Arrived with Master Mi driving.


Wei Dabang's hearty laughter came.

"Lin Jiu, come down and take a look at the formation, and look at how these brothers are doing!"

Lin Jiu heard Wei Dabang's voice, hurriedly got out of the car, and glanced at the soldiers with his hands behind his back.

"The momentum is like a rainbow, and they are all good soldiers and good generals." Lin Jiu praised.

In the car, Qiu Sheng glanced at the posture outside, couldn't help but swallowed, and the high spirits on his face also subsided.

Young people, it is inevitable to swell after breaking through before, but after all, they have never seen such a big scene.

Zhou Yun looked at the soldiers outside with amazement.

Wei Dabang's eyes are full of hostility, but the soldiers under his hands are all extraordinary.

Doing the math, it is almost that time, warlord wars are just the beginning of troubled times, and the real troubled times are yet to come.

In the Qing Dynasty, luck was broken and there was no master in the world.

Before the appearance of the true man, everyone can become a dragon, and there are endless heroes in troubled times.

In this environment, these soldiers with guns are naturally somewhat lucky.

"well said."

Wei Dabang came over and patted Lin Jiu on the shoulder, and glanced at Qiu Sheng and Zhou Yun by the way.

"Get ready to go, time waits for no one, I will trouble you master and apprentice for today's matter!"

Wei Dabang cupped his fists, turned and walked towards his car, raised his head and roared angrily as he walked.

"Cheer up your spirits, where the hell is the horn blower!"

With a trumpet sounded.

Countless soldiers ran towards the front, one after another trucks started their engines, and the sky was filled with yellow sand in an instant.

Lin Jiu stood beside the car and watched the magnificent team.

Thinking of the things in the treasure house, especially the luck involved in the Qing Dynasty, I couldn't help feeling a little worried.

After all, with so many people going, if something happens, I'm afraid it will be...

In the car, Zhou Yun looked at the big trucks in the queue.

Wei Dabang is determined to empty the treasure house. There are almost no people in the truck, but some tin boxes.

Zhou Yun didn't know those things either, but the guards on the truck looked very serious.

"Come on." Master Mi shouted at this time.

Lin Jiu hurriedly climbed back into the car after hearing the sound.

In the distance, Wei Dabang Jiuren's pickup truck started to move at this time, as if it was waiting for Lin Jiu's car.

This is also the reason why Master Mi urged.

As the pickup truck started, it headed all the way to the previous treasure house.

The last time Zhou Yun and the others went to the treasure house, they walked abruptly for nearly two or three hours. Although the speed was slow, the mountains and mountains were all underfoot.

But now driving a car, especially these big trucks, is fast on flat roads, but it is impossible to walk in the mountains and forests.

As for what's in that car.

Zhou Yun guessed that these trucks might have to break mountains and break roads this time just to get close to the treasure house, not to mention driving past.

The things in those big trucks, no accident, do this.

"Lin Jiu, you shouldn't have come this time."

Master Mi, who was driving the car, suddenly said something out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Lin Jiu's eyes flashed with surprise, and he immediately looked sideways at Master Mi: "Master Mi, what do you mean by that?"

"Hehe." Master Mi smiled lowly, didn't speak any more, and continued driving all the way.

For a while, the car fell into silence.

"Uncle Master." Qiu Sheng pulled Zhou Yun softly.

"What?" Seeing Qiu Sheng's timid look, Zhou Yun said angrily, "Are you scared?"

"I'm not afraid." Qiu Sheng immediately puffed up his chest, but he opened his mouth and didn't seem to know what to say next.

"Don't worry." Zhou Yun saw Qiu Sheng's worry and smiled softly.

Where are you going now?

In the distant horizon ahead, the sun is shining brightly at this time.

But in Zhou Yun's eyes, the world had already become pitch black.

It seemed that there was an existence that had passed away, opened its eyes again, and was looking at the group of people.

"Tonight, I guess it will be difficult."

Soon, at sunset and dusk.

At the foot of a mountain.

Tents were set up one after another, and dozens of soldiers were setting up camp around without stopping.

The rest of the fighters all poured into the mountain ahead, and the deafening explosion sounded long ago.

Lin Jiu and the others got out of the car and looked towards the smoky mountains ahead.

"Sure enough, it exploded directly to open the way..." Zhou Yun couldn't help rubbing his ears when he heard the sound of the explosion.

Lin Jiu and Qiu Sheng were also looking forward. Lin Jiu's brows twitched, but he couldn't hold back.

But Qiusheng couldn't help swallowing again, and he didn't know what he thought of when he heard the explosion.

