"You... aren't from the Tai Chi country, are you?"

Yunze: ( )?

"Brother, are you okay?"

Yun Ze looked at Wang Hu dumbfounded: "If I were from the Tai Chi Kingdom, would I still be standing here with you?
I'm a purebred Yanhuang old man, okay? "

"Then this Martial Saint..."

Now Yunze understood where the suspicion came from.

He turned his head to look at the sky, as if he was looking directly at the Blue Star Kingdoms: "Martial Saint Guan Yu, I have been the Yanhuang Martial Saint from beginning to end!
Now that the god statue has been erected, and even Tianxuan Space recognizes this fact, who the thief is... It's obvious! "

"OK OK……"

Wang Hu laughed awkwardly, he didn't want to cause international disputes under such circumstances, he was just asking out of curiosity, he didn't expect Yunze's reaction to be so big: "Let's not talk about this for now.

I heard that you like military affairs quite a lot, and you should have some research on strategy, as for what we should do in the future...

I would like to hear your views. "

Listen to opinions?
It should be to test me, right?

These 100 people say that there are not many, and that there are not many. It is appropriate for Brother Hu to manage it alone. Now that they are proposed to take the school exam, they should want to divide the troops...

Well, it coincides with my previous thoughts.

"Well, it just so happens that I have an immature idea that I need your help, Brother Hu."

"You said."


Yunze raised a finger and began to talk eloquently: "Now there is an insurmountable mountain in front of us. If we don't boost our morale, the team may have already dispersed before the fight begins."

Wang Hu's eyes lit up: "Then how to boost morale?"

"Encourage and motivate each other.

We have just won a big battle, and rewarding meritorious deeds is the best way to boost morale, and it can also lead to our next move. "

"Action?" Wang Hu pretended to be puzzled.

"Brother Tiger..."

Yunze frowned, and looked at the wolf king in the distance: "The monster will wake up in three days, we can't just sit and wait for death, right?

Now all of us are not as powerful as a silver bone wolf, so naturally we can't upgrade like before.

So I propose to form a sharp knife team, a tough team and a decoy team.

The decoy team is responsible for attracting the small wolves to attack, the attacking team is responsible for fighting the wolves, and the sharp knife team is responsible for harvesting.

The sharp knife team and the decoy team adopt a rotation system.

Let the sharp knife team upgrade first, then the decoy team, and finally the attacking team.

It's not my turn to make this proposal now. Although I have made meritorious service and successfully enshrined the Martial Sage, I still can't compare to you, Brother Hu, in terms of reputation.

So if you think this plan is feasible, it's up to you to tell everyone.

And if I could, I'd apply to be on the first decoy team! "

It's not that Yunze likes excitement, but that this plan was originally proposed by him. If he doesn't join the bait team, there will always be people who will not be convinced.


Wang Hu pondered for a moment, as if he was thinking about the feasibility of Yunze's plan, and then nodded slowly after about half a minute: "This plan is really good, then let's call everyone over and hold a meeting.

Yunze, you call them. "

"it is good!"

Yunze turned to look at everyone: "Everyone! Come here! Team Wang has something to say!"

The crowd quickly gathered around, Wang Hu cleared his throat, and smiled at the crowd: "Everyone!
First of all...we won this battle!And it was a great win!
Yunze should take the lead!
If it weren't for him to enshrine the Martial Saint, we wouldn't be able to live till now!
Let's applaud him! "

Thunderous applause rang out, Yunze showed a generous smile, bowed to everyone, and after the applause stopped, he smiled at everyone: "Thank you everyone.

But if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to worship the Martial Saint, even if I could, without you, I wouldn't be able to resist the wolves alone.

In the final analysis, all of this is due to everyone!

For the next round of applause, please ring out for yourself, for your comrades-in-arms, and for the three who passed away! "

As Yunze spoke, he applauded again, causing another roar.

Now that the chicken blood is over, there must be some hope.

It's time to throw that plan out, or the passion will die soon.

"OK OK."

As the applause gradually disappeared, Wang Hu also took over the topic again.

He looked at the crowd, and the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a low face: "Everyone is aware of the current situation. A comrade-in-arms made a small suggestion, and I want to hear everyone's opinions."

Wang Hu had a bold temper, and he didn't give a shit. According to Yunze's original words, he directly threw out the suggestion.

After everyone had digested it, they asked again: "Everyone... do you have any opinions on this?"

This place is still not an army. It is impossible for Wang Hu to settle such a big matter with one word.

"Brother Hu! We listen to you! You have fought in war and know what to do!"

"That's right, Brother Hu! If it weren't for you, we might not be able to survive Brother Yun's summoning of the Martial Saint. We will listen to you!"

Wang Hu echoed everything, and most of the chosen ones agreed with his plan, only a small number of the chosen ones remained silent, probably thinking about the decoy team.

"it is good!"

Wang Hu responded with a smile: "Now I'll call out the names, as the first batch of bait teams!

Chen Zijun!Wei Yong!Li Weilin... Come out! "

Wang Hu only called out the names of seven people in total, Yunze immediately turned to look at him, frowning slightly...

Among the seven people, there are two active soldiers, two veterans, and two party members and cadres. The only one who is not a soldier is a family member of a soldier whose family has joined the army!

Only, without him!

"The seven of you plus me are the first batch of bait teams!

Our task is to lure the wolves before the Sharp Knife Team reaches level four.

If there are more than [-] wolves in the pack, we will run in the opposite direction of the altar, and if there are less than [-] wolves, we will lead them to the vicinity.

Do you... have any questions! "


The roar of the seven people was deafening.

"Wait! Brother Wang! I want to join too!"

"Yes! There are only seven people, how can this be enough! Count me in!"

Sporadic voices sounded in the crowd, but Wang Hu frowned: "Quiet!
There are not many people in the lure team!

Although our combat effectiveness is equal, you have not experienced professional training, so it is difficult to perform lure tasks on this terrain.

If we are unfortunately sacrificed, it will not be too late for you to add to the lure team. "

Hearing what Wang Hu said, those people also fell silent.

Yunze knew that most of these words were for him.

He has not experienced professional training and is a non-professional.

But... eight people lure the wolves?Still limited to twenty heads?

Originally, the copper-skinned wolf had some wisdom, but who knew how smart this silver-skinned wolf would be?
In case those beasts see through the plan, or lure too many wild wolves, even if he shares the BUFF, then these eight people will only have one fate...

"Yun Ze!"

Just when Yunze was struggling, Wang Hu's voice sounded again: "Get out!"


Yunze subconsciously took a step forward, and soon Wang Hu's voice rang in his ears.

"You will be the first sharp knife team, is there any problem?"

"No... wait, just me?"

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