Looking at the entire Blue Star, that is, Yunze is qualified and qualified to say this.

But whoever is replaced by another person, the chosen ones who participate in this election will inevitably have some opinions, even riots!
More than 2 people, even if they are randomly selected, will inevitably be a bit thorny, and even the historical problems between civilizations and civilizations will lead to dissatisfaction or worse.

Only Yunze.

What he did in the early stage, coupled with the image projects that Yanhuang civilization and other civilizations wanted to create gods for him, allowed him to speak in this capacity on this occasion!

"very good."

After Yunze finished his last sentence, he deliberately paused for a few seconds, and when he saw that everyone was still quiet, he slowly said: "I will make a simple sort first, and those with a level of more than twenty will go forward. step!"

twenty grades.

Although this number is not high, the civilization that can really reach this number must be a second-level civilization, and even with the help of Yanhuang and other civilizations, the total number of second-level civilizations is only around double digits!
Now to face the heavenly election, you must first integrate your combat power and calculate how many chips you have!

Following Yunze's order, everyone in the entire Yanhuang Civilization, White Bear Civilization, and Free Civilization stepped forward!
That's 290 nine, of which the White Elephant Civilization and the Cherry Blossom Civilization have stepped forward by [-]%, as for the other civilizations, there are all kinds of people, each with more than a dozen people.

Yunze glanced at it, and quickly came up with a number in his mind...about a thousand.

Among the more than 2 people, only 5.00% are over level [-]!

According to the conjecture just now, this third selection is very likely to test the cooperation of all civilizations on the blue star. If this trend continues, then this is not good news!

"Those who exceed level [-], take another step forward."

Yunze frowned, but he could only continue to ask.

Now, apart from Yanhuang, the third-level civilization, there are only two civilizations, the white bear and the freedom.

After Yanhuang experienced the fourth civilization level promotion, these two civilizations successively approached Yanhuang to sell some things, in exchange for some monster corpses, which were used to raise the civilization level.

Stepping on the edge of the opening of the third election, the civilization has been raised to the third level!

Fortunately, Yanhuang had harvested a lot of [-]th-level and above celestial candidates in the last celestial selection, so he had the strength and time to help them survive the alien invasion.

As for the Sakura civilization...

They also want to buy a sum of monster corpses to help them break through the third-level civilization, but... what Yanhuang wanted, he bought directly from the free civilization. As for the other things of the cherry blossom civilization, Yanhuang didn't care. interest.

Afterwards, Sakura Civilization wanted to borrow part of it, but Yanhuang also refused them because of insufficient deployment of combat power.

This is not because of any historical issues, but a real situation.

After all, Yanhuang had to help the two civilizations upgrade their levels and resist alien invasions, which earned 20.00% of their combat power.

As for the remaining 80.00%...then don't stay at home, just in case!
You must know that Yunze and Wu Tianyao were both in the sanctuary at that time, what if something happened and the combat power was insufficient?
The representative of Sakura Civilization heard this explanation, although he was angry, he was helpless.

Who said that people are now muscular?
Although Yunze knew that with these two civilizations alone, no matter how lucky they were, if they picked out all the people above level [-] in their civilizations, the total number would not be too many.

The real main force still depends on Yanhuang!

When everyone in Yanhuang heard this, another 99 out of the [-] personnel above level [-] came out!

In other words, nearly two-thirds of Yanhuang's personnel are above level [-]!

As for the free civilization and the white bear civilization, 20 people came out of the white bear civilization, and 15 people came out of the free civilization. The two civilizations combined only came out with 35 people!
Regardless of how small this number is, for the white bear civilization and free civilization, this number is already extremely high!

After all, the total number of personnel above level 200 in the two civilizations is only more than 35 people. Now 15.00 people have come out here, and the proportion has approached [-]%!
And if Yanhuang hadn't invited two civilizations to send people to pick up the leaks and improve their strength when facing the alien invasion, this number might have been even less!
"it is good."

Yunze glanced roughly, logically speaking, there is no need to continue to ask about the level, but he still said: "People above level [-], come out!"

Only Yanhuang has the Chosen Ones above level [-]. Yunze can talk about this kind of thing in private, or wait for the report, but he has to ask it here in front of everyone. There is only one reason...

He wants to show his strength!Let the group of people in front of them know that the only ones they can rely on here are him and Yanhuang!Don't make any fools out of their backs!

This kind of thing is very unnecessary for smart people, everyone knows that Yanhuang's strength is tyrannical, just hugging his thigh is enough.

But for some stupid people, it must be seen by them!
As the words fell, another 60 of Yanhuang's 40 people walked out!
Forty strong men above level [-]!
This is thanks to the fact that so many flower demons and forty-level monsters descended on the Heavenly Selection last time, otherwise Yanhuang would not have the combat power he has now!
Sure enough, opportunities are always accompanied by dangers.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yunze's mouth, even he hadn't thought of this number.

Among the 100 people in Yanhuang, there are 41 people above the 20th grade, 39 people from the [-]th grade, and [-] people from the [-]th grade.

This number looks pretty good, but for Yunze who is determined to make Yanhuang no longer have to sacrifice, it is a little tasteless.

In terms of overall combat power, naturally, the more combat power at level [-], the better, but now the two ends are more important than the middle, and it is difficult to complete the task without injury.

Yunze couldn't help frowning. Faced with this situation, he would rather lose ten of the [-]th-level powerhouses, and also hope to reduce the number of [-]th-level people by ten and replace them with [-]th-level Chosen Ones.

The most speechless thing is that, as the strongest among Yanhuang, Wu Tianyao was not selected, but was selected by herself.

This situation can only be said to be a blessing in misfortune.

