Yunze came back to his senses, knowing that he had been tricked!
He shouldn't have said those words in the first place, but now he has said them all. There is definitely an interference of "not talking about Wude" in it!
But now that Wu Si was right in front of him, even if he wanted to run, it was too late.

Can only drag!Drag it until that Danfeng comes back!

But counting the time, Danfeng has been away for almost 10 minutes, and there is no news about it yet, so it is really uncertain whether it will come back!

Wu Si responded, and did not directly attack Yun Ze, but raised his finger and pointed within the boundary: "Please."

"No hurry, no hurry."

Yunze forced a smile on his face: "Now it's time for me to ask you a question, and it won't be too late for you to take me in after I finish asking."

Wu Si didn't speak, he just looked at the towns within the limits, and when the 'not talking about martial arts' didn't speak, he said slowly: "Okay, you can ask."

"How much do you know about Wu Sha? Tell me everything."

Yunze preached word by word, and he could only use this method to delay time. If he used another method, he might be exposed by "not talking about martial arts" very soon.

"I don't know much about what happened before he came in, but I know everything about what happened after he came in, but... too much."

As Wu Si spoke, he raised his hand and put it on Yunze's shoulder, showing a straightforward smile: "Let's go in and talk about it."

After finishing the calf, I can't run away now.

Yunze knew that he had to go through this, so he didn't resist at all, and turned his head to look at Bubu beside him: "Bobu, you don't go in, just wait for me outside."

"But Team Cloud..."

Bubu wanted to say something else, but Yunze stared into her eyes and repeated: "Wait for me, if everyone outside goes in, who will look at the monsters? They can't go in too, can they?"

The monsters in his words seem to be referring to the red eagle and the two-winged horse, but they are actually referring to Danfeng.

Bubu could still hear this meaning, so he nodded, "Then Team Yun, be careful."

"Don't worry, it's alright."

As Yunze spoke, he took the initiative to walk within the boundary: "Let's go, Xiao Wu, lead the way."

Wu Si glanced at Bubu and the two monsters, but didn't say much.

After all, the city lord wanted him to bring Yunze in, and didn't specifically refer to the little girl and the two monsters, so there was no need for him to drag them in together.

Yunze purposely walked very slowly in front of him, he didn't use somersaults, he didn't even reach the normal pace, and by the way, he found a topic with Wu Si: "By the way, Xiao Wu, just because you're free on the way, you just follow Let me talk about that Wusha.

To be honest, I'm quite curious, why would he do that? "

Wu Si seemed to have been opened up, he didn't care about Yunze's speed, but started talking slowly: "Maybe he's crazy."

"Crazy? What's going on?" Yun Ze seemed to be gossiping, but he was actually delaying time.

After all, that place isn't a blessed place, so it's best if you don't go in.

"It looked like five or six years ago, when he successfully broke through level [-] and became a rare powerhouse in the town.

But not long after he broke through, he kept saying that he dreamed of the legendary ancestral land. "

Wu Si stopped here and turned to look at Yunze: "You should know the ancestral land, right?"

nonsense!Grandpa is from there!
"I know, I know, Wu Tianyao told me."

There is no need for Yunze to expose these things now, and guided Wu Si to continue: "Didn't it be said that the first person who discovered the existence of the ancestral land was the ancestor of your Wu family?"

"That's just a guess."

Wu Si didn't seem to believe in the existence of the ancestral land: "Since then, Wu Sha has become more and more crazy, thinking about the existence of the ancestral land all the time.

Everyone in the town said that if they didn't believe him, Wu Sha would use extreme means to make them believe him. "

This extreme method should be to convince people with 'reason', right?I am familiar with this trick!
"...Didn't he get beaten for doing this? I mean no one stopped him?" Yun Ze asked curiously.

"He didn't look for anything he couldn't beat, and he found everything he could beat."

Good guy, you are still preaching by selection system, right?

"Back then, he was just on the verge of madness."

Wu Si gradually fell into memory, and his tone was also a little sad: "Later, things became more and more troublesome, and the city lord came forward in person, but he couldn't stop him.

At the last meal, my mother refuted the existence of the ancestral land at the dinner table, and Wu Sha just...just..."

