Another five years have passed, and now Chen Sheng likes to run,

And it is running around the South Pole, crossing back and forth on the weak morning and evening line,

Because the earth stopped rotating, the hemisphere he is in is eternal night,
And the sun in the other hemisphere has become smaller than a baseball,

In another 100 years, I'm afraid it will be integrated into the starlight,

Can't tell which star is the former home, the solar system.

One day, Chen Sheng was jumping back and forth on the Antarctic morning and evening line, playing the game of day and night.


"I jump!"


"I'll dance again!"

The setting sun rises and sets on the horizon, sets and rises,
The feeble sun shines on him and fades, fades and shines,

The current sunlight is like the moonlight in the past, not strong, only weak.

Tired of playing, he lay down in the snow and watched the romantic aurora in the sky,
Now the aurora is not as green as before, but colorful,

Pastels are like paints graffitied on the black screen of space,

Suddenly, the mountain shook with a loud sound, and the earth began to shake violently.
The ground beneath him cracked and continued to bulge,
Chen Sheng was brought up by this ground, and kept going up into the sky,
"One meter, two meters, three meters."

Chen Sheng counted the height of the uplift, which is the plate displacement that often occurs on the earth now,

Turn plains into mountains, valleys into plains, bring volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

And the flat ground he was lying on just now turned into a cliff in an instant,
Now the field of vision is wider. Chen Sheng walked to the edge of the cliff, and he had a panoramic view of the horizon.
The dim light revealed his silhouette, and under the entire sky, he was the only tiny existence,

Looking from a distance, there is a faint blue light on the horizon, which is the planetary engine of the whole world,

But the strange thing is that the bottom of the blue light is cut by a neat black curtain, and it keeps rising,

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the surge and rupture coming from afar,
Chen Sheng was not surprised, he knew what it was.

That's a big wave.

Huge waves of hundreds of meters.

It is rushing towards the shore of the Antarctic, gradually blocking the twilight of the horizon.

Sensing the approach of huge waves under the shady curtain, Chen Sheng suddenly stood on the cliff on the coast of Antarctica,
A gust of wind had already blown his face, blowing over his naked body.

"Today, you can bet that you can skip my body. If you skip it, I won't eat for a year."

Rumble rumble~
A terrible muffled sound oppresses, it is the sound of the sea,

The wind is also getting stronger, the huge waves are oppressing like a mountain, and the ice layer is constantly breaking.

Chen Sheng didn't even blink his eyes, his eyes were as normal as water.

After the howling of the sky-shattering noise ceased,
The huge wave finally stopped at a distance of one meter from Chen Sheng, and then froze into an ice wall.
Like a scallop, this wall of ice covers the Antarctic coastline,

And Chen Sheng was like an ant, standing at the bottom of a huge scallop, as if he would be submerged at any moment.

"It's boring."

Chen Sheng shook his head.

He was about to leave, and went back to Sun City for a meal,
It's been a few months since I came out, Xiaobai should be talking about me.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a ray of light from the top of the huge wave, and the sound of the engine starting,
Seeing this, Chen Sheng's eyes tightened.

He jumped up with a whoosh, jumped a hundred meters, and leaped to the top.

Crazy ~ crazy!
The engine was cranking hard, but the car was stuck in the ice and couldn't be pulled out.

"What are you doing?"

Chen Sheng asked.

The man in the car turned his head and saw that there was no reaction on his oily face, then he turned back to do his own thing,
"The wings of my car were frozen, and a tsunami came from somewhere, and I was almost submerged."

Chen Sheng took a closer look, and saw that it was a flying car with half of its wings in it.
"You should be thankful that the car was submerged, not you, otherwise you would have remained in the ocean of ice forever as a specimen."

The man ignored Chen Sheng and continued to tinker with the car.

He was wearing a brown robe, and his hair was long, and he wasn't wearing a hazmat suit.

"Come on, stay out of the way." Chen Sheng said lightly.

Hearing this, the man was puzzled.
But still leisurely put down the wrench in his hand, and slowly backed away.

I saw Chen Sheng rubbed his palms twice, then hugged the car body with both hands,

Take a breath, gather strength,
Breathe a sigh of relief, muffled,
Snapped!The wing was snapped off.

Chen leaned in front of the car, panted for a long time, and said lightly:

"Sorry, I didn't control my strength well."

Antarctic ice cave, a fire, some fish, two men.

"My name is Chen Sheng, what's your name?"

The man ate the fish and replied:

"My name is Yixiu, and I'm a traveler."

Yixiu showed a kind of tugging that didn't care about anything, which was very similar to Chen Sheng.

"Yixiu, I think you can survive without wearing protective clothing. Are you also a cultivator?"

"I don't cultivate immortality, that thing is not suitable for me, I practice Buddha, Buddha is the most powerful."

Yixiu said lightly, but he never stopped eating fish.

Interesting, Chen Sheng became interested,

"Then you are a monk, so why aren't you a vegetarian?"

Hearing this, Yixiu didn't feel guilty at all, but took another fish and put it in his mouth on the spot.

"First of all, I am a human being, and it is unrealistic to be a vegetarian in troubled times. Secondly, if wine and meat pass through the intestines, the Buddha will keep it in his heart."

Hey, Chen Sheng smiled, this guy is quite interesting,
Then he moved his butt, leaned against the wall, and said leisurely:

"Yixiu, I broke your car, you come back with me, I'll pay you for one."

Yixiu stroked his hair, wiped his mouth, thought for a while,

Then the two put out the fire and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Yixiu recited the "Sutra of Infinite Life" to the fish bones for a long time to save them.

The two walked from the east side of Antarctica to the west side of Antarctica on foot.
All the way through the vast Antarctic continent, as well as various unfamiliar mountains,
This journey may last for several months, but Chen Sheng is not in a hurry, and Yixiu is not in a hurry.

The two began to discuss, talking about major events in the world, the future of mankind,
This is a man who likes to discuss life philosophy when he is full and has nothing to do, even if he is not full.

"Did the Buddha predict the end of the world?" Chen Sheng asked.

"Yes!" Yixiu replied simply.

"When? Could it be now?"

"No." Yixiu said,

"The Buddha said in the scriptures that human beings can continue for at least 9000 years, and we don't know after that."

The two trekked in the mountains, and the wind and snow whizzed by.

Facing the snow, Chen Sheng drank some water, feeling refreshed for a while,
"Did the Buddha say when the earth will arrive at its new home?"

"You should ask the world government about this, not me."

Chen Sheng thought about it,
"Although the wandering plan announced by the world government is very comprehensive, I always feel that it will not go so smoothly."

Hearing this, Yixiu smiled,
"Benefactor Chen, we won't see that day anyway, so what are you worrying about?"

Chen Sheng also smiled:
"Anyway, to be alive is to be alive, so I'll just fuck around."

Suddenly an Antarctic storm hit, stirring up the snowstorm and causing an avalanche.

Countless grays and whites fell from the sky, drowning everything visible to the naked eye, including himself.

The two were really disturbed and couldn't move forward.

Simply sit on the ground and wait for the storm to pass.

The sound of the wind was too strong, and I couldn't speak, so I could only sit like this.

After a while, the two were buried 50 meters deep in the snow.

Under there, Chen Sheng dug a snow hole with his hands, and he and Yixiu showed their heads,
This is not done for such superficial things as breathing and surviving, but for speaking well.

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