"OK, no problem."

Yun Ze silently rolled his eyes.

Fortunately, I asked Lao Gu to go through the process just now, otherwise if this girl is really allowed to play freely, I don't know what tricks she will make.

Blow up a building?It's also thanks to her that she figured it out!
If it weren't for the success of the billion-dollar migration plan, it is estimated that even if you do this by yourself, it will arouse public outrage, right?


Yun Shu exclaimed, but before Yunze could breathe a sigh of relief, the girl leaned forward again and looked at him expectantly: "Then brother, what if we blow up this block?"

"Also... wait!"

Yunze subconsciously wanted to say the words 'no problem', but fortunately he finally realized it and braked in time.

He tilted his head and looked at the girl helplessly: "What did you just say? Where did it explode?"

"This neighborhood!"

Yun Shu also recalled the coverage area solemnly: "Probably with this as the center of the circle, the nearby location of more than ten kilometers is not too big, right?"


Yunze looked at the high-purity black cotton in front of him, and waved helplessly: "Come here first and tell me, what are you going to bomb this block for?"


Yun Shu looked embarrassed, wrapped her two fingers around the corner of her clothes, and said helplessly: "The thing I want to take may be so small."

Yunze felt that he had a heart attack.

He came out this time and said that he was going to look for the traces left by Gu Yanhuang, and that he brought Yun Shu with him purely because she was playing tricks and had no other choice.

Originally, I thought that what this girl wanted to take was a weapon at most, and anything bigger would be nothing more than a cave.

Where can this be so big?

But now it seems... a radius of more than ten kilometers?What are you going to move? Hey!
"Can't you?"

Yun Shu frowned slightly, put on a cute and helpless expression, looked down at his feet: "But I remember this thing, it must be very useful! And it has something to do with my memory.

Brother, can't you think of a way? "

Think of ways to?What do you think?
It can't be said that I destroyed all the buildings in the vicinity of more than ten kilometers because of a guess, right?

My current identity is the patron saint, not Godzilla, so the destructive power is too great!

"How about... slowly?"

Yunze knew how important that thing down here was to Yunshu, but now that the situation was tense, it was not the time to make troubles: "This place happens to be within the coverage of the gully, it really doesn't work, why don't we wait?

If there are alien species down, it's easy for us to operate, isn't it? "


Yun Shu pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his head to look at Yunze: "But I feel that it can't wait."


Yunze's pupils trembled, as if thinking of something bad.

Before he could open his mouth, he felt the ground tremble slightly.

This kind of trembling is extremely small, if Yunze had not reached the current level, he might have ignored it.

He frowned slightly, and hastily pulled the girl out of the building, suspended on the somersault cloud: "Are you looking for something, hello!"

"Actually, I just remembered..."

Yun Shu began to speak in an aggrieved tone again: "Actually, the following should be one of my former pets, it must remember my past!

Brother, let's put it out, shall we? "

"...Is it possible for me to refuse?"

At the same time that Yunze stepped on somersaulting clouds and rose into the sky, the subtle tremors continued to expand, and now the frequency has almost reached the point where ordinary people can feel it.

It is estimated that even if Yunze or Yunshu doesn't do anything, the thing below will eventually come out.

The most important thing now is of course to follow the process!
Yunze hurriedly informed Lao Gu, and when the other party heard about twenty kilometers away, they began to suspect that Yunze was conducting some special skill experiments.

She also persuaded him earnestly, and simply gave him a desert to experiment with.

Although it is difficult for the Yanhuang people to return to the city to live in a short period of time, it is still the people's property in the final analysis, and it is definitely not good to damage it hastily.

If it weren't for Lao Gu's trust in Yunze's character, he would have flown over with a special plane to see what kind of plane he was up to.

But now that the arrow is on the line, Lao Gu can only bite the bullet and start to help him dredge other relationships.

In the downtown area, with an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers, this is not a small amount of work.

Even with the size of the Tianxuan Bureau, if all the processes are smooth, it will take about ten minutes to confirm.

If there are various reasons why the nail households are unwilling to agree, it may take longer to communicate.

half an hour.

This is the time that Lao Gu gave Yunze.

If he is sure that he needs a land authorization of [-] square kilometers nearby, then he has to wait for half an hour!
Act in half an hour!
Yunze could only bite the bullet and agree, then turned to look at Heixinmian: "You heard it too, half an hour, can it be done?"

Yun Shu pursed her lips in silence, and finally nodded solemnly: "Let me try! Brother, you put me down first."

"it is good."

