5 minutes passed quickly, let alone [-]%, [-]% of the monsters were wiped out by everyone in Yunze!

It's just that except for Yunze and Han Ruier, everyone is exhausted. Even if they can recover after being injured by killing monsters and leveling up, their mental and physical strength cannot be restored.

Now most of the people are slumped on the ground, even Han Ruier, who is proficient in treatment and restoration, can't do anything about it.

"I feel... I can't continue to the next level."

Before the customs clearance reminder came out, Yunze had already stood beside Han Ruier and said in a low voice: "After the reminder, prepare to leave."

"Do you want to stop thinking about it?"

Han Rui'er replied in a low voice. After getting along with her for this period of time, she knew that the direction Yunze usually decided on would not be discussed with others in such a discussing tone.

But now that he said that, it proved that he had no idea.

The fact is the same, let alone Yunze, if you put this matter on anyone, they will have no idea.

Civilization Tower!
As long as one level is cleared, it can bring unimaginable improvement to all creatures in the entire civilization!

Now there is a canopy that broadcasts the scene in the Civilization Tower to the whole Blue Star. Faced with this kind of temptation, it is impossible for the people outside the Civilization Tower not to be tempted!
In the current situation of Yanhuang people, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are unscathed. If they give up challenging the fourth floor and directly escape from the third floor...

Even Yunze would be subject to some gossip, and even questioned in the Tianxuan Bureau!
And his reason... only feeling!
Perhaps when he said it, everyone in the Tianxuan Bureau would accept this statement, but in the end they would plant a seed of suspicion or a cowardly evaluation in their hearts.

These things... can not be, it is best not to!
That's why Han Rui'er said this, but Yunze didn't reply her immediately.

She turned her head to look at Yunze, followed his gaze, and found that he was staring at the exhausted Chosen Ones in front of her.

Perhaps what he is worried about is not his own safety, or whether he can complete the challenge of the fourth floor, but these people.

Han Rui'er tugged on his sleeve, pulled his thoughts back, and asked, "How about the two of us go and try?"


Yunze was stunned for a moment, even if everyone went up, he was not sure that he would be able to clear the fourth floor, how could Han Ruier say such a sentence?
"Two people, some things are easy to use." Han Rui'er raised the Yuan Tu in his hand as he spoke.

At the beginning, she was the only one who could hold Yuantu and Abi at the same time without being affected for a short time.

However, this trick must not be used rashly.

If there were other people from Yanhuang, if something happened to cause her to massacre indiscriminately with two swords, then she would become the sinner of all Yanhuang!
But if only Yunze and her were there, the situation would be completely different.

If Abi recognizes her master, even if Han Ruier goes mad with two swords in hand, Yunze will still have a chance to snatch Abi from her hands and restore her to her original state.

Yunze understood what she meant, but he was still entangled.

It is true that you can take risks, but if the rewards of the fourth floor are not high, there is no need to continue to take risks.

It's not too late to see what the rewards of the fourth floor are before making a decision!

Just as Yunze was about to speak, a series of reminders popped up in front of him!
[Congratulations to Yanhuang Civilization for being the first to clear the third floor of the Civilization Tower, and the level of all creatures in the civilization will be increased by one! 】

[It is detected that the Yanhuang civilization has successfully passed the third floor of the civilization tower, do you want to continue to break through? 】

[If you give up breaking through the level, all the chosen ones will be directly sent back to their civilization. 】

[The reward for the fourth floor of the Civilization Tower is... Yanhuang civilization is exempt from the next alien invasion! 】

[Please make a decision within ten seconds! 】


Yunze's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at the reminder in front of him in disbelief!
exempt!next time!Alien invasion!

This kind of reward is too heaven-defying and too difficult to refuse!
Although Yanhuang has now experienced three alien invasions, the gains obtained are higher each time, and the price to pay is also higher each time!
The first loss was more than 10, the second loss was [-], and the third loss was even millions!
That is a tragedy for millions of families!

These figures may seem cold, but they are all pieced together by living lives!

If there is a choice, Yanhuang, everyone, inside and outside the Tianxuan Bureau, will definitely choose the same one...Give up the benefits that can be obtained, and don't face the alien invasion!

When he saw the reward on the fourth floor of the Civilization Tower, Yunze's heart skipped a beat. He knew that when this reward appeared, he would have no other choice!

The rest of the people can no longer continue!
But before he could speak, someone from the crowd had already stood up!


"Participate! Must participate!"

"Captain Yun, no matter what you say, we must participate this time!"

"My father was killed during the alien invasion. No matter what, I don't want my tragedy to repeat itself. No matter what, I can't watch this opportunity slip away from me!"

"Yeah Team Cloud! We want to join too!"

"Team Cloud..."

Those Chosen Ones who had been sluggish all stood up at this moment, as if they had been given chicken blood all of a sudden.

"……it is good."

Yunze finally agreed to their request.

In fact, even if Yunze disagreed with this so-called request, he probably guessed that these guys would join the fourth-floor test on their own initiative.

After all, as long as he enters the test, he definitely doesn't have time to pursue accountability and question him, so he must finish the test first.

At this time, I might as well agree.

But agree to agree, some things still need to be clarified.

