"too horrible."

The black bear next to him let out a sigh. It also saw the phantom of the god king, and the muscles on its body couldn't help trembling: "That should be the ruler of your world, right?"

"No, that's another civilization's belief."

Lao Gu explained casually, then frowned and looked at the phantom in the air: "These guys are really crazy!
Now that Yanhuang has just stabilized, they are so anxious to upgrade to the second level of civilization?
If there is any problem on our side, if they can't resist the alien invasion, then the entire Blue Star will be drawn into the flames of war! "

"Maybe it's because of fear."

Seeing Xixi say something, Yunze couldn't help shaking his head: "Having been the overlord for so many years, I still feel a little unconvinced if I want them to accept the system we established all at once.

But it doesn't matter, after they get hurt, they will know that it is not a civilization, and they can be promoted to the second level. "

The only surviving level [-] alien species is a black bear, and free civilization should not know the specific combat power of the level [-] alien species.

When the alien species invades seven days later, they will most likely ask Yanhuang for help.

At that time, it was not yet the day when the second election was triggered, Yanhuang might be able to help out from the sake of fellow human beings, at worst, he would just charge some fees.

"It would be fine if there were only free civilizations."

Old Gu sighed, and frowned slightly: "I'm afraid that other civilizations are also like free civilizations. I want to take advantage of this wind to let myself enjoy the dividends of the new system."

"You mean..."

"Even the background of free civilization can be upgraded to a second-level civilization, and other civilizations will naturally have a way to upgrade. It depends on whether they will come to this gambling table."

Yun Ze couldn't help frowning.

Old Gu is right, although there are only two civilizations that have been promoted to the second level, but in terms of background, there are at least three or four civilizations that are eligible to be promoted to the second level!

The reason why they stayed put was because they wanted to see if Yanhuang could deal with the alien invasion, and because they planned to move forward steadily.

After all, the upper limit of level one civilization is level nineteen, and before reaching this upper limit, they are not in a hurry to upgrade to level two.

But it's different now.

Yanhuang wants to establish a new system, and Liberal Civilization wants to consolidate its dominance. Both civilizations have been promoted to the second level.

It would be fine if only one free civilization was promoted to level two, even if they couldn't withstand the alien species, Yanhuang still had the strength to help them survive.

But once more than three civilizations are promoted to the second level at the same time, then Yanhuang may not be able to help them!

Old Gu became more and more frightened as he thought about it, he pulled Yunze's arm and said, "Quick! Bring the black bear back to the headquarters, let those civilizations realize the horror of the twentieth-level alien species, and slow down the pace of stepping into the second-level civilization, otherwise it will be too late !
If necessary, you can cooperate with free civilizations to suppress other civilizations..."

With a buzzing sound, before Lao Gu finished speaking, another phantom of a god rose in the sky!

[Detecting the awakening of the cherry blossom civilization to the God Lord——Tianyu Zhongzhu Zun, the civilization background is improved, the civilization level +1, and the level of all creatures +1! 】

[Warning: It is detected that the cherry blossom civilization has become a second-level civilization, and the sky is weakened. After 168 hours, there will be aliens of level [-] and below invading the cherry blossom civilization!
Please be ready in time! 】

The two frowned and looked at the statue in the air, and were speechless for a while.

This is the second time!
Now even if the fighting power of the black bear is displayed in front of all civilizations, they will not give up this plan easily.

After all, it would be fine if the two civilizations of Yanhuang and Liberty were promoted to the second level. Who said that before this happened, their strategic position on Blue Star was higher than that of other civilizations?
But now Sakura has also been promoted to level two. If other civilizations don't work hard, wouldn't they be ridden on top of their heads by this guy?
Sure enough, before Yunze could speak, a third phantom of a god appeared in the air!
He had once seen the statue of this god—the white bear civilized god of war [Sventovit]!
As a fighting nation, it is not easy for them to endure until now.

Yunze couldn't help turning his head to look to the south, the next one...should be the White Elephant Civilization, right?
The promotion of three civilizations to the second level at the same time has almost exceeded the load that Blue Star can bear. If there is one more civilization, the fault tolerance will be extremely low!
He can no longer advance the fourth civilization!

"Old Gu, I'm going to visit the White Elephant Civilization, please pay attention to support."

Yunze was not yet conceited enough to fight against a civilization, so while picking up the black bear and flying towards the white elephant civilization, he did not forget to ask Lao Gu to arrange support for him.

"it is good!"

Old Gu responded, and quickly realized something.

Yunze took the black bear away, but left him here...

There are hundreds of thousands of different species of black bears around!

What should I do if I am not careful and my old fate is here?
Shocked, Lao Gu hurriedly took out the communicator, shrank aside and called for support: "Hurry up, call someone to pick me up!"


