Eternal life, starting from the wandering earth

Chapter 45 Antarctic Underground Civilization Site

Chen Sheng shook his head, stood up,
"It's getting late, and your girlfriend has come back to life,

Let's get down to business. "

Hearing this, Zhu Chenguang asked calmly:

"Do it now? In this kind of place? Not good?"

As she said that, her hand had already been placed on her girlfriend.

Chen Sheng said,
"This may be an underground city built by an unknown civilization,
We know nothing here, we can't linger too long,

Better get out now. "

At this time, Han Nuan also spoke,
"Yes, but we have lost our way, the structure here is intricate,
If you force it out with a flying machine, you may hit the magma layer,

So, we have to find an exit! "

Seeing the seriousness of the couple, Jin Qiaoqiao gave Zhu Chenguang a white look,
Knocking off his hand, he said angrily:
"Do something serious!"

Then she got up and looked at the walls too, but she couldn't see anything.

Zhu Chenguang only took one look and knew,

"This is the ruins of an ancient civilization, long gone."

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this.
"You know this?"

Zhu Chenguang smiled,
"Don't look at me as a rich second generation, but I am a top student!

My family is engaged in mining, so I have more research on the underground than you all. "

As he said that, Zhu Chenguang took a look at the patterns on the wall in a dignified way.
"That's right, this is the ruins of ancient civilizations in Antarctica,

It is equivalent to the birthplace of human beings.

Previously this was just a hypothesis, never proven,

Because there is no technology to find the underground world,
But judging from the craftsmanship of this cave, and these grotesque corpses,
This should be the legendary Antarctic prehistoric civilization! "

Chen Sheng shook his fan and said with a smile:
"So, we made a new discovery by accident?"

Han Nuan said to Zhu Chenguang,
"We don't care about this, so you just say how to get out?"

"How do I know!" Zhu Chenguang froze,

"I'm not an architect."

Hearing this, Jin Qiaoqiao gave him an ear, which made him scream,

"Hurry up and think of a way! Young Master!"

"It hurts! It hurts! I can't help it!"

Chen Sheng thought about it, and made a decisive decision.

"Since this is an ancient city civilization, there must be an exit,

Let's walk along the direction of the flow of spiritual energy,

We can only cross the river by feeling the stones. "

"Yeah." Han Nuan nodded, "Then let's go, sir."

Zhu Chenguang doubted:

"Is this reliable? What if it takes us to some dangerous place?"

Chen Sheng and Han Nuan ignored him, and walked directly towards the cave, very simply.

Qiaoqiao hurriedly jumped up and slapped Zhu Chenguang,
The two hurriedly followed behind,

"Hey, wait for us!"

Through the winding caves, it is as complicated as a maze,
But fortunately, the circulation of spiritual energy is regular,

They had no choice but to go to the place where the aura was strongest.

I don't know how long I walked,
Finally out of a hole full of strong light,

But what happened next left everyone dumbfounded.
An incomparably vast underground space is presented in front of you,
In the distance is the appearance of a city, very grand and huge,
Many times larger than a human dungeon,
And the sky is a blurred red-yellow,
I didn't know, I thought this was the ground!

"Wow! What's here?"

Jin Qiaoqiao opened her mouth wide in surprise,

And Chen Sheng was thoughtful, and pulled Zhu Chenguang over,

"This should be the relic of the ancient civilization you mentioned, right?"

Zhu Chenguang took a closer look, swallowed,

"If there is no accident, it should be."

The city looks very large, and the appearance is not dilapidated,
I don't know if anyone lives there,
If so, what nationality is the other party?
Is it aggressive?
Are you going forward or backward now?

Everyone lost their minds for a moment and could only stare blankly.

Jin Qiaoqiao finally couldn't help asking,

"What shall we do next?"

Chen Sheng breathed out,

"It's all here, let's go and have a look."

Just as he was about to leave, Han Nuan pulled Chen Sheng's clothes,
"Sir, this is a completely unknown territory, and I'm afraid there will be danger."

