thoughts, Tia asked.

As the person with the highest authority, he will not jump to conclusions when he does not know the whole truth.

"Well, it's absolutely true, I saw it with my own eyes, and I also found that the relationship between Ouyang Xiaoxiong and Lin Chen seems to be very good!"

Xuanlong said very definitely.

Tia's brows frowned a little deeper. He never expected that Lin Chen's background was so deep that he even knew Ouyang Xiaoxiong.

Based on her current understanding of Lin Chen, almost all of it is the information found by Wang Chao Tianji Sect.

Although Tianjimen is unique in intelligence capabilities, there are times when information is missed, especially those with strong backgrounds. Even Tianjimen cannot fully investigate them.

Obviously, in her opinion, Lin Chen belonged to the kind of existence with a strong background that could not be completely investigated by the Tianjimen.

"This king knows about this matter, how about this, you investigate this matter secretly, this king wants to know what relationship Lin Chen has with Ouyang Xiaoxiong and Ouyang Xue."

Tia ordered.

Since she decided to accept Lin Chen as the prince, she must understand Lin Chen's background as clearly as possible.

"Yes, my king!"

Xuanlong took the order to retreat.

When Tia returned to the throne and was about to continue reviewing the documents, she found that she was absent-minded. She couldn't help but think about Lin Chen and Ouyang Xue.

She had met Ouyang Xue, and because of Ouyang Xiongxiong, the other party was even slightly better than her in terms of status and her brother, in terms of beauty and talent.

Moreover, now Lin Chen and Ouyang Xue went to a lonely place alone.

"What will happen to them?"

Tia looked at the night sky and couldn't help muttering to herself.

The stars are moving, the days are changing, and the next day will come soon.

In Huangyue City, at the moment when the sun rose above the horizon, Doutian Cang and Chonglou Patriarch, two masters of the refinement period, led the dynasty crusade legion, and together with the powerhouses sent by the headquarters of the Dynasty Beastmaster Alliance, entered the city. Lair of the Abyss Demon.

Along the way, the Abyss Demon continued to be defeated.

In the face of the Dynasty Crusade Legion and the Beastmaster Alliance, these abyssal demons are completely vulnerable. In addition, four of the seven great Shura powerhouses have died, and the remaining three are facing Doutian Cang and Chonglou Patriarch. For a strong player of this level, there is no possibility of resisting at all.

Therefore, the entire crusade army wiped out the lair of the abyssal demon clan in less than an hour.

Taking advantage of the trend, the crusade army recovered more than a hundred mine veins occupied by the Yuanmo people.

Seeing how easy it was to win, the crusading soldiers relaxed one by one, and many soldiers sat on the corpse of the abyssal demon and laughed.

"Isn't this abyssal demon clan too weak? It's a waste to dispatch so many of our soldiers to attack such a weak enemy!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's simply too weak, not challenging at all!"

"It's boring, I thought it was a great battle, but I never wanted to be like some tofu dregs!"

Listening to the discussion of those soldiers, Doutiancang and Chonglou Patriarch had serious faces and worried expressions.

They Gangcai searched with their spiritual sense, but they didn't find the Abyss Master and Abyss Demon Emperor.

Moreover, according to the information they received, the number of members of the abyssal demon clan was far more than what they killed.

In other words, the guys they wiped out so quickly are probably only a small part of the power of the abyssal demon clan.

The real army of abyssal demons has disappeared.

"Brother Cang, what do you think of this matter?"

Patriarch Chonglou pointed to the corpse of an abyssal demon in front of them, his expression a bit solemn.

"Old Ancestor, the abyssal demons who resisted us this time, except for the three-headed abyssal big Shura, the rest of the abyssal demons are almost all old, weak, sick and disabled. It is very likely that the opponent has already transferred the elite away!"

Doutiancang said slowly: "Originally we thought that the other party would fight to the death, but it seems that they are really going to form an alliance, and I'm afraid there will be a war between the human race and the alien race in the future.

