
The name popped up in Yunze's mind instantly, but he soon realized that something was wrong.

Earth Immortal!

The monsters at this level are monsters in the Earth Wonderland. Danfeng has just been promoted to the Monster Immortal, how could it be possible to break through again in such a short period of time and reach the Earth Wonderland?

Even if she is indeed facing the Nine Tribulations and possesses the posture of a golden fairy, it is absolutely impossible for her to break through the fairyland in such a short period of time and be selected by the Tower of Civilization to enter it!

This is simply impossible!

So... the Earth Immortal in front of him should be a bird monster with the blood of Luanfeng?

Things get worse!
According to this situation, the best option is to randomly get an injured Earth Immortal, or a Luxing Earth Immortal under the jurisdiction of the Qilin Clan, or an injured, Luxing Earth Immortal!
In this way, the two of them still have a chance to pass through this level of Civilization Tower.

But now... Bird Earth Immortal!
The speed possessed by the other party is beyond the reach of the two of them. It is estimated that after death, they may not be able to touch a single hair of the other party!
There was a hint of despair in Yunze's eyes, but just when he was about to fight to the death, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

That is……

"Ah! I just said why the breath is so familiar, so it's you!"


Hearing the familiar human voice, Yunze was finally sure of one thing, the cry just now was indeed from Danfeng!
But how did she become an Earth Immortal?

Could it be that the time flow rate of this civilization tower is different from the time flow rate outside?
Yunze paused for a moment, still a little unbelievable, and stopped at the figure: "Stop! Don't come here yet!"


Danfeng was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being a little surprised: "Yunze, what are you doing? It's me! Danfeng!"

"Don't worry, how do you prove that you are Danfeng!"

Yunze was still somewhat cautious.

He didn't know whether the test at this level was the same as the reminder said, an earth immortal would enter, or... the test at this level was actually an illusion.

Yunze wasn't sure, so he had to be more cautious.


Danfeng froze for a moment, she didn't know what Yunze was doing, so she simply asked directly: "How do you want to prove it! Otherwise, I'll give you another ride, so you can feel it?"

As soon as these words came out, the people under the sky suddenly exclaimed!
It is reasonable to say that they are all professionally trained, and they would not be surprised or frightened when they see any news appearing in the sky, but this scene... really surprised them!
This is an earth fairy!

They knew that Team Yun could do well in the sanctuary, but they never expected that this Earth Immortal dared to 'ride'!
He is indeed the scariest man on Blue Star!

Immediately, some people who make a living from writing have been inspired by this matter. They want to write a mythical novel with the theme of shemale sadomasochism. The name is... "Legend of the Red Bird"!
Yunze was also in a cold sweat when he heard that.

He already believed that the woman in front of him was Danfeng, and besides her, no one else could say such nonsense!
"Okay, okay, don't talk about riding."

Yunze tried to explain, and then said: "It's just that under normal circumstances, I let you fly with me for a certain physical distance. How come it got into your mouth, and the words changed?"

He didn't want his fame to be ruined by a bird's beak!
In this case, of course, if you can explain it, you have to explain it, and if you can't explain it... try to explain it!

Han Ruier is still standing beside her!

She holds two swords, if she hears Danfeng's words and her heart becomes unstable, then the one who gets chopped off will be Yunze herself!

It's better to be cautious about this kind of thing!
"Smell? Where is it!"

Danfeng asked a question strangely, tilted his head and continued: "Don't mention riding? Then what should I mention? Do you mention that you saw me..."

"Naughty animal! Shut up!"

As soon as Yunze heard the tone, he knew something was wrong!

This guy absolutely wants to say that she was transformed into a human form for the first time, and there was no picture of wearing clothes. This kind of thing cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences!
For the sake of his fame in the first life, and in order not to be slashed with two swords, he must stop Danfeng from saying the tiger and wolf words behind!
"Ah? Stop talking?"

Danfeng looked at Yunze strangely: "Then what method do you want me to use to prove my identity?"

"No need to prove, no need to prove."

Yunze waved his hands again and again, afraid that she would say something stupid again, so he simply sat on the ground and said, "Come on, let's talk about how you got here."


Danfeng was speechless, and she didn't know what this human being wanted to do, so she walked up to him and Han Ruier and sat down: "How did you come here?

Just when I broke through to the Earth Immortal, a beam of light suddenly shone on me, and then came over?I thought it was your trick, but it turned out not to be? "

"of course not……"

Yunze frowned, analyzing what Danfeng said.

A beam of light suddenly came over.

That is to say, Danfeng's entry into the Civilization Tower is different from everyone else's entry into the Civilization Tower, and there is no prompt or information passed to her.

It simply brought her here, that is to say, when she saw Yunze and the two, it was up to her to judge whether she chose to attack or do other actions.

This situation is actually fair.

"Hey! Why are you in a daze?"

Danfeng looked at Yunze a little strangely, and began to look at the dark surroundings: "Where is this?"

"It's a long story..."

Yunze just wanted to make a long story short, asking Danfeng to directly admit the cooperative relationship between the two and the demon, and then get a reward, and then leave directly.

Anyway, I picked up two innate treasures for nothing, and there were three alien invasions that allowed the civilization to upgrade two levels in a row!
What more bike!

But... above the ninth floor, there is another tenth floor!

If you can find a way to pass the tenth floor, the reward will be even greater!At that time, it is not impossible to go straight to the immortal, or even a higher rank!

Since this is the case, why not just take advantage of this time to check the bugs of this Civilization Tower, study and familiarize yourself with the two newly acquired innate spirit treasures, and then find ways to upgrade and improve your strength!
"Then let me speak slowly."

