It's not because of how strong Yunze's appeal is, nor is it because of how much other civilizations trust Yunze.

They pushed Yunze out now, mainly for two purposes.

The first level is to use Yunze's prestige to maintain the public's trust in them.

One must know that Yunze's performance in the second selection was simply weird!
Because when he acted alone, the sky screen did not broadcast his perspective, so in the eyes of everyone in Blue Star, when he and Luan Sheng rescued the coalition army, it was like a god descending into the world!
The dignified Luan Sheng was directly transformed into a nanny-like existence by him.

You can also chat and laugh with half-step demons, and even use it as a mount!

If they hadn't known that Yunze was an iron human being during the first selection, they would have regarded him as a monster reincarnated long ago.

But now...he has already become the savior in the eyes of everyone in Blue Star!
With his help on the platform, the effect is naturally not so good.

As for the second level of meaning... making gods!

In fact, other civilizations also have god-making plans, but after these two selections, this god-making plan is just like a joke.

Among other things, the few guys released by Free Civilization are like clowns, one of them dies, and the one they created is not a god of death, how can they stand up to such a creation?
Didn't Yanhuang want to create a god based on Yunze?
Then fulfill them!

No matter what the result is, they can accept it.

If it fails, the loss is nothing but Yanhuang, they have no real loss, and if they succeed, with the 'godhead' they have created for Yunze, even if most of the benefits are occupied by Yanhuang, there will definitely be some benefits in their hands .

Who would refuse such a good business no matter what?

The meeting ended in a pleasant discussion, and it has been more than three hours since the end of Tianxuan.

At this time, Yunze and the others also returned to Blue Star from the sanctuary through teleportation.

As soon as Yunze opened his eyes, he saw the members of the Tianxuan Bureau standing in place and preparing to support them.

This is the preparation made after the end of the first day selection.

In order to prevent some accidents when the chosen one returns, a whole team of professionals including ambulance, nutrition, and psychology will be standing nearby in case of emergency.

One hundred chosen people are just one hundred people. In today's absence of jobs, it's just a good time to digest the unemployed people.


Yunze reported the previously formulated password, smiled slightly, and waved to everyone: "Don't be so nervous, I'm fine, go and see other people first."

The team stood at attention and saluted, quickly returned to the team, and rushed to the next place.

Although there are other ambulance teams similar to them that are busy, those in charge of Yunze are the most professional. Now that Yunze is fine, they will naturally go to reinforce other teams that need them.

"Team Cloud!"

Gu Liuchuan had been waiting around for a long time. Seeing that Yunze was fine, he trotted over in a hurry: "Director Gu is looking for you, there is something important."

"Understood, the fact that fifteen different civilizations invaded, right?"

Yunze picked up a piece of compressed biscuit prepared by the Tianxuan Bureau from the ground, unpacked it and stuffed it into his mouth: "Help me get a meal, chat while eating.

Birds have almost faded out of my mouth these two days! "

"It's already laid out and placed in the conference room."

Gu Ruchuan said with a wry smile: "This is the first time that the post-election emergency plan has been implemented, and everything has been carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations, and nothing has gone wrong.

If Team Yun has any suggestions or comments, you can tell me directly. "

The emergency plan after the election is a proposal put forward by Furukawa, which includes emergency rescue and various supplies after the election, and he is fully responsible for it.

I have to say that such a job seems quite necessary.

At least it can make people feel the warmth of home for the first time, unlike the last time, when I came back, I still wondered whether it was a dream or reality.

"Good job."

Yunze praised casually, and then asked: "How long has it been since the end of the Tianxuan?"

"Exactly three hours."

Gu Liuchuan took out the tablet, looked at the current situation and explained: "You are the first group to return, and Wu Tianyao also came back at the same time, she was a little earlier than you, and just now Bubu also came back.

The situation for other civilizations has not been shared.

We tentatively presume that the return mechanism of this day's election is level, and the higher the level, the sooner it will return. "

"Hmm... anything else?"

"There's also that important matter that has just been discussed and hasn't been decided yet..."

As Gu Ruchuan said, the two had already walked to the meeting room: "Let Director Gu talk about this matter with you."


Yunze walked into the conference room and saw Wu Tianyao who was already seated.

Hmm... To be precise, I saw the top of Wu Tianyao's head.

This guy is like a starved ghost reincarnated, holding a lunch box and constantly digging rice into it.