Yun Ze shook his head slightly.

For him, maybe it was just a trace of helplessness.

But in the eyes of everyone, it is a kind of loss.

Forty level [-] powerhouses are not enough! ?What on earth does Team Yun want?
"All right."

Yunze frowned slightly, but still looked at the more than [-] people in front of him and said, "Now the civilizations are sorted by level!

The high-ranking ones stand in front, the low-ranking ones stand behind, the strong young people stand in front, and the old and weak women and children stand behind.

You have 3 minutes, hurry up! "

Following Yunze's order, Yanhuang Civilization completed the arrangement almost immediately.

After all, this arrangement is what they have been training for a long time, and now with the help of Han Ruier, it is naturally formed the fastest!
3 minutes passed quickly. Except for a very few civilizations that have not been completed, and are even struggling with how to sort them, other civilizations have been completed.

Yunze glanced around, and just when he was about to open his mouth to let the civilizations get to know each other, a strong white light suddenly lit up in the sky!

White light fell from the sky, shining directly on the center of the teams of all civilizations, the range was so large that it almost irradiated against the edges of the teams of civilizations.

Yunze roughly estimated that the area is about [-] square meters.

This area is almost forming a small hunting ground.

Another reminder appeared!
[It has been detected that all the Chosen Ones are in place, and the third Chosen One——Civilization Tower is officially opened. 】

[The rules of civilization towers are as follows: According to the existing civilization level, each civilization will be assigned to different levels of tower areas.

First-level civilization, F-level civilization tower.

Level [-] civilization, E level civilization tower.

Level [-] civilization, D level civilization tower.

Level [-] civilization, level C civilization tower.

The Civilization Tower has ten floors. The first floor will have different species according to different levels. For example, there will be ten level-[-] species in the F-level civilization tower, ten level-[-] species in the E-level civilization tower, and so on.

If all the alien species on this layer are killed, the selected and surviving Chosen Ones will be upgraded by one level (ignoring the level of civilization).

There will be one hundred ninth-level monsters on the second floor of the F-level civilization tower, and the E-level, D-level, and C-level civilization towers will be analogized once. If they are killed, the civilization level will be raised by one level. Candidates will be promoted one level.

After clearing the two floors, you can choose to leave the selected space or continue to challenge.

The third floor of the Civilization Tower is kept secret, and you will know when you are faced with a choice. 】

[The Civilization Tower will open in 5 minutes, please prepare for the civilization. 】

Civilization Tower...

Yun Ze frowned. Judging from the rules, it is not as he imagined that all civilizations gather together to spend the election, but spend it separately.

Although at least two floors of the civilization tower must be cleared to pass and leave, but for some weak civilizations, this is actually an opportunity.

A chance to improve!

If it is still the same as the previous two selections, only the top ten civilizations can upgrade their level, then other weak civilizations can only accompany them.

This civilization tower is different. It is calculated according to different civilization levels. As long as you can kill the monsters in it, you can increase the civilization level. There is no ranking limit!


The first floor is ten nine-level.

For a first-level civilization, even if they have an advantage in number, it is difficult for monsters of this level to pass without injury.

If it wasn't harmless, even after winning the first floor, they would face a hundred level nine monsters when entering the second floor!

Although the level has been improved, if the first level sacrifices too much, the second level may not be able to pass the level!

It would be great if Wu Tianyao was here!
With her level 75 strength, this kind of natural selection link can be crushed directly!

At that time, Yanhuang will be able to directly advance to the fifth level of civilization, and it will not be a problem to sprint to the higher civilization tower.

After all, the Civilization Tower has ten floors!
As long as you pass through the first two floors, there will be such a high reward. If you can pass through the tenth floor...God knows how big the benefits will be!
Yunze couldn't help shaking his head, and quickly threw out the thoughts in his head.

Forget it, only 5 minutes.

Now is not the time to think about these things. I will face nine level 49 monsters later, so I have to figure out how to deal with them!

Yunze quickly fell from the somersault cloud, he glanced at the crowd, and was about to say something inspiring, but found that if he didn't speak, these people already had high fighting spirit in their eyes!

It seems that as long as there is Yunze, the third selection is already within reach!

At a time like this, saying half a word is an insult to their fighting spirit!
However, he still had to say something symbolically.

"You gentlemen..."

Yunze pulled out A Bi casually, raised his hand above his head: "Zhan!"


With a roar of fighting intent, other civilizations around were also infected by Yanhuang's aura, shouting the most exciting word in their own languages...war!

The voices came and went, one civilization shouted and another civilization shouted again, as if they were competing whose voice was louder.

At the end of the 5 minutes, Yunze's ears hadn't rested. If he wasn't physically strong enough, he would have been yelled at by these guys into intermittent deafness.

Everyone in Yanhuang was also waiting for the last second countdown to end, and couldn't help but put their hearts in their throats!
What they will face later are ten level 49 monsters!
Except for Yunze and Han Ruier, there was almost no one who could confront any of them head-on.

It can be said that even if they have no boost, one blow is enough to instantly kill anyone present!
In this case, the terrain and the sequence of entering the so-called civilization tower are particularly important.

With a clear sound, the scene in front of everyone's eyes also changed instantly.

The pure white space that was originally full of people suddenly turned into a piece of black, and the visibility was less than ten meters. It was difficult for Yanhuang people to even see their compatriots!

The moment Yunze discovered this situation, he yelled out two words, and then his eyes lit up and he swept forward: "Rui'er, you stay where you are and take charge, and the rest of you form a circle according to the sequence of steps!

quick! "


Everyone responded in unison, and quickly formed a circle in place according to Yunze's instructions, and he rushed forward almost immediately!

There, there happened to be a monster!

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