The strongest master in history

Chapter 1195 Rely on Yourself

In the past one and a half months, most of the Unlimited Domain and Cangming Ancient Realm have been reduced to war zones. Several important resource concentration points have even been attacked by the Zerg army, and they were almost occupied several times!

However, at the last moment, the Zerg army was repulsed, and the place was snatched back by the wolf-like strongmen of the Tiandao League, and additional manpower was sent to garrison it!
The Zerg army invaded regardless of casualties. It can be said that there were countless casualties, and it was difficult to count how many of them died.

Anyway, if you go around any star field, you can see the corpses of the Zerg. These things are really the same as the plague of locusts...

No!Much more terrifying than the plague of locusts!

The locust swarms only harmed the food and crops of the mortal world. These Zerg armies harmed the entire universe. I don’t know how many worlds and planes were destroyed by them. I don't know how much!

These things should not exist in this world...

The Tiandao League specially sent some members to clean up the battlefield, collected the countless corpses of the Zerg army, went to the nearest star, threw them into it and burned it directly, and there would be no residue left...

Fighting against such a ferocious Zerg army, although they were successfully repulsed after one and a half months, the Tiandao League, various tribes and major forces all had different degrees of casualties, and many strong men were fighting against the Zerg. The army fell in the bloody battle of life and death, and many were seriously injured.

Lin Yuanjian directly took out the ancient tree of life in his body, specially opened up a huge space, placed the ancient tree of life in it, and then let those strong men of various races and members of the Heavenly Dao League who had injuries on their bodies go in to heal their injuries!
The value of this ancient tree of life is undoubtedly huge...

With the power of the ancient tree of life, everyone's injuries will recover quickly.

It was a very wise choice to take the ancient tree of life from the Five Elements Spirit Clan.

Lin Yuanjian had predicted at that time that such a scene might happen one day.

No, the ancient tree of life came in handy!
This time the invasion of the Zerg army did not hit the morale of the people, but it aroused the fighting spirit of the people even more.

Because the Heavenly Dao League and the powerhouses of various races have discovered that the battle with the evil races outside the territory is not as difficult as imagined. Although this battle is still difficult, everyone is confident.

In order to prevent one's homeland from falling into a slaughterhouse where evil races from outside the territory wantonly carnival, every strong person who has the ability to go to the battlefield will never back down half a step.

If they retreat, if they lose, the consequences are definitely not what they are willing to accept...

What's more, now that Lin Yuanjian, the spiritual pillar, is taking the lead, they will only be more determined to fight the evil race outside the territory to the end!
In the Tianshen Palace again, Lin Yuanjian called together the high-level officials of the Tiandao League, as well as the leaders of various ethnic groups and major forces. Everyone had an unconcealable tiredness on their faces!
Even if everyone present had a heaven-defying cultivation and top-notch strength, after such a long time of fighting with all their strength, their state would definitely decline to some extent.

However, such a little tiredness is nothing, each of them is highly excited!

After a great battle, all the forces in Infinite Realm and Cangming Ancient Realm have become much more united.

No matter how many intrigues there were in the past, now they have to work together to deal with the extraterritorial evil race.

Lin Yuanjian looked at the people who were focusing on him, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "Everyone here has worked hard and persisted for more than a month. I dare not say what results we have achieved, but at least we Everyone here has contributed a lot to blocking their offensive... However, the offensive of the evil races outside the territory will never stop here, they will make a comeback again, and they will be even more difficult to deal with when the time comes. The situation will be more difficult than before!"

These slightly heavy words made everyone feel a little depressed...

Lin Yuanjian also knew that he just wanted to remind everyone that the evil races outside the territory are not that easy to deal with, lest some people feel arrogant and think that the evil races outside the territory are nothing more than that, and the consequences of that may be fatal!

Then Lin Yuanjian did not forget to say some encouraging words: "The evil races outside the territory are powerful, and we are not just for nothing. No matter how many they come, we will kill them all!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on everyone's face. After fighting hard for so long, we can't just listen to you putting pressure on everyone. We still need a little praise and recognition when appropriate.

Of course, Lin Yuanjian recognized everyone's efforts. The defeat of the Zerg army this time was the result of the joint efforts of all the powerful people in Infinite Domain and Cangming Ancient Realm!

There will be more complicated battles in the future, and everyone must be tightly twisted into one rope!

Lin Yuanjian waved his hand: "Okay, I don't have anything else to say. While there is still time, everyone go back and rest, recharge your batteries, and wait for a new battle!"

