Hearing the voice of the god and demon, Luo He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, then folded his arms and looked at him with cold eyes.

"No matter how strong you are, but now that it has fallen into my hands, if you continue to resist, then I will have no choice but to kill you."

Although the gods and demons in front of him did make Luo He feel threatened, but as he himself said, now he was seriously injured, and there was no strength in his body.

Now he has the help of the Three Treasures behind him, even though the two were evenly matched, now they are all standing by Luo He's side.

It is only a matter of time before he wants to kill the gods and demons, but if he really kills the gods and demons, it will also be a kind of harm to Luo He, after all, the gods and demons have disappeared.

Now that he has finally met them, he is full of curiosity about the origin of the gods and demons, so he is somewhat reluctant to kill them.

Seeing Luo He's weird eyes, the god demon's face suddenly became a little gloomy, and his body couldn't help but took two steps back, and set his eyes on Luo He.

"Although I know that you have some advantages now, if you want to make me submit based on this, you don't have the qualifications yet."

Hearing Shenmo's explanation, Luo He's face looked a little helpless, but he didn't take it seriously, and looked at Shenmo with mocking eyes.

"Gods and demons have a more arrogant character. I am quite aware of this, but everything has always been obeyed and subdued by force. If you are not convinced, then use your strength to speak."

Seeing Luo He's strong attitude, the gods and demons were somewhat angry. Although Luo He's strength was indeed much stronger than that of his peers, in the eyes of the gods and demons at their peak, they were just an ant.

Now that he is being squeezed like this by an ant, it is absolutely impossible if there is no resentment in his heart.

Although he knew that the balance of victory was already by Luo He's side, he still stood up with his body strong and wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"If I was still in my prime..."

Before the demon could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Luo He waving his hand.

"You are not at your peak after all, so you don't need to talk about your previous feats."

Seeing Luo He's attitude, Shenmo still felt a little bitter in his heart, but he didn't say much now.

As Luo He said, gods and demons obey people by force. As long as you are strong enough, you have enough right to speak.

Although the gods and demons are not powerful enough now, he will never let Luo He come to be his family, even if he is risking his life, he must maintain his dignity.

This is the gods and demons!
Seeing the gods and demons get up, the three treasures behind them were a little surprised. After all, now a discerning person can see that the gods and demons have no advantage at all, and it is only a matter of time before they lose.

He couldn't understand the meaning of the persistence of the gods and demons. If he had his arrogance, he would never have easily become Luo He's pet in the first place.

It is precisely because of this that he is now looking up at the god and demon in front of him, the vitality in his body is already surging crazily, ready to be directly injected into Luo He's body at any time.

Luo He folded his arms, facing the momentum spreading from the body of the god and demon, he no longer felt afraid, and stared at him with mocking eyes.

"No matter what strength you have, but now that it's in my hands, I won't let you escape easily."

Hearing Luo He's words, the face of the god and demon was somewhat ugly, but with a roar, the aura in the god and demon's body suddenly surged like a tide.

Just the effort of breathing has already made Luo He feel like a mountain.

Luo He didn't expect that the gods and demons would have such means, but with the support of the Three Treasures, Luo He no longer had any worries in his heart.

The body turned into a ray of light, like a meteorite, directly smashing on the body of the god and demon.

His sudden movement made the gods and demons a little unexpected, but now he is resisting with all means.

His body began to change, always as hard as a rock, and sometimes as soft as a sponge, but it has already resisted all Luo He's attacks.

What surprised him the most was that there were occasional spikes protruding directly from the body of the god and demon, almost piercing his heart.

However, Luo He's reaction speed was very fast, and the moment the spike came out, he had already avoided the vital point.

Looking at the demon in front of him, a sneer appeared on the corner of Luo He's mouth, but he didn't say much now, just looked at him with mocking eyes.

Although the aura in the god and demon's body has grown rapidly, it has faded like a tide, and it can't even pose any threat to Luo He.

It was precisely because of this that Luo He's eyes looked a little arrogant, looking at the god and demon in front of him with cold eyes.

"Although I don't know what method you have used, it is obvious that you can't hold it for too long. Now your momentum has begun to dissipate."

Hearing Luo He's words, the expression on the face of the gods and demons was somewhat ugly. Indeed, as Luo He said, although the power in his body has increased, it has begun to dissipate now.

According to this momentum, it will only take half an hour at most, and all the breath in his body will dissipate.

In fact, using this method also has sequelae. Once the breath completely dissipates, I have no power to restrain myself, so I finally set my sights on Luo He.

"Even if my strength dissipates, you will never be able to do anything to me. I am a god and demon from ancient times. How can I easily fall into the hands of you humans and be ravaged by you at will!"

Seeing the arrogance of the gods and demons, Luo He didn't bother to say any more. After all, for a person like him, only stronger means can completely subdue him.

With a terrifying force gathering in his palm, Luo He slowly raised his palm, and slammed it down on the body of the god and demon.

The terrifying power erupted directly, shaking the body of the god and demon back again and again, especially some injuries began to appear on his body.

Looking back at Luo He, the power in his body began to appear stronger, like a tide, wave after wave, even the gods and demons began to be overwhelmed.

As Luo He slammed his elbow hard on his head, the body of the god and demon made a big hole underneath. Although the body of the god and demon is indeed much stronger than this human being, it is still too much to bear now.

He raised his head and looked at Luo He in front of him, his face looked a little fearful, especially when he saw Luo He was about to strike again, the god and demon suddenly turned pale and waved his hands again and again.

"If you continue to fight, I will really die here. At that time, the secrets I know will disappear forever, and there will be no possibility for human beings to be cured."

Hearing the words of the gods and demons, Luo He really put them away slowly. He didn't intend to kill the gods and demons, otherwise there was no need to be polite to him.

When he just fought, he had already held back. If it wasn't for his means, the gods and demons would have been beheaded by him long ago.

It was precisely because of this that he looked up at Luo He in front of him, with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Is it convincing now?"

The god demon suddenly snorted coldly.

Seeing the appearance of the god and demon, a sneer appeared on the corner of Luo He's mouth, he couldn't help shaking his head, and the terrifying power erupted from his body again.

Sensing that Luo He still wanted to do something, although the gods and demons didn't want to admit it, they still couldn't help sighing and looked up at Luo He.

"I'm done!"

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