In the sanctuary.

As soon as the 12 people entered the sanctuary, they immediately entered a state of combat readiness, watching their surroundings vigilantly.

Although there were no traces of life activity nearby, their intuition told them that there was definitely something wrong here!

Yunze had already opened his piercing eyes, scanned the surrounding environment, and quickly locked on to the target.

It was a group of black panthers hiding in the bushes!

[Race: Shadow Leopard.

Level: 18.

Combat power: 5,328
Abilities: Toxic Smoke, Stealth.

Weaknesses: The hind legs are extremely powerful, but their defenses are weak, and once they are destroyed, they will lose their fighting ability. 】

After Yunze got the reminder, he couldn't help frowning.

Also at level 3600, Yingmei who appeared last time only had 5000 combat power, but the Shadow Leopard's combat power has already exceeded [-]!

It seems that in the sanctuary, the alien species have the same combat power as they do!

But they are only [-]th-level heterogeneous species, so it's not enough for me to feel this way, unless...

Yun Ze frowned, and glanced at the treetops from the corner of his eye.

[Race: Shadow Leopard.

Level: 20.

Combat power: 26,640

The standard combat power of level 23 is [-], but the combat power of this Shadow Leopard has exceeded [-], which is equivalent to the normal combat power of level [-] or above!

No wonder the last time Kastin and the others killed a level [-] pig, they almost wiped out the entire army.

"The direction of [-]:[-]."

Yun Ze whispered to the crowd: "There are twenty shadow leopards, nineteen are in the bushes, and one is hiding in a tree.

The one in the bush is only [-]th level, the one on the tree is [-]th level, the strength is [-], the weak point is the hind legs, I will attack after counting to three, you are in charge of the bushes, I am in charge of the tree, listen Nod. "

The remaining 11 people nodded at the same time.

Although they didn't know how Yunze obtained this data, they all believed him from the bottom of their hearts.

Who called him Yunze?

As soon as the words fell, the 12 people rushed towards the same direction almost at the same time!
Everyone is above level [-], and their reaction speed has long been out of the human category. If Yunze really counted from one to three, they would not be used to it.

The moment the 12 people came into contact with the nineteen Phantom Leopards, the Phantom Leopards on the tree took aim at the little Zhengtai of Sakura Civilization and rushed towards them!
It seems that both aliens and humans like to pick soft persimmons.

But everyone was prepared, the bald old man killed a shadow leopard, and at the same time protected Xiao Zhengtai behind him, and Yunze also pulled out his ancient sword and slashed at the twentieth-level shadow leopard!

Target, hind legs!
The sword light flashed, and the Shadow Leopard fell to the ground, lying in a pool of blood, and a number appeared on Yunze's head... 64,925!

Yunze frowned when he saw this value, and Liberty and Civilization, who were busy making up the knife, also frowned.

The latter frowned because this value was too high, too high to exceed their expectations!

The former frowned because the value was too low!

He is now level 24, with a basic combat power of [-]!
Now this figure only counts the two types of increases: [Loyalty and Justice] and [King Kong Is Not Bad]!
Although he held a small knife in his hand, [Horizontal Knife Leaping Horse] didn't take effect, and the increase brought by [Dragon Soul] didn't count, and another buff that he planned to hide as a trump card didn't take effect either.

According to this calculation method, I am afraid that [going to the meeting alone] will not be effective.

Yun Ze glanced around, and everyone's combat power values ​​were drilled above their heads.

Except for Han Ruier and Dalaf who are [-], all of them are [-]!

In other words, except for their own special case, they did not receive any benefits of believing in gods!
He was deceived!

Yunze didn't rush to make up the knife, but looked at Castine who was not far away: "I think you need to give me an explanation."

When talking about Sanctuary for the first time, Castine once said that the BUFF gain will not disappear after arriving here.

He didn't doubt it at the time, so he didn't ask the black bear for verification, but now...he was obviously tricked!
"Captain Yun, what do you mean by that!"

Now Yunze is the captain of the sanctuary exploration team, and Kastin is the vice-captain. There is no problem in being called this.

He frowned and said angrily: "When I came last time, there was a BUFF gain. Who knows why this happened."

"It's you! All of us don't have buffs, why do you still have them? Don't say this is your basic combat power!"

"Wait!" The free and civilized tattooed man suddenly shouted, "Could it have something to do with Sanctuary?"

As soon as the words fell, the three of Yinghua Wenming couldn't help moving closer to him, looking at Yunze with suspicious eyes.

This was a normal reaction. If the other five people hadn't completely trusted Yunze, they would probably have started to take precautions now.

"It's true that wicked people file complaints first, and vicious dogs bite people first."

Yun Ze sneered, and then handed the Gu Jian to Han Rui'er, asking her to use it as a supplementary sword. This would not only maximize the utilization of experience, but also allow Gu Jian to collect some more blood from other species.

He looked at the six people in front of him, with a kind smile on the corner of his mouth: "Since I've already come in, I might as well open up and talk about it."

"Xiaoka, can you explain to me what the Mieyun Project is?"

"What plan? I haven't heard of it!" Kastin naturally denied.

If Yunze's combat strength is less than 6, they can still find a way to join forces with the Sakura Civilization, but the more than [-]... is too scary!
This is in the sanctuary!
On the other hand, Sakura Civilization's Xiaozheng tugged on the sleeves of Nishinomiya Isamu and the bald old man, as if expressing some opinion.

"Two two."

The bald old man of Sakura Civilization came out and said with a smile: "Isn't this a place to talk? Let's find a safe place first and talk slowly, shall we?"

"Yes, Team Cloud."

Wei Li also calmly suggested from the side: "This place was originally disguised, but now there are alien species ambushing us here, maybe when the last team came over, this place has been exposed.

If it stays any longer, it is likely to attract higher-level heterogeneous species. "

"...Let's go first!" Yun Ze was not someone who didn't understand the overall situation.

Even if he exposes Castine now, he won't kill him on the spot. He still needs the sanctuary information in the hands of the other party.

You must know that Free Civilization has accumulated four exploration experiences. They did not intend to share these data, but recorded all of them in Casting's mind. This is also a layer of insurance provided by Free Civilization.

If he died, it would be difficult to ensure that everyone would not step on the pit.

Everyone quickly disposed of the corpse, and then left behind Kastin under the guise of a hairless ape.

It is said that they still have a base here, and all the exploration team members who are about to leave will record what they have seen and heard within three days there, for the reference of those who enter next time.

I just don't know if it will be like here, and it has already been exposed.

The 12 people hurried on their way, and Dalaf did not forget to go to Yunze's side and ask, "Davarish, how did you find those shadow leopards just now?"

"Maybe you will grow bigger, but not allow our Yanhuang civilization to explore?"

"Hey, you know that's not what I mean, it's just pure curiosity!"

Dalaf asked again: "And your combat is it so high?"

That was the question he really wanted to ask.

It is true that everyone is an ally, but it does not mean that they are a family. In this case, let alone Dalaf, even Gu Ruchuan would have a little doubt about Yunze.

Who told that what happened to Yunze was too mysterious?

"I really want to know?"


"Well, actually I... be careful!"

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