The Myth Resurrected: Why Are My Eastern Gods Afraid of Fighting?

Chapter 1 Respectfully Invite the Martial Saint to Come Down

"What the hell! The beast tide is coming! Rewind!"

"I can't retreat! Behind me is the altar of the god statue, and above the head is the totem of Yanhuang. If we retreat more than that, we will die, and Yanhuang will cease to exist!"

"Heaven is my Yanhuang! Heaven is my Yanhuang!"

Yunze woke up from the noise.

He found himself lying on a stretcher, his legs were simply bandaged, but he could still see blood oozing out, and he felt excruciating pain when he moved lightly.

Looking around, there are Yanhuang people with black hair and black eyes all around, but most of them are like him, seriously injured and unable to participate in the battle.

Only a few dozen or so people were still standing in front of them, and farther away was a billowing smoke, and a huge herd of beasts could be vaguely seen under the smoke.

Here... what exactly is this place?
A string of information flooded Yunze's mind!
This is roughly the same as the world he was in before, but it is called Blue Star.

There are Yanhuang kingdoms on the blue star, but just a week ago, a mysterious voice resounded through the blue star, claiming to be the creator.

He said that the blue star is about to collapse, and if you want to survive, you must complete the civilization upgrade!
Soon, all countries understood what this civilization upgrade meant...

The entire Blue Star countries are divided into different civilizations, and each civilization country fights on its own, and the upgrade method of the first stage is... against beast attacks!
The creator will select 100 people from each country who know their civilization best to enter the chosen space, and these 100 people will jointly build the most powerful god in the civilization, and then the god will send down divine power to assist everyone and fight against the beast tide!

All civilizations are now level zero.

After one month, the more people the civilization survives in the chosen space and the more monsters it kills, the better it will be ranked!

Top ten, you can upgrade to a first-level civilization and get a god gift!
The whole process will also be broadcast live 24 hours a day in the sky, divided into different channels according to the country, and can be seen all over the world!

Yunze familiarized himself with the rules, and instantly felt that the creator of the world must be from Yanhuang!
In terms of mythology, is there any civilization that can compare with Yanhuang?
Are you kidding? This is not it!
But... why is Yanhuang reduced to such a situation now?Could it be besieged by all nations?

Soon another wave of memories flooded Yunze's mind, and he understood why...

Civilization fault!

Today's Yanhuang has no mythical history before the Qing Dynasty!

There are no Three Emperors and Five Emperors!There is no Pangu Hongjun!
There is no heaven and earth!There is no Taoism or Buddhism!
There is no Classic of Mountains and Seas, no List of Conferred Gods, no Journey to the West, and no Sou Shen Ji!

There is only one book that is regarded as a mythical classic by Yanhuang... Tales from a Liaozhai Studio!
What the hell, do you compare Liaozhaizhiyi with other people's Cthulhu mythology, the Bible, the Nordic gods, the Greek gods, and the 800 million gods of the Sakura Kingdom?
No wonder it can be compared!

Yunze was so angry that he gasped, and couldn't help touching the wound.

He raised his head subconsciously and looked at the so-called totem battle flag that his comrades said...

Apart from the elongated body, this totem doesn't look like a dragon at all, it's clearly a snake!

As for the altar behind him, he didn't even need to look at it. From his memory, he remembered what was enshrined... Pig Dragon.

In Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio, a monster that looks like a dragon but is as short as a pig.

Because his appearance is close to the totem, he was chosen by hundreds of people as a god to worship.

Yunze felt his wound hurt even more... he was so angry with these guys!
Enshrining a pig demon like a god, thanks to these guys, they can figure it out!

But not bad!

The rules stipulate that as long as the statue is smashed, the statue can be erected again and a new god can be chosen to worship!

Yanhuang still has a chance!

Yunze stood up strongly, and began to move slowly towards the altar regardless of the bleeding from his knees.


Seeing this, the wounded next to him couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

As soon as these words came out, the other wounded around also looked at Yunze.

"Go to the altar!"

"...Okay! We'll help you get there!"

Although we have only been together for a short seven days, after the baptism of the battlefield, we have long been like brothers and sisters.