Yunze choked back the original 'long story short', and slowly explained: "The place you came to is actually called the Civilization Tower, and it's used to break through.

Every time we break through a level, we can get huge rewards, and the gatekeeper of this level has become you for some reason, and our task has become to find a way to pass your test.

You can kill, recover, or cooperate with you. "

"That's easy!"

Danfeng was about to say the second half of the sentence.

Afraid that her behavior would trigger the system's judgment mechanism, Yunze hurried forward and lifted her chin, restraining her next words: "Don't talk, listen to me!"

Danfeng blinked, indicating that she had heard Yunze's words and asked him to continue.

Yunze let go of his hand and continued: "I know what you want to say, but there is no rush right now. Our most important thing right now is not to clear this level and get rewards, but to find ways to improve our strength."

"Improve your strength? How do you want to improve?" Danfeng looked at Yunze with a slightly puzzled expression.


Yunze slowly spit out two words: "Supporting partner!"

Don't forget, in addition to killing monsters, you can also gain experience by sparring within a certain level!
As early as before Yanhuang's complete rise, this method was used to exploit a certain black bear, so as to gain experience points to upgrade the level!
Taking Yunze's current level of 71 and Han Rui'er's current level of 78, it is absolutely possible to gain extra experience by accepting Danfeng who is an Earth Immortal as a training partner!
Although Han Rui'er can be upgraded to level 79 at most, the next step is to rely on the improvement of civilization level to break through level 81 and reach level [-].

But Yunze was able to rely on Danfeng's training partner to raise his level to 79. After his civilization level was raised, he could even out the gap between him and Han Rui'er!

Why not do it?

Even during this period of time, they can still try to learn and research how to use the two newly acquired innate spirit treasures!
Mingshu and Tianshu are different from Yuantu and Abi. The former is more functional than lethal, while the latter is second only to the Four Swords of Zhuxian among the congenital treasures!

This kind of magic weapon must be used properly to exert its maximum effect. It cannot be used like Yuantu Abi, which can exert great effect only by relying on brute force.

and so……

"Comrade Danfeng, I have a few very important tasks for you to complete. If you complete them perfectly, on behalf of the organization, I will reward you with at least [-] points!"

Twenty points!
Danfeng's eyes widened in an instant!
You must know that she only got [-] points for breaking through the demon fairy. Now, as long as she completes the so-called missions of a few rings, she can easily get [-] points!

What is this concept?
It's like pie in the sky!
If this is added to the points for breaking through the Earth Immortal, he is not far away from sixty points!

"It's really twenty points? You make a written proof! Don't lie to me!"


Yunze confirmed again: "Counting the [-] points you got to become an Earth Immortal, as long as you complete these tasks, you are only one step away from [-] points!

Then you will be able to see the ancestral land with your own eyes! "

In fact, this is an excuse!

Danfeng's score of 150 points has been reached, they can completely change the test paper to [-] points, and then a few lines will jump to [-] points!

Thirty minutes of maneuvering space is completely enough for Yunze and the others to manipulate.

"Well, tell me how to do it!" Danfeng is now full of interest, hoping that Yunze will release the task sooner, so that she can finish it sooner, so that she can go to the ancestral land as soon as possible!

She was already extremely curious about that place!

Yun Ze started to tell her about it.

As for how to do it, it is not too simple, it only needs to escape and defend passively.

With the passage of time, Yunze and Han Ruier quickly mastered the use of Mingshu and Tianshu, and Yunze's level gradually climbed from 71 to 79, and Han Ruier even reached level 79 earlier, silently Waiting for the arrival of the last moment!

According to the time calculation, only three days have passed!

Compared with the previous two selections, this third one is already short enough.

Now that other civilizations should fail, those that should be settled have also been settled. Only Yunze and Han Ruier, who represent the Yanhuang civilization, are still in the civilization tower and have not come out for a long time.

Just when Yunze rose to 79, he also knew that it was time to end the ninth floor!

Now I don't know what the innate treasure that the two of them can obtain will be.

Yunze and Han Ruier stood together and gave Danfeng a look. She also knew what she should do, and then said, "I would like to cooperate with the two humans in front of me and continue to explore the next layer!"

As soon as the words fell, a crisp sound rang in the ears of the two of them and Danfeng!

[Congratulations to Yanhuang Civilization for being the first to clear the ninth floor of the Civilization Tower. The civilization level has been raised by two levels, and the previous one, including these two alien invasions, has been exempted. After the passers-by survive, each passer-by will get an innate treasure! 】

[It is detected that the Yanhuang civilization has successfully passed the ninth floor of the civilization tower, do you want to continue to break through? 】

[If you give up breaking through the level, all the chosen ones will be directly sent back to their civilization. 】

[The reward for the tenth floor of the Civilization Tower is...unknown! 】

[Please make a decision within ten hours! 】

Reward... Unknown! ?

Yunze frowned, and turned to look at Han Ruier beside him.

Facing this shocking gamble, both of them saw the only answer in each other's eyes... the bet!
But even if you want to gamble, it's not going to the tenth floor now!
At least wait to see what the rewards of these two innate treasures are!
Soon, three holy colorful clouds descended from the sky, except for one in front of Yunze and Han Ruier, there was even one in front of Danfeng!

She is considered a survivor, so naturally she has a reward!
There are only six innate treasures in total, and now everyone has the third one. As long as you can master its usage, it will definitely not be a problem to pass the tenth floor!
Full of anticipation, Yunze gradually pushed aside the colorful cloud in front of him, revealing the treasure inside, and his heart trembled suddenly!
This is……

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