Yun Ze brought Yun Shu back to the ground.

Just as soon as it landed, the thing under the ground seemed to sense something, and the vibration frequency rose again!
Yun Shu hurriedly lay down on the ground and shouted to the ground with the loudest voice: "Hey! Can you be quiet first! Wait a minute! Wait a little longer, and I will let you out!"

In the empty steel forest, only Yun Shu's voice echoed.

She tried her best to stay close to the ground, and kept repeating what she said just now, maybe because the sound was really transmitted to the ground, the tremor really stopped gradually.

Yunze frowned slightly.

Maybe... there is really a living thing down there.

It's not that the living things are not good, but if the other party really wants to come out from below, what identity will it appear in?


This possibility is so small that it is almost zero, and the other party has a high probability to be a monster.

The monsters that have survived since ancient times are still monsters in the ancestral land, so they definitely know a lot!

It's just that even Wu Tianyao, who is now level [-], shouldn't dare to guarantee that he can control the other party, right?

If the relationship between it and Yun Shu is not as good as expected, or if some other unexpected things happen, no one knows what will happen.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

Especially in this situation, we have to be very careful!
Yun Ze looked at Yun Shu beside him.

If there is a chance, he really wants to stuff this lump of black heart cotton back!

"It's done!"

Yun Shu didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, and looked at Yun Ze triumphantly: "Brother, do you think I can hold it!"

"dont see."

Yunze replied indifferently, then turned around and dialed Wu Tianyao's number.

The venue may not be able to hold back, of course it is the first time to call for support!
After the call is connected.

Yunze briefly narrated the matter. Wu Tianyao was one of the few people who knew Yun Shu's identity. She naturally understood the seriousness of the matter and rushed over immediately!
From her position to here, it takes at least 10 minutes, and the calculation time is about the same.

For the rest of the time, Yunze took the little girl to experience shopping for zero yuan.

It is said to be a zero-yuan purchase, but in fact it is "shopping and eating" in the small supermarket in the building just now.

The other buildings can't be finalized yet, but this building has already sold Yunze's face, and it is counted as inevitable consumables.

Shopping and eating can be regarded as saving food resources.

But Yunze seems to have forgotten one thing.

The last alien invasion didn't come at the exact time!
When the gully appeared, the sanctuary and the ancestral land had already established a channel. Since there was a channel connecting them, it was difficult to guarantee that there would be no gap between the two.

It may be because of the change just now that there were some gaps directly above this area, and some passing alien species within the level range were forcibly sucked into the gully.

The things that invaded in advance last time came out of those gaps!

Although it might be difficult for level [-] aliens to get in, some below level [-] can still enter easily.

While they were still immersed in the beautiful life before the opening of the election, thousands of alien species had already fallen from the sky!
A slight muffled sound exploded, and Yun Ze couldn't help frowning when he heard it, he turned his head to look at Yun Shu: "Did you hear any sound?"


Yun Shu was still immersed in the taste of chocolate ice cream after a long absence, she turned her head to look at Yunze in confusion: "What's the sound? I didn't feel it."

Apart from the ice cream, her focus is on the ground, paying attention to the movements of the ground, how can she focus on the top at the same time?

Another muffled sound.

Yun Ze sensed something was wrong, so he had no choice but to end the zero-dollar purchase activity, pulled Yun Shu around and walked out of the building: "No, let's go out and have a look first."

"Hey! I haven't got my potato chips yet! If Boo Boo knows we're out to eat delicious food and doesn't bring her back, he will be very angry!"

"Boob won't be angry..."

Yun Ze had no choice but to complain, but he still couldn't stand Yun Shu's plea: "Okay, hurry up! Don't bring too much."

Regarding the abnormality outside, he was just suspicious, and just brought some snacks back by the way, there is no time to waste, so let her do it.

After all, Bubu is so obedient, even if she doesn't bring her something delicious, she will probably just smile sweetly and say it's okay.

Compared with this black-hearted cotton, it is so cute that it makes people feel distressed.


Yun Shu exclaimed, and instantly took out the prepared plastic bag with both hands, and put the entire shopping cart in it!

That is to say, she is different from ordinary people now, otherwise, such two big bags of things would be enough to crush the old her alive!
Yunze couldn't say much, so he could only roll his eyes and then ran out of the building!
During the time when Yun Shu collected the snacks just now, the muffled noise outside never stopped, and he vaguely guessed something in his heart.

Just not sure.

When he rushed out of the building with Yun Shu, he was stunned by the sight in front of him!

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