Yunze only said three words, and they didn't ask any more questions. Although they had some guesses in their hearts, they didn't say it out of their mouths.

Dozens of people jumped into action immediately.

The ones with uninjured arms helped to carry Yunze onto the backs of those soldiers with uninjured legs and feet, and then they sent Yunze to the altar.

The whole process was so fast that even Yunze couldn't believe it.

At this moment, above the blue star.

free country.

"Oh! My God! You guys watch the Yanhuang Channel!"

"Are these people crazy? Are they planning to use people as sacrifices again? This is not free! Inhumane!"

Yanhuang country.

"Is it self-sacrifice again? This person should be my Yanhuang hero!"

"Although I, Yanhuang, have no ancient gods, I am a hero!"

"Heroes are immortal, eternal youth!"

In the chosen space.

Yunze had already been sent to the altar by everyone, except for the soldiers on the front line, the rest of the people who were cultivating were all staring at him.

Using the body as a sacrifice, it's not that this has happened in the chosen space, but the sacrificed person must be willing to sacrifice himself.

Long before Yunze, there was already a Yanhuang man who sacrificed himself, and it was because of him that all the people survived to this day.

With Yunze's move, everyone naturally thought that he wanted to sacrifice his body again.


They were all wrong!

Yunze walked towards the altar, but instead of throwing himself into the altar, he stood up from the chair, lifted the chair above his head, and...

Hit the idol!

Blue Star Countries.

"Blasphemy! This is blasphemy!"

"The Yanhuang people are really crazy! They dare to commit a great crime of blasphemy! These are the only few gods they have!"

"Could it be that he is a traitor?"

Not only the Blue Star nations, but even the comrades behind Yunze were stunned.

The idol was smashed, and they felt their own strength began to flow away, and the few people guarding the front line also realized that something was wrong, and turned their heads to look behind them at the same time.

"Yun Ze!"

Captain Wang Hu let out a roar: "What the hell are you doing!"

Yunze didn't answer, just bowed to the altar, and silently recited the name of the god in his heart!


Yanhuang is the most powerful god since ancient times!

If he can be called out, this heavenly chosen space does not know whether it can bear it.

A few seconds later, Yunze raised his head, looked at the altar as calm as water, and his heart trembled!
The altar is unresponsive!

Usually, as long as you recite the name of the god in your heart, ripples will appear on the altar. After confirming the establishment of the link, you can recite the name of the god in person, and you can build a statue of the god!

That's how the pig dragon came out too!
Could it be that after the fault of civilization, even the statues of the gods cannot be summoned?
No!impossible!It must be that Pangu is too powerful, and the Tianxuan space can't bear it!
Yunze lowered his head and lowered the standard a lot, then chanted the real names of the gods in his heart again,
Monkey King!Master Erlang!Dragon King of the Four Seas!It’s okay to come to land if it’s not possible!
Yunze raised his head, but there was still no statue on the altar.

Not even the land, it seems that even if I know the Yanhuang myth, when no one else believes in it, the statue will not appear...

His eyes were full of despair, but at this moment, a golden light exploded from his eyes!

[The gods system has been bound, is the host random for the first time? 】

Yun Ze was full of doubts.

Gods system?random?Could it be that he also has the standard configuration of the time-traversing crowd - the system?
As soon as he thought about it, the golden light in front of Yunze's eyes formed an ink painting!

In the painting, there is a man with a long beard, riding a horse, holding a long knife, and there are four ancient small seal scripts on the side!
[Congratulations to the host, successfully randomized to the first-level god: Martial Saint Guan Yu! 】

This is... Guan Yu?
Only when the name came to Yunze's mind, ripples appeared on the altar in front of him!
Something happened? !
Could it be that Guan Yu has already established a link with the altar?

Now Yunze can't allow him to think too much, since the name of the god chanted in his heart can cause the altar to react, it proves that he can enshrine the Martial Saint!

Yunze got up immediately, bowed again towards the altar, and chanted loudly: "Yunze, descendant of Yanhuang, respectfully invite...

The Holy Spirit descends! "

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