After all, this battle is unavoidable. The human race and the alien race have had feuds for a long time, and this battle can be used to reshuffle the cards! "

"Yes, the alien race has been dissatisfied with our human race for many years, and they will not let go of this opportunity to wrestle with our human race!"

Patriarch Chonglou nodded and said: "I heard that there are currently at least eight experts in the refining stage among the foreign races, and one of the foreign races even gave birth to a peak expert in the refining stage. I don't know if this is true. of?"

"Of course it's true!"

Doutiancang said in a concentrated voice: "Not only do they have more than eight masters in the refining stage, but there are not one but two peak masters in the refining stage!"

"What? Two? Isn't it my human race?"

Patriarch Chonglou didn't continue.

Because the human race has Ouyang Xiaoxiong, a peak powerhouse in the refining stage, there has always been a foreign race that is evenly matched with the human race in the refining stage, but in terms of peak combat power, the foreign race does not have a strong man like Ouyang Xiaoxiong.

Therefore, the alien race has been suppressed by the human race for so many years.

Now Dou Tiancang actually said that the foreign race has two peak combat powers, which means that the balance of combat power between the human race and the foreign race has been broken, and the human race no longer has the advantage.

"I'm just listening to rumors about this matter, and it's probably not true. If it's true, I'm afraid the alien race has already attacked my human race."

Seeing that Patriarch Chonglou lost his composure, Doutiancang added another sentence.

Hearing this, Patriarch Chonglou finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Let's report the matter here to the queen first, and find a way to confirm the opponent's top combat power!"


Dou Tiancang nodded.

On the other side, in the southern part of the Moon Never Set Empire, on the border city wall, Shen Wuzong and Shen Wuying father and son are all in armor, majestic and majestic.

The father and son looked at the mighty foreign army that covered the sky and the sun in the distance, and there was a savage smile on their faces.

"Report, a large number of alien races were found [-] kilometers ahead, and they seem to want to attack the city!"

A scout quickly ran to Shen Wuzong to report.

They had been defending against alien attacks in the south all year round, and had encountered countless aliens, but they had never seen a foreign army of this level and scale attack.

Because the alien race has always been suppressed by the human race, and there is no unity among the alien races, the alien army that provokes and invades is always a minority. Why has such a terrifying alien army attacked?

"Understood, you go to pass the order, all the gates of the city will be opened to welcome the aliens to enter the city, and everyone will give up resistance and surrender!"

Shen Wujing said lightly.

Since he was disappointed with the empire, he has colluded with other races and has defected from the dynasty.

The scout was stunned.

They have resisted foreign races all the year round, and the more they fought, the more courageous they became. They had never surrendered like this before. How could Shen Wuzong surrender so quickly?
"Shenhou, you, are you not mistaken?"

the scout asked cautiously.

Surrendering without a fight was an unacceptable result for him.

In fact, not only him, but also other soldiers could not accept it.

what is this?
Surrender directly?
Many soldiers cast doubtful glances at Shen Wuzong.

They didn't know that Shen Wuzong had betrayed the dynasty.

"What? If we don't surrender, are we going to fight to the death with these alien races? You all have to open your eyes and see clearly. The alien army this time is different from before. The number of alien army this time is at least a hundred times larger than before, and There are more than one kind of alien race, this is an alliance of alien races, and it is not something we can resist!"

Shen Wujing roared.

"Shenhou, even if we can't stop it, as the guardians of the south, behind us are our relatives, the empire, and even the dynasty. If we let these alien races in so easily, the consequences will be disastrous!"

The scout said bravely.

Like the rest of the soldiers, he was not afraid of death at all.

"Hmph, idiot, do you think we can stop them with our strength? Since the results are unstoppable, why bother to die?"

Shen Wuzong sneered.

If he hadn't thought about how many years these people had lived and died with him, he wouldn't have bothered to talk so much nonsense with them!

"But God, we can"

The scout wanted to persuade him, but found that Shen Wuying drew his knife directly, and pierced the scout with one blow.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers were all stunned.

