Lan Yue covered her mouth with her chubby hands, her eyes were smiling.

"Brother Ye Qing, you're too careless~ giggling~"

Xiao Zhao stepped forward with distress, gently fanning the wind with one hand, picked up cold water with the other hand, and handed it to Ye Qing.

"Qing Lang, it hurts, drink some herbal tea~"

"Well, it hurts~"

Ye Qing, who was scalded to the point of tears, felt aggrieved like a bullied child.

It made Xiao Zhao feel sad.

But Lan Yue, who was watching the fun, couldn't laugh anymore.

Uh ~
She made a strange noise in disgust, turned her head away, it was too nasty, it was not for a 12-year-old girl like her to watch.

Enjoy the meticulous care of the beauty.

Ye Qing's lips and teeth were fragrant, and then he used internal force to heal the burn on his tongue.

Looking at Xiao Zhao who blushed.

Holding the tea happily, she walked to the backyard.

"My lord, it's like tea, don't dislike it."

Ye Qing said politely, and sat opposite Crazy Ebara.

Mad Ebahara sat dignifiedly and nodded slightly.

The scene quieted down.

After ten interest.

Ye Qing blinked, puzzled and asked:

"My lord, is it not this tea that you are not satisfied with?"

dong dong!

Crazy Ebara, who had been tense all the time, looked at the table angrily.

"You son of a bitch, this old man is old, and he is also a guest. You have to pour tea for this old man, do you know some etiquette?"

"Oh oh oh~"

Ye Qing suddenly realized, he picked up the teacup with some embarrassment, and poured tea for Crazy Ebara.

"Ham, boy, this is the first time entertaining distinguished guests."

"You don't understand etiquette, don't blame the city lord!"

Saying that, a cup of steaming tea was placed in front of Crazy Ebara.

This made Crazy Ebara show a satisfied look.

He raised his sleeves and brought tea, and took a sip.

Ah ~
Mad Ebara let out a sigh of relief, and the hot tea washed away the greasy in his mouth.

It also makes the body slightly warm in the night.

Ye Qing looked at Crazy Ebara enjoying himself, and pointed out:


The intrusive question made Crazy Ebara pause for a moment.

Putting down the teacup in his hand, he shook his head approvingly.

"You boy, you are really clever. Only the old man's second apprentice can compare with you."

If there is no denying this, Ye Qing became interested.

He curiously asked: "You are all at the pinnacle of martial arts in the realm of harmony between man and nature, with long internal strength, it's normal for you to be unable to tell the winner after three days and three nights of fighting."

"There are so many people fighting against each other one by one, and I don't know how long it will take to choose the number one in the world."

"My lord, I'm really curious, can you tell me what's going on with this Xuanbei mountain competition?"

Crazy Ebara took another sip of the tea.

He took a deep breath, squinted his eyes, and looked up to the south.

There, a towering and steep mountain peak looms under the moonlight.

"Every battle of Xuanbei Mountain, except for those who have retired, those who have not recovered from their injuries, and those who are free, there will be no more than twenty people who come to participate in the unity of nature and man."


Ye Qing swallowed.

"There are so many?"

Mad Ebara rolled his eyes and sighed:

"How much? There are tens of millions of people in the five great dynasties, and the harmony between man and nature is only a hundred."

"In this unscrupulous city, only the old man knows, there are more than a dozen people."

"So much?" Ye Qing felt like a fantasy.

There was nothing but horror on his face.

Crazy Ebara is very satisfied with Ye Qing's reaction.

This young man who has always been calm, always has a sense of planning, advances and retreats in an orderly manner.

Such a loss of self-control is rare.

The madhouse continued:

"And half of the Heaven and Man Unity participating in the martial arts competition in Xuanbei Mountain are just in the lower realms. They are mainly to observe the fights in the middle and upper realms."

"I hope I can find the possibility of continuing to break through."

Ye Qing couldn't help but interjected: "Then, the ones who actually did it are only ten people."

"The old poison teamed up with you because he was worried that he would drive away the wolf and the tiger. Those who are weaker will join forces first to defeat you, the terrifying superiors."

"So, you should act first, defeat those who are not as good as you, and finally leave your strongest ones, and have a real master duel?"

Mad Ebahara nodded, sneered, and contempt appeared in his eyes.

"That's right. Fighting against each other, the demeanor of a master, is all vain in front of the title of number one in the world."

"How many young people can step into the pinnacle of martial arts where man and nature are one?"

"Most of them are old guys like us who are nearly a hundred years old."

"The battle of Xuanbei Mountain is held every 30 years. No one can guarantee that they can live another 30 years."

"Before stepping into the coffin, if you get this name and become famous all over the world, even if you die immediately, you are willing!"

"People live a lifetime, don't they just live a false name?"

After finishing speaking, Crazy Ebara, who was full of regret, drank the cold tea in one gulp.

Put down the teacup, get up and walk in the air.

Under the lonely dark night, the unscrupulous city lord, who is famous all over the world and unparalleled in the limelight, showed a sense of sadness.


Ye Qing swallowed.

In my impression, the scenes where famous people from all walks of life competed in martial arts and won the first place in the world by virtue of their strength disappeared.

There is only blood and rain, swords and swords, and conspiracy and calculation.

This made Ye Qing look up at the waning moon in the night sky, filled with endless regrets.

"Sure enough, Jianghu is not as beautiful as imagined.

Those are just my wishful thinking.

A vicious person like Ouyang Feng who is deceitful, double-faced, and three-handed is a person from the quack.

There are so few real heroes. "

Ye Qing felt bored, poured himself a cup of tea.

Then, he picked up the teapot and poured it on the ground.

The crystal clear green tea is pouring like a pour.

Draw a long line on the ground.

At this time, the Jianghu in Ye Qingjing's heart did not exist at all.

Replace wine with tea, let's just say goodbye.

On a house in the distance.

Under the moonlight, her exquisite and protruding body was covered with a layer of ivory-white brilliance.

Meimou watched Ye Qing's movement of pouring tea, looked at the sigh and loneliness on Ye Qing's face.

Biting her lips, her eyes were complicated.

Covering the towering snow mountain with his hands, he seemed to feel the pain in Ye Qing's heart.

Crowing at dawn.

The sky is bright.

dong dong!

There was a loud knock on the door.

"Ye Qing, open the door quickly!"

Carpenter Sun's loud voice instantly spread throughout the Laifu Inn.

One by one, the residents opened their eyes and sat up in an instant, picked up their weapons with their hands, looked at their respective doors vigilantly, and pricked up their ears.

dong dong!

"Stinky boy, open the door quickly, is your inn still under repair!"

Carpenter Sun took the wooden stick and tapped it angrily.

Ye Qing, who was sleeping soundly, was woken up by Xiao Zhao.

"Qing Lang, Carpenter Sun is here."

"Ah? Who's here?"

Ye Qing closed his eyes, his face was full of confusion, he turned over and was about to continue sleeping.

Looking at this bedridden appearance, Xiao Zhao looked helpless.

I had to put on my clothes and go to open the door.


Just when Carpenter Sun raised his staff again.


The door opened.

A small head was exposed.

Lan Yue blinked cutely, looked at the old man she had never seen before, and asked obediently:
"Grandpa, what do you want to do with Brother Ye Qing?"

Carpenter Sun hastily put away the stick, his irritability disappeared, and he smiled kindly.

"This old man is a carpenter, helping Brother Ye Qing to repair his inn."

As he said that, he moved a step away and gave way to the two carriages full of wooden furniture behind him.

One of the drivers, the moment he saw the blue moon, the strangeness in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

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