Qin Yue and Qin Qing each gritted their teeth, the two sisters looked at each other, they both firmly chose to believe in Yan Ze, and quickly leaned behind Yan Ze, as if they felt more secure this way.

Yan Ze concentrated his attention and concentrated all his strength on the guardian sword. The sword light soared, and the defense ability also exploded exponentially. It was very abnormal!
Those vampire bats have very low IQ, and relying on their large numbers, they are used to running rampant in this swamp. They don't know what it means to be afraid, and they just rush towards Yan Ze's position without hesitation.

boom!The dense bat swarm formed a large area, covering all the sights of the three of them in all directions almost instantly!
However, with the eruption of the guardian sword, vampire bats as big as adult dogs kept screaming and dying under the sword energy.

Those sharp sword qi formed an impenetrable sword net. No matter how many vampire bats entered this area, they would be smashed into pieces of broken bodies, falling around, and gradually piled up into pieces. It is a full three feet high, and the height is still increasing...

But this doesn't affect the fearless charge of these vampire bats. They seem to have no brains, and they don't know what fear is. There is only one goal in their eyes, which is to eat up the three people in front of them. clean.

Yan Ze secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the power of the guardian sword!

It really deserves to be the high-end martial arts recorded in the "Great Emperor's Sword Manual", this power is fierce...

Seeing that Yan Ze blocked the attack of the vampire demon bats, Qin Yue and Qin Qing relaxed a little from their tense mood.

It's just that the corpses of those vampire bats around are a little disgusting, smelly and disgusting.

But at this juncture, I can't care about anything else, it's already pretty good to save my life...

The death charge of the bat swarm was still going on, and Yan Ze tried his best to mobilize the power in his body to maintain the defense of the guardian sword so that it could always function.

The sight of the three of them has always been limited to the range of the guardian sword, and the group of vampire bats has blocked all directions.

Yan Ze tried to spread his consciousness to see how many of these vampire bats were left, but the moment he saw it clearly, his face turned completely white.

Damn it, it's overwhelming, there's no end to it, it's too scary...

I'm afraid this place is not suitable to stay for a long time. Even if he can temporarily resist the impact of the vampire bat with the guardian sword, it cannot be blocked forever. Sooner or later, his physical strength will be completely exhausted.

It's not very smart to stand here expecting these silly vampires to go away on their own...

"Let's go." Yan Ze suddenly turned his head and said to Qin Yue and Qin Qing.

"Go? Where are you going?" Qinyue's scalp was a little numb: "These things will always follow us."

Yan Ze said in a deep voice: "Listen... my sword formation can only last for a while, and when my strength is exhausted, I won't be able to hold it anymore. But we can use the sword formation to resist attacks while taking advantage of the remaining time. While moving forward, find a place where we can escape."

"How to avoid it, there is a swamp ahead..." Qin Qing said with a wry smile, "Isn't it because we want us to dive into the quagmire?"

Yan Ze chuckled: "That's right."

Qin Qing was startled: "Are you serious?"

"No ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ, the mud is dirty..." Qinyue shook her head frantically to express her refusal.

"Hey..." Yan Ze sighed slightly: "It's better than waiting here to die, right?"

Qin Qing asked again: "How are you sure that these vampire bats won't rush into the quagmire with us?"

Yan Ze shrugged and walked forward: "So give it a try."

"If we don't leave, we will be buried by the corpses of these vampire bats later!!!"

This sentence can be regarded as poking into the hearts of the two women, and it is indeed impossible to keep it any longer.

Seeing that Yan Ze has already left, if he doesn't keep up, he will be out of the protection of the Guardian Sword Formation later, so hurry up and follow...

The three of them turned over the mountain of corpses piled up by vampire demon bats one by one, and headed towards the depths of the poisonous miasma swamp.

Yan Ze still maintains the operation of the guarding sword array with high consumption, frantically strangling those life-sucking vampire bats all the way, killing a lot of them in a hurry, it is extremely happy...

The formation of guarding the sword was already filled with a lot of blood mist, which made people very uncomfortable.

Seeing that this wetland is coming to an end, the front has turned into a muddy place, and there is a smell of mud...

"It's here, you guys dance first." Yan Ze's voice actually sounded a little excited.

Qinyue curled her lips: "Why are we dancing first?"

"I'm covering you, if I jump first, those vampire bats are not allowed to attack you directly?" Yan Ze gave sufficient and convincing reasons.

Qin Qing thought for a while: "It's also...well, Xiaoyue, you dance first."

"Why me?" Qinyue was confused.

"Because my sister loves you!" Qin Qing suddenly kicked Qin Yue's delicate buttocks!
Qinyue screamed, and suddenly staggered and fell into the quagmire in front of her.