Is this still the Shenhou father and son they know?Why did you even kill your subordinates?
"This Marquis doesn't want you to die in vain, and if there are stubborn people, they will be killed without mercy!"

Shen Wuzong said coldly.

Immediately, the soldiers were all stunned.

They knew that in the face of such a large alien race, they could only die, and Shen Wujing's move was also saving their lives.

But they didn't know that Shen Wuzong had known for a long time that the alien alliance army would enter from the south. If Shen Wuzong had told the empire or the dynasty this information in advance, then the empire and the dynasty would definitely send them more troops and powerful people, relying on the city wall Its advantage is also able to withstand the alien army.

"Father, after the alien army enters the city, we will lead them to avoid other city walls and checkpoints of the human race as much as possible, so that they can capture the dynasty as soon as possible!"

Seeing that the soldiers seemed to give up resistance, Shen Wuying reminded in a low voice.

Shen Wuzong nodded, and said: "Very well, I have mapped out the route to attack the dynasty, and sent my henchmen along the way to investigate the situation, and so far I haven't found any movement from the dynasty.

Attacking through our route this time, the Dynasty will definitely be caught off guard! "

"Father, in order to cooperate with the success of this plan, the Demon Emperor of the Abyssal Demon Clan specially dispatched an army of millions to attack from the north, deliberately confusing the human crusade army, facing this million alien army , the human race will definitely send more supreme powerhouses and armies in the refining period, and there will inevitably be loopholes in the dynasty at that time, it is a good time for us to succeed!"

Shen Wuying smiled secretly.

"That's right, the army of millions attacking from the north is led by five supreme powerhouses from the alien race in the middle stage of the refining period. If we want to compete with this army, I'm afraid that the human race will have to dispatch more than six powerhouses of the same level!"

Shen Wuzong sneered again and again, looked towards the direction of the dynasty, and said to himself: "In the entire dynasty, there are a total of nine powerhouses in the refining period, and at least six were pinned down in the north, so the remaining three powerhouses in the dynasty, in the When encountering two peak powerhouses of the refining stage from other races, they will definitely collapse immediately!
At that time, after we have wiped out the three powerful masters of the dynasty and captured the dynasty, and then join the army from the north, the army of the dynasty will undoubtedly be defeated! "

Lin Chen didn't know all of this.

When the war between the foreign army and the human dynasty was brewing, he kept his ears to the outside world and absorbed the aura wholeheartedly in the blessed land of the cave.

And Ouyang Xue is responsible for taking care of Lin Chen and guarding Lin Chen's safety.

As time passed day by day, Ouyang Xue was surprised to find that Lin Chen hadn't opened his eyes since he sat cross-legged in the center of the formation, and had been constantly absorbing and refining the spiritual energy.

So much so that she said she was taking care of Lin Chen, but in fact she looked at Lin Chen obsessively every day, and nothing happened at all.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed.

Ouyang Xue found that the aura cloud above Lin Chen's head had actually shrunk by one-tenth, and Lin Chen's realm was constantly improving. up to the sixth level.

This breakthrough speed simply shocked her.

Seven days!

In just seven days, Lin Chen broke through two levels one after another, directly jumping from level four to level six.

Even Ouyang Xiaoxiong couldn't match this kind of sky-defying speed of cultivation.

No, to be precise, no one in the entire Dayan Dynasty can compare.

She had looked through the ancient books of the Dayan Dynasty, which recorded the information of peerless geniuses in various eras, but when she searched all the information about those peerless geniuses, she was shocked to find that those so-called geniuses were nothing compared to Lin Chen. worth mentioning.


A vortex of spiritual energy formed above Lin Chen's head, and the incomparably rich spiritual energy continuously spun along with the vortex.

With a wave of Lin Chen's hand, the vortex plunged into his eyebrows strangely and disappeared.

At the same time, Lin Chen slowly opened his eyes, shook his head and said to himself in dissatisfaction: "No, it's still too slow. If this continues for a month, I won't be able to step into the ninth step at all!"

