It was heard that Ren Tingting seemed to be at war with heaven and man, leaning on Zhou Yun's shoulder, her eyes were extremely complicated.

Zhou Yun didn't urge him to think about all this.

If Ren Tingting hadn't taken the initiative to ask Lin Jiu to enter the treasure house today.

Zhou Yun would not think so much.

But what makes Zhou Yun most curious now is what Ren Tingting is hiding.

"Brother Zhou Yun, I really can't say." Ren Tingting let go of Zhou Yun, bowed her head and said.

"You can't even tell me?"

Ren Tingting didn't speak, but shook her head stubbornly.

In those watery eyes, there was a stubbornness that Zhou Yun couldn't understand.

"Never mind."

Zhou Yun thought for a while, now Mr. Feng Shui is dead, although Zhou Yun is curious about what it is.

But to Zhou Yun, it didn't matter.

Standing up, Zhou Yun turned around and frowned when he was about to leave.

"Do you know what will happen to Lin Jiu when he enters the treasure house?"

Hearing the sound, Ren Tingting raised her head hastily, with a trace of anxiety in her eyes.

"There are things in the treasure house that my cousin was afraid of. My father once said that they had suffered a lot back then and risked their lives to move out the things. They dared not touch them again in their entire lives. I think there should be a way to call Uncle Jiu. Deal with it, because Uncle Jiu is a master of Taoism, and if there is any danger, Uncle Jiu is so powerful that he can get away with it."

Ren Tingting said hastily, and at the same time got up and was about to pull Zhou Yun.

"I think the Ren family can be relieved. I'm very selfish, but I never thought of really harming Uncle Jiu. Brother Zhou Yun, trust me."

Zhou Yun stared into her eyes, and saw panic and fear of being exposed in those eyes.

Zhou Yun didn't speak any more, flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked towards the door.

This girl is scheming.

When she was exposed before, she still looked at herself pretending to be calm.

This made Zhou Yun very disliked.

Children are lied to, and they are all immoral.

But no matter what is said is true or not, once Lin Jiu gets involved in the soaring cause and effect of the treasure house, it will be difficult to get out! .

Ren Tingting looked at Zhou Yun's leaving back.

Inexplicably, my heart was empty, and then I covered my mouth and began to cry.

She could feel Zhou Yun's obvious indifference.

Outside the door, as soon as Zhou Yun came out, he saw two soldiers looking at each other out of the corner of his eye, and then touched him.

But before they approached, Zhou Yun glanced sideways, and a faint golden light shot out from his eyes.

The two soldiers only felt the golden light penetrate their eyes, and twisted hard in their minds.


The two soldiers' feet were soft and fell to the ground, just when they were about to hit the ground.

Zhou Yun raised his fingertips, and a burst of purple light appeared, as if lifting the two of them up and gently fell to the ground.

Silently, without making the slightest movement.

"Want to attack me?"

Zhou Yun's perception has been shrouded in a radius of tens of meters.

Qiusheng and Wencai were eating melon seeds outside, and after Zhou Yun's words, Qiusheng's performance can be described as just two words.


Looking coldly at the people around him, who dared to look over, Qiu Sheng immediately vomited the melon seeds.

Originally, this kid would not behave like this, mainly because he was so angry before.

In addition, I feel that Master Uncle is not easy.

He left a message.

This spirit is enough.

As for Wen Cai, he carefully looked left and right, and when he saw Qiu Sheng spitting out melon seeds, he immediately took Qiu Sheng's hand.

"Qiu Sheng, don't be so arrogant, I'm afraid of being beaten!"

Qiu Sheng turned a deaf ear to it, and even raised his legs.

Zhou Yun glanced at them, but no one attacked them.

"Interesting, this is picking soft persimmons, did you pick me?"

Zhou Yun had a weird smile on his face.

Walk downstairs quickly.

In the living room ahead, Wei Dabang and the others were still talking, while Lin Jiu listened with his ears erect, with a serious expression on his face.

But when Zhou Yun walked downstairs, he could feel Wei Dabang glance over.

"It really is this guy, is it because Tingting and I went upstairs?"

Zhou Yun glanced at the second floor suspiciously, and immediately couldn't figure it out, and he simply didn't want to.

After walking out the door, Qiu Sheng's eyes lit up and immediately ran over to meet Zhou Yun.

"Master Uncle, what did Tingting tell you?" Wencai approached beside him with a shy smile on his face.

"Do you still miss Tingting?"

Seeing Wen Cai's expression, Zhou Yun stretched out his finger and tapped his forehead.