Those who knew she just hadn't eaten Yanhuang delicacies for a while, those who didn't know thought she didn't eat a single bite in the sanctuary!
"Xiaoyun, you are here."

Director Gu also had a dumbfounding expression on his face, and he waved at Yunze: "Come on, sit down and eat first, and wait for the others."

In addition to requiring Yunze to make a decision on this matter, he also wanted other people to have a sense of participation, so as not to be misunderstood as a monologue, what should we do?
While the outcome may all be the same, the process is also important.


Yunze opened the lunch box and started eating spoonfuls.

Unlike the Wu starving ghost Tianyao on the opposite side, it's only been a few days, and he can still control it.

Wu Tianyao was so excited mainly because she stayed in the sanctuary for the first half of her life, and only came to Yanhuang to eat well for a few days, and then she was beaten back to her original shape. When she saw these delicacies again, she naturally felt a little hard to control herself.

"That's right, Xiaoyun."

Seeing Yunze eating, Gu Gu asked curiously: "What did you do when you disappeared in the sanctuary for a few days? Why did you suddenly find Sheng Luan?"

"You should ask Boo Boo about this."

Yunze knew that when the situation in the sanctuary was broadcast, Bubu's identity would definitely not be concealed.

Now with the support of Sheng Luan, Yunze is not afraid of accidents, so he just said it.

However, Yun Shu's identity can be concealed as much as possible. After all, the only backer behind her is Yun Ze. Compared with Luan Sheng now, the gap between Yun Ze and Luan Sheng is not so big.

So don't worry.

"Hey, you kid still whet my appetite, don't you?"

Lao Gu laughed and scolded as he said: "Say it quickly, if you don't talk about it, your food will be deducted!"

"There's no need to be so vicious!"

Yunze knew that he was joking, but he said helplessly, "Okay, the thing is actually like this..."

In front of Wu Tianyao, he recounted the situation after he left the team alone.

Anyway, the most secret thing here is only Boo Boo's identity, since it is decided to announce it now, there is nothing that can't be said.

When Yunze had almost finished speaking, Bubu also walked in from the outside.

There were still some tears on her face, presumably because of the traces of crying just now.

Also, the first person she saw should be her father. Seeing her finally stand up from the wheelchair, the two of them will definitely be moved by each other, and it is normal to shed tears.

"Captain Yun, Director Gu, Sister Wu."

Bubu forced out a smile and greeted everyone, trying his best to hide the fact that he cried just now.


Yunze also greeted her: "Don't worry about your elder sister Wu, she won't stop until she eats herself up by a dozen catties. If she eats so well, then we'll see who dares to marry her.

I was talking about you with Director Gu just now, do you remember or want to add anything? "

Bubu slowly shook his head, sat in his seat, and ate the food in the lunch box in small bites.

Although she is not hungry, the education she has received since she was a child told her that since there is food ready in front of her, she must not waste it!
"What do you know!"

Wu Tianyao finally wiped out the fifth boxed lunch in front of her, raised her head and said to Yun Ze: "In the sanctuary, they are all fatter and more beautiful. This means that your family has enough resources, okay?"

"...Although I really want to complain, but what you said seems reasonable."

As soon as Yunze finished speaking, Han Ruier also walked in, just in time to hear what he said.

"What are you complaining about?" Han Rui'er looked at the crowd puzzled, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Didn't you say it was a meeting? Why are you still eating?"

"The sympathy meal prepared by Ogawa."

Yunze explained from the side: "Eat as much as you want, it's also a heart, and we will have a meeting after eating."

"That's it."

Wu Tianyao hurriedly pulled Han Ruier over: "Let me tell you, Ruier, this dish is delicious! Try it quickly."

"That's right, if you don't taste it, you'll be eaten up." Yun Ze laughed.


"Ignore him, let's eat."

Han Ruier pulled Wu Tianyao over and began to eat bit by bit.

Yunze looked at the two of them with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

After this second selection, the relationship between him and Wu Tianyao finally became better, not as embarrassing as master and servant.

If we meet for a while, we should be able to become real friends.

It's not enough now. When talking about some exaggerated topics, she will still subconsciously think of that identity relationship, which makes people feel uncomfortable.


Lao Gu suddenly opened his mouth and handed the tablet in front of Yunze: "There is still an agreement here, you have to read it first, you will need to sign it at that time, and if there is anything wrong, please bring it up."


Yunze took the tablet, looked at the words on it, and frowned more and more.

It is clear that there is a big hole in it, just wait for us to jump into it!

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