Yun Ze frowned, vaguely guessing what Wu Si wanted to say, but just when he was about to stop him, those words still came out of Wu Si's mouth.

"He killed my mother in front of my face."

Wu Si's tone was obviously a lot heavier: "Blood just flowed from her mouth, and that guy didn't show any pity or remorse in his eyes.

Hearing my screams, he even wanted to do something to me. If the city lord hadn't sensed that his breath was not right and arrived in time, I would probably have died. "

"What then?"

"Later...he escaped, and I have been looking for him, but there is no clue."

Wu Si suddenly stopped and turned to look at Yun Ze: "That's all I know, what else do you want to know?"

Yun Ze also stopped, turned around and looked directly into Wu Si's eyes: "I'm sorry."

He uncovered the deepest scar in a person's heart, no matter what he had to add an apology.

"It's okay, everyone knows about it, and I'm used to it."

As Wu Si said, he put a hand on Yunze's shoulder: "But... the story is over, shouldn't we speed up?"

Before Yunze could react, Wu Si squeezed his shoulders and rushed towards the boundary!

In less than three seconds, Yunze officially crossed the boundary and arrived at the outskirts of the town.

The next moment, a humming sound resounded instantly.

Yunze suddenly felt that he was surrounded by a large number of unknown eyes, as if there were some existences spying on him, and there were not a few of them!

"take it easy."

As Wu Si spoke, he patted Yun Ze on the shoulder: "This is a necessary link for outsiders to enter. Although you were brought in, you still have to go through the test~"

Also 'oh'?Oh you big headed ghost!
I was brought in by force, so it can't be regarded as a formal entry, right?How can it also stand the test?This is too unfair to those who want to settle down!
Yunze was holding back his anger, but he also knew that in the eyes of this group of people, his strength was nothing more than a little brother, so he could only smile awkwardly: "I see, I'm really sorry."

"No, no, you can meet the city lord after you pass the test."

Wu Si saw his helplessness, and patted his shoulder with a big smile: "Let's go, I'll take you to the first test place."

Yunze followed behind, subconsciously asked: "Then what if I fail the test? Will I be expelled and I will never see the City Lord again?"

"Of course not! We are civilized people, and we won't do such things as expel people!"

Yunze had just breathed a sigh of relief when Wu Si's voice sounded again: "At most, it's just sending them to hug the fertile soil, or kiss the blade with their necks!"

Yunze: (●—●)?

The civilization you refer to is only the adjective civilization!
"That's really civilized enough."

Yunze responded, and subconsciously turned his head to look behind him, only to find that Bubu was still standing in the distance, and there was no sign of Danfeng in the sky.

It's been half an hour, what the hell is that guy doing?
Another reminder popped up in front of his eyes, and Yunze's experience value increased by [-] again, and his points also increased by [-].



On the ancestral mountain.

Danfeng successfully entered the main hall of the ancestor mountain, and knelt down to the ancestor Luan Sheng who was in the birdcage: "The children and grandchildren see the ancestor."

It has heard rumors that its ancestor was once a certain powerful beast. After being brought here from the ancestral land, it still misses the original master, and likes to get into the cage to reminisce about the past when it is free.

That is to say, there is no veterinary psychiatrist here, otherwise the high and low would have diagnosed it with a Stockholm syndrome.

Luan Sheng pushed open the birdcage and flew out of it, but his figure was still half a meter in size, and he flew to stand on the armrest of the throne: "That's what you said, you found the person suspected of His Highness?"

"Back to the ancestors, yes."

Danfeng lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Luansheng, and said at the same time: "The existence of that suspected His Highness has a white ball in one hand and a black ball in the other, and can help the descendants defeat the direct descendants of the Phoenix clan. The descendants thought to themselves, it is likely to be the reincarnation of His Highness. "

You can't talk too much, if you guess wrong, maybe you will make the ancestor dissatisfied, and it may not be possible to let yourself be buried with those two humans.


Luan Sheng pondered for a moment, then waved to Danfeng: "Come forward, let me smell it carefully."

"Yes." Danfeng had no choice but to step forward, but she still couldn't lift her head.


Danfeng took only three steps forward, but Sheng Luan hurriedly called to stop, and flew directly in front of it, anxiously asking: "Where is that person... now!"

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