Yun Ze raised his sword and dropped it!
At the same time that Carl's body turned into white light and disappeared, a beam of lightning also hit Yunze's chest, causing him to take a few steps back, his face instantly pale.

Not only the dead Karl didn't react, even the chosen ones around him were stunned!

Especially the chosen ones to which free civilizations belong.

Karke has been promoted to level [-], and after the increase, his combat power is over [-], and this man... only used one knife?

"Yun Ze!"

Wang Hu was the first to react, and wanted to reach out to help Yunze, but he stopped him!
"Don't move, I still have electricity on me."

Yunze stabilized his figure, except that his chest was a little numb, but there was nothing unusual.

He looked at the stunned crowd, imitating Carl's appearance just now, and smiled at them: "Everyone, I have a proposal..."


Before Yunze could finish speaking, a strong, free and civilized black man rushed out!
He shouted Karl's name, condensed a lightning arrow and threw it at Yunze!

Before Yunze could strike back, Han Ruier rushed out from the crowd of Yanhuang!

When she chopped off the Thunder Arrow, she also kicked the strong man in the chest, kicking him back into the crowd!
The whole process was so smooth that most of the people present hadn't realized what happened.

However, the two have already entered the battle, and the combat power value has also emerged from their heads!


There is a gap of more than 100 in combat power between the two sides!
" is this possible!"

The big man was stunned for a moment. He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell into the crowd, looking at him in disbelief: " are level six?"

Han Rui'er didn't answer, but put away the long knife and walked to Yunze's side: "Brother Yun, are you alright?"

"It's okay, don't worry."

Yun Ze smiled and said something to Han Rui'er, then turned his head to look at everyone, "How about the sixth level, and what about the fifth level?
You just need to know one thing now..."

"Here, I am the king of Yanhuang! Whoever refuses to accept it, come up and speak!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in Yanhuang drew out their long knives at the same time, and showed their weapons at nearly [-] chosen ones from other civilizations!
Yanhuang is never afraid of battle!
Whether it is the Chosen One of Yanhuang Civilization or the Chosen One of other civilizations, the same thought came to them at this time...

As long as Yunze is willing, they will go to war!
At this moment, the sky was getting darker, not only the Chosen Ones of other civilizations, even Yanhuang's own Chosen Ones didn't notice the totem on their left started to change slowly!
The 'dragon', which had no claws under its belly, now slowly grows sharp claws, evolving towards a real dragon!

Everyone stopped talking, including those from the free country.

They were originally people who joined Karl's team after abandoning their own civilization, so they naturally know what it means to be a man who understands current affairs.

But... that is a free civilization that believes in [Odin]!What is your godless Yanhuang civilization!
"Yanhuang people!"

The strong man got up from the crowd and glared at Yunze: "Do you want to start a war?"

"It's not whether I want to start a war, but whether you dare to fight!"

Yunze spread his hands, holding a long knife in his right hand, and slightly opened his left hand: "I hold a sword in my right hand, and friendship in my left hand, and the road is behind you!

War, friendship, or leaving... the choice is up to you. "

"You killed Karl! You just want to start a war!" The big man roared angrily, but he didn't dare to take any more practical actions!
The kick just now completely knocked him out!

If there are only one or two Chosen Ones with a combat power of more than 800, then all the Chosen Ones of civilization will definitely be able to kill them with crowd tactics!
But... who knows how many 800 combat power Yanhuang has?They are civilized, but they like to hide their hands the most!
"If he wants to kill me, I will naturally kill him."

Yunze's tone gradually became low, and his left hand began to be lowered slowly: "Killers, people will always kill them!
No matter who it is, as long as they dare to stretch their claws towards my Yanhuang civilization... then I, Yunze, will kill one if I see one, and cut one pair if I see two!Endless! "


Everyone in Yanhuang uttered a word in unison, causing the wolves in the distance to retreat a little, not to mention the group of chosen ones in front of them!

Without even thinking about it, Dalaf held Yunze's left hand that was about to be put down, and then turned to look at everyone: "Everyone!
What else can you think about?The most important thing is to seize the time to upgrade! "

This guy really only thinks about fighting...

Yunze complained silently in his heart, still looking at everyone with a blank expression.

"Mr. Yun, please ask Rong Nu's family to ask more questions."

The kimono girl of Sakura Civilization took a step forward and stood opposite Yunze: "If we cooperate, what are your conditions?"

"Seventy percent experience, fifty percent gain."

Yunze spat out eight words, then glanced at the direction of Liberty Civilization: "This condition should be similar to what Karl gave you, right?"

"Nothing less?" The kimono girl asked with a frown.

The conditions are indeed similar to those given by the free civilization, but this is the Yanhuang civilization after all, or the Yanhuang civilization that has offended the free civilization. If the conditions are the same... none of them would choose Yanhuang.

"Nothing less!"

"Then I have nothing but apologies."

The woman in kimono glanced at the people behind her, and then walked away step by step, followed by the white elephant civilization and Tai Chi civilization, and finally the free civilization.

"Yunze, right?"

Before the strong man left, he shouted at Yunze: "I remember you! Let me see how long your godless civilization can protect you!"

Yunze didn't speak, but raised the long knife in his hand: "Get ready to charge!"

As soon as the four characters fell, the four civilizations turned around and fled without any hesitation, and used all their breastfeeding strength to escape.

After running for about a few hundred meters, they realized that Yunze didn't give a second order at all, and everyone in Yanhuang still stopped where they were.

"You kid, you are so bad!" Wang Hu joked aside.

"For them, can't they be worse?"

Yunze looked at the Chosen Ones who had heard the news and fled, and he had already expected this scene in his heart.

Choose war?

This is the most unwise choice. Fighting among the chosen ones will neither increase experience nor harvest resources, and will only cause constant internal friction!
They didn't have much friendship with Karl, and it was really not worthwhile to work hard for a dead man.

Soon there will only be Yanhuang civilization and Baixiong civilization left here.

"Mr Dalough."

Yunze put away his long knife and looked at Dalaf seriously: "We can talk about experience distribution now."

"Don't talk about it!"

Dalaf waved his hand and patted himself on the chest: "I am now level 528, with a combat power of [-]. If your fourth-level chosen ones have higher combat power than me, then the experience points will be given priority to you!
We just need to fight!Ulla! "


The Chosen Ones of the White Bear Kingdom shouted at the same time.

Well, this is not a battle madness, but a nest of battle madness!
"OK then."

Yunze smiled helplessly, then turned to look at Yanhuang and the Chosen Ones: "Brothers, show off your fighting strength!"


More than fifty Yanhuang Tianxuan roared at the same time, and raised their hands to pat their chests!

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