They are Taoist priests, but they are also living people of flesh and blood.

"Lin Jiu, bring your little apprentice and that kid over here." Wei Dabang greeted him from afar.

A big shed was erected outside the tent in front, and Wei Dabang and his brothers were sitting there.

Lin Jiu looked back at Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun nodded slightly to Lin Jiu.

This time it was about the luck of the Qing Dynasty, and Lin Jiu himself was a little uncertain along the way.

So I want to see Zhou Yun's opinion more.

A few people went forward, and in the shed, Wei Dabang and the brothers didn't pay much attention, and sat on the ground one by one.

But if you look closely, there is one person missing.

"Lin Jiu, it's been a hard journey, are you still used to it?" Wei Dabang greeted with a smile.

Zhou Yun felt that Wei Dabang was looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

When he was in Renjiayanglou, the two fighters who wanted to attack him must have been instructed by Wei Dabang.

Although I don't know the reason, but this way from Wei Da Bang.

Zhou Yun discovered that the rotten cause and effect of these brothers had become countless times stronger.

And in the distance in the sky, the dark Qingshi luck also became stronger with the arrival of the brothers.

Among them, there must be some reason, not as simple as the so-called gold, silver and jewelry.

"Marshal Wei, we are all fine." Lin Jiu took the words and sat down on the ground.

"Hahahaha, don't be so restrained, young man, you sit too." Wei Dabang pointed at Qiusheng to the ground.

After Qiu Sheng and Zhou Yun also sat down, Wei Dabang's sworn brothers also looked at Qiu Sheng and Zhou Yun.

It was the first time for Qiu Sheng to see these people, and a trace of sweat immediately appeared on his face when they stared at them.

These people all have great luck.

Taoists understand the nature of the world and are more sensitive to these.

Just like when the emperor visited in disguise in ancient times, anyone who met a fortune teller or a word tester must have met a true Taoist.

It's not that they are lucky enough not to encounter liars.

It is the appearance of someone with luck, and all Taoists can detect it, and then take the initiative to form a good relationship.

Qiu Sheng's experience is too shallow, his character is not enough, and he is completely focused on their luck.

"Sit up straight."

Zhou Yun raised his hand and patted Qiu Sheng.

The voice fell in Qiusheng's ears, and it seemed to enlighten him, pulling him out of the tension.


Qiu Sheng took a deep breath, and when he realized it, he quickly glanced at Zhou Yun gratefully.

On the side, Wei Dabang was speaking to Lin Jiu in a low voice.

"Lin Jiu, my fifth son personally took people to explode the mountain. It is estimated that tomorrow morning, this road will be able to pass directly. Are you sure about those coffins?"

There was a smile on the corner of Wei Dabang's mouth, but his voice was obviously more dignified.

Hearing the sound, Lin Jiu bowed his head and thought for a moment.

"Marshal Wei, the Dixuan Twelve Armors are a top-level tomb protection method. Do you know the identity of the owner of this tomb?" Lin Jiu asked tentatively.

When Zhou Yun said before that there was a cause and effect in the Qing Dynasty behind the Dixuan Twelve Armors, Lin Jiu knew that this trip was definitely not as simple as he thought.

But it's not Lin Jiu's character to let things go. Leaving aside the fate of the time, this dead thing cannot reappear in the world.

With the thousands of people in Wei Dabang, Lin Jiu can't just sit back and watch them come to die.

Besides, luck has been defeated, and the rest is nothing but cause and effect. If a way to resolve it is found, it might be impossible to break the situation.

This is also the reason why Lin Jiuming dared to come knowing that it was the cause and effect of the Qing Dynasty.

"This..." Wei Dabang was about to speak.

Suddenly, there was a deafening bang, and there were countless screams at the same time.

"Mother Xipi, what is the fifth doing, don't put too much explosives and hurt your own people."

The people next to them all stood up.

Wei Dabang's expression also changed, and he looked towards the distant gunpowder.


Zhou Yun glanced at the distant sky.

In the dark night sky in the distance, there are faint giants rolling in the sky.

I don't know when it is approaching.

Zhou Yun frowned, his gaze subconsciously resting on the rotten luck.

Suddenly this time.

Zhou Yun's sea of ​​consciousness shook violently, as if a powerful force directly pressed towards his sea of ​​consciousness.

Faintly, a dragon roar was heard.

A magnificent long chant that once suppressed the world.

But at this time, Long Xiao was no longer honorable and distant.

Instead, there was a decay crawling out of the ground, and the voice was cold and hoarse.

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