"Too, too slow?"

Upon hearing this, Ouyang Xue almost fainted.

This guy broke through two levels in seven days. This extremely fast speed is actually too slow?

If this speed is called slow, no one else will have to live.

"Chen, are you okay?"

Although shocked by Lin Chen's words, Ouyang Xue couldn't help asking Lin Chen.


Lin Chen knew that Ouyang Xue had been by his side silently, and was very grateful to Ouyang Xue.

Moreover, when he saw Ouyang Xue, he always had a strange feeling, as if Ouyang Xue had known him a long time ago.

"Chen, you have been meditating for seven days in a row. Are you hungry? I have prepared a pill for you!"

Ouyang Xue hastily took out a qi invigorating pill from the ring.

This kind of qi invigorating pill is very precious, and each one is priceless. Ouyang Xiaoxiong personally found the alchemy master to refine it. If the other party didn't look at Ouyang Xiaoxiong's face, it would be impossible to refine this kind of pill.

In addition, when a cultivator reaches the quasi-refinement level, he is completely inediat, and he does not need to eat whole grains, but only some pills.

"Thank you!"

Lin Chen didn't refuse either, and directly took the pill, put it in his mouth and swallowed it.

This kind of elixir may be extremely precious in the eyes of Ouyang Xue and others, but to him it is very ordinary, if not because of Ouyang Xue's kindness, he couldn't bear to refuse, otherwise he would not want to take this elixir.

At the entrance of the elixir, the surging medicinal power quickly flowed through Lin Chen's limbs and bones, helping him quickly recover his energy.

"how does it feel?"

Ouyang Xue asked again.


Lin Chen nodded slightly, and with a thought, he took out a Breaking God Pill and a Consolidating Origin and Peiyuan Pill from the ring.

He took the Guben Peiyuan Pill first, and then handed the Poshen Pill to Ouyang Xue, "You accept this, I think you are already at the peak of the third-order quasi-equipment refining, and you are only one step away from breaking through the seventh-order , this pill can help you break through smoothly!"

Although Ouyang Xue's talent is not top-notch, but she has a powerful father, and with her father's help, she has also broken through to the third level of quasi-craft refining at a very young age.

God Breaker Pill was not very useful after Lin Chen broke through to the fifth level, not to mention that Lin Chen had little need for God Breaker Pill under this extremely rich aura.

It would be better to give the rest of the Breaking God Pill to Ouyang Xue.

Seeing that pill, Ouyang Xue's tender body trembled violently, and exclaimed: "This, this is the legendary Pill Pattern Pill, my God, there are no more than ten Pill Pattern Pills in the entire Dayan Dynasty. , You, you actually gave it to me?"

No wonder she was so shocked.

Because of the ceiling of combat power in this world, there are only a few of the strongest alchemists in the alchemy world, and there are very few who can practice pills with pill patterns. Naturally, such pills are very precious.

"What? Can't I give it to my fiancée?"

Lin Chen smiled.

For some reason, with Ouyang Xue's company, his frozen heart gradually showed signs of loosening.


Ouyang Xue blushed when she heard Lin Chen addressing her, thought for a while and took the elixir, carefully held it in her palm and smiled, "Okay, I'll take this elixir, you gave it to me token of love!"

Lin Chen was also speechless.

Isn't it just a elixir?He has as much as he wants here, as for such a baby?
"By the way, Chen, you suddenly opened your eyes on the seventh day, did you encounter any problems?"

After Ouyang Xue carefully put the pill into the ring, she asked curiously.

After all, if something important had not happened, Lin Chen would not have stopped.

"Yes, we did encounter some problems!"

Lin Chen nodded, stood up directly, stood with his hands behind his back at the entrance of the cave, and said, "I broke through two steps in a row. If I don't take the Consolidation Pill in time, I'm afraid it will cause my foundation to become unstable and affect my subsequent cultivation. .

Second, it seems that someone has come to trouble us again! "

Having said that, he looked forward.

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