
Yunze let out a mouthful of turbid air, suppressing the excitement in his heart!
If he guessed correctly, the golden hoop in front of him is the legendary tight hoop!

According to Journey to the West, there are five golden hoops in total, two of which are at both ends of the golden hoop stick, and the other three are gold, tight, and forbidden.

The golden hoop is on the body of the red boy, the forbidden hoop is on the body of the black bear spirit, and the tight hoop is on the head of Monkey King!

Some people say that it is because of these three hoops that the red boy became the boy of good fortune, the black bear became the god of guarding the mountain in the South China Sea, and Sun Wukong became the fighting Buddha.

There is no theoretical support for this.

Yunze reached out to take the golden hoop, but the moment his finger touched the golden hoop, a string of characters appeared on the stone wall in front of him...

Could it be a curse! ?
Yunze's eyes lit up, but when he saw the writing on the stone wall, he couldn't help frowning.

Buddha, devil.

There are only two characters, and these two characters are placed on both sides of the golden hoop, and there is nothing else.

So this is what it means in a single thought?
One thought...becomes a demon, one thought...becomes a Buddha!
Is it just making me a Buddha and a demon, or is it making the monkey outside become a Buddha and a demon?
Yun Ze couldn't help frowning.

"Brother Yun!"

Han Ruier's voice sounded behind her, seeing that Yunze hadn't moved for a while, she couldn't help asking: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

Yunze replied, and continued to look at the two words in front of him, but wanted to stop and come back.

Whether it is becoming a demon or becoming a Buddha, put this treasure away first!
But just when he was about to withdraw his hand to leave, he found that the golden hoop couldn't be moved, as if some force was stopping him.

Yunze frowned, and shifted the golden hoop to the sides with his hand, but found that he could move it again, but once he moved the golden hoop to the center, the blocking feeling came again!

Do I have to choose one?
This is difficult...

Now I can't tell whether this choice is for me or for the future Monkey King, Yunze is not easy to make a decision.

Because whether it is becoming a Buddha or a demon, it is not the best choice for him or Monkey King!

After becoming a Buddha, he may not be able to kill in the future, and Sun Wukong may also become "Fighting and Conquering Buddha".

It's not that [Fighting and Conquering Buddha] is not good, it's just that in this chaotic world, Buddha... may not be suitable!

After becoming a demon, he may have a big change of mind in the future, and it is not certain whether he can live a normal life, but Sun Wukong is likely to become "The Great Sage Equaling Heaven".

[Great Sage Equaling Heaven] Unruly, it would be fine if he could communicate normally, but if he couldn't control it, wouldn't it be a double-edged sword?

So... no matter becoming a Buddha or a demon, it is better to be a human being!
People have the seven emotions and six desires, birth, old age, sickness and death!
But only people can really do whatever they want, and don't care whether they are a Buddha or a demon. This is the same even if you ask Monkey King of any period!
If he could choose, he would not go to the heavenly palace, sit on a lotus and become a Buddha, but would just be a monkey eating peaches in Huaguo Mountain!
Yun Ze frowned and thought for a long time, and finally wanted to put down the gold hoop, and left with a wave of his hand.

It's just a golden hoop, do you want to influence my future with this?No big deal!
How about supreme?How about immortality?How about Weigai Wanshi?As long as it affects my heart, then I don't want it!
I, Yunze... just want to be this person!
What's more, who said that people can't do this!Those who do this... must not be human!

But the moment he let go of his palm, the golden hoop seemed to stick to his palm, and he refused to go back to the stone platform no matter what!
This is... relying on me?
Yunze shook his hand, and found that this thing was really stuck to his hand!

"Depend on!"

Hearing Yun Ze's scolding, Han Rui'er didn't care too much, and rushed to his side directly!

When she saw the scene in front of her clearly, she couldn't help but feel a little weird, she frowned and asked Yun Ze: "Brother Yun, what are you..."

"A child has no mother, it's a long story."

Yunze had no choice but to spit out eight words, and looked at Han Ruier with a wry smile: "Hurry up and ask me, how far has the technology of prosthetic limbs developed now? How much can I be reimbursed for work-related injuries?"

"Prosthetics? So serious!?"

"No, I just saw that you were too nervous, just kidding."

As Yunze spoke, he took the initiative to hold the golden hoop, and shook it on the left and right sides: "Look, isn't this still fine?"

Just when Yunze swung the golden hoop to the side of the word 'Magic', the scene in front of him changed suddenly.

The original cave has disappeared, replaced by a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!
Those corpses include human beings and alien species, and the number exceeds tens of millions!

