"It's so brave!"

Bai Yunchen held the snow sword, pointing the sword point at Emperor Chu, spiritual power surged all over his body, and his aura was raised to the extreme.

Di Che glanced at Feng Wanqing.

The little girl held the dragon halberd tightly, and also stared at him vigilantly.

"Since I was seen by you, I can only take you away with me."

Turning his head to look at Bai Yunchen, Di Che's face was cold, his soul body floated into the air, and he covered it with his palm.

Spiritual power surged out of the sky!

It directly turned into two huge palm prints of spiritual power and enveloped Feng Wanqing and Bai Yunchen.

Bai Yunchen's pretty face changed slightly.

Di Chu's attack was so fast that she couldn't even react.

Not to mention Feng Wanqing.

There is no way to avoid the attack of Emperor Chu.

"Even Ye Feng dare not touch Su Changge's disciple, you are really brave!"


A sneer came into Di Che's ears.

Di Che's expression changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look.

I saw half-empty behind.

Mo Daotian was playing with the Black Flame Demon Dragon while staring at him jokingly.


Di Che hastily restrained his spiritual power.

The soul body suddenly flew in one direction.

Run decisively.

Without a trace of hesitation.

Run away when encountering unsolvable situations. This is the experience he summed up after living for 3000 years. Otherwise, how do you think he survived these 3000 years.

Obviously, in his current state, it is impossible to be Mo Daotian's opponent.


Mo Daotian grinned and punched out!
The violent spiritual power swept through the air, and slammed on Di Che's body, knocking his soul body out of the air.

"With such rubbish strength, you still want to pry Su Changge's corner. You think you have lived too long, don't you?"

Mo Daotian fell to the ground, glanced at Bai Yunchen whose expression and gaze were cold, then turned to look at Feng Wanqing, with a smile on his face:

"Little sister, don't be afraid of him. Your master saved the prince's life. The prince wants to see it today. How dare he touch you?"

Arrogance belongs to arrogance.

But Su Changge saved Ye Feng's life just now, this favor Mo Daotian must pay back.

Di Che was punched down by Mo Daotian.

At this time, the soul body became very dim. He got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and then looked up at Mo Daotian with a helpless expression on his face.

"You have to figure it out, I don't want to hurt her."

Mo Daotian pouted.

Feng Wanqing gave Di Che a cold look.

She didn't have a good feeling for this guy who slandered her master and wanted to force her to become a teacher.

"I just want to help her." Di Che explained with a wry smile.

Mo Daotian was noncommittal.

Bai Yunchen put away the snow sword, and stared at Di Che with a pretty face. She came out of Qingyun Pavilion just now. She wanted to relax in the back mountain, but she didn't expect to encounter this scene. If she hadn't acted in time, I'm afraid this disciple of Su Changge will be taken captive.

Bai Yunchen's heart was very complicated.

She wanted to force herself not to think about Su Changge, but when she saw that Su Changge's disciple was in danger, she still couldn't help but rush out immediately, for no reason, just because she was Su Changge's disciple.

Obviously, she hated this Feng Wanqing very much before.

I must be hopeless.

Why do I still think about that bastard Su Changge...

Of course Mo Daotian doesn't believe in Emperor Chu.

In fact, he doesn't care what Di Che thinks, he is currently taking refuge in Jianyun Xianzong, and the most important thing is to befriend Su Changge.

"There's a lot of nonsense."

"Let the prince give you a ride."

Mo Daotian smiled coldly, and the moment he finished speaking, his body rushed out, and the violent spiritual power rushed towards his body.

Di Che's face was shocked.

"Wait, I still have something to say!"

He was a little flustered, this Mo Daotian just did it without reason, what a fucking dog!
"Save it and talk about it underground!"

Mo Daotian didn't give him a chance at all, and directly appeared in front of him, with a playful face, and violently punched him on the head.

If this punch hits.

The soul body of Emperor Chu is completely explained here today.

Seeing Mo Daotian's fist getting closer and closer, Di Chan's eyes finally showed a trace of panic.

"Boy Ye Feng, if you don't fucking make a move, you won't be able to get anything even if the young master dies!"

Di Che scolded his mother in his heart.

The strength of his soul body can't even reach the peak of the God Transformation Realm now, let alone a half-step supreme opponent like Mo Daotian.

Ye Feng missed him!
The voice fell.

Mo Daotian's fists followed one after another.

There was a sudden hum in the air.

A flash of spiritual light flashed, and Di Chu's soul body disappeared immediately.

Mo Daotian's fist fell to the ground and hit the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Ye Feng's body was suspended in mid-air, holding the fragments of the emperor's soldiers transformed from the soul body of Emperor Che, and swept towards the people below with a calm expression on his face.

Seeing Ye Feng, Mo Daotian squeezed his fists, then quietly restrained his breath, and walked behind Feng Wanqing, "This is the end of today's fight, the prince suddenly feels a little tired."

Feng Wanqing: "..."

