Eternal life, starting from the wandering earth

Chapter 85 Do You Still Want This?

Thankfully, Lin Zi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, I thought you were there."

"Think I fell?" Chen Sheng said with a smile,
"Sister, you still don't know how good your master is?"

Lin Zi smiled embarrassedly.

"Hey~ Of course I know."

Chen Sheng looked at the environment, and the displacement of the plate turned the flat land into a high mountain.

At the moment they were on a cliff near the top.

and said:
"Let's go up first, a hundred meters to the top."


Lin Zi nodded obediently, then turned to face the dirt wall.

Start climbing on all fours.

Put your left hand in, step on your right foot, take a step up,
Put your right hand in, step on your left foot, and take another step.

She climbed very diligently,
Qianying is vigorous and vigorous.

suddenly!With a sound, a pair of big hands hugged him from behind.


Lin Zi exhausted all her strength and was pulled away from the cliff by Chen Sheng.

Then fly her up.

Still teasing in her ear:
"What are you climbing, won't you fly up?"

Lin Zi was embarrassed because she just couldn't fly!
Chen Sheng continued to tease, pretending to be surprised:
"No way? No way is there anyone who can't fly?"


Lin Zi was ashamed, Master was bad.

The two slowly flew over the top of the mountain in the black starry sky

Then fall gently.

As soon as they came up, the faint sunlight shone on them again.

The two stood on the edge of the cliff,
Opposite the huge, snow-filled Himalayas.

Still towering into the sky.

Its avalanche continued to slide, slowly moving the valley below.

The avalanche visible to the naked eye is very slow.

When it fell to the ground, it seemed that it was only slightly scattered.

But this is just a visual illusion from thousands of miles away.

The actual avalanche is bursting, ferocious, and terrifying.

Gives a suffocating oppression of death.

But at this moment standing on the top of the distant mountain, the vision stretches to infinity.

That horror turned out to be a landscape.

Chen Sheng shook his fan and walked to the other side of the mountain.

Lin Zi also hurriedly followed.

Walking from one end of the cliff to the other is a completely different scene.

This side faces the Himalayas.

It is a plain with an infinite view and a low valley.

The faint sun is floating in the mid-air directly ahead.

Slightly illuminate the entire black earth.


Chen Sheng exhaled, and couldn't help sighing:
"Mountains and rivers are infinite~"

"It's a pity, but it's in the last days."

Naturally, he hugged the beauty next to him again and enjoyed the scenery.

Chen Sheng is like this, he can be leisurely and carefree anytime, anywhere.

He has absolutely no pressure to survive.

No anxiety, no worries, it's all just a game.

Lin Zi in her arms said:

"Master, what should we do next?"

"The car is wrecked and our supplies are gone."

This is a question that Lin Zi would think about, and it is also a question that Chen Sheng would not think about.

He shook his fan, frowned and said:

"How long have we brought supplies when we go out this time?"

Lin Zi thought for a while and replied:

"Three months."

"My wife and my aunt tried their best to fill the car, and there was only enough supplies for three months."

Hearing this, Chen Sheng smiled.

"Three months, I'm afraid I won't be able to find the Flying Immortal."

The sea of ​​people is so vast that it is difficult to find an ordinary person.

Not to mention a self-proclaimed immortal.

Whether he is a fairy or not, we don't know, we only know that this person is mysterious and his whereabouts are uncertain.

To find such a character, it can be said that half depends on hard work and half depends on luck.

As little as three to five months, as many as several years.

Chen Sheng said:
"It's okay, let's find a dungeon nearby to supplement it!"

"This trip is an unknown journey, and sooner or later we will run out of ammunition and food."

"Now it's just ahead of schedule."

Hearing this, Lin Zi nodded:
"Okay, Master."

Chen Sheng thought about it again and said:

"I just don't know if these dungeons still have enough supplies for us?"

Lin Zi also thought about it, and it really made sense.

Even Dungeon [-] looked like that.

In other places, I am afraid that it is enough to eat by yourself.

She said:

"Master, we can go back to Sun City first, and come out after replenishing enough."

"Although it will take some time, it's safer."

She was still thinking from her war experience.

But Chen Sheng smiled disdainfully and patted her head.

"My little Lin Zi, you still don't understand the joys of life?"

"To travel, of course, is to experience the scenery along the way."

"And those sudden 'surprises'."

Pointing to the vast land ahead, he said with great interest,
"The world is the quilt, and the four seas are the pot. Although this planet is desolate, it is not barren."

"Don't worry, we won't starve to death."

After Chen Sheng spoke in a magical brain circuit, Lin Zi could only nod in confusion.

Just at this moment, a voice came from behind.

A muffled voice groaned,

Then a man jumped up from the cliff.

It staggered to the ground.

"Well~ finally came up."

Lin Zi turned around vigilantly and shouted loudly.


Chen Sheng also turned around leisurely, looking at the "surprise" that came suddenly,
"Ah, hello!"

The man also responded in shock, he didn't know there was someone on this cliff?

It was a man in a robe with long hair.

He also held a block of iron in his hand.

More like a part of a tool.

He patted the snow off his body, then looked at Chen Sheng and Lin Zi.

Under the faint sunlight, Chen Sheng and Lin Zi became only a pair of silhouettes.

Can't see what it looks like.

The man suddenly remembered something, picked up the iron piece in his hand, and said:
"Is this car yours?"

Chen Sheng saw that what the man held in his hand seemed to be the wing of his flying car.

The air was silent, and the man said shyly:

"I was walking down there just now, and suddenly there was an earthquake."

"Then the car hit me on the head and I grabbed it hard and that's all I got."

He stretched out the wings in his hand again and asked:
"This, do you want more?"

The air was silent again.

Both Chen Sheng and Lin Zi looked at this man in surprise, not knowing what to say.

Lin Zi moved her head to Chen Sheng's neck.


"Master, this person is weird, let's go and ignore him."

Before Chen Sheng could respond, the man became anxious.

"My benefactor, although I can't see you clearly, I'm not deaf?"

With that said, he walked towards the two of them:

"Don't come here!" Lin Zi shouted, reaching out to draw a gun.

At this moment, Chen Sheng smiled slightly.

After watching the man for a long time, Chen Sheng finally spoke:

"One repair!"

Hearing this, the man was taken aback.

Lin Zi was also puzzled, and stopped drawing the gun.

The man walked over slowly and circled Chen Sheng half a circle.

At this moment, the clothes in the man's arms started to move.

Then a little monkey cub emerged, so cute.

The little monkey jumped on Chen Sheng without saying a word.

Then climb happily around him.

Finally climbed onto the shoulders.

Chen Sheng turned his face and looked at the little monkey amusedly.

Even though it was the first time seeing him, there was a sense of intimacy.

As Chen Sheng turned around, the light shone on his face.

That white tender, handsome, handsome and familiar face.

It was reflected in Yixiu's eyes at once,
He was excited at the moment, laughed and said:

"Chen Sheng?!"

Then the two men embraced affectionately.


Lin Zi: .

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