Half a month has passed, and due to the substantial increase in the strength of the Yanhuang civilization, even if only the combat power of the second echelon is counted, it is enough to crush the comprehensiveness of the remaining civilizations on Blue Star.

Therefore, Yunze did not only have one or two people in the sanctuary this time. In addition to the seven-member team headed by him and Han Ruier, he also brought researches in social anthropology, behavioral psychology, environmental science, materials science, animal science and so on. There are five professional scholars who are outstanding in their respective fields.

Because this time the sanctuary is not only to receive reinforcements, but more importantly, to lay the foundation for civilization to counterattack the sanctuary.

Don't look at the fact that the Yanhuang civilization is only at the third level, and even the fourth level has not yet been reached, but according to scientific research, if it continues at this speed, the first human immortal will be born in the Yanhuang civilization one year later.

This time is not long or short, and the layout and preparation in advance can also be put on the agenda.

The purpose of sending these professional experts over is firstly to give professional evaluations from various aspects so that the public can rest assured, and secondly to avoid psychological problems in the reinforcements to the greatest extent, resulting in accidents that no one wants to see after entering Yanhuang .

No way, Yunze's original screening mechanism was too sloppy. Although they could screen out the people they wanted to a certain extent, there was a possibility of loopholes.

It's fine if you find the problem here, but if you find the problem after entering Blue Star, it will be too late.

The role of social anthropologists and behavioral psychologists is to minimize this probability!
According to the most ideal plan, everyone will start working on the first day they arrive here, and start researching the surrounding environment, creatures, various materials, and the reinforcements that are about to enter Blue Star.

Just arrived at the sanctuary, this plan was completely disrupted!

As soon as everyone landed on the ground, they raised their heads and saw a shadow in the distance. Others didn't recognize it, but Yunze could recognize it at a glance!

Unlike its descendant Ye Ji, this is a monster that is actually recorded in the Shan Hai Jing. Today's high-level aliens, no matter their bloodline or level, are not comparable to him at this stage!
But why does it appear here?
If I remember correctly, it's right on the top of the night city. Judging from its body shape, it should be sleeping on its stomach.

Sleeping next to the night hideous city?

Don't you care about the old monster?

With his half-human immortal strength, it's easy to kill a hideous beast in seconds, right?

Han Rui'er also saw the clue, and couldn't help but move closer to Yunze, frowning and asked, "Is it possible that the old man tamed it? It's like a demon pet like the red eagle?"

"……Not too possible."

Yunze shook his head: "With the temper of the old monster, it is impossible to tame any monster as a pet, even if it is tamed, it will never be allowed to lie outside the city of night so grandiosely.

This is so weird. "

He still didn't say a word.

When he came to the sanctuary last time, because of the surrender of the Wu family, the crisis around here was lifted. In order to receive reinforcements earlier, he asked the old monster to go towards the Wanshan Mountains, in order to receive Danfeng and the others earlier.

Just didn't expect it.

More than half a month has passed, and the old monster hasn't come back yet, but there is an extra surprise in the city this night.

Still such a big 'surprise'.

"That's right, then..."

"Wait for me here, I'll go and have a look."

As Yunze spoke, he was about to step on somersaulting cloud to leave, but Han Ruier grabbed him as soon as he stretched out his hand.

He turned his head to look at the short-haired girl with doubts in his eyes.

Han Ruier then said, "Wait! Take me with you!"

"Hey! This is not acceptable!"

Before Yun Ze could speak, the material scientist who was with him spoke up, pushing his glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Xiao Yun, I have no objection if you want to leave, but this is in the sanctuary, if Xiao Han We are gone too, who can guarantee our safety?"

As soon as these words came out, almost everyone present was unhappy.

The Chosen players who are with us are all above level [-]. Although there is a gap with Han Ruier, none of them has broken through level [-]. There is no qualitative change in combat power, but only a quantitative change.

But now that this guy said that, he obviously didn't pay attention to them, the Chosen players.

The rest of the professional scientists also frowned.

Although they didn't want Han Rui'er to leave the team from the bottom of their hearts, wouldn't it seem that they were afraid of death when they were told by the material scientist?

They all came to Sanctuary voluntarily for investigation. Under such circumstances, it is very possible to discover breakthrough research. When a paper is published, it will be the basis of the Nobel Prize!
As the top leaders in various industries, they naturally know what it means to come to the sanctuary for investigation. Although they are afraid of death, they also have self-awareness that they will ignore life and death.

