Yunze was escorted by a group of people to the place where he met the big man before, but there were no traces of the five people nearby, obviously they left.

After all, there is a battlefield not far away, as long as Han Ruier and the others are not stupid, they won't just stand on a plain and wait.

At that time, no matter whether the monsters or humans win, they will all be discovered, which is not a good thing.

But in order for Yunze to find them when he came back, Han Ruier left a mark on the ground.

A special plum pattern.

This is a mark that has been used as early as in Tianxuan Space, which means to hide nearby. It seems that they have not gone far, and they should be looking at themselves somewhere now.

"What about people!"

Wu Ci held Yun Ze, frowned and questioned: "Call out all your companions, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Come on, let me see how rude you are!"

Yunze raised his head, not conscious of being a prisoner at all: "Your general just said that you should try to satisfy me as much as you want."

"Don't tell you that you don't know what this sentence means. If something happens to me, you should know the consequences!"

Wu Ci was so angry that his teeth were itching, but he had to admit that what Yun Ze said was the truth, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart: "I advise you to think clearly, this place is still within the range of Yezhi City!

If we leave now, what should you do if your companion encounters some monster and is in danger?Don't blame us for not caring when the time comes! "

Yunze was silent for a while, this was indeed a hidden danger.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, compared with the camp of this group of people in the wild, it is really hard to tell who is more dangerous than the other.

"...When your generals come back, if we can reach a cooperation, I will let them appear."

After weighing it for a moment, Yunze said: "But if I don't come back, they will also return to our world and tell the humans in that world what you have done.

Believe me, if I lose my life, you will lose your natural ally. "

In the second half of the sentence, he deliberately amplified his voice for Han Ruier and the others.

Wu Ci frowned. He didn't know his general's attitude now, so he couldn't make any decisions on his own. The only proper way to deal with it was to bring this guy back to the camp and wait for the general to come back to deal with him.

"Okay! That's what you said."

Wu Ci pulled the rope that tied Yunze's hands, turned around and walked towards the camp: "If you don't want to say it, then don't say it! If our general wants to kill you, I will apply to be the executioner!"

"That's really troublesome for you."

"Don't worry, no trouble!"

As the sound faded away, the few people hiding nearby with mimic technology could only watch their backs gradually disappear.

They all heard Yunze's words, and they also roughly understood his current situation.

His communication with the human beings in this world has just begun, and he is still in the stage of fighting wits and courage, and the few of him are his bargaining chips.

If it is exposed now, it will only disrupt his plan, and the only thing he can do is hide!

Wait for that man to come back to find them, or... look at the human beings in this world and come back with his head.

Others could bear this kind of thing, but Han Rui'er couldn't bear it!

She watched the last figure disappear from view, immediately broke away from the mimicry, and chased forward at the same time!
Yunze has fallen into crisis, and now the only one who can save him is himself!

To be precise, it was only a statue of God in the backpack behind him.

As long as he enshrines the statue and is within 300 meters of Yunze, he can be given another boost.

This may not bring him much improvement, but even if it is a little more, it will also give him a glimmer of hope for survival!

"what are you going to do!"

Before Han Ruier could chase her out, an arm grabbed her.

That belonged to Wei Li.

She was beside Han Rui'er just now, and she had already reacted the moment the other party made an action.

Han Ruier turned her head to look at her, and quickly explained: "I have a way to increase the strength of Team Yun. I have to go there. You wait here. If there is any news, I will come back as soon as possible."

This explanation cannot be rejected by everyone.

Wei Li frowned and thought for a while, finally let go of his hand and released Han Ruier.

There are only four people left in the whole team.

Wei Li turned to look at Gu Liuchuan: "Mr. Gu, as the official representative of the Yanhuang civilization, don't you have anything to say?"

"I support all actions of Mr. Yun and Ms. Han."

Gu Liuchuan looked at Wei Li, and said with an official tone: "However, regarding this matter, I hope that the three of you will not mention it when you report."

Han Rui'er was too anxious just now, subconsciously revealed something.

Yunze's combat power still has room for improvement!
Putting this in other civilizations is something that you can't even think about!
With more and more players at level [-], other civilizations including Yanhuang have discovered one thing. As long as they exceed level [-], they can believe in a second god and get superimposed BUFF gains from it.

They also deduced that the reason for Yunze's exceptionally high combat power might be that Yanhuang had discovered this method to increase his combat power a long time ago.

But now Yunze is only in his early twenties, and he has already obtained enough buffs. If he can still get promoted, he will inevitably be suspected and envied by other civilizations.

Even the white bear civilization is the same.

"If the Yun team can come back, I can't do anything even if I say it. Instead, I will lose an ally. If something happens to the Yun team, it doesn't matter whether I say it or not."

"So don't worry, I will keep it a secret."

Wei Li was the first to express his opinion, and turned to look at Hill and Dalaf: "They will too."

"Thank you."

Gu Ruchuan replied earnestly. He looked at the camp ahead, full of sadness.

If I were stronger, maybe I wouldn't have to stay here, but would be with Team Yun, Sister Rui'er and the others.


Yunze was tied back to the camp, and after a while, he felt a surge of power in his body.

This is a manifestation of increased combat power.

I obviously didn't do anything, and the increase in combat power now only represents this one thing!

Han Ruier is here!
This girl is too nonsense!He said he understood so well, let them wait for him where he was, and actually followed him, what if something happened to him!
Yun Ze frowned, thinking whether to let Wu Ci bring her in or not, even if he had to run away, the two of them sat somersaulting and slipped away.

Otherwise, it would be bad for this girl to stay nearby when he slipped away on somersaulting cloud.

right!Just do it!

Yunze made up his mind, and just when he was going to discuss with Wu Ci to go out again, a horn suddenly sounded outside the door!

He had heard the sound of the horn before, wasn't it the sound of the alien attack last time!

Almost at the same time, the big man rushed into the tent like crazy, and reported to Wu Ci: "Team...Captain, Ye Ji has left the city!"

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