Somersaulting Yun's speed was very fast, and Yun Ze soon came to the border of Baixiang civilization.

Perhaps because of the alien invasion, the White Elephant civilization has established a very long blockade on the border!
When those armed soldiers saw Yunze, they immediately picked up the communicator and issued a warning to him.

It should be a warning... right?

After all, Yunze couldn't understand what they were talking about, so he could only guess, and took advantage of the opportunity to step on somersaults and fly over.

He didn't intend to discuss with the other party at the border, and he had to find Karo Sharma to make them realize the seriousness of the matter!

Yun Ze used up somersault Yun's last bit of time and landed in the capital of Baixiang civilization.

Because the border had discovered him a long time ago, when he landed with the black bear, the people on the street had already begun to evacuate, and the army began to take over here.

Yunze landed in an open area with the black bear, and let those armed soldiers surround him. Just as he was about to speak, he heard an authentic Yanhuang language resounding in the crowd.

"Mr. Yun, I didn't expect you to really come? Why don't you tell me in advance, so I can go to greet you."

Yunze looked at the crowd and could only see a loudspeaker. Thinking about it, Carlo still didn't dare to come out to meet him in person, only dared to talk to him in this way.

Probably because they were afraid that one of them would not get along well, and would be shot in the head with a stick.

"I'll just say one thing..."

Yunze pulled out the Dinghaishen needle and inserted it on the ground casually: "I hope that the white elephant civilization will not be in a hurry to advance to the second-level civilization, at least wait for seven days."

"Oh, why?"

Karo Sharma sneered: "Since Yanhuang, Liberty, Sakura, and White Bear can all be upgraded to a second-level civilization, why can't we White Elephant?
Let me tell you that we are already preparing for the God Summoning Ceremony, and in just a few minutes, we will be able to awaken Brahma God!

If you are willing to stay, maybe I can pray for you to God Brahma to give you the surname of Brahman, so that you can escape from Yanhuang sea of ​​suffering! "

"...You are really like a toad on a frog, you are ugly and playful."

Yunze was almost not amused by the other party's words.

Get rid of Yanhuang bitter sea?where do i goTo collect the periodic table of elements in your Ganges?Or swimming in your holy water of cow urine?

Good guy, all the flavors are so strong!Who can stand it!
"Okay, don't say I'm domineering, now I'll give you two choices... First, give up the promotion!"

Yun Ze raised his hand and patted the black bear beside him, then smiled and said, "But I think you are not happy about it.

The second choice is also simple. I happen to have a level [-] alien species by my side. If you can defeat it, I don't have to interfere with your decision.

how is it? "

"Twenty-level alien?" Karo Sharma obviously didn't believe it, after all, the size of the black bear is much smaller now.

"Don't believe it?"

Yunze took a few steps back: "Xiong, show them your real body!"

"Got it!"

The black bear responded, and its body began to swell, and under the watchful eyes of the soldiers and the melon-eating crowd, it quickly returned to its original size!

In terms of height, it has surpassed the tallest building in Baixiang civilization!

Those soldiers with guns were stunned. A monster of this size, not to mention bullets, even shells can't break the defense, right?

"Do you believe it now?"

Yunze looked at the stunned soldiers in front of him: "Hey! Don't be dazed, why don't you try shooting?"

A gunshot exploded, and the bullet landed on the black bear.

The group of soldiers couldn't understand Yunze's words, so it was obviously Karo Sharma who made the soldiers shoot.

His purpose is very simple, just to see the fighting power of the black bear!

When the bullet landed on the black bear's skin, his goal was achieved.


Only one step away from [-]!
Yunze was also a little surprised when he saw this value. If the combat power at level 21 is [-], then the combat power at level [-] is likely to be [-].

In other words, this black bear came in through the limit of the crack?No wonder he is much smarter than Ziyu.

"Look, Ma, let's be reasonable!"

Yun Ze came back to his senses, raised his hand and patted Hei Xiong's heel: "My brother Xiong's combat effectiveness among the twentieth-level alien species can only be regarded as upper-middle.

If you can't even beat it, why is it necessary to upgrade to the second level of civilization?

If the White Elephant civilization is destroyed by then, we Yanhuang may not be able to find time to come to the rescue! "

Karo Sharma was silent.

After a long time, he asked Yunze: "Then how did you make him submit?"

"Me? Simple."

Yun Ze showed a smile on his face: "You will know if you let them shoot me."

It is impossible to shoot. Even if it is a test to shoot now, it will only push Yunze to the opposite side. Carlo is not that stupid!

He just sneered, and asked Yunze: "Just shoot.

But Mr. Yun, if you come alone, you won't be afraid... I'll keep you as a guest? "

"A guest? Of course!"

The smile on Yunze's face gradually became 'kind': "If you still want to fight a battle to defend the capital."

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