"My dear grandson, listen to my uncle's persuasion, Tingting, you can't grasp it, you can't touch it."

"Uncle Master, what's the depth? I'm asking girl Tingting, what did she say to you, did she say anything about me?" Wen Cai's face bloomed with a smile.

Zhou Yun rolled his eyes and patted Wen Cai on the shoulder: "My dear grandson, tell me, should Tingting say that you look old, or that you are ugly, or that you were bitten by a zombie?"

Wen Cai immediately became a little angry when he heard this, but he opened his mouth and said nothing.

Because Qiu Sheng was clenching his fists and staring at him.

"Hmph, Tingting has such a good personality, she wouldn't say that about me." Wen Cai sat aside angrily.

Zhou Yun also put away his venomous tongue, it's not that he had to speak so harshly.

Before doing it, regardless of the movie point of view, it would be a good thing if Wen Cai could get along with Ren Tingting.

But now I know another side of Ren Tingting, let's not say whether it is good or bad.

If Wen Cai still joins in, as long as Ren Tingting thinks, Wen Cai can be calculated to death.

As a master uncle, although Zhou Yun would not force Wencai to marry what kind of marriage he must marry in the future.

But no matter what, you have to meet the two words.


quite a while.

Lin Jiu hurried out of the door, and slightly bowed his head from afar.

"Uncle Master."

Seeing Lin Jiu's solemn expression, Zhou Yun gave him a questioning look.

Qiusheng and Wencai leaned over, and they were also curious about what Lin Jiu was doing here.

"Uncle, if nothing unexpected happens, it really is the matter of Dixuan Twelve Armors."

Lin Jiu sat on the chair, took the tea poured by Qiu Sheng, took a sip and said.

"Just now Wei Dabang told me that 28 years ago, the nine brothers dug a prince's tomb in western Hunan. They didn't know the identity of the owner of the tomb. Twelve Jias were brought out, but because of this Dixuan Twelve Jias, their gold, silver and jewels have been put away for so many years and dare not take them out."

Zhou Yun on the side was a little dumbfounded, Wei Dabang actually told Lin Jiuhe about the tomb robbery.

"Now they want to invite me into the treasure house and let me destroy the Dixuan Twelve Armors." Lin Jiu said and looked at Zhou Yun.

"Huh?" Seeing Lin Jiu's inquiring eyes, Zhou Yun frowned and said, "You agree?"

Lin Jiu nodded with a solemn expression.

"Dixuan Twelve Armors contain a deadly and undead thing. This kind of thing must not be left alone. I don't care what Wei Dabang and the others do, and I don't care about the terms of the promise. See it and get rid of it!"

While speaking, Lin Jiu's body faintly overflowed with aura, and his face was full of majesty.

"Master, is there any danger?" Wen Cai asked immediately.

"To shut up!"

Lin Jiu gave Wen Cai a hard look, then turned to look at Zhou Yun with a submissive attitude.

Zhou Yun understood that Lin Jiu was waiting for him to nod.

But Lin Jiu only knew about the Dixuan Twelve Armors, not the cause and effect of the decay left over.

It's too dangerous to go this way.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Yun was about to speak to persuade Lin Jiu not to go.

Suddenly I couldn't help but tremble all over.

The primordial spirit in the body gave an early warning, and the Dao heart trembled faintly.

This made Zhou Yun hold back the words "no go".

Slightly closing his eyes, Yuanshen jumped straight into the air, and immediately lowered his head to stare at his physical body.

My heart is trembling, is it because I don't allow Lin Jiu to go? .

In a trance, the experience of this period of time appeared in front of my eyes.

After sorting it out, Zhou Yun seemed to have something in his heart, but he couldn't explain it clearly.

Thinking about it carefully, whether it's about the Ren family or facing Lin Jiusan.

Zhou Yun always has a mentality of staying out of the matter, and in order to ensure that everything is under his control, he let the plot advance.

It seems to be hidden behind the scenes, but in fact it seems to have done nothing.

And during this six-year journey, Zhou Yun has been deliberately not getting too close to Lin Jiusan and the others.

At this moment, it seems that he has never integrated himself into this world.

The emergence of the system changed Zhou Yun a little, but it was also aimed at Lin Jiusan and the others.

Externally, it is still the character of avoiding while avoiding.

The bottom line is thinking too much and doing too little.

After figuring this out.

Zhou Yun looked again, the sea of ​​consciousness was silent, everything was like a dream

It seems that the trembling of the Dao heart before was completely an illusion.

And this time.


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