Invincibility begins with crushing the Son of Destiny

Chapter 189 Shocking the Demon Tomb Valley

In just a short while, Qingcheng turned into a tornado vortex, and the frightening magic power approached Qingcheng one after another, and then sank into Qingcheng's body without a trace!

And the prestige of the devil bone is even more prominent!
Seeing that the young man is so extraordinary, many strong men in the Moling Valley are already arguing endlessly for recruiting apprentices!
'boom! '

There was a low growl like an ancient beast, and the world trembled again and again!
The seventh Moyun aura is close to the brilliance of Moyun, shining through the entire Moling Valley!
"Seven demon halos, this is the most magic halos that can be dropped by the statue of a demon god! I didn't expect this young man's talent to stand at the peak of the demon world!"

With seven demonic auras, there has never been such a genius in the Demon Valley!

Before the establishment of the Devil's Mausoleum Valley, a great demon cultivator standing at the peak of the demonic path resonated with the statue of the demon god, and the statue of the demon god descended on him with a halo of seven demons!
But for thousands of years, after being suppressed by the Demon Slaughter Order, the Demon Dao has been in a slump.

Since that era, no one has ever seen the statue of a demon god drop a halo of seven demons!
I didn't expect such a monstrous genius to appear in the Devil's Tomb Valley!
Tears welled up in the eyes of the elder in the darkness: "God bless me, the Devil's Valley, the rise of my Devil's Valley is just around the corner!"

At this moment, a figure appeared behind him, but the elder didn't realize that the perfect aura concealment was definitely the strongest among the strongest in the Devil's Ling Valley!
"Hahaha, such a monstrous genius can be born in the Devil's Mausoleum Valley. I didn't expect the old man to witness such a monstrous world just after leaving the customs. This kid, I'll accept it!"

The elder was startled by the voice that suddenly appeared behind him, and when he looked back, he realized that it was the Great Elder who had left the customs!

The elder knelt down and said, "I have met the Great Elder."

The Great Elder stroked his beard and nodded slightly: "Get up, you did a good job. I will promote you by accepting such a genius for my Demon Valley."

The elder knelt down to thank him: "But the great elder, this person was not accepted by the younger generation, but the young suzerain chosen by the suzerain."

"What!" The Great Elder's face changed when he heard the words, and his eyes suddenly flashed with shock!
Just when the Great Elder was about to continue to question, a voice appeared behind the Great Elder!
"Little brother, why do you want to think about your brother's beloved apprentice coming? You are still far behind if you want to snatch your brother's apprentice."

Another figure appeared out of thin air, it turned out to be the Supreme Elder of the Demon Ling Valley, the last suzerain of the Demon Ling Valley!

"What, even the two elders who have been sleeping for many years have been alarmed!"

The elder sighed, even the Supreme Elder appeared, the black-robed boy probably has nothing to do with him, if he had known earlier, he would have made friends with the black-robed boy.

The elder stared blankly at the two elders who were arguing endlessly, and reconfirmed that these two were existences that he could not afford to offend.

Both of them are the two most powerful elders in the Hall of Elders, and they are half-step heavenly powerhouses!
In the end, the two big disputes could not be resolved, and they both said to the elder at the same time: "Go and summon the white lion to find out what this kid is really about."

'boom! '

The eighth sound of chaos spread through heaven and earth,
Tens of thousands of feet of magic energy halo descended!

"The eighth...eighth magic halo!? This statue of the demon god can actually lower the eighth magic halo!"

"Isn't the statue of the demon god only able to cast down the aura of the seven demons! What kind of demon talent is this young man!"

"Such a monstrosity, I have never appeared in the Devil's Tomb Valley! Now I am afraid that those old monsters will come out to snatch people!"

In the depths of the Devil's Ling Valley, three powerful auras were born, and one even came out of a coffin!

In the dark abyss, the remnant soul that had been sleeping for a long time suddenly woke up. The trump card left by the strongest ancestor of the Moling Valley for the Moling Valley. Next, seal your body in the blood coffin!
If the Moring Valley encounters an irresistible enemy, it can be awakened again!
Unexpectedly, the descending of the eight demonic lights of the black-robed boy would forcibly revive the strongest ancestor in the history of the Moling Valley!A powerful soul breath erupted and suppressed every strong man in the Moring Valley!

A soul power exploded in the sea of ​​consciousness of many strong men!

"This is my apprentice, whoever dares to snatch it, I will drop the pressure and throw it into the abyss of the Demon Mausoleum to suppress it for 1000 years!"

Many strong men in the Demon Ling Valley fell silent and trembled!
The other two great patriarchs were even more catastrophic, vaguely arousing the visions of heaven and earth!
The various sects were puzzled when they saw the vision of the Demon Ling Valley: "What happened to attract all the old monsters from the Demon Ling Valley?"

These three patriarchs have experienced such a long time, they have even forgotten their own names, but they have not forgotten the road to the rise of the Demon Valley!

A strong person, like a demon god standing proudly in the sky, might shake the heavens!
Although many disciples in Moling Valley couldn't see the three ancestors, the real majesty of the demon way made everyone's panic emerge involuntarily!

The entire Demon Ling Valley fell into dead silence!
'boom! '

The bang broke the silence of the Moring Valley!
Everyone seemed to hear the roar of the demon god, and the entire Demon Mausoleum Valley was shrouded in a powerful demon power, and even the three great ancestors couldn't help but feel surrendered!

A powerful magic power burst out from the whole body of the statue of the demon god!

The demon statue's eyes burst out with demonic energy, and the originally dead stone statue actually gave birth to real vitality at this moment!The eyes of the demon statue turned into a magic pool!
Cracks burst out of the stone statue, and the pure demonic energy turned into nectar and flowed in the cracks!
In the astonished eyes of all living beings, the statue of the demon god actually revived!

I saw the huge palm of the statue of the demon god slowly lifted from the stone arm, dust was shaking off the stone arm, and the strong wind howled as the huge arm passed by!
In the astonished eyes of many disciples in the Demon Ling Valley, the statue of the Demon God actually folded his arms together, holding the black-robed youth in his palms, and the halo of nine layers of magic energy shone with power!

The statue of the demon god has been revived!

The entire Demon Ling Valley is boiling!
Even the three great patriarchs were shocked and speechless when they saw this scene.

This demon god statue has existed here since ancient times, and its age is so long that even the ancient scrolls have not recorded it in detail. At the beginning, the Moling Valley was built because of this stone statue.

It is rumored that the name of the Moling Valley is also derived from this statue of Shenmoshen.

Regarding the secrets of the Demon God Statue, even the three great ancestors of the Demon Mausoleum Valley know very little. They only know that the Demon God Statue has a heaven-defying feature that can cleanse the cultivators' demonic ways, but they never know that the Demon God Statue can be revived!
They could vaguely feel that the statue of the demon god was probably a fairy product!
Immortals, transformed by the power of heaven and earth at the beginning of the world!
Even the Demon Ling Valley may not be able to come up with a fairy product!
At this moment, in the sea of ​​Taikoo Lingxiao

The majestic demons are gathering to form a statue, Qingcheng looked at the statue in a daze, Bu Rou was even more surprised and speechless.

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