"Okay, leader, then we're leaving!" Everyone, whether they were members of the Tiandao League or powerful men from other races and forces, now recognized Lin Yuanjian's leadership position very much.

Therefore, so many complicated forces can form an alliance harmoniously, because all the forces are convinced by Lin Yuanjian...

Soon, everyone dispersed one by one.

They went to rest, but Lin Yuanjian did not dare to relax, he is not in the mood to be a shopkeeper now.

The situation is different now. Now that the enemy is facing him, he has to do everything himself, taking into account all the factors that may affect the battle situation. It is impossible to be sloppy in fighting against such a huge existence of the evil race outside the territory.

Although the Zerg army was repelled this time, many lines of defense that had been arranged before had been broken and needed to be repaired.

Then during the war, many weaknesses were exposed, so Lin Yuan could go to strengthen and improve it!
The war zone and the defense zone must be clearly distinguished.

The theater needs to fortify the wall and clear the field, and all valuable resources must be transferred to the defense zone, and then fight against the evil race outside the region in the theater.

On the edge of the battle zone and defense zone, set up a large number of strong people to block them, and cooperate with various defensive formations to never allow the evil race outside the territory to get closer...

It is now after the war, and the defenses in many places have suffered considerable damage and need to be cleaned up.

Lin Yuanjian began to run back and forth between the two universes, and occasionally found a crack in the void, and immediately blocked it!
When the Zerg army invaded, the gap in the void would not be so easy to block. At that time, there would be a terrifying force to open the gap, and then there would be a kind of resistance to prevent any attempts to block it.

As for the reason for this, Lin Yuanjian has already heard from Duan Kun that this is the work of the Tianxie clan, who are manipulating everything behind the scenes, and the mere Zerg race is just a tool for their expansion.

A large army of Zergs will rapidly consume the power of the Infinite Domain and the Ancient Cangming Realm, exhausting the strong here, and eventually the Zergs will retreat, and the Sky Evils and Nightmare Clans will formally invade...

Of course, Lin Yuanjian thinks that they may not come. The place where the Zerg has ravaged is the place of death, and they may not be interested.

"Brother Duan, I always have a huge question in my heart regarding the evil race and the nightmare race that day!"

All the way to mend and perfect those broken lines of defense, Lin Yuanjian couldn't help raising doubts about Duan Kun who was walking with him.

Duan Kun replied: "You ask!"

Lin Yuanjian sorted out his thoughts for a while, and then asked: "It stands to reason that the evil race and the nightmare race are highly civilized and intelligent races today, why are they so keen to launch aggression and expansion to other universes?" ? Could it be that their living space is not enough? But after so many years, the universes they occupy may be countless..."

"However, they still haven't stopped expanding!"

"They control the Zerg, let the Zerg destroy worlds one by one again and again, have nothing to do when they are full???"

"I think it's not just because they are cruel and warlike???"

"This..." Duan Kun was stopped by Lin Yuanjian's question, because he couldn't give a reasonable answer.

"Leader Lin asked this question, and I can't answer it. What is the purpose of the Sky Xie and Nightmare clans... I really don't know!" Duan Kun shook his head and smiled wryly.

Lin Yuanjian's heart moved: "You almost wiped out the Zerg race back then, which shows that the power behind Brother Duan is not small. Could it be that you haven't found any information?"

Duan Kun sighed: "The Zerg is not worth mentioning, and destroying them is not a skill... Both the Tianxie and Nightmare are very smart, and the Zerg is just a pawn in their hands, even if we really wipe out the Zerg So what can be done, without the Zerg, there will be a second Zerg, what is the purpose of the crazy expansion of the Sky Evil and Nightmare, we need to wait for future generations to reveal..."

Lin Yuanjian said helplessly: "Well, it seems that this is a long way to go! We don't even know what the enemy wants to do."

Duan Kun stared at one direction in a daze, and suddenly said: "It would be great if he was still there... Back then, many strong men from the Tianxie and Nightmare tribes all died at his hands, and they were forced to go away in order to preserve their strength. They didn't dare to show up for a while, but it's a pity that now the Sky Evil Clan and Nightmare Clan are making a comeback, and he's no longer there..."

Lin Yuanjian didn't ask who Duan Kun was talking about.

Now that he was gone, he couldn't expect any help from others.

In the end, everything is up to you!

"I believe that the place I guard will not suffer the same fate as other universes!"

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