"Old Twelve, have you let go of your obsession?"

The reason why Qing Shier chose to guard the cemetery is not a sideline, nor was he demoted there by mistake, but an event thousands of years ago that left a mark on Qing Shier's heart!
That matter was closely related to Jian Shisan, and Qing Shisan was unwilling to mention it in his life.

So by guarding the graveyard, he is also guarding the gap in his heart!

Qing Twelve didn't nod or shake his head, but walked to the vacant position with a smile on his own.

"From the day I saw Xiao Qingcheng, the knot in my heart was untied. Although the regret is still there, seeing Qingcheng with such a tragic fate has such a strong will to survive. As a member of the Qing Clan One of the old dogs, what face does he have to sink down?"

Qing Twelve laughed at himself, and scolded everyone in the hall in his words.

The old patriarch worried: "What about the tomb? If the secrets in the tomb are leaked out, I'm afraid he won't agree, right?"

Qing Twelve sat down slowly: "I cut off the breath of those things with the formation, and then handed them over to Qing Lu."

When everyone heard the words, their eyes straightened immediately, and they looked at Qing Twelve in disbelief.

Qing Lu, Qing Que's third younger brother, is also Qing Dao's father!
What happened many years ago was known to everyone in the Qing Clan.

Digging out the bones of relatives, such an outrageous thing happened to the Qing Clan, it's like heaven and earth falling apart!
At the beginning, Qingcheng's mother vowed to kill the couple. If King Qingque hadn't put the overall situation first, he would have killed Qinglu and his wife long ago!

Rao Qinglu and his wife pleaded guilty later, but the fact is already the case, how could it be erased by pleading guilty?

"Qingcheng knows how to hide his power and bide his time, so he must have planted hatred for the events of the past. If this matter is allowed to ferment, I am afraid that he will never die," an old ancestor sighed.

"That's right, Uncle Seven, Brother Nine promised Qingcheng a battle of revenge. At this time, let Qinglu guard the graveyard. If they take away a powerful enough treasure for Qingdao, wouldn't they put Qingcheng to death?" A middle-aged man said.

The old patriarch pondered: "Are you planning to help Qingcheng?"

Everyone frowned in puzzlement when they heard the words. Obviously, what the Twelfth Master did was to favor the Qingdao family, so how did he become what the patriarch said was helping Qingcheng?
Qing Shier picked up a cup of tea, sipped it carefully and nodded: "I have already handed over that sword to Qing Cheng."

The old patriarch trembled uncontrollably in his heart: "Aren't you letting the two juniors live forever! Are you confused!"

Hearing the words, Qing Twelve stopped moving his hands, a trace of anger appeared on Qing Twelve's face, and his heavy breathing weighed on everyone's hearts, Qing Twelve angrily smashed the cup in his hand!

"Could it be that everything you have done is to protect Qingcheng!"

Qing Twelve pointed at the patriarch's nose and cursed:
"You, thanks to you being the eldest brother, Qingcheng suffered so much, you actually wanted to suppress this matter ten years ago for the sake of a generation of three geniuses!"

"Establish an insidious rebellious junior into the direct line, and I will be ashamed for you!"

"Because of Qinglu's corrupt couple, there was turmoil ten years ago, and Qingcheng's mother was forced away! Qingcheng lost his mother's love ten years ago!"

"Qingdao has already stolen Qingcheng's immortal bones, and secretly plotted against Qingcheng every step of the way. Could it be that this is for Qingcheng's good?" "

"For the glory of the Qing Clan, Qingcheng risked his life to fuse the immortal bones, and endured the pain of the collapse to lead the Qing Clan to regain the leader. After you know it, you don't even give a fart! Could it be that this is for the good of Qingcheng!?"

"Old Thirteen, who can't even invite Qing Nie, a genius of swordsmanship, if you ask Qingcheng to invite him, isn't it obvious that you want to hold Qingcheng in your hands and become a pawn in your hands!"

The old man was furious, and listed Qingcheng's deeds in detail, condemning the cowardice of the Qing people!
Everyone was silent when they heard the words. They didn't know that so many things happened to the boy who watched him grow up!

"Ah! Talk! I am asking you!"

Qing Twelve's momentum suddenly increased, and the mighty power of the heavenly realm was like a canopy, covering everyone's heart!
Everyone couldn't help sighing that the old man had been in the cemetery for so long, yet he could still make it that far!
Qing Shier suppressed his anger and stood up with his hands behind his back, walking towards the outside of the hall.

"I wanted to help the Qing Clan get back everything, but I didn't expect that the current Qing Clan is just an empty shell. Brother, you are old, and it's time to abdicate!"

The violent aura shook the whole hall by three points!
As the patriarch's younger brother, Qing Shier's words were so rebellious, but none of them dared to speak out against this old man, as if...he was the patriarch!
"After today, I am no longer me. I have given the sword that the old thirteen left in the graveyard to Qingcheng. From now on, I, the twelve, will only fight for Qingcheng. The affairs of the Qing clan have nothing to do with me anymore."

"It's better for Qinglu to steal the things from the graveyard. In this way, Qingcheng will have enough reason to kill the couple! What Qingcheng wants to do, you'd better not stop it, including Qinglu."

These words are domineering enough!

After all, Qing Twelve walked out of the hall without looking back, looking at his old back, everyone felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

Qing Twelve went out and roared angrily: "I am no longer Qing Twelve, or I will burn this Qing family to the ground!"

The roar lingered three times without stopping, and everyone lowered their heads and looked at Qing Que and his son with sighs, recalling all kinds of things, and then they realized how much Qing Que had paid for the Qing Clan!
At this moment, Qingcheng is holding the sword given to him by the old man guarding the tomb, and follows his grandfather Qinglu to a formation.

Qingcheng still doesn't know the real identity of the old man guarding the tomb, and he doesn't know that Qing Shier stood up for him and angered the old ancestor hall. Qingcheng just likes the old man from the bottom of his heart.

For that old man, Qingcheng never lacks the humility that juniors show their elders.

Qingcheng looked at the sword in his hand, and could feel a familiar aura from it, this familiarity did not come from the sharp sword aura.

It's... the breath of the soul!

Just like the jade pendant when he first bowed his body, Qingcheng is more sensitive to all kinds of breaths than ordinary people because of the incorruptible body of gods and demons and the law of controlling qi!
Qingcheng silently carried the sword behind his back, and followed his grandfather Qinglu along the way.

Rather than going all the way forward, it is better to say that it has been going deep!
Go deep into the bottom of the hall!

Qinglu looked at the formation under his feet: "I didn't expect to return to this place so soon."

What Qinglu said was Qing Nie who had just failed. The patriarch originally thought that Qing Nie would inherit his swordsmanship and invite out this man who had been silent for thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, it was a regrettable failure.

Qinglu feels a little pity, pity for Qingcheng, Qinglu seems to have foreseen that Qingcheng will get a bad nose, and also foresees that this grandson will become a pawn in his father's hands.

But Qinglu can't do anything about it, the Qing Clan has been saving for thousands of years, the next move in the game can't be wrong, let alone the first move?

Qinglu sighed and activated the formation under his feet.

The other end of the formation is connected to ghosts and sorrows!

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