Now that people in the same industry say that, I don't want to lose my face!

"rest assured."

As the team leader this time, Yunze still has to stand up and say a few words.

He looked at the material scientist and explained: "As long as you obey the instructions, even if Rui'er is not here, our members of the Tianxuan Bureau are strong enough to protect you from leaving.

In terms of survival priorities, you are above them all. "

Survival priority.

This is a class system formulated for war. Although it is cruel, once it enters a dangerous zone or a war, the role of this survival priority will minimize the loss.

Under normal circumstances, pregnant women have the highest priority in war, representing the hope of mankind, while the old and weak have the lowest priority, and they can be given up at critical moments.

During this exploration, the priorities of the scientists were the next highest. Except for Yunze and Han Ruier, if their lives were in danger, everyone else had to give priority to ensuring their safety.

Even death is not hesitating!

As for Yunze and Han Ruier, one of them has mastered the lost history, and the other is currently the only chosen one who practiced the method of profiling the gods, so their importance naturally far surpasses these scholars.

Yunze mentioned this to let the material scientist know that even if Han Ruier stayed here according to the regulations, if a crisis happened, she could give up people like them in order to save her own life.

Everyone is a smart person, and once they heard what Yun Ze said, they all understood.

The material scientist could only curl his lips, as if nothing happened, and stopped talking.

Yunze turned to look at Han Rui'er, and reconfirmed: "The situation over there is unknown, there may be danger in the past, are you sure you want to come with me?"


Han Ruier nodded heavily without any hesitation.

"Let's go then."

Yun Ze stepped on somersault cloud, and took Han Rui'er to fly towards the direction of Ye Ji City.

He didn't bother to arrange any related matters. After all, among the members of the Chosen One, there was one local and the other a professional hidden person.

With the cooperation of the two of them, as long as there are no force majeure factors such as being trampled to death by a very powerful monster, or the earth falling apart, there is absolutely no problem in saving one's life.

This is also the reason why Yunze felt relieved to leave with Han Ruier.

The two flew all the way to the city of Yezhi, and when he was about ten kilometers away from the city, he was afraid of being discovered by the other party and landed from the sky.

As soon as he landed, the surrounding smell made Yunze frowned.

The pungent and nauseating stench hits the face, just this smell can make people guess what happened in front of it!
"Team Cloud..."

Han Rui'er also smelled this smell, and couldn't help frowning: "There may be an accident ahead."

"Be confident, you can remove the possibility."

"But shouldn't that old senior be there? Shouldn't something happen in Yeyi City?"

"Speaking of which I have to blame."

Yun Ze frowned, and continued to walk forward slowly: "The old man went to pick up someone, so he gave this beast a chance."

That being said, Yunze still felt a little strange.

It stands to reason that Ye Jiong is just a side branch of the bloodline. According to his understanding of the monsters in the sanctuary, he just wiped out Ye Jiong.

It is also for this reason that the Wu family dared to change the name of the night hideous city to Wu city, and even sent a fifty-level guy to guard here.

If Lian really cared so much, he would have shown up and swallowed up this group of guys long ago, how could it be Yunze's turn to clean up the mess?

There might be something in it that Yunze didn't expect.

But it's too late to say that now.

The human beings in Yexiong City must have already encountered misfortune, but they don't know if the father and son of the Wu family survived.

If they were lucky enough to escape from Hide's hands, Yunze might still get some clues.

"Captain Yun, be careful!"

Just as Yunze was thinking, Han Ruier's voice suddenly sounded. She kept her voice very low, and at the same time grabbed Yunze's sleeve.

"Over there...do you see someone over there?"

Seeing her pointing forward, Yunze looked in the direction she was pointing, and couldn't help frowning!
It was indeed a figure, but at this time, in this environment, how could there be other people around?
It's a pity that there is a thick layer of fog covering the surroundings, Yunze and the two can only see that it is a figure, and they can't see each other's appearance clearly.

However, in the sanctuary, there are many people who pretend to be monsters, but none of them pretend to be humans. Judging from the shape of the shadow, it is indeed a person, otherwise Han Ruier would not speak rashly.

"Go, go and see!"

Yunze only spat out four words, but just as he was pulling Han Ruier and was about to step forward, the figure flashed past and disappeared in place!


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