Yunze looked down in front of him, a sense of tyranny filled his heart, accompanied by an indescribable excitement!
He hastily moved the golden hoop to the center, and the scene in front of him changed again.


Yunze let out a long sigh of relief, then turned to look at Han Ruier: "Okay, step back quickly.

I'll go in and do a little experiment, even if the stone gate is closed, don't be nervous, wait for me for half a minute, if I haven't come out in half a minute, you can go call someone. "

He said and kicked the blood wolf: "You guys too, step back."


The blood wolf backed away in a hurry, if Yunze hadn't come here, it would have been impossible to get close.

"Okay, I'll wait for you for half a minute."

Han Rui'er had no choice but to take a few steps back, standing in the position just now, looking at her eyes worriedly.

Yunze looked at the golden hoop again, all the joy and surprise in his eyes disappeared, leaving only caution.

Was that an illusion just now?

It seems that the previous guess is correct. If I choose a word at will, I am afraid that there may be unexpected changes.

But... this game is not impossible to break!
Just now, when he put the golden hoop back in the center, he suddenly discovered that besides the left and right, there are three directions to move!That is up, down and straight ahead!

You can't pull your hands away, but you can move forward.

Just half a meter ahead is the stone wall where the characters are engraved. If you can use the golden hoop to carve the word 'human' on the stone wall, can you also leave?

This may be the most suitable solution for Yunze at present.

But once it was half a meter deep, Yunze couldn't stand outside the stone gate, he had to go inside the stone gate completely, which was why he asked Han Rui'er to back away.

In case of any accident, they can't both die here.

Yunze stepped into the stone gate, and before he reached out his hand to the stone wall, another four characters appeared on the stone platform!

Fairies, monsters.

The word for immortal is on the top, and the word for monster is on the bottom, which are also arranged on both sides.

At this moment, Yunze was sure that this choice was not for Monkey King, but for himself.

After all, the essence of Sun Wukong is a monster. If you have to make a choice, then the option of 'monster' should not appear.

Naturally, Yunze would not choose among these four options, he continued to move forward with the golden hoop in his hand, and touched the stone wall when he stretched out his hand!

The moment the golden hoop collided with the stone wall, a clear sound rang in his ears, and the stone gate behind Yunze closed instantly, sealing him off from the outside world!

The stone gate is closed!
Han Rui'er immediately started counting. If half a minute had passed and the stone gate hadn't opened, she would turn around and notify the other people in the Tianxuan Bureau.

While she was counting, Yunze was also counting.

But while counting, he put the golden hoop against the stone wall and began to carve.

Herringbone is very simple, and it can be completed with one stroke and one stroke!
This is also the reason why Yunze said that it only takes half a minute. If things cannot be done, it will be unsafe after a long time.

He held the golden hoop and swiped it heavily, leaving a golden seal on the stone wall, which was easily completed with one stroke.

A golden character 'person' was left on the stone wall.

Yunze tried to pull his hand away again, and the resistance disappeared, as if the word itself was on the stone wall, but it was just erased.

Feeling the disappearance of the resistance, Yunze didn't stop for a moment, took the golden hoop into his arms, retreated to the stone gate and pushed it away.

The whole process went so smoothly that it was not normal, it didn't even take the half a minute that Yunze estimated.

But just after he walked out of the stone gate, another tremor came from the Water Curtain Cave!
This trembling was stronger than last time, Yunze had just stabilized his figure when he discovered an extremely strange thing!
The Shimen in front of him actually started to become illusory, and above the golden 'human' character, there was another word vaguely appearing!

But before he could see what the word was, the entire stone gate disappeared without a trace, and the trembling also stopped.

Yun Ze frowned, what exactly was that word?Why does it appear above 'person'?

Buddha, demon, god, and monster are all two words in one group. When I engraved the words just now, there was no obstruction at all. Could it be... there was a 'person' on the stone wall?And there is also a word that is relative or similar to people on it.

What word would that be?

"Brother Yun?" Han Rui'er walked up to Yun Ze, raised her hand and waved in front of his eyes: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I was just thinking about the stone wall just now."

"Stone wall, what stone wall?"

Han Rui'er tilted her head and asked a question: "By the way, you haven't said anything yet. What are you bringing me here for?"

"Okay, stop joking."

Before Yunze realized the seriousness of the matter, he waved his hand and planned to leave the cave first.

But when he stretched his hand into his bosom, trying to take out the golden hoop he just got, he realized that something was wrong.

The gold hoop... is gone!

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