Chen Sheng smiled and comforted her with his hands.

"It's just as dangerous for us to stay here, so we might as well try our luck."

"All right!"

Several people embarked on this unknown journey,
Walking through a vast open space around the city,

The soil here is very moist, a bit like clay,

But it is very strong, and there is not even a crack when you step on it.

After some trekking, they finally reached the city.
There are a lot of high-rise buildings here, and most of them are domed buildings.

From the naked eye, it is already much higher than the cramped and crowded human dungeons.

After wandering around the city for a while, the few people finally felt relieved,

This is an empty city, there is no living person,

Some are just white bones on the ground.

The building is not dilapidated because it is deep underground and relatively well preserved.

But judging from the corpses lying on the ground, it has been dead for millions of years.

Chen Sheng squatted down to examine these fossil-like corpses, feeling strange,
"Why are these people's skulls so long?"

Han Nuan also squatted beside him and said,

"And it's very tall, it doesn't look like a human being."

At this moment, Zhu Chenguang said with a smile,

"This is a person from millions of years ago, of course it is different from people now,
Could it be the aliens? "

Hearing this, Chen Sheng's eyes wrinkled,
"What's wrong?" Han Nuan asked.

"It's okay." Chen Sheng shook his head, stood up again,

He pointed to the tallest building in the middle of the city,

"If my predictions are correct, there should be an exit there."

"How can you see it?"

"Because the aura flows most frequently there,
And the top of that building is also embedded in the earth at the top of this world,

Didn't you see it? "

When everyone saw it, they all nodded.

At this moment, Jin Qiaoqiao suddenly felt her butt wet,
She shook her body and said coquettishly,

"Don't make trouble, Ah Guang, let's talk about it when we go back!"


Zhu Chenguang turned his head suspiciously,

"What's wrong with me?"

Seeing this, Jin Qiaoqiao was stunned.

Boyfriend is beside me, what is behind that?
She touched it with her hands and came across a sticky mass of flesh,

Still squirming on my ass,
She instantly got goosebumps,

Turn around and look,
A huge meat worm was attached to her body, it was very disgusting!

Qiaoqiao jumped on the spot, scurrying around,
Han Nuan burned the insect to death with a flash of fire.
Qiaoqiao hugged Zhu Chenguang directly,

"It's terrible! It's terrible! Woooooo~"

"It's okay baby, I'm here."

At this moment, the ground began to shake,
The surrounding land began to heave and squirm,
A meat worm burst out one after another, with a bloody mouth open,
Many beetles also drilled out of the gaps in the surrounding walls.
Crowds crawled all over the building,

Chen Sheng shouted loudly, and everyone started to run,
In an instant, the land of this street turned into mud,
And full of all kinds of poisonous insects,

Running towards the central building, all kinds of poisonous insects kept coming out behind them chasing them,
"These creatures should have been spawned by aura!

The attack power is very strong, you must be careful! "

As he said that, a huge flesh worm drilled out from behind him,

Stretched out his head to attack the crowd,

Chen Sheng spun, and sent out a sword energy with the fan, and shot it out in the air.

With a click, the meat worm's head fell behind Zhu Chenguang and his girlfriend,
They were frightened to death, and immediately speeded up, running even faster than Liu Xiang.

Suddenly, another reptile lizard rushed out of the front,
Facing Zhu Chenguang, the two opened their mouths at the same time.
Fire came out of Han Nuan's hand, and immediately fired a palm of fire,
Lizards become baked lizards.

A fragrance comes,
Chen Sheng twisted a lizard's leg by the way, and ran while eating.

After Zhu Chenguang saw it, he shouted,
"Hey! Brother! Are you still in the mood to eat?"

Chen Sheng relished,

"It's so fragrant, don't waste it."

At this time, Chen Sheng felt that the cultivation base in his body was gradually rising,

He took a look at the data of the system,
Damn, this lizard is a spirit beast!
The energy value is 20.

Unconsciously, Chen Sheng looked back at the thousands of unknown creatures.

He licked his lips and smiled mysteriously.

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