The mud is a bit watery and sinks easily...

Taking advantage of half of her body still on the mud, Qinyue didn't care about panic, took a deep breath hastily, and then let her body sink to the bottom.

A strong man in the alchemy stage can hold his breath and stay in the quagmire for a few hours, and it is easy to come up.

The only thing to pay attention to is whether there are other dangers lurking in the quagmire, such as monsters...

Fortunately, there seemed to be nothing near this quagmire, and it was very quiet. Qinyue also scanned it with her spiritual sense, and there was no problem, so she sank with confidence. If it is dirty, it should be dirty. It is important to avoid the group of vampire bats. I hope these things Don't even rush into the mud...

Soon, Qin Qing also jumped down, took a deep breath like Qinyue and sank to the bottom!
Yan Ze naturally wouldn't delay any longer, his consumption was huge.

I didn't expect these vampire bats to be so persistent...

With a plop, Yan Ze jumped into the quagmire in a very handsome posture, and took advantage of the situation to withdraw from the guarding sword formation.

All three of them dived into the bottom of the quagmire to a depth of nearly five feet. They were completely covered in mud, their five sense organs were closed, and they only relied on their spiritual sense to perceive their surroundings.

The group of vampire bats did not follow into the quagmire, but...but...

They were hovering nearby, showing no intention of leaving.

This patience is really amazing...

Lin Yuan saw that watching the play was very enjoyable, so he wanted to see how these three little guys could avoid the first disaster of entering the poisonous miasma swamp!
"What should I do? They didn't leave." Qinyue used the power of spiritual consciousness to transmit sound to Yan Ze and Qin Qing, feeling a little anxious.

"Let's move around below..." Qin Qing suggested.

Yan Ze agreed: "Okay, let's try."

As a result... After the three of them moved forward for about 30 meters with great resistance against the huge resistance at the bottom of the quagmire, they found that the vampire bats were following them again.

"It must not be far enough, let's swim a little longer and have a look."

However, the vampire bats eventually followed, no matter how far they swam to no avail.

Yan Ze directly exploded: "Damn, these things are really hard to deal with..."

Qinyue said weakly: "Tell me, will we die here?"

Qin Qing: "Shut your crow's mouth."

Qinyue said: "This is the sound transmission of spiritual consciousness. I didn't use my mouth to say it. If I use my mouth to speak, mud will flow in. So, this is not a crow's mouth."

Well, Qin Qing couldn't refute.

At this time, Yan Ze proposed a solution: "How about we pretend to be dead?"

"Play dead?" Qinyue was stunned: "Is this feasible?"

Yan Ze said: "How do you know if you don't try it? These vampire bats are so persistent in chasing us, they must be interested in our fresh flesh, but if they die, maybe they won't have that idea?"

"You make a lot of sense, let's give it a try..." As soon as Qin Qing finished speaking, she immediately controlled the various organs of her body to enter a state of slow operation, as if she was in shock.

As a martial artist in the alchemy stage, it is not difficult to do this.

Qinyue followed suit and pretended to be dead!

Yan Ze observed the state of the two women, and suddenly all the organs in his body stopped, as if they were really cold.

His disguise is undoubtedly better...

The three of them can no longer communicate in this state, and they don't want to perceive what is going on outside. They just want to wait for a while before recovering their bodies and take a look at the situation outside.

I hope the trick of pretending to be dead is effective...

Sure enough, those vampire bats began to waver when they noticed that the aura of the three of Yan Ze was vague, and a few vampire bats left the team, ready to find new prey...

Then, more and more vampire bats left, and gradually, the overwhelming swarm of bats became sparse.

After 10 minutes, the swarm of bats all dispersed and flew away without a trace, leaving no one left.

Another two or three minutes later, Yan Ze, Qin Yue, and Qin Qing recovered their five senses and six senses one after another, and they were all pleasantly surprised when they found that the vampire bat was no longer there!

The play-death strategy worked!

"Great, these annoying things are finally gone." Qinyue said happily.

"You guys stay here first, I'll go up to check the situation and see if there's any danger." Yan Ze said, and swam quickly to the top of the quagmire.

Qinyue and Qinqing were very obedient and did not act rashly.

Even though Qinyue hated the mud around her to the extreme, she forcibly held back.

The two of them have unconsciously developed a sense of trust in Yan Ze, and they will subconsciously follow what Yan Ze says.

"Okay, there's no danger, come up." Yan Ze's spiritual consciousness sounded.

Qinyue Qinqing jumped out of the quagmire one after another!

At this time, the images of the three of them looked extremely funny, and all three were clay figurines.

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