do not know?
Is there anything I don't know about this stuff?
Yunze was full of doubts, but before he could ask, Danfeng spoke first: "Don't ask so many questions, although that guy has retreated, it doesn't mean that other monsters from the Feng clan won't come, go first!"

Hearing what Danfeng said, Yunze had no choice but to give up, and followed Danfeng to fly towards the more central area!
It's completely different here.

Even when Yun Zeguang saw some monsters from a distance, he could feel his heart trembling!
The feeling brought to him by some huge monsters is even more outrageous than that brought by the old monster!

That kind of feeling, as if if the other party looks at me more, they will be bombarded to death by their eyes!

He didn't even dare to ignite his eyes again, so he could only lower his head, like an ostrich with his head buried in a sandpit, and followed Danfeng forward.

Not long after, Danfeng seemed to have sensed something, and at the same time as her body grew bigger, she hid the two people, an eagle and a horse, in her wings, and flew towards Zushan with them.

This means that Bubu once again proved his identity, otherwise with Danfeng's pride, it would be impossible to do so.

With Danfeng's cover, the tentative aura around him was significantly reduced, and soon Yunze saw the so-called human gathering place in the core area.


Surprisingly, there is a town here that is the same as Yexie City. It is built in the depression between the four hills. It is as big as three Yexie cities. Now it is noon, and there is still a lot of cooking smoke wafting from the town.

As Danfeng continued to approach, it stopped at the periphery of one of the mountains, and put Yunze and the others down: "It's safe to get here, as long as you don't go out of the boundaries of these four mountains, there will be no problems."

Yunze looked around the boundary, and found that many people inside had already spotted them, guarding within the boundary with weapons in hand, and had no plans to come out.

He couldn't help looking at Danfeng: "What did you mean just now?"

Danfeng didn't want to answer at first, but since this matter is related to His Highness's safety, it still said: "Resources.

With years of development, the crowd in this gathering place has reached its limit, and the resources we provide to them each year are limited, so since about five years ago, the people here have become xenophobic.

Anyone who enters from the outside will be tested. Only those who pass the test can continue to stay. Those who fail... will either be expelled or directly die in the test. "

Yunze: ( )?

Still have a test?What about cheating? This is not it!

You must know that this is the core area, and the guy who can break in by himself must be at least level [-], right?
Such an existence may die in the test, so if I don't even reach level [-], wouldn't that just deliver the food?

"Don't worry, as long as you get stuck in the middle of the mountain range and don't enter the boundary, then they won't come out to trouble you."

Danfeng saw through Yunze's thoughts, and looked outside the boundary again: "As for the monsters outside...they usually don't come over, if they find them, you can go in when the time comes.

Now I have to go to Zushan to report to the ancestor. If I hurry up, I will be back in two quarters of an hour. You should be able to hold on to this time. "

Good guy!
Are you stuck with a BUG?
But those guys are human, not a program in the game, so buggy... won't they drag us directly into it?

"...Can't you take us with you?"

Yunze wasn't afraid, but mainly because his eyes were almost green when he saw the group of people in the mountains!

The gatekeepers are all at least level [-]. If you really run out and drag them in, then you don't have to play.

"No one would dare to bring humans into Zushan without the imperial order of the ancestor."

After Danfeng explained, she waved her wings and flew towards Zushan: "Your Highness, please wait a moment."

Bubu nodded, looked at Yunze after watching Danfeng leave: "Captain Yun, then shall we... go in?"

"That's all."

Yunze sighed, and could only walk to the center of the boundary under the gaze of the group of guys on the opposite side, stopped in a shady place, and cupped his hands at them: "Everyone, I don't want to disturb you, we didn't come to find the gathering place , and have no intention of conducting a test, just stay for a while.

I'll be leaving in a while, sorry if I offend you. "

As the saying goes, don't hit people with smiling faces, as long as they have a correct attitude, they shouldn't embarrass themselves.

Hearing Yunze's words, the group of people gathered together and started discussing with each other.

Because the distance was too far, Yunze couldn't hear what they said clearly.

All I knew was that the discussion ended soon. A man with a long knife took two steps outside and shouted at him, "Hey, that kid, what's your name? Why are you surrounded by the demon clan? And why are you escorted by the demon clan?"

This is the doubt they discussed.

Although they are human beings who were born and bred here, and have never had any large-scale conflicts with monsters, they still resist the monsters from the bottom of their hearts, and even despise those traitors who take refuge in the monsters!
Analyzing from the current situation of the two of Yunze and the environment just now, the two of them are not too similar to the traitors mentioned in the book!
However, in order not to cause any misunderstanding, they, who have never been in contact with the sinister society, chose to ask first.

"My name is Yunze, and the demon clan around me is my demon servant."

Yunze has already sensed their suspicion and malice, so he answered the first two questions truthfully, but the last question... absolutely can't be said that way!
"As for the one who escorted us just now, it almost failed to cross the catastrophe. We helped it. In exchange, it sent us to this gathering place."

"The reason?"

The guy with the long knife frowned: "You said you didn't come to find the gathering place, why did you ask it to send you here?"

This is a loophole deliberately left by Yunze, as long as the other party listens carefully, he should be able to spot it and let him lead to the next topic!
The best way to cover up a doubt is to send another doubt to the enemy first.

This is the doubt that Yunze sent them.


Yunze hesitated for a moment, and began to deliberately dodge his eyes.


The young man shouted a word, and the long knife in his hand was already raised: "If you don't say it, you are a traitor! You must kill him!"

"do not!"

Yunze pretended to be in a hurry, and quickly said: "We are just here to find someone, we will leave when we find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who?"


This is Wu Tianyao's father's name. If he really came to this gathering place, these people in front of him should have heard of it. If they haven't heard of it, then go back and explain to Wu Tianyao.

"Wu Sha? Isn't that..." A person behind the boy suddenly spoke, looking at the boy with strange eyes.

The knife-wielding boy turned his head and glared at the other party, making him hold back his words, then turned his head to look at Yun Ze: "What... are you looking for with Wu Sha?"

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