This is not tired, it is clearly afraid.

Black Flame Demon Dragon: "..."

It's too embarrassing to have such an owner at the stall.

Ye Feng's eyes fell on Feng Wanqing.

"You Jianyun Immortal Sect can't afford this little girl. If possible, I hope she can worship in my Qinglong Holy Land. This is also a good thing for you."

"When she grows up in the future, she can in turn protect your sect. Therefore, in my opinion, this is a win-win situation, and you have no reason to refuse."

Mo Daotian shrugged, "He's not my disciple, what's the use of you talking to me, talk to Su Changge yourself."

Bai Yunchen's pretty face was cold, "My disciples of Jianyun Xianzong have the right to choose their own, and what you did just now is shameless!"

Ye Feng shook his head.

"It doesn't matter what you do, what matters is the result. She will only be buried here. Neither your sect nor Su Changge can give her what she wants, but I, Qinglong Holy Land, can!"

"Even, I can give her more."

Ye Feng doesn't know why, he has already paid more attention to Feng Wanqing than most people, maybe because of the catastrophe that the master once said, he wants to add a super fighting force to this world, or because Su Changge...

Anyway, he felt very strange about Feng Wanqing in his heart, as if a voice in the dark was telling him that Feng Wanqing did not belong here, nor did he belong to Su Changge, but... should belong to him!

Hear what Ye Feng said.

Mo Daotian curled his lips, "Save your great truth and tell Su Changge, and see if he will give you his disciple."

Feng Wanqing frowned.

She didn't want to go to Qinglong Holy Land with this Ye Feng. Master treats her so well now, unless Master doesn't want her, otherwise she won't leave Master.

Ye Feng's face softened, his eyes swept towards Feng Wanqing, and he said softly:
"If Su Changge really wanted to train you, with your talent, you would have been able to step into the spirit baby realm or even the god transformation realm. If you believe me, follow me back to Qinglong Holy Land. I guarantee that within two months, your strength can outperform most of the people here."

Feng Wanqing shook her little head.

"I'm not going!"

She chose to believe in her master, and believed that Su Changge would not deceive her.

"That's a pity."

Ye Feng sighed. He didn't know why Feng Wanqing believed in Su Changge so much. In his opinion, Su Changge probably conspired against Feng Wanqing. This kind of situation of cultivating extremely talented disciples and then taking away their blood and physique, he It's not rare to encounter it before.

It's just a scum master!

It's not worth Feng Wanqing's trust in him.

Taking a step back, even if Su Changge really treats Feng Wanqing as a disciple, in a place like Jianyun Xianzong, what resources does he have to train Feng Wanqing?Just rely on those few heavenly exercises?
How ridiculous!

Before he had seen the background of those real top forces, his vision was the same as Feng Wanqing's now, looking at the sky from a well, extremely stupid.

If Su Changge really regarded Feng Wanqing as his disciple, he should put her in a place like Qinglong Holy Land to practice, instead of burying her in the little Jianyun Xianzong.

"You can think about what I said today. The threshold of Qinglong Holy Land will always be reserved for you. If Su Changge is really nice to you, he should know how to do it."

The fragments of the Emperor Armor in Ye Feng's hand transformed into the soul body of Emperor Chu again, and he floated behind Ye Feng, and then said to Feng Wanqing following Ye Feng's words:

"I don't know how many holy places Tianjiao wanted to worship me as a teacher, but I didn't agree. What can I do if I stay in Jianyun Xianzong, why don't I go with me and let you see the wonderful world outside!"

Bai Yunchen remained silent,
In fact, she also wanted to know how Feng Wanqing would choose. After all, there were so many talented people out there who wanted to join the Qinglong Holy Land and had no chance. Will the disciples be moved?

Feng Wanqing was really unmoved.

She still shook her head.

Between the gentle and jade-like master and Ye Feng, of course she chose her own master.

It can only be said that Su Changge's performance in the past two days has made Feng Wanqing trust and rely more on him as a master.

In Feng Wanqing's eyes, Ye Feng and Ye Feng are untrustworthy strangers. Even if they talk about it, Feng Wanqing will certainly not believe them, let alone leave Su Changge voluntarily.

Ye Feng sighed lightly, feeling pity in his heart.

It was only Su Changge's fault that he acted too early.

If he met Feng Wanqing first, this little girl would definitely have a broader future, instead of being confined to the small place of Jianyun Xianzong.

"It turns out that the candidate for the Holy Son of Qinglong Holy Land is not very strong, but the kung fu of undercutting the wall is first-rate."

"Since you look down on my Jianyun Xianzong so much, this sect will not entertain the two of you today, please go back."

A cold and indifferent voice suddenly appeared in the ears of several people without warning.


Feng Wanqing hastily turned her head to look over, and when she saw that handsome figure who made her feel very kind and familiar, a light and gorgeous smile suddenly appeared on her bright little face.


As long as Su Changge is around, she will feel at ease...

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