"I have no objection to you wanting to join the trial on the fourth floor, but I still have to say something."

Yunze glanced at everyone coldly, and said calmly: "I can't guarantee what will happen in the future. If the situation is out of my control, I will use a method. When the time comes, you may not be killed by monsters. hands.

But... in my hands. "

"Captain Yun!" Han Ruier frowned suddenly.

She is the only one who has a chance to use Yuantu Abi and is not affected by Yuantu Abi. If this happens, these chosen ones will die in her hands.

Why did Yunze say that?
"The time is almost up."

Yunze didn't say much, just uttered a sentence indifferently, and then looked at everyone: "Think carefully before making a decision. After all, life only has one chance."

As soon as the voice fell, the countdown ended.

Just as Yunze had guessed before, the darkness in front of him turned into day again, and the whole space turned into pure white again!
And in the next moment, the reminder about the fourth floor space also appeared in front of everyone.

[Congratulations to the Yanhuang Civilization for entering the fourth floor of the Civilization Tower, the number of existing people... 42! 】

[The rules of the fourth level are as follows: Calculated according to the existing number of people, [-]-level monsters ten times the number of people will be placed in the arena. The challenge starts immediately and ends after the humans or monsters are completely destroyed. 】

ten times!
42 people means... 420 level [-] monsters!
Yunze frowned, and he felt that the surrounding space had shrunk by [-]% again, and it was not [-]% of the previous floor, but [-]% of the first floor!

If this continues, the tenth floor may be...

wrong!Now is not the time to talk about this!
As soon as Yunze thought about it, he instantly felt a lot of powerful and arrogant aura around him!

He subconsciously made a decision, and immediately turned his head to look behind him and shouted: "Assemble! Quick!"

But the moment his voice fell, a howl exploded in his ears!


That is the cry of human beings.

Yunze frowned, turned his head and looked behind him, there was already scarlet all over the place...

This is the first time that blood has been seen in the third selection.

Although he was prepared in his heart, he never expected that things would be so unexpected!
420 heads!
If only he and Han Rui'er came up, there would only be twenty monsters of level [-]. Even if Yun Ze didn't make a move, Han Rui'er could easily wipe out these monsters with his current strength.

It's just that now... Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

Yunze and Han Ruier wanted to kill the monsters quickly, but there was no way to protect these Chosen Ones.

If you pay attention to protecting them, you may be slowly worn to death by these monsters in front of you!

But... there is no other way.

"Little guy, coercion!"

As Yunze spoke, he threw the little unicorn into the crowd!
In an instant, all the surrounding monsters and even the 38 Chosen Ones around level [-] were all suppressed!
Fortunately, Han Rui'er and Yunze stood together, so they could avoid being affected by the coercion of the little unicorn to the greatest extent.

The two looked at each other, and without speaking too much, they started to shoot quickly!
But the little unicorn is still young, even if it has the blood of a unicorn, it is impossible to completely suppress a level [-] monster!
Some monsters began to gradually pull themselves out of the coercive area, and began to fight back against the two of them!

"No! Team Yun and Ms. Han must not be allowed to fight alone!"

"Yes! This is a mistake caused by our wrong decision-making. We can't let Team Yun and Miss Han pay the bill!"

Some people who were not injured began to plan to get out of the coercive area of ​​the little unicorn and rejoin the battle!

Yunze naturally heard these voices, and he also intentionally discarded some opinions, but left the level [-] monsters that he hadn't completely killed behind him.

There are too many monsters now, it is impossible for him and Han Ruier to kill them all, the best way is to fight to support the fight!
First feed these monsters to the people who are about to upgrade behind, let them upgrade to level [-], and then rejoin the battle!

They naturally understood what Yunze meant. When allocating experience, they gave priority to those with higher levels to upgrade, which actually relieved the pressure on Yunze and Han Ruier the most!

Soon, the third [-]th level will appear!
"Team Cloud! Here I come!"

He is also a member of the Tianxuan Bureau. Yunze seems to have seen him before, and he looks familiar, but he can't remember his name.

But where there is a third, there is a fourth!
With 420 level [-] monsters, Yunze can basically find a chance to throw a useless one behind him every three for them to upgrade.

About 10 minutes later, Yanhuang's team of chosen ones had five more level [-] chosen ones, and the pressure to fight against monsters was instantly reduced by half!
This is also the reason why Yunze brought the little unicorn with him, because of its coercion, he resisted the momentum of this group of monsters swarming up.

Otherwise, let alone five more [-]th-level chosen ones, Yunze would have handed over Abi long ago, and let Han Rui'er wield two swords to kill all directions.

Another 10 minutes passed, and all the monsters were killed!

Because the pressure has been reduced a lot, Yunze and the others are not in a hurry to pay attention to killing, but start to convert these monsters into experience, and provide them to the chosen ones who are above level [-] and have not yet reached level [-] .

By the end of the fourth floor, among the 38 Chosen Ones except Yun Ze and Han Rui'er, eighteen Chosen Ones of Level [-] had been born!
And the ominous premonition in Yunze's heart became stronger and stronger, and he kept telling himself in his heart that no matter what, he couldn't go on any longer!

But when the fifth layer of rewards appeared, he...was still shaken.

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